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VS 1.5


Following a huge explosion, the curtain opens onto a black stage, there is smoke and dust. The lights
lift to reveal a scene of destruction, rubble lies in heaps in what was a library area. Through the
clearing mist and strengthening light, a figure begins to appear

TANNER Is there anyone there? Can anyone hear me?

MATTY Yes over here, I’m here!

TANNER Who’s that?

MATTY It’s me, Matty, Matt Harwood

TANNER I don’t know you Matt but thank goodness you’re alright

There’s is the sound of crying coming stronger from the SR side of the set

MATTY There’s someone else here too, listen

The crying is there but soft

TANNER It’s coming from behind this panelling, here Matty, help me lift it off

The two move the heavy panelling off the two huddled people underneath it

MATTY Hey there. Are you alright?

The two huddled figures stand up slowly; Matty helps them up and dusts them off

MATTY Are you alright? Either of you two hurt?

CAROL (bewildered) No, no.; I think we’re alright, are you hurt my dear?

The younger girl looks terrified and just shakes her head

CAROL Nothing broken I don’t think, just the odd fingernail and my hairdressers’ heart!
(pats down dishevelled hair)

TANNER So far, so good looks like we are all in one piece

CAROL What happened, what has happened to us?

MATTY An explosion of some kind, look around you, the library has been destroyed

TANNER Come into the light both of you, let’s see who we have here and see how we can get
out of this place

Just then, the sound of calling comes from offstage SR

PHELPS Hello! I can hear voices, who’s there?

TANNER We can’t see you, but move towards my voice, can you see the light in here?

PHELPS I think I can, just...

A figure appears staggering into the light

MATTY That’s it, you’re safe now, come and join us

PHELPS Thank you

MATTY You’re the librarian aren’t you?

PHELPS That’s right, Miss Phelps, Louise Phelps

MATTY I’m Matty Harwood, I’ve been coming into this library since I was three!

PHELPS That’s right, I recognise you now, always wanting more books than your ticket allows

MATTY The older lady often lets me have one over the eight...

PHELPS Mrs Hankison has been told about that...

TANNER Look, I’m sorry to break up this fascinating discussion, but we need to assess our


PHELPS (looking around) The library is ruined look. The last thing I remember is stamping the
date inside ‘50 Shades of Grey’ and then there was this almighty explosion, I was
blown off my feet and I must have blacked out

MATTY I’ll bet you’re not the first person that’s happened to with that book!

PHELPS Has anyone seen Julie, my library assistant? She was stood right next to me at the
time the explosion happened

MATTY Sorry no, only us five so far

PHELPS I do hope she is alright, wherever she is; she was only here on work experience

TANNER I’m sure that she will be safe and sound somewhere. I was just by the Fiction
section when I felt the whole room shake violently and then all this lot comes
crashing down around me, we’re all lucky to have survived

CAROL My name is Carol, Carol Capper and I was with Amy here, we had just bumped into
each other by the History section, I’ve known her and her mother for years haven’t I,
old friends from amateur dramatics you know?

TANNER Really?

CAROL And we were just about to leave with our books when some idiot of a young man
nearly knocked us over didn’t he Amy?

Amy just nods, still traumatised

CAROL In such a rush to get past and kicking a ball along at the same time and then bang!
The whole building went boom and the dark, all within a split second

TANNER Was this a young man in one of those hoody top things?

CAROL That’s the one

TANNER Damn young fool was trying to juggle a dictionary and a thesaurus when I saw him,
gave him a good ticking off I can tell you. (to Miss Phelps) Why can’t you keep these
elements out of your library?

PHELPS Well it’s not MY library – it’s a public building and anyone can come in

TANNER Doubt his sort can even read!

MATTY Now look who’s getting distracted

TANNER Yes, indeed, sorry. Now, we are victims of some kind of explosion, but we don’t
know what has caused it

MATTY Is that relevant?

TANNER No, but it may be of use to know. We are all ok as far as we can ascertain health
wise, so all we need to do is get out of the building safely. I’m Mr Tanner and I’ll take
charge of us..

MATTY Really, why’s that then?

TANNER Well it stands to reason; I’m the oldest and most senior I am a local area director
used to handling difficult situations and directing labour; one of us needs to take
control so I’ll be the one

CAROL Let’s just get out of here, come on Amy (they go to leave)

TANNER Wait there! We can’t just rush out, this may have been a terrorist attack, and they
may be waiting for survivors outside to finish the job

CAROL A terrorist attack? What here in Frimpton? Not exactly prime target for terrorists is
it? The only thing worth attacking round here is the town planners for the awful ring
road they created! Come on Amy

MATTY Wait, maybe Mr Tanner is right? If this was a gas leak or something, it may be
dangerous to move too far

TANNER Gas, yes I was just coming to that. Miss Phelps, you know the layout of this place
well, could this have been a gas explosion or have you received and coded terrorist’s

PHELPS Coded threats? Not that I know of, but if they were coded I wouldn’t really know
would I? We only get told the next staffing rota and I don’t think that was coded?
But it could be gas; Mr Grainger the library manager has had the gas board in a few
times recently to our faulty boiler

TANNER Well there it is then, clear case of gas explosion

MATTY Hang on, you were convinced it was caused by a gang of internationally connected
terrorists just now

TANNER Armed with this new evidence...

CAROL Circumstantial evidence

TANNER Armed with this new evidence, we should proceed with caution. Miss Phelps, which
way are the exits from here

AMY (anxious) I want to get out of here

TANNER All in good time young lady, when we have a plan

CAROL We’ll be out soon Amy, don’t panic

AMY I’m scared

CAROL I know dear, but we all need to stay calm and get out safely

TANNER That’s it, you steady her nerves and she’s bound to be hysterical

CAROL (takes Tanner to one side) And why is she ‘bound to be hysterical’? Try and be a bit
more diplomatic will you, she’s scared, can’t you see?

TANNER Sorry, yes you’re right. (to Amy) Soon be out of here Amy, no time at all, be plain

CAROL Now you’re building up her hopes! How many crises have you handled recently?

TANNER Well, I’ve been on training courses

CAROL And what did they teach you?


TANNER How to get the best out of your team and good time keeping

CAROL Not desperately useful now is it?

TANNER Teamwork might; let’s be hopeful - now again Miss Phelps, the exits?

PHELPS I came from where the exits are (points SR), its blocked solid down there, that way
(points SL) is to the stock rooms, there’s no windows in them at all, solid walls

TANNER But is there an exit, to a stairway perhaps?

PHELPS I’m not sure, I suppose so

AMY So we’re trapped in here, we’re going to die in here!

CAROL We’re not going to die, it’s alright, we’ll figure a way out, don’t worry

MATTY Hang on, what are we thinking about? We should ring for help, get ourselves
rescued – come on, who’s mobile is working? Oh, mine’s no good – no service

PHELPS This always an advantage in a public library, limited service on the bigger networks,
makes for peace and quiet

AMY Not helping us now though is it? I have some service, but only a bit of battery life, let
me try it, I’ll ring 999; Hello, hello?

MATTY No use?

AMY Wouldn’t connect then flat (getting agitated) They’re not coming, we’re condemned
in here

CAROL There now Amy, calm down, it’s early days yet; at least we tried

TANNER What about your phones, Miss Phelps, Carol?

PHELPS Mine’s in my bag

TANNER And where is your bag?

PHELPS It’s in the staff room, the other side of all that rubble

MATTY Well Carol, you’re our last hope

CAROL Bit of a dinosaur me, don’t have one sorry

MATTY Oh well, that’s that avenue explored. Come on then, let’s try and find a way out of

TANNER Matt, help me move this out of the way, maybe there is another way out through to
the back

They start to move the pieces of material in their way SL


MATTY Wait! There’s someone here


TANNER How the heck should I know, it’s another person; here Matt, help me lift this up

MATTY This is so heavy; we can’t manage it - Carol, Miss Phelps, Amy can you all help?

They all help lift the weight up a bit and Carol pulls the body clear

CAROL It’s a young boy

PHELPS Is he...dead?

CAROL No, he’s still breathing, here help me sit him up. I’ve done a bit of basic first aid
(examines him) He seems ok, not showing any real injury, I think he is just out cold.
Let’s lay him here quiet, his breathing seems fine, maybe he’ll come round. Amy
pass me my jacket as a pillow will you please?

They leave the boy lying comfortably

MATTY Hey, wonder if he has a mobile phone?

TANNER Good thinking Matt, have a look

Matt stoops to look through the boys pockets, the boy opens his eyes

JACK Hey, are you trying to rob me!

MATTY Oh you’re awake! Sorry, no we were just seeing if you had a mobile phone

JACK Well I have as a matter of fact, but you’re not having it!

TANNER But you don’t understand...

JACK Think I do, you lot are working as a team robbing people as a gang!

CAROL No we’re not! You’ve had an accident, we’re all trapped in a collapsed building, the
library, don’t you remember?

JACK Library? What would I be doing in a library, that’s books and stuff ain’t it?

TANNER Sharp as a needle this one!

CAROL (digs Tanner in the ribs) Shush! We found you under a pile of debris, are you hurt,
you were out cold

JACK Think I’m alright (stands and dusts himself down), yeah seem alright

MATTY We weren’t sure if you were badly injured

JACK Nah, not me (looking around) – so what happened then?


TANNER Some kind of explosion wrecked the library and we are just about to figure a way
out – Matt was looking to see if your mobile would work. Ours are all either flat, or
damaged or buried

Jack picks part of his phone up off the floor

JACK Well there’s half of it, (looks on floor) there’s the other half. Squashed – here, you
can nick it now!

MATTY Thanks! So ringing for help is out of the question then?

TANNER Looks that way - hang on, you’re that hoody yob who I told off for juggling books

JACK Oh yeah, you! Alright squire, fancy meeting you here!


CAROL And you’re the one who barged past Amy and I with that football

JACK That’s right, you were Everton’s back four

CAROL We were not!

JACK Yeah well that’s true, you moved; Everton’s back four never do!

MATTY So what’s your name?

JACK Jack is my usual name, although these two here may want to call me something

TANNER I have a selection of names already

MATTY Come on now, we are all in this predicament together, no time for petty squabbles
about juggling books and Everton’s back four

JACK (stooping down to where he was found) Hey look! Talking of which, my ball has
survived, my Euro 2020 freebie football from the garage, brilliant!

TANNER Well don’t get messing about with that in here, there’s no time for that. We need to
find a way out of here. Come on, you can give Matt and I a hand to see if there is an

Tanner and Matty move their way off stage SL in search of an exit, Jack is drawn to Amy

JACK Alright? Seen you about before, you up to much?

CAROL Not really the time and place is it?

JACK Well, you never know...

Offstage, Tanner shouts


TANNER Jack! Where are you?

JACK Best go; the sergeant major is getting excited (exits SL)

AMY Do you think we’ll get of this alive?

CAROL I’m sure we will all get out alive - unless Mr Tanner strangles Jack beforehand

AMY He’s only trying to be funny, lighten the mood

CAROL I know but in situations like this, sometimes people can take the wrong way

AMY We will get out of here, won’t we?

CAROL We will, it’ll be fine, you’ll see! A bit of optimism goes a long way

The three men come back, Jack at the rear throwing his ball about

TANNER It’s no use, there is an exit back there, but it’s completely blocked off by a mountain
of rubble. Matty, just check that way please?

Matty exits SR

CAROL (takes Tanner away from Amy) So we’re trapped then? No way out?

TANNER No way out from the inside out, but the rescuers should be able to get us from the
outside in; we’ll be fine, rescued in no time

AMY Can we go now?

CAROL Not just yet Amy dear, we have to wait until the rescue men get here to dig us out,
we’ll just have to wait a short while

TANNER Are you sure you are wise telling her this, it maybe some days before help comes?

CAROL (grabbing Tanner’s arm and propelling him to one side while Jack tries to impress
Amy with his ball skills) Look, what sort of labour did you used to direct? Can’t you
see the girl is traumatised? We need to keep our spirits up not fill her with dread!

TANNER (waving over to Amy) Won’t be long now!

CAROL What do you do on the outside anyway?

TANNER I’m the director of planning at the council

CAROL Ring roads?

TANNER One of my proudest achievements!

CAROL Let me know the day you produce your least proud; I could do with a good laugh
(goes back to Amy)

Matty returns

MATTY It’s no go I’m afraid that way, all fully blocked, but I’m sure that I can hear distant
voices, voices or something

CAROL Did you shout to them?

MATTY Yes but I couldn’t be heard, it looks like half the building is collapsed down there;
who builds places like this?

CAROL Ask Tanner the Planner over there

TANNER I don’t cover buildings, only roads. Buildings are Charlie Robson’s department

CAROL Maybe we’ll ask him when we get out of here? It’s all council property after all,
council built rubbish

TANNER Hang on, this place was built in 1878, how can it be our fault?

PHELPS Well you did cut our budget last year didn’t you? Who’s to say you didn’t cut the
maintenance budget too?

CAROL And you put up all the car parking charges - again! Put charges up where it hurts the
most and make cuts where they do the most damage, that’s the council!

TANNER Now let me put you straight on a few things here, the maintenance budget for the
libraries have in real terms remained on par with hospitals and schools, funding for
maintenance has risen in real terms too..

CAROL Are you running for parliament?

TANNER You asked for a breakdown

CAROL And I think I’m going to have one listening to you!

PHELPS So you put our budget up?

TANNER Yes, in theory we have

PHELPS (to Carol) Mr Grainger must have pocketed it because I’ve never seen any benefit of

TANNER Anyway, maintenance or not, it doesn’t make any difference to the structure of the
building if it is blown apart

AMY Stop it, all of you! This bickering isn’t going to help us, isn’t going to get us out of
here and isn’t going to save us

MATTY Amy’s right. This is no time to be arguing

TANNER You’re right, I’m sorry Amy


CAROL I’m sorry too; I let you down girl, come here (they hug)

TANNER So we need to be practical here. We have no food, no access to water and we don’t
know how long we will trapped here until we are rescued...

His words are interrupted by Jack’s football bouncing off his head

JACK Sorry!

TANNER If I have to tell you about that ball one more time, I’m going to burst it

JACK Along with that vein in your neck – look how it sticks out!

MATTY Jack, don’t wind him up

TANNER Can’t you see what sort of predicament we are in?

JACK Pre –dick – a – what?

TANNER Predicament! If you had read that dictionary instead of juggling it you’d know what I

AMY Predicament Jack, a difficult situation

JACK Oh right, sounded like some sort of a house

TANNER That’s a tenement, stupid! As I was saying, we have no food or water available...

MATTY I’ve a litre bottle of water and half a litre of Coke in my bag

AMY I’ve a packet of Hob Nobs

TANNER Well that’s a start, we’ll have to ration it out...Jack, will you put that ball down
please!? (Jack is kicking his ball against the wall)

JACK Why what’s the problem now, it’s nowhere near you?

TANNER We are trying to plan for our survival here and all you can do is play ball

JACK Keeps your spirits up!

TANNER It may keep your spirits up but it’s testing mine

JACK Ok, so what’s the survival plan then? We going to dig a tunnel or what?

CAROL Dig a tunnel? When you came to the library, how many flights of stairs did you come
up Einstein?

JACK Dunno, I came up in the lift, only came in this poxy library because it was raining

PHELPS The lift is for the use of the disabled and library staff only, I’ll have to report you to
Mr Grainger you know

JACK Well, there was no one using it and so may as well keep it working

CAROL The thing is, there are three floors beneath us – dig a tunnel to where, a twenty foot

JACK Get us closer to the ground, hey?! (laughs but gets no takers)

CAROL And just how are we going to dig through a Victorian stone built floor? Stand back
everyone while Jack gets outs his pneumatic drill, his jack hammer and his pick axe!
Stand clear while he amazes us with feats of heroism and bravery as he comes to
our rescue!

JACK You don’t think it’s going to work do you?

CAROL Not really, no!

MATTY (looking up) What about them roof lights, we could chuck some bricks through

JACK They’re twenty foot above us, we’ll never get anything through there

MATTY (sighing) Just a thought

TANNER Alright you guys, action needed. Jack, Matty; you two have a look around will you
please and see if there is anything we can use, anything useful

Jack and Matty start to look about and exit SL

PHELPS If only there was some way of contacting the outside world, get a message to them
that we are here

AMY They must know we are here surely? Tell me they know that we are here

CAROL It’s alright Amy, don’t upset yourself, of course they know we are here. They are
probably tunnelling their way to us now. We’ll be home soon

Tanner takes Miss Phelps to one side

TANNER (in hushed tones so Amy and Carol can’t hear) Will they know about us here? What
are the procedures for such events?

PHELPS Procedures for such events? When in all your council career have you seen
procedures for buildings collapsing around the ears of the public and staff?

TANNER But we have evacuation procedures in all buildings

PHELPS (slightly raised voice) It may have escaped your notice, but we are trapped in the
building, if the procedures for evacuation had worked, we’d be all at home by now!

CAROL Everything alright with you two?


TANNER Yes fine thanks, smashing! (to Phelps) Ok, let’s be practical – are they likely to know
that we are trapped in here?

PHELPS Well, we were only 15 minutes from closing and so there is bound to be the
assumption that there were people still in the library. I will be unaccounted for as a
member of staff so that will raise the alarm and the building will have to be
searched. If Julie escaped she’d know that I was still in here and be insisting that
they search for us

TANNER Danger will be if the building is too unsafe to search, or they assume the worst? We
haven’t enough supplies to last for many days. We have to think of a way of getting
word out

The ball bounces back on stage

CAROL Think Jack’s on his way back

Jack and Matty return with some bits and pieces and a dusty figure

CAROL My goodness, who’s that you’ve found?

MATTY A young girl – she was trapped behind a bookcase covered in romance and large
print books!

PHELPS Julie?! Julie, you’re safe!

Miss Phelps runs to embrace Julie who is covered in dust

JULIE Louise, I thought you were gone

PHELPS No, I’m here safe and you too, thank goodness you are ok

JULIE I’ve been calling for a while, but my throat was clogged with dust, then I heard Jack
and Matty, I managed to make myself heard

PHELPS Was there anyone else with you, Mr Grainger maybe?

JULIE No just me, it all went dark after the explosion and I was trapped under that
bookcase. All I could do was call for help

MATTY That would have been the voices I heard before

TANNER Not the voices beyond the rubble then?

MATTY No, but at least Julie is with us now

PHELPS She is, well done boys – better late than never!

JACK She’s overdue – you should charge her 45p

Miss Phelps embraces Matt and Jack, Jack not knowing how to react

TANNER Good work boys, well done. What else have you found?

JACK There’s a load of rubble?

TANNER Thank you Jack, that’s one thing we don’t need right now – Matty, did you find
anything useful?

MATTY No food or water, not even a burst pipe

JACK I found a book on Great Escapes look – maybe it’ll have some ideas for us?

PHELPS That’s a reference book, you can’t take it out on your card; those books are for
reading only!

JACK That’s ok Miss, I don’t want to take it out although if I could, we wouldn’t need it
would we? Aren’t all books for reading?

TANNER (takes book and start to flick through it) If you can read, yes! I’m not sure that it’ll
much help anyway – this is about escapology, people like Harry Houdini and David
Blaine. Fine if we are in a straitjacket, but not in rubble filled room!

JACK Oh well never mind, worth a try

JULIE You were using your brain Jack, that’s all that matters

JACK (to Tanner) See, someone appreciates my efforts

MATTY We did come across some dust sheets which may help as blankets and I found a
radio - it’s a bit battered but it may work and may give us some news from outside

TANNER Well done Matty!

JACK Hey I was there too!

TANNER Oh erm, yeah fair enough, well done Jack also (grudgingly)

PHELPS That’s Mr Grainger’s from out of his office – he used to sneak off in there to listen to
the cricket. Did you see any sign of Mr Grainger himself?

MATTY No sign no, sorry

PHELPS He had a habit of sliding off home early on a Friday so he was probably out before
the building blew up

JULIE He did say something about having to pop off before half five – something about a
man and a dog?

PHELPS That’s the second time this month!

CAROL Turn it on, it may say what the cause was and whether they are mounting a rescue
or not

They all gather round as Matty tries the radio. We hear the sound of a radio being tuned through the
stations. It stops on a classical programme, there is a shaking of heads and the tuning continues. It
stops on some heavy dance music

JACK Hey, leave that on – I’ve seen these guys in concert! (starts to dance to the music)

CAROL Keep going Matt. Seen them in concert, I ask you!

Matty continues until he finds a local station playing its jingle

PHELPS There! That’s Frimpton local radio, I recognise the jingle – turn it up

Radio announcer – ‘and they pound rallied today on the stock exchange gaining three points on the
dollar. In more local news, there has been a meeting of the town planners today to discuss the
revised budget for funding of local services. Schools and hospitals are to see a rise in real terms in
funding in the next twelve months especially in the areas of maintenance, but library funding is to see
further cuts in line with those seen in the previous year..

PHELPS You said funding had been increased!

TANNER Overall funding yes, but we had to make some reductions...

AMY Be quiet you two!

...Jack Brinshaw, the four year old who got trapped in the roundabout in Hampton Park today was
rescued by the fire service. His mother said that he was none the worst for his ordeal but was keeping
off the roundabouts for now – maybe he ought to try the swings instead as it’s all about swings and


AMY Shush!

..that’s all the news for now, there’re will be an update in half an hour but if there are anymore
developments in our big story of the day the explosion at the council offices and library we will bring
it to you. The news will be following the afternoon concert which today is with the BBC Philharmonic
Orchestra playing Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto Number 2 in D minor...’

Matty switches the radio off

PHELPS Oh, I like Rachmaninov

JACK If I can’t have Bullet for My Valentine on, why should you have, Crap Man Enough or
whatever he’s called?

CAROL Well let’s leave the radio on shall we in case there are any more bulletins?

TANNER No, I suggest we preserve the battery and only turn it on when we know there will
be a bulletin, you know like on the hour?

JACK Stick it on; bit of dance music will cheer us all up!

MATTY I’m with Mr Tanner, it’s our only link with the outside world and we need to keep it
working as long as we can

AMY Surely it’s better if we...

PHELPS There is a strong case for us keeping to the hourly...

An argument breaks out, those for and those against the radio being left on and only on at dedicated

MATTY Stop! This is getting us nowhere other than on each other’s nerves. If there is a
rescue party, they’ll know where we are from all the arguing!

TANNER Matty’s right – arguing is getting us nowhere. Let’s just leave the radio alone and
we’ll put it on when we need it

CAROL Hang on, that’s just your opinion; there are seven of us here don’t forget, it all of our
future’s here, all of our lives are at stake. This needs to be done democratically

TANNER Ok, point taken, I’m a man of fairness – what’s your big plan?

CAROL All those in favour of leaving the radio on until we know what’s happening raise your

Carol, Amy and Jack raise their hands

CAROL Those for waiting till there is a bulletin

Tanner, Matty and Miss Phelps raise their hands

TANNER Julie, are you having a vote?

JULIE I’m only work experience so I’m going to abstain

PHELPS But this is important, you may tip the balance

JULIE I couldn’t live with the burden, no honestly, I’m sticking with abstaining

TANNER Three all, one abstention. Now what, stalemate?

CAROL If I can speak for the Leave It On side (Amy and Jack nod), the sooner we know what
has happened and what is happening the better we all will feel. Not knowing is the
hardest part, once we all know what our long-term chances are the better. That’s
how we feel, a perfect case for common sense

Jack has got bored and is kicking ball about again


TANNER Ok, will if I can speak for the Bulletin Only brigade (Matty and Miss Phelps give him
the thumbs up), if we are to be stuck in here for a few days and I’m not suggesting
that we will be, the longer the radio can be kept working the better, we don’t know
how long the batteries will last out, so it makes perfect sense to me, sorry us, only
use this valuable device when absolutely necessary

CAROL You’ve all hear the two sides; do we want to vote again?

General nodding in agreement

CAROL All those for leaving it on?

Carol, Miss Phelps and Matty vote this time

CAROL And for leaving it for bulletins

Tanner and Amy vote this time, Jack is some way off trying to juggle rubble

CAROL Abstentions?

Julie nods her head in agreement

TANNER Jack , what’s your vote this time?

JACK Oh, I don’t care, whatever

CAROL But you have to vote, we all must

JACK Honestly, I’m not bothered

TANNER Jack, you have to ‘be bothered’ – this is a matter of life and death, come over here
and be a responsible adult

JACK (muttering) Whatever, sort it out

Jack, drops the rubble and kicks his football back towards them as he walks over, the ball bounces
and knocks the radio over off the pile of rubble it was perched on. It falls and comes apart, Matty
stoops and picks it up, starts to put it together

TANNER Jack! Now look what you’ve done! If that radio is broken, I’m going to break you

Tanner advances on Jack

AMY Stop, it wasn’t Jack’s fault, it was an accident and maybe the radio is fine!

JACK Hey, out of my face man!

TANNER You’ve tested my patience for the last time young man!

AMY (standing between them) Stop it, just stop it!


The two calm down

AMY It’s bad enough that we are in this fix together without all this squabbling

TANNER It is bad we’re all stuck in here together, not knowing if we are to see the light of day
again without some elements (glares at Jack) making it worse

JACK Hey chill man, it’ll be alright!

TANNER I’m not so sure now; we could be in here for days, days you hear? (becoming
agitated) What if the rescue party give up before they get to us eh? What if they
don’t come at all? What if..

PHELPS Stop it Mr Tanner! None of knows how long we’ll be here and getting worked up is
not helping our cause at all

TANNER I’m not getting worked up

PHELPS Well you’re getting something

JACK Yeah, on everyone’s case!

TANNER (shouting) I’m not getting worked up or on everyone’s case!

CAROL It’s alright, calm down, come here and sit quiet

Tanner goes and sits by Carol, a peace descents on them all

PHELPS Any joy with the radio Matty?

MATTY Not yet no

They all sit in a peaceful contemplation for several seconds until

JACK (to Amy) Didn’t think he’d be the first the first to crack up!

TANNER I am not cracking up!

PHELPS No you’re fine Mr Tanner, you sit quiet, (glaring at Jack) Jack!

JACK (smiling and looking a bit sheepish) Sorry!

PHELPS Not an ordinary day in the library Julie

JULIE It certainly isn’t! If I can find my daily work record it will make a good entry!

The light is starting to fade. Matty cries in triumph

MATTY That’s it, I’ve mended it!


CAROL Well done, try it again!

Matty fiddles with the radio and it crackles into life:

...and to return to our main story today. Earlier, a huge explosion, thought to be caused by a gas leak

MATTY (to Tanner) Terrorists!

...has devastated the council offices and county library building. The emergency services are on hand
and it’s believed that several casualties have been taken to hospital. The gas board are not
convinced that the gas supply although now turned off, is totally safe. The fire service are preparing
to enter the building and it is not know if or indeed how many people may still be trapped inside. The
chief fire officer told us that a thorough search and rescue operation is under way and once he is
satisfied that the building is safe to enter, his men will bring everyone out alive who is waiting to be
rescued. It’s thought that the hardest place to reach will be the library which is on the third floor, but
heavy lifting equipment is now in place to help. It could takes some days before the rescue crews get
up that far. We’ll have more news for you later

Matty switches the radio off

AMY So they’re coming for us, we’re going to be saved!

MATTY Early days yet Amy, we still could be here a few days yet, you heard him say we are
in the hardest place

TANNER What time is it?

MATTY Eight thirty, why?

TANNER (wistfully) Usually watch the telly at this time of night, just after supper

PHELPS But tonight, we’ve all got each other’s company for a change! All of us thrown
together in difficult circumstances, bit like the blitz!

JACK The what?

JULIE The blitz, the bombing of London in World War Two – everyone gathered in the
underground. We’ve a whole section in the library on it, section 210.556 I think.
Didn’t you do modern history at school?

JACK No, I did metalwork instead

CAROL We learnt about the blitz when I was at school

JACK Didn’t you see the war for yourself?

CAROL I’m 38 Jack, the Second World War ended over 75 years ago!

TANNER My granddad fought in the war, in the navy he was

AMY Was he the merchant navy or armed navy?

TANNER Merchant – used to dodge the U boats across the Atlantic he did

JACK U boats, what boats shaped like a ‘U’?

AMY Submarines Jack, German submarines that chased and sunk the British merchant
ships bringing supplies back from America

JACK How do you know so much about all this?

AMY I study history at A level Jack, it’s very interesting, you should try it

JACK Nah! All about dead people that, not interested in any of that! Hey, (jumping to his
feet) who fancies a knock about, three aside and one referee?

Jack starts to kick his ball about but he gets no takers

CAROL Come and sit down Jack, get some rest, it’s going darker now; we had better get
some sleep. Here, share out the sheets that the boys found

They all settle down and try and sleep except Jack who’s up straight away, softly whistling and
tossing his ball from hand to hand. He starts to kick it as the light fades. It goes fully dark and that is
heard is Jack’s football

TANNER Jack! Put that ball down please!

Silence. After a few seconds the light starts to lift again. The trapped people start to rise, all are
there except Jack

CAROL Morning, did we all sleep well?

PHELPS Not much, not the comfiest of floors this

TANNER I could murder a brew

JULIE And me, with toast and jam

MATTY You ok Amy? You seem to be asleep whenever I looked over

AMY I’m ok, what time is it?

MATTY Six thirty

AMY Are there two six thirties in the day?

CAROL Such a student! Considering how frightened you were yesterday Amy, you seem
more relaxed now

AMY I think there comes a time when you accept your fate and situation whatever it is
and get on with it

MATTY Are you ok now too Mr Tanner?

TANNER I’m ok Matty, I got a little wound up yesterday when Jack got the better of me. Hey
talking of Jack, where is he?

They look around but Jack is nowhere to be seen

CAROL Did anyone hear him get up?

MATTY Did anyone see or hear him go to sleep?

JULIE Maybe he’s gone to find a kettle?

TANNER Doubt he even knows what one looks like

They get up and start to look about them

PHELPS (calling offstage) Jack, are you there?

TANNER He can’t have gone far, we can only move a few metres in each direction

Just as Miss Phelps peers into the gloom offstage, Jack appears


PHELPS Jack! You frightened the life out of me! Where have you been?

JACK Just being having a look about, see if there’s anything we’ve missed

MATTY And was there?

JACK Yeah, there was

TANNER What? What have you found?

JACK I found a quid! (Tanner groans)

JULIE If you can find the vending machine on the corridor, you can get Twix for a pound

JACK Who’s for a game of keepy uppy?

Jack gets no takers and so starts to play ball by himself

TANNER Not that again, don’t you ever give up Jack?

CAROL Are you alright Amy, you seem to have gone quiet again?

AMY Has anyone noticed something? A strange feeling; as if something is about to

happen, something significant?

TANNER Is Jack going to calm down maybe – if he ever leaves that flipping football alone he

MATTY How do you mean Amy? I don’t notice anything different to yesterday

AMY Well, sort of eerie, can’t put in words easily. Yes I can; it’s like the building is, well
dying around us; there’s an emptiness that I didn’t notice yesterday

TANNER Maybe it’s your acceptance of our current situation; none of us knows what lies
ahead of us. Perhaps you have found an inner peace

PHELPS When you are here in the library on your own, when it’s closed and all the other
staff have gone and you are here about to lock up, the place takes on a different
character. It’s as if the books come alive, become something else, something

JACK Books come alive! Are you for real or what?!

AMY Shush Jack, maybe what Miss Phelps is saying has something to do with the feeling I

JACK I don’t know what you’re all on about! (goes back to juggling his ball)

AMY This is what I mean – maybe as so many of the books have been destroyed, it’s as if
the library is feeling a sense of loss as well?

JULIE Possibly, some of the books in here are very old

CAROL Well whatever it is, it’s not helping us get through today is it? Matty, shall we try the
radio again; see if there are any developments?

MATTY I’ve tried it earlier, it’s not working

TANNER What? Not working; Jack, this is your fault, you trashed it yesterday with your foolish
behaviour, you and that blessed football, give it here...

Tanner tries to get the ball off Jack but he is too quick for him and scuttles away, goading Tanner
with It from a distance

TANNER Oh I give up; you’re impossible Jack, just stay away from me will you?

CAROL Come on Mr Tanner, don’t upset yourself again, Jack is just being Jack

MATTY Over here Jack, give me hand with this radio will you?

Jack and Matt busy themselves with the radio


PHELPS It’s Saturday today

CAROL Is that significant?

PHELPS Not really, it’s just that on a Saturday I usually go to the park

TANNER I often go there on a Saturday too – strange the things you miss when you can’t do

JULIE I often go to the library on a Saturday

CAROL But you work there during the week?

JULIE I know, but books look a lot different on the other side of the counter

CAROL Can’t imagine why. What do you do on a Saturday Amy?

AMY Sleep mostly I guess

TANNER So today will make a nice change, being awake for most of it!

There is a sudden cry of triumph from the two boys

MATTY That’s it Jack, you’ve fixed it; the power light has come back on again!

JACK Told you my metalwork skills would come in handy

They all gather round the radio

CAROL Go on then, turn it on

MATTY It’s a bit delicate, but I think we can get it to work; Jack is quite an expert on

TANNER A wasted skill maybe Jack?

AMY It’s not working, turn it up higher

MATTY I’m just trying...

TANNER I can’t hear anything...


TANNER What? Give that thing to me Matty

MATTY No, don’t move it. It may come apart again...

PHELPS No, shush – that noise, it’s not the radio, it’s coming from the other side, listen

They all strain to hear what Miss Phelps has heard

JACK I can’t hear...

TANNER Be quiet! You’re right; it’s something, someone on the other side! Hey!

They all rush to the SL side and shout and jump up and down

TANNER It’s the rescue team, they’ve found us!

CAROL Hear that Amy, we’ll be home in no time now!

MATTY We’d better stand back, they may need to knock this pile of rubble down

TANNER Matty’s right – all stand back over here everyone, Jack; bring your ball for heaven’s

JULIE Jack, hurry up!

They all move back SL as a rescue party make their way into the confined area. The
trapped party move towards them in welcome

TANNER Thank goodness you’ve found us!

CAROL We’re so relieved to see you; we thought we’d be here for days!

AMY Can we go now, is it ok for us to leave?

JULIE Safe at last!

LEADER (talking into his radio) No one here captain, just scoping the area
(to his fellow rescuers who are flashing torches) Can anyone see any survivors?

PHELPS (standing in front of the leader) We’re here, we’ve survived!

JACK Captain, main man – can’t you see us, are you blind or what?

MATTY (confused) Are they having us on or something?

LEADER Search the area team, report on any findings, but we need to leave quickly, you
know how unsafe this place is – it could collapse at any time

AMY (to Carol) Why can’t they see us, what’s wrong?

CAROL I’m not sure, maybe it’s too late?

AMY Too late?

RESCUER No sign of life Sir, only bodies


LEADER Man the stretchers team; let us at least do the decent things for these poor souls

The rescue men pick up the first body (unseen from the audience behind the scenery) and place it on
the stretcher

TANNER (to rescue leader) Are you taking us home, is it time to go?

LEADER (looking around) It’s time to go you poor people, time to take you all home. Gently
with those bodies team

RESCUER First one, white male late 40’s

The leader makes a note in his pocketbook as they load Tanner’s body and take it away, and as they
do so, Tanner disappears off stage. The stretcher men return straight away

LEADER White female, late thirties here

Carol disappears as her body is removed

LEADER White female, late teens, such an early end to a young life

Amy disappears

LEADER Over here, we have a white male, young maybe in his 20’s? So young, so young

Matty disappears

LEADER And again, white female, early thirties still holding a library ticket, poor thing

Miss Phelps disappears

RESCUER One last one Sir, another white female, late 20’s, early 30’s perhaps

LEADER So tragic, had her whole life in front of her

Julie disappears

LEADER Can see any more can you?

RESCUER No Sir, not that we can see, six bodies recovered

JACK I’m still here; I’m the last one guys

LEADER How about under this panelling, let’s see if we can move it

They all try to lift the panelling off where Jack is lay, even Jack helps

LEADER It’s no use team; it’s too heavy; we can’t risk moving anything in this unstable
building. If there is a body under there, it’s beyond any salvation from us. Come on

we have to go, we have all the bodies of the dead that we can access. At least their
families can say farewell to them now

The rescue men exit leaving the leader and Jack on stage

LEADER (looking round) Rest in peace all of you

JACK That’s ok, we will. Well at least this lot might; I’ll try too!

The leader goes to leave but sees Jack’s ball by his feet and picks it up

LEADER One last bounce for you - wonder who it belonged to?

The leader throws it towards Jack, it bounces once and Jack catches it

JACK (laughs ) That’s mine mate - got it from the garage, cheers!

The leader leaves, Jack starts to kick the ball against the wall

Light dim




Rubble piles/uprights so the mannequins dressed as the six players who are ‘rescued’ can be hidden
behind them. Dark, gloomy with weak light from the rooflights above them. Fade out frot eh
overnight effect


Tanner Male, older, authoritarian late 40’s/50’s

Matty Male, young, spirited, 20’s

Carol Female, older, motherly demeanour late 30’s

Phelps Female librarian, 40’s

Julie Female, library assistant, 30’s

Amy Female student, late teens

Jack Male, early 20’s, ebullient, cheerful

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