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Simulation model increases

visbreaker conversion
Introduction of advanced analytical monitoring, chemical treatment
and process optimisation has raised the profitability of a visbreaker unit

Ernesto Agorreta, Carlos Angulo and Aleixandre Soriano Repsol Tarragona

Cristina Font and Marco Respini Baker Hughes

n today’s refining climate, control becomes more and more A second step for increasing
the economics of a visbreak- important to prevent drastic unit profitability was based on
ing unit are mainly related negative outcomes. a new development using a
to the conversion levels Severity is a function of oper- proprietary simulation model
achieved. Conversion is limited ating temperatures and velocity of flow regimes and liquid-
by the impact of cracking reac- steam. This article presents a phase velocities across the
tions on the progressive case of optimisation of these visbreaker heater coils as a
destabilisation of the two variables at the Repsol function of flow rates, operat-
asphaltenes present in the unit Tarragona visbreaker, resulting ing temperatures and velocity
feed. This destabilisation causes in major improvements to steam.
fouling phenomena, due to visbreaker conversion. The results of the model were
precipitation of the asphaltenes validated in the unit by Repsol
and conversion of some of the Repsol Tarragona process and operation engi-
asphaltenes to generate coke The Repsol Tarragona refinery neers with Baker Hughes
particles at cracking tempera- is a state-of-the-art 200 000 b/d service engineers and its tech-
tures above 400°C (752°F), and refinery that has broad experi- nical service group. Operational
these phenomena limit unit run ence processing opportunity changes were implemented
lengths. On the other hand, crudes and feeding different based on the results from the
destabilised asphaltenes can residues to the visbreaker unit. simulation work, while the
easily aggregate over time and, The first step of this project impact on fouling and sedi-
since produced visbreaker resid was the implementation of ments formation, which could
is often a base stock for the Baker Hughes’ advanced potentially affect produced fuel
production of heavy fuel oils, analytical VisTec technologies oil quality, was continuously
this can lead to problems with for the rapid and reliable monitored. At the same time,
hot filtration test (HFT) results. assessment of visbreaker tar furnace skin temperature trends
Visbreaker severity is moni- (vistar) and heavy fuel oil were continuously tracked and
tored to maximise conversion, stability, and to evaluate foul- normalised to achieve targeted
taking into account excessive ing tendencies in the unit. This unit run length.
coke generation and the step enabled the refinery to run The implementation of all the
tendency of asphaltenes to the unit close to its operating steps described in this article
precipitate, either inside process limits and maximise conver- resulted in further valuable
equipment or as sediments in sion, while rapidly adapting increases in conversion without
the heavy fuel oil produced. As process conditions to changes negative effects on unit run
fouling increases exponentially in processed feed quality or length and fuel oil
at higher conversions, process flow rate. specifications. PTQ Q1 2011 1

Visbreaker monitoring The tendency for asphaltenes operated at increased severity.
The main purpose of a to aggregate is measured as Additives also help control
visbreaker unit is to reduce stability reserve, or simply fouling phenomena within crit-
feed viscosity up to the vistar stability; the higher the stabil- ical locations of the process
stability limit, as well as to ity, the lower the tendency to (charge/resid preheat exchang-
achieve high distillate yields; in produce fouling problems and/ ers and column) and improve
other words, to achieve maxi- or development of sediments. the stability of heavy fuel oil
mum conversion value, which, Stability is normally defined as made from vistar. Visbreakers
in turn, has a strong depend- the maximum amount of have achieved optimal perform-
ence on feed quality. aliphatic solvent (usually ance when using a combination
Increasing conversion means heptane or hexadecane) that of additives and monitoring.
operating the unit at higher can be added per gram of The VisTec additives enable the
severities, either by increasing resid/vistar or heavy fuel oil unit to reach higher severities
the heater outlet temperature or before asphaltene precipitation and thus higher conversions,
by decreasing the velocity steam occurs. The higher this ratio, while monitoring helps to
and thus increasing residence the higher the stability reserve. determine and control the unit
time. Thermal cracking results Controlling visbreaking sever- limits. If the limits are
in a decrease in the asphaltene ity to maintain visbreaker tar exceeded, fouling rates can be
fraction’s solubility and dispers- stability minimises serious foul- very high at typical additive
ibility. When extreme cracking ing problems and the formation injection rates. In such cases,
occurs, asphaltene molecules of sediments. Whenever sever- higher injection rates may be
can no longer stay in a dispersed ity is pushed excessively and required. Given the sensitivity
phase and start to aggregate as vistar stability drops below the of the fouling rate to severity,
a separate phase. minimum control limit, fouling constant monitoring is essen-
Aggregation of asphaltenes at and sediments tend to increase tial. The VisTec chemical
thermal cracking temperatures exponentially compared to the treatment programme is based
above 400°C (752°F) leads to increase in conversion. Even on the following control
cross- linking and dehydration, when using antifoulants and/or mechanisms:
and yields coke particles with a asphaltene stabilisers, the extent • Preventing asphaltene
radius of typically 1–5 microns. of fouling and asphaltene aggregation
Aggregation of asphaltenes at precipitation to produce heavy • Reducing foulant deposition
lower temperatures results in fuel sediments tends to be so rate
fouling of heat exchangers and extensive that it is difficult to • Reducing asphaltene
columns downstream of the control. destabilisation
process furnace. High genera- Visbreaker severity is usually • Reducing coke particle size
tion of coke particles causes controlled in refineries with p- • Suppressing coke formation
rapid heater coking and short- value and HFT sediments tests. by reducing the catalytic effects
ens unit run length. Both techniques are not fully of tube metal surfaces.
In addition, aggregated reliable and accurate. Details of Use of different product
asphaltenes tend to precipitate the VisTec methods and combinations, dosing rates and
with time, leading to sediment improvements over traditional injection locations are custom-
problems. The heavy fuel oil techniques are given in refer- ised, depending on each unit’s
fails the HFT when vistar ence 1. problems and targets. At
is blended with cutter stocks. Repsol Tarragona, four of these
Both heater coking and vistar Visbreaker fouling control five mechanisms were identi-
stability limit maximum conver- Optimal results in visbreaker fied as significant contributors
sion. Therefore, severity must fouling control are achieved to problems. A VisTec additive
be optimised regularly to using VisTec additives. These treatment programme was
achieve the best compromise additives produce increased designed to address those four
between maximum conversion visbreaker feed stability, thus primary mechanisms to control
and acceptable unit run length. allowing the unit to be fouling and coking.

2 Q1 2011
Optimal visbreaker operating
limits Pure vapour
In the first phase of the
programme’s implementation Mist (drop) flow Mist evaporation
at Repsol Tarragona, limits for
vistar stability and coke genera-
tion control parameters were
optimised. These parameters Annular flow

are monitored on a daily basis Film evaporation

using the VisTec Stability Index
(VSI) and VisTec Coking Index Flow
(VCI) respectively.1
These measurements are
essential for the control of foul-
Churn flow
ing, the control of sediment
generation and setting of the Saturate nucleate
proper unit severity. Operating boiling
the unit outside the appropri-
ate limits results in either too Slug flow

conservative a unit severity and

subsequent lost conversion or,
conversely, severe fouling and
Bubbly flow
HFT sediments issues.
In the early implementation Subcooled nucleate
stage of the programme, boiling
general and conservative limits Subcooled pure liquid

are applied. Then, optimisation

work is undertaken to reach
more specific limits for the Figure 1 Different flow regimes
particular unit. Optimal limits
were obtained by comparison overall heat transfer by steam cracking section of the coils.
with the desired unit run injection enables the unit to Two different phases are
length and with sediment spec- operate with lower skin present: vapourised light prod-
ifications. This optimisation temperatures. In addition, ucts generated by cracking
involves key parameters for increasing turbulence decreases reactions and liquid resid.
controlling changes in opera- coke formation and has a posi- Steam increases the velocity of
tions and management of the tive effect on increases in skin both phases, until gas slip
unit, such as the change in the temperature during the run. occurs. In this phenomenon,
velocity steam levels. However, velocity steam the vapour-phase velocity
reduces the residence time, increase is higher than that of
Simulation of coil flow regime hence cracking and conversion the liquid phase.
Most visbreakers inject steam are reduced. This decrease Since the liquid-phase veloc-
or boiler feed water in the must be compensated for with ity controls coking phenomena,
heater passes, which helps higher cracking temperatures, optimal velocity steam rates
increase turbulence and which may easily lead to an can be defined as those where
improves heat transfer from the exponential increase in coking a marked increase in vapour-
coil surface to the cracking reaction rates. When it is used phase velocity has only a minor
residuum. As a result, with excessively, the positive effects effect on the liquid-phase veloc-
constant feed quality and of steam are then completely ity. At high gas velocities, after
heater outlet temperature, the offset. gas slip has occurred, the gas
heat flux provided is constant. Another aspect to be consid- phase tends to segregate from
Increasing turbulence and ered is the flow regime in the the bulk liquid, and in the PTQ Q1 2011 3

has been refined over time
Flow regime and velocities at 90 t/h (198 416 lb/h) using field data. The output of
the simulation is a determina-
Steam, Velocity, Reynolds Flow regime Flow regime Velocity liquid tion of optimal flow regimes
wt% mt/sec, out no •105 in out phase, mt/sec and liquid-phase velocities,
0.00 0.95 1.10 Single phase Single phase 0.95
0.10 0.95 1.15 Single phase Single phase 0.95 which result in a decreased
0.20 1.13 1.27 Single phase Single phase 0.96 generation of coke particles
0.22 1.14 1.27 Bubble Intermittent 0.97 and heater fouling at a given
0.23 1.14 1.28 Intermittent Intermittent 0.97 conversion level for a constant
0.30 1.20 1.31 Annular Annular 1.00
0.50 1.28 1.64 Annular Annular 1.33 processed feed quality and
1.00 1.99 2.48 Annular Annular 2.06 flow rate. These data are avail-
able for field monitoring
Table 1 activities on visbreakers and
serve as a basis for optimising
extreme case, annular-type flow arrangement), operating condi- operating procedures. This
patterns occur. In this regime, tions and feed flow rate. A method has been applied to
gas flows at high speed in the wide range of operating guide- several visbreakers in Europe
centre of the coil, while liquid lines is used by refiners with and Asia, resulting in improved
segregates and circulates over steam ratios varying from 0.1–1 best practices for velocity steam
the coil walls, thus tending to wt%, based on the feed flow management.
overheat. In this situation, any rate. The optimal steam levels
further increase in steam rates Since this is an important have often been found to be
has an effect only on gas-phase aspect for maximising conver- lower than expected. In some
velocity. Experience in sion while effectively visbreakers, steam injection can
visbreaker operations has controlling coke deposition on even be completely cut at maxi-
shown that this kind of flow the coil surface, Baker Hughes mum unit capacity. Baker
regime causes an increase in developed a proprietary simu- Hughes discussed these experi-
coking phenomena, thus accel- lation method that predicts ences with Repsol refinery
erating increases in tube skin flow regime and velocities in operations and technology
temperature. Figure 1 shows the visbreaker coils. This engineers, and the velocity
these different flow regimes method is based on commer- steam injection rates for
schematically.2 cially available simulation Tarragona were found to be
The optimal steam injection packages and correlations. quite high compared to other
rate is a function of several Since various thermodynamic visbreakers. In the past,
parameters, including feedstock models and flow regime corre- asphaltenic feeds had produced
quality, coil size and geometry lations are available, the Baker severe problems due to high
(vertical vs horizontal tube Petrolite modelling procedure coking rates. As a result, steam
injection rates were pushed up
on a regular basis. In addition,
analysis of the Repsol unit
identified an unusual phenom-
Increasing velocity, m/sec

0.0% steam
0.1% steam
enon: a rapid increase in skin
0.2% steam
0.3% steam temperatures in one particular
0.5% steam location at a relatively cold
1.0% steam portion of the radiant section.
While several parameters can
affect tube skin temperatures,
including the distribution of
heat or flame patterns in the
Increasing flow rate, ton/h radiant section that can create
higher temperatures on coil
Figure 2 Simulation results of liquid-phase velocities at critical radiant sections skin locally, the simulation

4 Q1 2011
revealed that at this location an
annular-type flow regime was  
likely to develop above moder-  
ate steam levels of 0.20–0.30  
wt%, and this flow regime  
would contribute to faster 

heater coking. This determina- 

tion is interesting, as it 
demonstrates how poor flow 

regimes can be developed even  
at moderate steam injection  
rates in the case of vertical  
furnace tubes.          
Calculations at 90 t/h (198
416 lb/h) flow rate show the
different transitions in this Figure 3 Test run: steps in steam percentage and heater outlet temperatures
tube, with the development of
annular flow regimes (see unit feed rate can be deter- Test run for velocity and heater
Table 1). mined. The simulation has been outlet temperatures optimal
Most of the modelling effort extended to other operating range
was directed to the hottest part heater outlet temperatures. Based on the simulation results,
of the radiant section. This is The simulation results a detailed programme for the
the most critical part of the revealed the relationship test run was designed by the
furnace in terms of unit run between flow regime and refinery’s process and opera-
length because it is where the liquid-phase velocity at tions engineers, with
rates of skin temperature decreasing steam ratios. Based programmed step-down of
increase are highest. on these results, a test run was velocity steam at a constant
Calculations were performed at programmed at the Repsol flow rate and resid feed qual-
different flow rates and temper- Tarragona refinery. The effect ity. Repsol’s technical staff, in
atures. Table 2 shows the of process changes on the foul- co-operation with Baker
example output at 120 t/h (264 ing tendency of the visbreaker Hughes, provided support for
554 lb/h) and 450°C (842°F) heater and main fractionator definition of the targets and for
heater outlet temperatures. column, as well as existing or its achievement within a test
The ideal flow regime was potential sediments in the run of the Tarragona
identified as a zone between produced heavy fuel oil (fluxed visbreaker. The temperature
bubble type and annular/slug vistar), was monitored using was changed during the test
flow. Optimal steam injection VisTec analytical techniques. run according to the
ratios at 120 t/h (264 554 lb/h)
are then in the range between
0.10 wt% and 0.25–0.30 wt%. Hottest tube in radiant section: simulation results
Under these conditions, flow
regime and liquid-phase veloci-
Steam, Velocity mixed Reynolds Flow regime Flow regime Velocity liquid
ties were in the ideal range. wt% phase, mt/sec, no •105 tube inlet tube outlet phase, mt/sec
Graphs have been created for tube outlet
different simulations. Figure 2 0.00 1.89 5.68 Bubble Bubble 1.72
0.10 2.37 6.87 Intermittent Intermittent 2.23
shows simulation results for
0.20 2.78 7.83 Intermittent Intermittent 2.50
liquid-phase velocity at 450°C 0.30 3.15 8.68 Intermittent Intermittent 2.67
(842°F) heater outlet tempera- 0.50 3.84 1.02 Annular Annular 2.97
ture as a function of flow rate 1.00 5.38 1.50 Annular Annular 3.66
1.25 6.10 1.64 Annular Annular 3.80
and steam injection ratios.
From this graph, optimal
levels of steam as a function of Table 2 PTQ Q1 2011 5

temperature of 440ºC (824°F),
while the VCI was being

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 00% 0% 0% 0%
Furnace outlet temperature, °C

controlled in the normal range,

22 24 26
0 Isoconversion
9. 9.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

below a control limit of 350

43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44


000. Steam was set at normal


adopted levels, about 0.85 wt%.


. 0 8. 0 0.
Then, keeping a constant


temperature of 442°C (828°F),

an initial decrease of velocity

12 14 16
steam was performed, setting it

down to 0.40 wt%. Finally, the

temperature was set back to the

value used before the start of


3/8 4/8 4/8 5/8 5/8 6/8 6/8 7/8 7/8 8/8 the test, 440°C (824°F), while
steam was cut to 0.25 wt%.
Figure 4 Isoconversion and heater outlet temperature during test run Changes in steam percentage
and heater outlet temperatures
are shown in Figure 3.
  A marked decrease in steam

resulted in a higher residence

 time with a very positive effect

 on conversion. The conversion

 of resid feed to distillates is
  reported as isoconversion, as is
 typically used by the refinery

 to monitor the visbreaking

unit’s performance, instead of

6ELOCITY STEAMFEED RATE   raw conversion. Isoconversion
  takes into account the amount
          of distillates within the
produced vistar, whose distilla-
Figure 5 Isoconversion and velocity steam percentage during test run tion would yield a resid with
the same viscosity as the
programme. VisTec monitoring In the first phase, the heater visbreaker feed, and represents
techniques were used to meas- outlet temperature was set the real conversion achieved in
ure the fouling and stability close to the normal limit of VSI the process. Isoconversion is
limits of the vistar and fluxed stability to 442ºC (828°F), start- shown in Figures 4 and 5 as a
vistar (heavy fuel oil) and coke ing from a lower than usual function of changes in tempera-
particle concentrations. operating heater outlet tures and steam ratios.
The reduction in the steam-
to-feed ratio clearly has a
400 1.20 positive impact on severity.
350 Particles (VCI) Steam dilution VSI vistar 1.00
The decrease in steam ratio
Steam, kg/h per pass

from 0.85–0.25 wt% at 440°C

(824°F) heater outlet tempera-

& VCI/100

200 0.60
150 ture resulted in a very marked
100 increase in isoconversion, from
20% to about 22%. Even when
4/8/09 4/8/09 5/8/09 5/8/09 5/8/09 5/8/09 5/8/09 5/8/09 6/8/09 6/8/09 6/8/09 6/8/09
the temperature was decreased
5.00 17.45 8.30 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 16.45 11.15 13.00 17.15 18.30
to 440°C (824°F), the corre-
sponding cut from 0.40–0.25
Figure 6 Velocity steam reduction vs VSI and VCI wt% of steam resulted in a

6 Q1 2011
further increase of 1% in
isoconversion. These data  

clearly show how steam rate  

optimisation can be an effective  
way to increase conversion  
without raising heater outlet  
Figure 6 shows the effect of  
velocity steam reduction on  
vistar stability (VSI) and also on
the coke particles (VCI). Vistar 7FMPDJUZTUFBNGFFESBUF 
stability decreased from a VSI )JHIFTUTLJOUFNQFSBUVSF
average of 0.85–0.70 when steam          

was reduced from 0.85–0.40

wt%, while further reduction Figure 7 Variation of critical skin temperature as a function of steam changes
from 0.40–0.25 wt% showed no
further impact on VSI. With a Table 3 shows a comparison personnel using VisTec moni-
VSI control value of 0.60, vistar of average values for two simi- toring information and
stability was well above the lar crude blends, within a correlations of process data,
limit. Optimised flow regime period of two weeks before the engineering know-how and
and optimal liquid-phase veloci- test and two weeks after the fouling rate data.
ties achieved at reduced steam test. The positive effect of A decrease in steam resulted
resulted in decreased generation reducing steam can be seen, as in an increase in conversion, in
of coke particles. well as an increase in conver- the same run, from an average
The generation of coke parti- sion and a decrease in coke of 20.0% to 22.1% after optimi-
cles decreased from VCI values particles generated. sation. The following run, after
of 250 000 to less than 100 000. optimisation of steam injection,
Both VSI and VCI at final Increase in conversion after the yielded an average isoconver-
conditions indicated room for test run sion of 22.7%. This was
further increase. As a result of the simulation obtained without affecting
Following the steam reduction and test run, new guidelines heavy fuel oil sediments or unit
(for the same furnace outlet for optimal steam injection run length. Trends in skin
temperature), the increase in the were adopted and continuously temperature increase were
highest skin temperatures was optimised by the refinery’s comparable.
relatively small (2–3ºC [3.6–
5.4ºF], see Figure 7). Average values for similar crude blends, before and after steam optimisation
The decrease in steam from
0.85–0.40 wt% resulted in a
Before steam optimisation After steam optimisation
skin temperature increase of Feed rate, t/h (lb/h) 175 (385 808) 176 (388 013)
about 3°C (5.4ºF), while at a Heater outlet temperature, ºC (ºF) 441(826) 438 (820)
constant 440°C (824°F) heater Highest TSK, ºC (ºF) 498 (928) 502 (936)
outlet temperature the final test Raw conversion, wt% 10.84 12.61
Isoconversion, wt% 16.71 22.32
period at 0.25 wt% produced Velocity steam ratio, wt% 0.80 0.24
an increase of about 2°C (3.6ºF) Vistar VSI 0.77 0.58
in skin temperature compared Vistar BPI 6620 16 472
to the start-up condition, at Vistar VCI 263 814 211 930
Crude blend, vol% 68% Basrah 58% Basrah
0.85 wt% steam. Based on these 15% Sirtica 9% Sirtica
results, new guidelines were 8% Maya 3% Maya
adopted and steam injection 15% Azeri
was kept at lower rates, with 9% Others 15% Others
continuous optimisation, after
the test run. Table 3 PTQ Q1 2011 7

Conclusions Ernesto Agorreta is a Distillation Plant Cristina Font is the Baker Hughes Account
Manager at Repsol Tarragona refinery. Manager at Repsol Tarragona refinery.
This article illustrates how opti-
He has 20 years’ experience in process She has seven years’ refining experience
mising velocity steam can
troubleshooting and refinery plant in crude, vacuum distillation, visbreaking
result in a remarkable increase operations supervision, including crude and olefins plant, and holds a degree in
in conversion without negative and vacuum distillation, visbreaking, chemistry and biochemistry from the
impacts on unit run length. It HDS, and hydrocracking units, and holds Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona,
also demonstrates how specific a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a Spain, and a MS degree in Health, Safety
analytical information, stability master’s in chemical engineering from and Environment.
and particles generation, the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Email:
provided by the Baker Petrolite Email: Marco Respini is a Technology
VisTec programme, was used Carlos Angulo is a Process Engineer at Development Specialist in the Baker
by Repsol’s process and opera- Repsol Tarragona refinery, Spain. He has Petrolite Industrial Technology Group
nine years’ experience in monitoring, of Baker Hughes in Europe, specialising
tion engineers to identify and
troubleshooting, simulation and in refinery process fouling control.
apply best practices specific to
revamping projects in refining processes, He has 12 years’ experience in asph
their visbreaker unit while criti- including crude and vacuum distillation, altene-related problems in refining, and
cally controlling fouling rates. visbreaking and hydrocracking, and has a holds a degree in industrial chemistry
degree in chemical engineering from the from Milan University, Italy. He is a
VisTec is a trademark of Baker Hughes University of Tarragona, Spain. registered professional chemist in Italy
Incorporated. Email: and an inventor of two US patents.
Aleixandre Soriano is a Process Engineer Email:
References at Repsol Tarragona refinery. He has
1 Spanu U, Sesselego A, Respini M, Jones five years’ experience in monitoring,
G J, Avoiding foul play, Hydrocarbon troubleshooting and simulation in refining
Engineering, Nov 2006. processes, including crude and vacuum
2 Delil A A M, Tutorial on Single- and Two- distillation, visbreaking and isomerization More articles from the following
Component Two-Phase Flow and Heat units. He holds a degree in chemical categories:
Transfer: Commonality and Difference, engineering from the Polytechnic Process Modelling & Simulation
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, The University of Valencia, Spain. Visbreaking
Netherlands. Email:

8 Q1 2011

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