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Supergurumi presents

The Minion Bookmark

Pattern, Idea and Design

by Jonas Matthies (
COPYRIGHT: The Copyright for this pattern and the included instructions lays with Super-
gurumi. ( Re-) Sale, transfer, reproduction and publication of the manual (incl. translations or
amendments ), including publication on the Internet is prohibited.
SALE: The finished crochet creations by these instructions are yours and may be sold (not
mass production). Respect the Designer, the creative work and time that went into creating
this pattern and give a link and a note back to Supergurumi, thanks.

Content Materials Techniques

• Page 1: The Minion Head • Yarn colors: Yellow yarn for the • Magic Ring

• Page 2: The Minion Body body, black yarn for the gloves, • Chain Stitch

• Page 3: The Minion Arms shoes and ribbon, blue for the • Slip Stitch

• Page 4: Continuation 1: The pants and grey for the glasses. • Single Crochet Stitch (SC)

Minion Body • 2.5 mm metric Crochet Hook • Half Double Crochet Stitch

• Page 4: The Minion Suspenders • Blunt Tapestry Needle • Increase

• Page 6: Continuation 2: The • Scissor and Polyfill • Decrease

Minion Body • 12 mm diameter Wiggly Eyes • Sewing / Weave In

• Page 6: The Minion Legs • This pattern was crocheted us- • Crocheting in Continuous

• Page 7: The Minion Glasses ing the “Schachenmayr Catania” Rounds

• Page 7: Finish the Minion Book- yarn in the following colors: • Crocheting in Rows

mark sonne/canary (# 208), schwarz/ • Color Change

black (# 110), ocean/mallard

(Nr. 400), silber/silver (# 172)

Have Fun Crocheting!

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 0

Crochet Pattern
IMPORTANT: This pattern is crocheted in spiral/continuous rounds, that means you continue
crocheting round for round unless the instructions says otherwise. Because of that, always
work a marker of any kind in the first stitch of each new round, to always know when a round
begins and/or ends.

round. (30 stitches)

The Minion 6. - 8. Round: 3 rounds, each round

30 SC. (30 stitches)
9. - 10. Round: Color change to the
black yarn. 2 rounds, each round
INFO: 30 SC. (30 stitches)
If you do not like to sew crocheted 11. Round: 1 SC. Color change to
pieces together you will love this the yellow yarn. 29 SC. (30 stitches)
pattern. Except for the glasses START AND COLOR: 12. - 16. Round: 5 rounds, each
everything on this Amigurumi is You start making a Magic Ring using round 30 SC. (30 stitches)
crocheted in one piece. The head the yellow yarn. 17. Round: [ 3 SC, SC 4th and 5th
of the Minion is crocheted in spiral stitch together. ] Repeat from [ to ]
rounds with single crochet stitches. CROCHET PATTERN: till end of round. (24 stitches)
The head is closed after finishing 1. Round: 6 SC into Magic Ring. (6 18. Round: [ 2 SC, SC 3rd and 4th
with single crochet stitches. stitches) stitch together. ] Repeat from [ to ]
2. Round: [ 2 SC into each stitch. ] till end of round. (18 stitches)
Repeat from [ to ] till end of round. 19. Round: Fill the head with a
(12 stitches) good amount of polyfill before
3. Round: [ 1 SC, 2 SC into next closing it. Close the head. Press
stitch. ] Repeat from [ to ] till end of the opening of the head together
round. (18 stitches) so that both rows of stitches lay
4. Round: 1 SC. 2 SC into next parallel to each other while the last
stitch. [ 2 SC, 2 SC into next stitch. ] crocheted stitch is the most right
Repeat from [ to ] 5 times. 1 SC. (24 one.
5. Round: [ 3 SC, 2 SC into next
stitch. ] Repeat from [ to ] till end of

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 1

The Minion
Continue crocheting the Minion
Body with the yellow thread you

Now stitch the hook through the Repeat this for all other stitches used for crocheting and closing the

next stitch AND the stitch directly except the most right and left head. The body is crocheted in rows

opposite that first stitch (but not stitch. Always stitch through the with single crochet stitches. The

the last stitch you crocheted), yarn next stitch AND the stitch directly arms, legs and the body are cro-

over, pull the yarn through both opposite that first stitch. The head cheted in one piece, that is why you

stitches and crochet 1 SC. should be closed with a total of 8 should NEVER cut the yarn except

stitches. DON’T cut the yarn but the pattern is telling you to do so.

continue to crochet with the pat-

tern “The Minion Body”. But first
crochet 1 chain stitch and turn. (8


Continue crocheting with the yel-
low thread you used to close the

1. Row: 2 SC into next stitch. 6 SC.
2 SC into next stitch. 1 chain stitch
and turn. (10 stitches)
2. Row: 10 SC. DON’T cut the yarn
and continue crocheting the pattern

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 2

“The Minion Arms“. (10 stitches)

The Minion
Always crochet this pattern when
you need to crochet a Minion arm. 4. Step: 1st Finger: 1 half double
Both arms are crocheted the same crochet into the 3rd stitch from the
way. NEVER cut the yarn used crochet hook. 1 half double crochet
for crocheting an arm except the into each of the next two stitches.
pattern says so because you usually
conitnue to crochet the body with
the same thread.

7. Step: You finished crocheting 3

fingers and one loop is on the hook.
Now stitch through the stitch left
from the crochet hook between
finger #3 (the finger you crocheted
5. - 6. Step: [ 5 chain stitches. 1 half
last) and finger #2 (the finger next
double crochet into 3rd stitch from
to finger #3), yarn over and pull
crochet hook. 1 half double crochet
the yarn through. Repeat this for
START AND COLOR: into each of the next two stitches. ]
the stitch between finger #2 and
Continue crocheting with the yel- Repeat from [ to ] 2 times. You have
#1 (the first crocheted finger) and
low thread you used to crochet the now a total of 3 fingers.
last for the stitch left from the first
finger. You should have 4 loops on
your hook.
1. Step: Crochet 10 chain stitches.
(10 stitches)
2. Step: Yarn over the black yarn
and pull it through the loop on your
crochet hook.
3. Step: Crochet 7 chain stitches.

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 3

10. Step: 9 SC along the chain from 2. Row: 3 SC into the 1st stitch on
Step 1. DON’T cut the yarn and con- the body. 1 SC. Color change to
tinue to crochet the pattern “Con- blue. 5 SC. Leave a long blue thread
tinuation 1: The Minion Body”. from the first and last crocheted
stitch using the blue yarn. These
blue threads are used to stitch the
suspenders onto the body. Color
change to yellow. 2 SC. DON’T cut
the yellow yarn.

Continuation 1:
8. Step: Yarn over and pull the yarn The Minion
through all 4 loops.

The Minion
Continue crocheting with the yel-
low yarn.
CROCHET PATTERN: You now crochet the suspenders
1. Row: 3 SC into the 1st stitch on onto the body. If you prefer to fin-
9. Step: 1 half double crochet into the body. 9 SC along the body. ish the Minion body first, do so and
each of the next 2 stitches on the 2. Arm: DON’T cut the yarn and get back to this step after you are
chain from Step 3. Color change to crochet again the pattern “The done. To create the suspenders we
the yellow yarn. Minion Arms” for the 2nd arm. After have to slip stitch the blue thread
finishing the 2nd arm continue cro- ONTO the body. This technique is
cheting this pattern with Row 2. applicable to many crochet projects
to add easy and beautifull looking
designs and patterns.

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 4

Start with the left suspenders, seen 1st loop. You just crocheted your should have left and right one sus-
from your perspective (the front first slip stitch ONTO the body. pender, from the blue part of the
side of the minion is the side that pants going diagonally to the edge
shows no transition on the black of the body. Leave the yarn as it is
ribbon going around the head). to weave in later. Continue crochet-
Stitch through the most left blue ing the pattern “Continuation 2: The
stitch, yarn over the blue thread on Minion Body”.
the backside and pull it through the
stitch. You have now 1 loop on your
crochet hook.

Continuation 2:
Continue this till you have a com-
The Minion
plete diagonal-left suspender that
starts at the blue part of the pants
to the edge of the body. The last
slip stitch has to be crocheted OVER START AND COLOR:
the edge of the yellow body part. Continue with last used yellow
thread on the body.

Stitch now through the stitch CROCHET PATTERN:

diagonal-left from the first stitch 3. Row: 1 chain stitch and turn. 2
you pulled the first blue thread SC. Color change to blue. 5 SC. Col-
through. Again yarn over the blue or change to yellow. 2 SC. 1 chain
thread on the backside and pull it stitch and turn. (9 stitches)
through. You have now 2 loops on 4. Row: 2 SC. Color change to blue.
your hook. Pull the 2nd loop (the Repeat the same technique for the 5 SC. Color change to yellow. 2 SC.
one closer to the hook) through the righ suspender. When finished you Color change to blue. 1 chain stitch

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 5

and turn. (9 stitches) half double crochet from Step 4. 1
5. Row: 2 SC into the next stitch. 7 SC on the body.
SC. 2 SC into the next stitch. 1 chain Finish: Finally cut the yarn and
stitch and turn. (11 stitches) weave in all the leftover threads.
6. - 60. Row: 55 rows, each row
11 SC, 1 chain stitch and turn. 55
The Minion
rows created the perfect size for
my books (normal sizes) while
using the “Schachenmayr Catania”
and a 2.5 mm crochet hook so that INFO:
the Minion head and arms where The Minion glasses are crocheted
poking out from the top of the in spiral rounds with single crochet
book and the legs poking out from stitches. In Round 3 you have to
the bottom. Test the length of the crochet only into the back loop.
bookmark by putting it inside your The back loop is the loop laying in
books and adjust the lenght to your the rear of the two loops forming
needs by crocheting more rows for START AND COLOR: the top of a stitch. Crochet a total
a longer bookmark or by crocheting Continue crocheting with the blue of 2 glasses. If you want you can
less rounds for a shorter bookmark. thread. also crochet a single glass since
(11 stitches) one-eyedness seems to be a nor-
61. Row: SC 1st and 2nd stitch CROCHET PATTERN: mal thing to be in the world of the
together. 7 SC. SC 10th and 11th 1. Step: 1 SC. 3 chain stitches. Yarn Minions.
stitch toegether. 1 chain stitch and over the black yarn and pull it
turn. (9 stitches) through the loop on your hook.
62. Reihe: SC 1st and 2nd stitch 2. Step: 5 chain stitches. 1 half dou-
together. 5 SC. SC 8th and 9th stitch ble crochet into the 3rd stitch from
together. 1 chain stitch and turn. (7 the crochet hook. 1 half double cro-
stitches) chet. 3 half double crochet into the
Finish: DON’T cut the yarn! Con- next stitch. Color change to blue.
tinue crocheting the pattern “The 3. Step: 2 SC along the chain from
Minion Legs“. Step 1. 1 SC into the SC from Step 1. START AND COLOR:
1 half double crochet on the body. You start making a Magic Ring using

The Minion 4. Step: 3 slip stitches. 1 chain the silver yarn.

stitch. 1 half double crochet into the
next stitch. 3 chain stitches. Color CROCHET PATTERN:
change to black. 1. Round: 6 SC into Magic Ring. (6
INFO: 5. Step: 6 chain stitches. 1 half dou- stitches)
The legs are the end part of the ble crochet into the 3rd stitch from 2. Round: [ 2 SC into each stitch. ]
Minion body. Continue crocheting the crochet hook. 3 half doube Repeat from [ to ] till end of round.
with the same blue thread that you crochet. 2 SC into the next stitch on (12 stitches)
used for the body and DON’T cut it. the chain from Step 5. 1 SC into the 3. Round: Crochet 12 SC ONLY into

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 6

the back loop. (12 stitches) shape that you want the mouth to
4. Round: Crochet 12 SC. (12 stitch- look like and stitch through a stitch
es) where the mouth is supposed to
5. Round: Crochet ONLY 1 slip end. Repeat this for the same line
stitch to even out the end. or do more and different angles to
Finish: Cut the yarn generously and form the mouth you want on your
leave long tail for sewing. Minion. After finish stitching your
mouth let the needle escape again

Finishing the through the back of the head pull

the thread tight and cut it close to

Minion Bookmark the head to let it dissapear inside

the head.
After finish crocheting the book- I choosed a very unhappy look for
mark body and the glasses it is my Minion (i can imagine being
time to sew them together, stitch a squeezed between book pages is
mouth and add the hair. not that happy of a situation) but
you are free to choose whatever
Glasses: The front of the Minion is facial expression you like.
the side where there is no ragged
color change on the black ribbon.
Sew the two (or one) glasses with
their flat bottom part and close to
each other onto the black ribbon.
After sewing the glasses onto the
head put glue on the backside of
the wiggly eyes and push 1 wiggly
eye for each glass deep into the
crocheted glass. Use the pictures
as guidance to position the glasses
Mouth: Next we stitch the mouth
onto the Minion face. Take a black
yarn and your tapestry needle
and stitch through the back of Hair: The haircut is the same as
the Minion head with the tapestry the mouth, it is a matter of choice
needly holding the black yarn. Let what kind of hairstyle you whish for
the needle escape on the font side your Minion. There are a couple of
of the Minion face through a stitch very typical Minion hairstyles, the
that will be part of the mouth. Draw “Palm” is a bundle of hairs in of the
the black thread over the face in a middle of the head. The “Dexter”,

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 7

a hairstyle with hair that lays from
the middle to the left and right side
of the head in an orderly fashion or
the “Wild” haircut with unordered
hairs spread over the whole head. I
choosed the last one but all of them
are similarly done, feel free to try
out your own and new hairstyles.
And finished is your own personal
The “Wild” Hairstyle. Take again the Minion crochet bookmark, congrat-
tapestry needle and a single black ulations and enjoy reading!
thread. Stitch the tapestry needle
holding one black thread through
a stitch on top of the head where
you want a hair to be placed. Let
the needle escape through another
stitch on the top of the head where
another hair is supposed to be
placesd. Leave the thread so that
from both stitches you stitched

through a hair is poking out. Repeat
this with another thread and create
2 more hairs. When you are happy
with the placement of the hair cut
them to a equal hight or leave them If you have questions to this pattern,
as they are. looking for more crochet patterns,
tutorials, tips and tricks, visit the
official Supergurumi Website:

Copyright © Supergurumi
Jonas Matthies

© Crochet Pattern: The Minion Bookmark 8

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