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Year 7 DT
Table of Contents

Recipe Card Ingredients list

01 This is the recipe that 02 The ingredients
we will be cooking. needed for our meal.

Method of working Final dish

03 The ways to make our 04 The end-product.
Pesto Pasta
It is a healthy meal
for all.

02 Ingredients
Ingredients List

Sweet Basil 2 Packets

Kale 1/2 A Packet

Spinach 1/2 A Packet

Garlic 2 Cloves

Sea Salt To Taste

Black Pepper To Taste

Pine Nuts/ Hazelnuts 30g

Olive Oil 4 Tablespoon

Cheddar Cheese 20g

03 Method of Working

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Blend Cheddar Then add the garlic Add in Salt & Black Pepper for
Cheese & Pine Nuts with Sweet Basil, Kale taste, drizzle with olive oil & top it
& Spinach of with kombu powder.
03 Method of Working

Step 4
Cook the pasta, drain it and add in the sauce.
Final dish Pesto
This is a healthy yet delicious

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