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Appendix 3 absent from (ad) accompanied by (ad) ‘according to (prep) account for (¥) accuse sb of () ‘accustomed to (adi) addicted to (ad)) ‘advantage of (n) (but there's an advantage In. (have) an advantage over sb) advice on (o) afraid of (ad) agree tofon sth (v) agree with sb (v) bad at (a) (but: He was very bad to me) base on (v) basis for (a) beg for () begin with () believe in EM cal avon (one) calor (= demand) (ph) campaign ageinstor(\) capable of (ad) care about () car for sb (s) (= ke) (take) care of (n) care for sth () (= tke 10 0 sth) caretl of (ad) careless about (ad) cause of (n) certain of (ad) change into (0) characteristic of (n/ad) charge for) charge sb with (Y) cheque fo () choice betweenvot (n) clever at ad) (butt was very clever of youto buy t) close to (ac) collaborate with (Y) Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions ahead of (prep) aim at (v) allergic to (ad) amazed aby (adi) amused atlwth (ad) angry at what sb does (adi) angry with sb about sth (ad) angry with sb for doing sth (ad) ‘annoyed with sb about sth (ad) (in) answer to (0) anxious about sth (ad) (be) anvious for sth to happen (ad) apologise to sb for sth (y) (make an) appeal to sb for sth (7) appeal tolagainst (v) benefit rom (v) bet on (4) beware of (v) (put the) blame on sb (n) blame sb for sth (¥) blame sth on sb (¥) boast abouvot (v) collide with (v) ‘comment on (¥) ‘communicate with (v) ‘compare with (v) (now people and things are alike and how they are different) ‘compare to (v) (show the likeness ‘between sb/sth and sb/sth else) ‘comparison between (n) ‘complain of () (= suffer from) complain to sb about sth (¥) (= be annoyed al) compliment sb on (¥) ‘comply with (v) conceal sth from sb (v) Concentrate on (y) (have) confidence in sb (n) contusion over (n) Congratulate sb on sth (4) ‘connection between (0) (but: in connection with) ‘conscious of (ad) ‘connect to/with (v) consis of (v) apply to sb for sth (4) approve of (\) argue with sb about sth (v) arrest sb for sth (Vv) arrive at (a small place) (¥) artve in (a town) (v) ashamed of (ad) ask for (v) (but: ask sb a question) assure (sb) of () astonished atfoy (ac) attached to (ad) attack on (n) attend to (v) (un) aware of adi) bored with/ot (aaj) borrow sth fom 3b (9) briant at (ac) ‘bump into (v) busy wth (ag) contact between (ni (but: in contact with) Content with (adi) contrary to (prep) contrast with (\) Contribute to (4) convert tofinto (v) ‘cope with (¥) ‘correspond to/wit (v) ‘count against (y) count on sb (phr v) cover init (v) Covered iniwith (adi) crash into (¥) (ave) a craving for sth (a) crazy about (ad)) crowded with (ad) cruel to (ad) cruetty towardsito (0) cue for (ni ‘curious about (ad) ‘cut into (phr v) (= interupt sbi conversation) 205 206 Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions damage to (0) date back to (v) date trom (v) ‘deal with (v) dear to (ad) decide onjagainst(v) decrease in (n) dedicate to (v) definition of (a) delay in (0) dolight in (¥) delighted with (ed) ‘demand for (n) demand from (v) depart from (¥) departure trom (n) eager for (ac) efficient at (ad) (put) effort into sth (a) ‘emphasis on (n) ‘engaged to sbyin th (ad) ‘engagement to sb (n) center into (= start) (¥) enthusiastic about (adi) ‘envious of (ai) equal to (ad) face up to (ohr v) fallin an attempt (¥) fal to do sth (¥) failure in (an exar) (0) failure to (do sth) (0), faithful to (ad)) fallin (o) familiar to sb (= known to sb) (ad) generosity toltowards (n) genius at (0) lance at (v) glare at (v) hhappen to (¥) happy about/with (ad)) harmful to (ad) hear about (\) (= be tola) éepend on/upon (v) ependent on (ad) describe sbisth to sb ese (0) eseription of 7) die ofrom (¥ die in an accident (1) aie rom () (ave) diference between (n) dierent rom (ad) ditty inwith(r) disadvantage of (0) (but: there's a disadvantage in doing sth) disagroe with () isappointed witabout (ad) disapprove of) discharge sb trom (¥) escape fromito (v) example of (n) excellent at (ad) exception to (n) exchange sth for sth else (v) ‘excited about (ad) ‘exclaim at (¥) ‘excuse for (n) ‘excuse 8b for (¥) ‘expel from (v) ‘amir with (= have knowledge of (a) famous for (ad)) fed up with (ad) fil sth with sth else (v) finish wth () fire at (v) fond of (ad) forget about (\) {good at (ad) (but: He was very good to me.) (fateful to sb for sth (ad) ues at (v) hear from (v) (= receive a letter) hear of (v) (= learn that sth or sb exists) heir to (9), hint to sb about sth (v) (but: hint at sth) discouraged trom (ad) discussion about/on (n) disgusted bylat (adi) dismiss from (\) dispose of (v) disqualified from (ad) cissatsfied with (ad) distinguish between (v) divide between/among (v) divide intoyby (v) do sth about (¥) doubtul about (adi) {dream about (¥) {dream of (v) (= imagine) ‘dressed in (ad) experienced in (ad) experiment onvith(Y) exper atin (stidoing th) person good at) exper ain‘on sthidoing sth) (ad) done with skil or invohing great knowledge) expert with sth (0) (= good at using sth) ‘expert on (a) (= person knowledge: able about a subject) forgive sb fr fortunate in (ad) tency witht (ad) tightened of ac) ful of (ed) furious with sb abouvat sth (ad) uity of (adi) (but: he fet guilty about his exime) hope for ( hope to do sth (v (70) hope of 0) hopeless at (ad) Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions idea of 7) Identical to (ad) ignorant offabout (ac) ill with (a) impact on (0) impressed by/with (ad) (make an) impression on sb (a) improvement injon (a) incapable of (ad)) include in (y) jealous of (ac) knock aon (¥) know abouvt () keen on st (ad) lack in (¥) lack of () laugh at (¥) lean onvagainst (¥) married to (ad)) ‘mean to (adi) name after (v) necessary fr (ac) need for (0) neglect of (n) ‘obedient to (adi) object to (¥) ‘objection ton) ‘obliged to sb for sth (ad) part with (v) patient with (ac) pay by (cheque) (4) ‘pay for (v) (but: pay a bill) pay in (cash) () peculiar o (a) persist in {but insist on) {take a) photograph of n) Picture of () pity for ( take pity on sb (exp) pleasant to (ad) ‘quarrel about sthiwith sb (vn) increase in (a) Independent of (ac) indifferent to (ad) interior to (ad) information aboution (n) (be) informed about (ad) insist on ¥) insure against (v) inteligent at (ad) intent on (adi) Join in keen to do sth (ad) kind to (ad) leave for (v) (= head for) lend sth to sb (¥) listen tov) lve on () mention to (¥) mistake sb for (v) nervous about (ad) ‘new to (ad) ‘ice to (ad) ‘obvious to (ad) ‘occur to (¥) offence against (n) ‘operate on (v) pleased with (ad) (take) pleasure in (a) (have the) pleasure of (n) point att (v) (impolite to (ad) popular with (ac) praise sb for () Pray for sthisb (v) prefer sth to sth ese (v) (rave a) preference for (n) prepare for (v) present sb with (\) prevent sb from (v) ‘qualities for (ad) {have no) intention of (n) interest in (7) interested in (ad) interfere within (¥) invasion of (ni invest in (v) invitation to (a) invite sb to (¥) involve in (0) initated by (ac) Joke about (v) key t0 (9) knowledge of (n) ong for (v) look aftr (phrv) (= take care of) look at () look for (= search for) (v) mix wth () nominate sb (or/as sth) (y) (take) (no) notice of (n) notorious for doing sth (ad)) opirion oton (n) opposite oto (a) (take) pride in (a) tide oneself on sth/on doing (¥) Prohibit sb rom doing sth (v prone to (ac) protect againsttrom (4) protection rom (a) protest abowat(¥) proud of (ad) provide sb with (Y) punish sb for (v) puzzled about (ad) ‘quick at (aa) 207 Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions 208 react to () reaction 10 (0) ready fr (ad) reason for) reason with (¥) rebel against ( receive fom () (keep) a record of (0) recover fom () reduction in (n) toler to (Y) Giriwith) reference to (n) regard as (v) regardless of (orep) safe from (adi) same as (ad) satistiod with (ad)) save sb from (v) scared of (ad) search for (vin) {be} in search of (n) sensible of sth (ad) (= aware of sth) sensitive to (ad) sentence sb to (v) separate from () serious about (ad) share injot sth (0), shelter from (v) shocked at/oy (ad) shoot at (V) shor of (ad) shout at () take sth to sbisth (¥) talent for sth (9) talk to sb about sth (v) (have) taste in (n) taste of () terrible at (ad) terted of (ad) Unaware of (ad) Understanding of (n valid for (length of time) (ad) valid in (places) (ad) walt for (¥) warn sb againstiaboutot (¥) ‘waste (timetmoney) on (¥) related to (ad) relationship between (n) (but: a good relationship with sb) relevant to (ad) rely on () remind sb olfabout (¥) remove from (¥) replace sth with sth else (v) reply to (ah) report on (nv) reputation for/ot (n) research oniinto (n) respect for (n) respected for (ad) shy of (ad) sick of (ad) sily todo sth (ad) (out was sly of him similar to (ad) skilled at (ac) slow in/about doing sthito sth (ad) ‘smell of (i) smile at () solution to (0) sorry about (ad) (= fee sory for sb) {but im sorry for doing sth speak towith sb about (¥) specialise in () specials in(n spend money on sth 4) spend time ivdoing sth (v) spit intoin () spy on thank sb for (v) thankful for (ad) think aboutt () threat to sbisth of sth (n) threaten sb with sth (y) throw at (¥) (in order to ht) throw to (y) (in order to catch) Uneasy about (ad)) Upset aboutiover sth (a) value sth at (v) vote againstfor(v) weak in/at (ad) wonder about (v) worry about (v) respond to (¥) responsiblity for (a) responsible fr (a) resut from (v) (= be the consequence of) resut in (v) (= cause) resut of (n) resulting from (ad) rich in (ac) (et rid of (phe) rise In () (make) room for (n) rude to (ad) run into (ph v) stand for (phrv} stare at () strain on (0) subject to (adi) submit to (v) (but: submit for publication) subscribe to (\) succeed in (v) suffer from (4) sufficient for sthisb (adi) superior to (ad) sure offabout (adi) surprised al/by (ad) surrender to (¥) surrounded by (ad) suspect sb of (v) suspicious of (ai) sympathetic toftowards (ad) sympathise with (¥) tired trom (adi) tired of (ad) (= fed up with) translate from. into (¥) tread on (¥) trip over (¥) trouble with (a) typical of (ad) (make) use of (n) used to (ad) worthy of (ai) write to sb (v) ‘wrong about (ad) Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions atthe age of at the airport atthe beginning of (when sth started) (but: in the beginning = originally) al breakfastlunch ete atthe bottom of atthe bus stop at church atthe cornerion the corner ata costs al the crossroads at dawn at one's desk atthe door atthe end (= when sth is finished) (but In the end = finally at all events) at faut al frst at fist hand by accident by all accounts by appointment by the arm/nand by bith by busirain/plane! helicoptertan! coach’ ship/boatisealaricar ete (ut: on arthe bus/plane! train/coach’shipiboat ina tasi/cariheicopteriplane) by chance by cheque, by correspondence for ages for breakfastiunchiinner for certain for a change for ever for fear (of for fun (= for amusement) for good for granted at fist sight ata glance ata guess athand atheart athome atin a hotel al. km per hour allast atthe latest atleast al liberty ataloss atthe match at midnight at the moment at most ‘at night (butin the night) at noon at once ‘at peace/war by dayinight by degrees, by the dozen by far by force by hand by heart by invitation by landisea‘air by law by luck by martiage bby means of by mistake for ire for instance for luck for life for love for nothing for once for the rest of {or safe keeping at present ata profit atthe prospect at random at any rate al one's request atthe same time at schoo! at sea atthe seaside at short notice alin the station at sunset atthe table atthe time at times a the top of (but: on top of) at university atthe weekend at work at 4 Rose St. by nature by now by oneself by phone by postaimail by protession by request by (thelone’s) side by sight by surprise by the time by the way by one's watch for one's sake forthe sake of for sale for short forthe time being for a visivholiday fora walk fora while 209 210 Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions in action in general in place of in addition to (+ -ing form) in good time in polities in advance (of) in halt in pounds in agreement (with) in hand in practice in aid of in haste in principle in all alin alt) in good/bad health in prison in answer to in honour of in private/public inan armchair in the hope of in all probability ina good/bad temper in hospital in progress: inbed inahotel ina queue in the beginning inahurry in reality (= originally) in inkipencilpen in return ina book in sb's interest in the rightiwrong in bret in lengthiwidth ete in a rowhows in any case in allsb's life in ruins incash inaline in safety inthe centre of in the tong run in season in charge (of) in love (with) in secret incode in tuxury in sett-detence in colour inthe meantime in short in comfort inamess in sight (0 in common inthe middle of inthe sky in comparison with ina mircor in some respects in conclusion (to) ina moment In stock in (goodttad) condition in a good/bad mood in the streets in confidence in the mood in succession In controt (of) in the morning in the suburbs in the country in name only (= notin realty) inthe sun/shade in danger in need of in good/bad taste inthe dark inthe news intears in debt ina newspaper in theory in demand in the name of (= on behalf of ina tick in detail inthe rick of time intime (be) in difcuty inthe north/south inno time in the direction of ina nutshell Intouch in doubt in ols in town ina... dress in the open in tune (with) inthe end (= finally) in one's opinion in tum in exchange for in orbit in twoyhalt in existence in order offto in uniform infact In other words inuse in fashion in pain invain in favour of in pairs in view of in flames inthe park ina loudiow voice in the flesh in particular in a way (= in a manner) in one’s fee time in the past in the way in fun in person in writing in future in pieces ina word Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions ‘on account of on a... aternoonevening (on the agenda fon the air ‘on approval con arial ‘on average ‘on bail ‘on balance con the beach (on behalf of (on one's birthday (on board fon the border on business (on call ‘on a campsite (at a ‘campsite) fn the coast (on condition (onthe contrary (on erect (on a(n) cruise/excursion/ tripftour (on (a...) day ‘on demand ona diet (on the dole cut of breath ‘out of character ‘ut of condition ‘out of contro ‘out of danger out of date out of debt Cut of doors: ‘ut of fashion of ae off colour off duty of limits under age under arest under one’s breath ‘under control fon duty fon earth fon edge fon an expedition ‘ona farm (but: in afield) on tre (on the (4th) floor (f) ‘onthe floor (on foot fon the one hand fon the other hand con holiday ‘on horseback ‘on imputse con the increase (nan island (but: in the mountains) on a journey fon one's knees on leave fon the let fon loan fon the market ‘on one's mind ‘on that morning (on the move on New Year's Day (on the news (on order available to the public) cout of focus ‘out of hand cout of luck out of order ut ofthe ordinary cout of place ‘ut of practice Cut of print ‘out of the question off the map off the peg ofthe point under discussion under the impression under orders fon the outskits fon page fon parade fon the pavement (on the phone on a platform on principle on purpose fon the radio/TV fon the right fon the River Seine on sale (on schedule ‘on the screen ‘on second thoughts ‘on sight fon the sofa 6 this streetion the streets) on strike ‘on goodibad terms, con time (on top of, (onthe tail ot ona tip ‘on the way ('o) (= as | was going) fon the whole out of reach cout of season ‘out of sight out of step out of stock out of tune out of tun cut of use ut of work: off the record off the road (off schoolwork Under pressure Under repair Under the weather au Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions 212 Against against the law ‘Ahead ahead of schedule Before before long jehind behind schedule, behind the times From from time to time, from now on, from experience, from memory from scratch Into into pieces To to one’s astonishment, to one’s surprise to this day, to some extent wth, with regard to, with a view to (+ -ing form) Within within minutes Without without delay, without fail, without success, without warning Prepositions of Time aT IN ON at 10.90 in the morningleveninglatternooninight ‘on Monday al Christmas/Easter in the EasteriChristmas holiday(s) ‘on Easter Sunday ete at nooninight/micnight in January (months) ‘on Christmas Day at lunch/dinnerfbreaktast (time) in (the) winter (seasons) ‘on Friday night althat time in 1992 (years) ‘on July 30th atthe moment in the 19th century (on a summer atternoon atthe weekend (on the in two hours (wo hours from now) (on that day weekend: Am, English) We never use at, in or onbelore yesterday, tomorrow, next, this, last every. She's leaving next Sunday.

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