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Yiensi: Hello gays, how are yu?

Viviann: Hello Yiensi, I'm fine, how are you?

Yiensi: Will, zenkiu, cuk yu till mi about yur deily rutin?

Viviann: Yes, of course. In the morning, I get up at 7:00 and brush my teeth. Then I prepare my
breakfast and go to university. In the afternoon, I have lunch with my friends in the cafeteria
and do my homework. I don't work. Finally, at night, I prepare my dinner and usually read a
book. Then, at 10 pm, I go to sleep.

Stefany: Viviann, do you study at Los Olivos?

Viviann: Yes, I study at Los Olivos.

Stefany: Ok, now I will talk about my daily routine. In the morning, I take a shower and get
dressed, then at 7 a.m. I take a taxi to go to the university. I don't take the bus. In the
afternoon, I have lunch and at 5 p.m. I walk in the park. At night, I don't have dinner. I do my
homework and watch TV for a while.

Viviann: Stefany, what time do you finish your classes at university?

Stefany: I finish my classes at 2 pm. And Yiensi, what is your daily routine?

Yiensi: I get ap at eith ei em tu get redy, dhen ai hav breakfast and get redy tu gu yuniversity.
In da afternoon, ai get hom, hav lanch at zrui pi em,end watch TIVI tu entretein mai self. At
night, ai usualy don't hav dinner. ai exersais from eigt pi em tu nain pi em, dhen ai shawer, end
finaly, ai gu tu slip at ileven pi em.

Stefany: Yiensi, what time do your classes start?

Yiensi: Mai classes start at nain ei em.

Viviann: Oh, okay Yiensi, thanks for sharing your daily routine with us. Guys, I have to go now.

Stefany: Bye Viviann, take care, see you later!

Yiensi: Bai, it was nais tolking tu yu.

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