Deity Standards

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Yesterday, we got the Deity standards from HG Revatipati Prabhu.

Also, we talked with HG Rasavigraha Prabhu today regarding home standards.

1] Waking up Standards: They are simple - we can have at a fixed time in the

2] Offering Standards:
HG Rasavigraha Prabhu mentioned that they have three times offerings for the
Deities - 10 am, in the afternoon, and 6 pm in the evening.
For VOICE, one concern comes in here -
For the morning offering, it will have to be done during the SB class - one devotee
has to partially miss the SB class for the offering.

Normally, we do offering in a different altar while mangal arati is going on. So one
devotee partially misses the mangal arati in that case. And we can’t delay as students
have college and other things.

Another alternative suggested by him - we can make an alternative standard for the
morning - offering of milk and fruits daily- that can be after the morning program
to the Deities. But then additional service will come to one devotee.

3] Offering Arati: That gets included in the daily Deity worship that we do.

4] Bathing and Dressing:

HG Rasavigraha P said they do Deity dressing anywhere in between a span of one
week to two weeks.
As they have Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, they do mirror abhisheka only on
Their appearance day.
In the night, they remove the Deities jewellery only daily.
I checked for Gaura Nitai - he said once a week or 15 days bathing is ok. Dressing can
be done once or twice a week.
He said – Manas puja can also be done – idam asanam, idam arghyam etc.
I also found a reference:
SP Letter - 20th June - 1973
Regarding your questions about Gaura Nitai Deity worship: Yes, it is all
right Gaura Nitai may wear turbans as well as crowns. You ask what they
may wear in the evening—they can wear different dresses or night clothing
just as Krsna is dressed. Make a small symbolical bed and give Them rest in
that way. Bathe the Deities mentally by mantra and not by pouring upon

The following is mentioned in Deity Manual:

Following this is very difficult for VOICE.

But in homes also generally, this standard is difficult to follow by those who
are having Deities.
Most of them follow the above standards only – once in 15 days.

5] Resting:

Following is mentioned in the Manual:

Rasavigraha P said that they only remove the jewellery of Deities in the night. No
condensed milk offering is made.
For VOICE, it may be become difficult – when preaching happens offline.

Another thought (of mine)– If Gaura Nitai are there, we can have a standard of
shayan kirtans daily.

SP – Letter to Govardhana – 15th February, 1975 - Regarding Rudra dasa, he

can worship Gaura-Nitai in his home. The most important element for their
worship is the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra. They can have at least
one arati and whatever foodstuffs are prepared can be offered.

Some other considerations:

What if festivals are there?
Rasavigraha P gave reference of HH Radhanath Maharaj giving a talk in
Jahnava Mataji’s house – During festivals, all home Deities should rest, and
all devotees should go to temple, because the home Deities are representative
of the Temple Deities.

What if IYF meetings are there?

If devotees go Saturday night to temple for Sunday morning program, then he
said same can be followed – We can keep dry fruits for the Deities, and put
Them to rest.
He said same can be followed if you are going for book distribution in the
morning itself – have a dry fruits offering – because that is a more important
service to Deities. And ours is a preaching centre, not a Deity worship centre.

What if we are going out for some days?

In that case, we can give to some grhastha devotee as you said yesterday.
Rasavigraha P also mentioned that sometimes all are going for yatras – in that
case, you have to just put Them to rest, and keep a box of dry fruits for Them.

Some references from Shrila Prabhupada:

SP – Morning Walk – Melbourne, May 22, 1975

Devotee (8): Çréla Prabhupäda, many people who live outside the temple have
Jagannätha deities and Gaura-Nitäi Deities.
Prabhupäda: Hmm?
Devotee (8): Many people who live outside the temple have Jagannätha deities and...
Prabhupäda: Better Gaura-Nitäi Deities.
Devotee (8): Huh?
Prabhupäda: Better Gaura-Nitäi.
Devotee (8): So they have to do full Deity worship when they have these Deities?
Prabhupäda: Hmm?
Devotee (8): So they have to do full Deity worship to have these Deities? Dress the
Deities every day?
Prabhupäda: They are supposed to do so, but whether they are able to do so, that is
the point. If you can worship properly, that's all right. But whether you are able to

SP – Letter to Sudama – 26th January, 1973 - Calcutta

You have my sanction to take with you Gaura Nitai deities. Carefully worship
Them, attending to Them with regular aratis and bhoga offerings. Be very careful
to maintain a strict standard of worship, and whenever you arrive at a temple you
can place the Deity on the altar.

76-10 “There is nothing mystical about getting Gaura-Nitai Deities for worshiping.
The Lord is all powerful and omnipresent, He knows the heart of the devotee and
reciprocates with the devotee accordingly. So now the Lord has come to your home
and agreed to be worshiped by you, therefore everything should be clean and neat.
Nice prasadam should be offered regularly and distributed to guests. Kirtana may
be performed morning and evening and some discussion from Bhagavad-gita As It
Is, or other books from our publications.” (SPL to Sacimata Prabhu, 15th October,

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