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Event : An event refers to a specific happening or occurrence that is planned and organized to
bring people together for a particular purpose or experience. It could be a gathering, celebration,
conference, concert, or any other type of gathering where people come together to participate in
a shared activity or engage in a common interest.

Event Management : Event management involves the process of planning, organizing, and
executing an event from start to finish. It includes tasks such as selecting a suitable venue,
coordinating with vendors, creating schedules, managing logistics, and overseeing all the
necessary arrangements to ensure the event runs smoothly and successfully. Event
management aims to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for attendees while
effectively achieving the goals of the event.

Event Marketing : Event marketing refers to the strategies and techniques used to promote and
advertise an event to attract attendees and generate interest. It involves the use of various
marketing channels and tactics to reach the target audience, such as social media, email
marketing, public relations, and advertising. The goal of event marketing is to create awareness,
generate excitement, and encourage people to attend the event. It focuses on communicating
the value and benefits of the event to potential participants and maximizing attendance.

For Example :
Let's say an 8-year-old child named Sarah is attending a birthday party.

The event in this case is the birthday party that Sarah is invited to. It is a celebration where
friends and family gather to commemorate someone's birthday. The event may involve games,
cake cutting, presents, and other fun activities.

Event Management:
Event management for this birthday party involves various tasks. The parents or organizers
need to select an appropriate venue, such as a park or a party venue, and make arrangements
for decorations, seating, and entertainment. They also need to plan the activities and games
suitable for the age group, organize the food and refreshments, send out invitations, and ensure
that everything is well-coordinated for a successful and enjoyable party experience.

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Event Marketing:
In the case of an 8-year-old child attending a birthday party, event marketing may not be a
prominent factor. However, the parents or organizers may still create invitations to distribute to
other children, showcasing the theme or exciting aspects of the party, such as a magician or a
bounce house. This helps generate excitement and interest among the invitees and encourages
them to attend the party.

Overall, the event (birthday party) is organized through event management, which involves
planning and executing various elements, while event marketing focuses on creating invitations
and generating excitement among potential attendees (other children) for the celebration.

5 C’s of Event’s:
1. Conceptualisation of the creative idea or ambience
2. Costing i.e calculation of cost of production and margins on the event
3. Canvassing for client, sponsors, customers or audience and networking components
4. Customisation of the concept depending on the customers needs and marketing objectives
5. Carrying-out the event i.e execution of the event as planned which is most important part of
event management

Event Designing :
1. Theme : The theme should ideally appeal to all senses tactical, smell and taste, visual and
auditory. If the aim of the event is to create a unique and memorable experience for the audience
than appealing to all these senses will contribute positively to the outcome keep in mind that need
of the audience vary enormously.

2. Layout : This creative element which gives the feeling of socially comfortable feeling is so far
given far too little consideration discomfort should not be the result of being in too much open or
congested space not enough light or too much of it or having just a limited opportunity for
people to mix the audience needs to comfortably feel the venue to create positive ambience.

3. Décor : Fabrics, decorative items, stage props, drapes, and table settings can all be rented it
is generally worthwhile investing these option before deciding on the event theme since renting
items can reduce cost enormously floral arrangement needs to be ordered from the experienced
florists as they provide a dramatic effect.

4. Suppliers : Good relationships with the supplier of all the commodities will ensure the event
organisers that only quality products will be received including the freshest flowers and the best
produced that the market can supply during most large events suppliers are praised for the best
quality from all the customer at a time when volumes are much larger than usual desi situation
in which a good long standing relationship with a supplier will is invaluable.

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5. Technical Requirement : Problem caused by lack of technical backup can be reduced by
Technical Support technical glitches by the contracted company are unacceptable microphones
must have backups the power supply must be assured and stages and video screens must be
visible to all the audience there is no substitution for wide ranging experience and this is a key
attribute that should be sought when choosing technical contractors new technology specially
anything used to demonstrate new products needs to be tested thoroughly through many
rehearsals a backup system is essential

6. Entertainment : Entertainment is central for some events while for some event it is
peripheral the most important thing is that the entertainment should suit the purpose of the
event not detract from it the need of the event audience must be carefully considered when
making this decision

7. Catering : whereas guests may have patience with other delays perhaps delay in service and
poor quality, poor test food make participants at an event very much frustrated.

Importance of Event Marketing :

Events play a significant role in marketing and can have a profound impact on a company's
overall marketing strategy. Here are some key reasons why events are important in marketing:

1. Brand Awareness: Events provide an excellent opportunity to increase brand visibility and
generate awareness among the target audience. By organizing or participating in relevant
events, companies can showcase their products, services, and brand values to a large number
of potential customers.

2. Engagement and Interaction: Events allow for direct engagement and interaction with the
target audience. Unlike other marketing channels, events provide a platform for face-to-face
interactions, which can help build trust, establish personal connections, and foster long-term
customer relationships.

3. Product Launches and Demonstrations: Events provide a platform to launch new products
or services and demonstrate their features and benefits to the target audience. This hands-on
experience can significantly influence purchase decisions and create excitement and buzz
around the brand.

4. Networking and Partnerships: Events bring together industry professionals, potential

customers, and other stakeholders in one place. This presents valuable networking
opportunities for businesses to connect with influencers, industry leaders, potential partners,
and suppliers. Building strong relationships through events can lead to collaborations and
strategic partnerships that benefit the business in the long run.

5. Market Research and Feedback: Events provide a unique environment to gather valuable
market insights and customer feedback. Companies can conduct surveys, interviews, and focus

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groups to understand customer preferences, pain points, and expectations. This information can
be used to refine marketing strategies, improve products or services, and enhance the overall
customer experience.

6. Thought Leadership and Education: By hosting or participating in industry-specific events,

businesses can position themselves as thought leaders and experts in their field. They can
share insights, deliver educational content, and participate in panel discussions, thereby
establishing credibility and authority among the target audience.

7. Lead Generation and Sales Opportunities: Events offer a platform to generate leads and
convert them into sales. By capturing attendee information through registrations or interactions
at the event, businesses can build a database of potential customers. Following up with these
leads after the event allows for further engagement and sales conversion opportunities.

8.Competitive Advantage: Events provide a competitive edge by allowing businesses to

differentiate themselves from their competitors. Through creative event concepts, unique
experiences, and innovative marketing strategies, companies can stand out in the crowded
marketplace and leave a lasting impression on their target audience.

Overall, events serve as powerful marketing tools that offer a range of benefits, from building
brand awareness and generating leads to fostering customer relationships and driving sales. By
incorporating events into their marketing mix, businesses can create impactful experiences that
leave a lasting impression and contribute to their overall marketing success.

Focusing The Target Market :

Focusing on the target market in event management is crucial to ensure that the event
effectively reaches and engages the intended audience. Here are some key points to consider
when focusing on the target market in event management:

1. Define the Target Audience: Clearly identify and define the specific demographic,
psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of the target audience. Understand their
preferences, needs, and interests to tailor the event accordingly.

2. Research and Market Analysis: Conduct thorough market research to gather insights about
the target audience's preferences, trends, and competitors. Analyze data, conduct surveys, and
gather feedback to make informed decisions about the event.

3. Set Clear Objectives: Define the goals and objectives of the event based on the target
audience. Determine what you want to achieve, whether it's brand awareness, lead generation,
product launch, or relationship-building, and align the event strategy accordingly.

4. Communication and Promotion: Craft targeted marketing messages that appeal to the
target audience. Use appropriate channels such as social media, email marketing, and industry

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publications to reach and engage them. Highlight the value proposition and benefits of attending
the event.

Implementation of marketing plan :

Implementing a market plan in event management involves translating the marketing strategy
into actionable steps and executing them effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide on
implementing a market plan in event management:

1. Define Clear Objectives: Start by clearly defining the objectives of your event and aligning
them with your overall marketing goals. Common objectives could include increasing brand
awareness, generating leads, driving sales, or establishing thought leadership. Make sure the
objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. Identify Target Audience: Identify and understand your target audience for the event.
Determine their demographics, interests, preferences, and needs. This will help you tailor your
marketing efforts to effectively reach and engage them.

3. Develop a Marketing Plan: Create a comprehensive marketing plan that outlines the
strategies, tactics, and channels you will use to promote the event. Consider both online and
offline marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing,
advertising, PR, partnerships, and direct outreach.

4. Create Compelling Messaging: Craft persuasive and targeted messaging that

communicates the unique value proposition of your event to the target audience. Clearly
communicate the benefits, key features, and reasons why attendees should participate. Develop
consistent messaging across all marketing materials and channels.

5.Design Creative Assets: Develop visually appealing and professional marketing materials
that reflect the branding of the event. This includes designing a visually appealing event
website, creating eye-catching graphics, designing engaging social media posts, and
developing informative brochures or flyers.

6. Digital Marketing: Utilize digital marketing strategies to reach a wider audience and drive
engagement. This includes optimizing your event website for search engines, leveraging social
media platforms to promote the event, running targeted online advertisements, and creating
valuable content such as blog posts, videos, or webinars.

7. Utilize Email Marketing: Implement an email marketing campaign to reach potential

attendees and nurture leads. Build an email list and segment it based on the target audience's
interests and preferences. Send personalized and compelling email invitations, reminders, and
updates to generate interest and drive registrations.

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8. Implement PR and Media Outreach: Leverage public relations and media outreach to
generate buzz and secure media coverage for your event. Develop a press release, media kit,
and story pitches to share with relevant journalists, bloggers, influencers, and industry
publications. Engage in media partnerships or sponsorships to expand your event's reach.

9. Engage with Influencers: Collaborate with influencers or industry experts who have a
significant following and influence over your target audience. Partner with them to promote the
event through guest blogging, social media takeovers, interviews, or influencer-led campaigns.
Their endorsement and reach can significantly amplify your event's visibility.

10. Track and Measure Results: Implement tracking mechanisms to measure the success of
your marketing efforts. Monitor key metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement,
email open and click-through rates, registration numbers, and conversion rates. Analyze the
data to identify areas of improvement and make adjustments to your marketing plan if

11. Continuous Optimization: Continuously monitor and optimize your marketing activities
throughout the event management process. Stay agile and adapt your strategies based on the
feedback, data, and insights you gather. Experiment with new ideas and tactics to improve
engagement, reach, and overall event success.

By following these steps, you can effectively implement your market plan in event management
and maximize the impact of your event marketing efforts

Relationship Building:
Building relationships is crucial in event management as it helps establish trust, foster
collaboration, and enhance overall event success. Here are some key points to consider for
relationship building in event management:

1. Communication: Maintain open and clear communication with all stakeholders, including
clients, vendors, sponsors, and attendees. Regularly update them on event progress, address
concerns, and be responsive to their needs.

2. Active Listening: Take the time to actively listen to stakeholders' needs, expectations, and
feedback. This will demonstrate your commitment to understanding their perspective and help
you tailor the event to their requirements.

3. Networking: Attend industry events, conferences, and networking sessions to meet potential
clients, vendors, and partners. Actively engage in conversations, exchange business cards, and
follow up with meaningful connections afterward.

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4. Building Trust: Be reliable and deliver on your promises. Honor agreements, meet
deadlines, and handle any issues or challenges promptly and professionally. Trust is the
foundation of successful relationships in event management.

5. Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment by involving stakeholders in the decision-

making process. Seek their input and ideas, and consider their suggestions when planning and
executing events. Collaboration creates a sense of ownership and strengthens relationships.

6. Follow-up: After the event, follow up with stakeholders to gather feedback and thank them
for their participation. Share event reports and insights to demonstrate the value you provided.
Maintain post-event communication to stay connected for future opportunities.

7. Relationship Maintenance: Relationship building is an ongoing process. Stay in touch with

stakeholders through newsletters, social media, and industry updates. Celebrate milestones
together and look for ways to support their businesses outside of event-specific interactions.

8. Personal Development: Continuously develop your interpersonal and communication skills.

Attend workshops, seminars, and webinars that focus on relationship management, negotiation,
and conflict resolution. Invest in self-improvement to enhance your ability to build strong

9. Value Creation: Strive to add value to your stakeholders beyond event delivery. Offer
resources, insights, or introductions that can help them achieve their goals. By consistently
providing value, you will strengthen relationships and become a trusted partner.

Remember, relationship building takes time and effort. It requires genuine interest, empathy,
and consistent communication. By focusing on building strong relationships, you can create a
network of loyal stakeholders who will support your events and contribute to their success.

Creating opportunities for better deals with different media :

Different media in event management, here are some points to consider for creating

1. Research and Identify Target Media: Begin by researching and identifying the media
outlets that align with your event's target audience and objectives. This can include
newspapers, magazines, online publications, TV channels, radio stations, and relevant social
media influencers.

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2. Build Relationships: Establish relationships with key contacts within the media outlets
you've identified. This could be journalists, editors, producers, or influencers. Attend industry
events, join media networking groups, and proactively reach out to connect with them.

3. Develop a Compelling Story: Craft a compelling story around your event that highlights its
unique aspects, newsworthy elements, or human interest angles. Identify the key messages and
value propositions that would appeal to the media and their audiences.

4. Press Releases and Media Kits: Prepare professionally written press releases and media
kits that provide concise and relevant information about your event. Include high-resolution
images, key event details, interesting statistics, and any noteworthy information that could
capture media attention.

5. Press Conferences and Media Events: Organize press conferences or media events to
generate media coverage and provide journalists with firsthand information about your event.
This can include exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes access, or sneak peeks that create
media buzz.

6. Media Partnerships and Sponsorships: Explore the possibility of media partnerships or

sponsorships. Collaborate with media outlets to cross-promote each other's brands and events.
Offer them exclusive content or access in exchange for increased media coverage.

7. Social Media and Online Presence: Leverage social media platforms to create buzz around
your event. Engage with media outlets through social media channels, sharing event updates,
behind-the-scenes content, and interesting tidbits that encourage them to cover your event.

Remember, building relationships with media outlets takes time and effort. Focus on creating
mutually beneficial partnerships where both parties gain value. By effectively leveraging the
media, you can increase the visibility and success of your event while providing media outlets
with compelling content.

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