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1. Make up a sentence.

1. shared
2. about
3. they
4. some
5. have
6. adventures
7. their
8. videos
A) ) 3,5,1,4,8,2,7,6
B) 4,7,6,2,8,3,5,1
C) 7,8,3,1,5,2,4,6
D) 3,5,1,8,4,6,2,7
E) 4,7,6,8,2,3,5,1
2. Choose the correct time adverbs in the Present Perfect.
1. ever
2. just
3. often
4. always
A) 2,3
B) 3,4
C) ) 1,2
D) 2,4
E) 1,3
3. Choose the correct tense form.
She ____ (visit) a Japanese restaurant with her colleagues recently.
A) ) has visited
B) visits
C) visit
D) have visited
E) visited
4. Match the words to their definitions.
1. raw
2. cuisine
3. flavour
a. a style of cooking
b. how food or drink tastes
c. not cooked
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
B) ) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
C) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
D) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
E) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
5. Complete the sentence.
The soup was too ____. It burned my mouth.
A) fatty
B) juicy
C) raw
D) ) spicy
E) flavour
6. Choose the correct quantifiers.
1. A lot of honey
2. A few cheese
3. A little tomato soup
4. Many subject
A) ) 1,3
B) 3,4
C) 2,3
D) 1,2
E) 2,4
7. Choose the correct form of “to be”.
Last year my sister and I ___at the summer camp in the South of Spain and it ____the first camp
for us.
A) was, were
B) is, are
C) are, is
D) was, was
E) ) were, was
8. Choose the correct preposition.
All of them want to take part ___ international contests.
A) of
B) ) in
C) on
D) to
E) for
9. Choose the correct time adverb.
She has been interested in art ___she was 7 years old.
A) already
B) ) since
C) for
D) recently
E) just
10. Choose the correct variant.
I have made only ___mistakes in this test.
A) much
B) a lot
C) a little
D) ) a few
E) little
11. Which word means “to shout something in a loud voice “?
A) to spread
B) to feed
C) ) to scream
D) to coach
E) to stay away
12. Which of them isn’t used in the Present Simple?
A) often
B) usually
C) sometimes
D) always
E) ) yet
13. Choose the correct tense form.
It usually ____(take) me an hour to get to work by taxi.
A) took
B) take
C) has taken
D) is taking
E) ) takes
14. We use “___”with a period of duration of time.
A) never
B) ever
C) already
D) ) for
E) recently
15. Complete the sentence.
If you_____, you can save yourself and other people.
A) fall backwards
B)) follow safety rules
C) dive into
D) go surfing
E) juggle

Read the passage and answer the questions

Since the ancient times Azerbaijan has been known as a centre of a large variety of crafts. Some
crafts have survived till this day. Carpet making is one of them. Carpets made in Azerbaijan
were glorified in historical books, classic and folk literature many centuries ago.
Golden and silver threads, valuable stones were used in silk carpets already in the XV
century. Azerbaijan high quality carpets attracted merchants from all over the world. Today
Azerbaijan carpets have no equals in the world and they are the symbol of the nation. The
best examples of them are displayed in the Art museums of different countries.

16. What is the passage mainly about?

A)) the symbol of the nation B) valuable stones
C) silver threads D) merchants E) art museums

17. The underlined pronoun them in the passage refers to ... .

A)) carpets B) crafts C) merchants
D) books E) stones

18. Which word from the passage has the meaning "an activity involving a special skill at making
things with your hands"?
A) nation B) variety C) threads
D) ) craft E) symbol

19. Choose the wrong variant according to the passage.

1. Azerbaijan highly quality carpets are hardly known to the world.
2. Azerbaijan highly quality carpets are exibited in the museums of the world.
3. Today Azerbaijani carpets have equals in the world and they are displayed only in Azerbaijan.
4. Golden and silver threads were used in silk carpets.
A) 1,4 B)2, 3 C)2, 4 D)) 1, 3 E) 3, 4
20. Which question has no answer in the passage?
A) When were golden threads used in silk carpets?
B)) How many crafts have survived till this day?
C) Where are the best examples of Azerbaijan carpets displayed?
D) Whom did Azerbaijan high quality carpets attract?
E) What has become the symbol of the nation?

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