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Shot Peening

Designer's guide to the process, its applications,

EVELOPED in the late twenties, shot peen-

D ing was discovered by accident. A small
batch of automobile valve springs behaved
are shot peened. Without shot peeni,ng, these parts
would have to be 30 to 50 per cent heavier, in-
creasing the weight of an automobile by as much
much better than expected under test. Investiga- as several hundred pounds. The weight savings
tion revealed that they had been shot blasted to made possible by use of shot-peened parts are
improve the surface. This discovery led to com- of great importance in the aircraft industry for
mercial development of the process, although up to engine parts, propellers, landing gear, and similar
the start of the second world war the process was items subject to repeated loading. Other i,ndus-
confined almost exclusively to automotive parts tries requiring a high strength to weight ratio, such
such as springs, gears, and axles. During the war, as the oil industry, also rely heavily on shot
pressing need for higher performance without in- peening. An important recent development is shot
creased weight caused rapid development of the peening of ultrahigh-strength steels for improved
shot-peening process. fatigue-life characteristics.
Today in the automotive industry, all chassis In its initial stages, shot peening was a more
and valve springs, and many gears and shafts, or less haphazard variation of shot blasting. It has




g 80

f 60
c Fig. 1 - Safe fatigue-life
40 ranges for coil springs 0f
various materials, indi-
cating increased life avail-
20 able with shot peening
Phosphor Beryllium S-816 18·8 13-2
Bronze Copper Superalloy Stainless Steel Stainless Steel

Not peened

Peened only outside
Peened oll over
I Fig. 2-Effect of different
Stress peened all over I shot-peening treatments
on fatigue life of latch
I I springs
5 10 15 20 25
Life Cycles I lOOOnl


Metal Improvement Co.
Los Angeles, Calif.

its effects, and how and where to specify it.

now become exact, making it possible to issue spring materials, Fig. 1; for steel springs, increases
standard specifications and obtain repeatable re- of over 70 per cent have been reported. 1 Leaf
sults. springs were among the early applications and
considerable data are available.
Full improvement in spring life is obtained after
a peening treatment of 2 minutes; further peening,
Fatigue-Life Improvement up to 20 minutes, does not further improve the
fatigue life. More significant improvements are
Principal use of shot peening is to increase fatigue obtained by peening springs while they are held
life of cyclically stressed parts. The earliest ap- in the strained or loaded position. For example.,
plication (and still largest in terms of volume) is an actual improvement quoted ( compared to a
spring treatment. Favorable results are obtained 5000-cycle life of an untreated spring) is 100,000
on coil springs in a great variety of materials. cycles for a peened spring and up to 1 million
Fatigue-strength increase of 70 to 1~0 per cent
can be expected from nonferrous or high-alloy 1 References are tabulated at end of article.

Shot velocity and shot
size correct


StlOt veloclty and I 01

shot size too small

Ti me

Fis. A - Almen peenins·intensicy Fig. B-Increase of curvature of

pges checkins curvature of WI· Almen test strip with increase in
peened (left) and peened (risht) peening time.

Almen-Intensity Notation
Standard method of specifying shot-peening For a steel strip 0.075 wide by 0.051 in.
intensity is by Almen numbers. The numbers thick, with b measured over a chord length
indicate the arc height ( or curvature) of a of 1.25 in., this equation gives M as 1270 in.·
steel strip which has been exposed on one side lb; for a typical value of b - 0.014 in., this
to the same shot-peening treatment as the part would be equivalent to a bending moment
for which the treatment is specified. Such of 17.8
strips, Fig. A, are made of spring steel in two In actual fact, the bending moment is pro·
standard thicknesses-0.051 in. for A scale, duced by a layer that is a few thousandths of
0.094 in. for C scale. Their standard hardness an inch in thickness, but to obtain some idea
is Rockwell C 47 ± 3. of the forces involved, the force P, the re·
Specification of an Almen intensity always sultant of the residual stress, is considered to
implies that peening must be carried out to be concentrated on the surface. Then, P -
saturation. The arc height increases with time 2M/t, where t is the thickness. In the exam·
of peening up to a limiting value, Fig. B. The ple given, and converted to a strip-width of
same arc height obtained by a shorter time 1 in., P - 935 lb/in. Generally, for a deflec·
of potentially more intense peening corre· tion b of the test strip, the surface force per
sponds to a spotty distribution of residual inch of width is P - 66,000b lb.
stresses and to less increase in fatigue life.
Curvature of the test strip is used to meas·
me intensity of the shot stream. In a peened Table 1-Recommended Peening
Intensity for Steel
strip, when b is the arc height in in. and c
is the chord length in in., the bending mo·
ment, M, can be obtained by M - 8Elb/c2
( In. )
(A. Bc&le)

ff to ... 0.003 to 0.009

in.-lb, E and l being the modulus of elasticity ... to " 0.007 to O.OH
over '6 0.012 minimum
and the moment of inertia of the section.

cycles for a strain-peened spring.2 Spring lif e improvement is particularly important

Localized peening may merely shif t location of for aircraft springs. In one instance, replacement of
failure, as shown by a series of tests on a C-shaped an unpeened spring by a str ess-peened spring re·
spr ing, Fig. 2.a Unpeened springs failed on t he sulted in a weight saving of over 40 lb, achieved
outside. When peened on the outside, t hey failed by reduction in size of the spring and supporting
on the inside; peening all over resulted in in- par ts. 4
creased life. In addition to springs, many parts subject to

alternating stresses, particularly on aircraft equip- SHOT PEENING
ment, are shot peened. Exhaust stacks, Fig. 3,
have an odd shape and are thin material, yet im-
provement gained by shot peening is maintained
even at working temperatures. Piston wrist pins
are shot peened on the inside by special nozzles.
Peening of axle shafts, Fig. 4, increases the en-
durance limit more than 100 per cent.5 Cold
straightening is very damaging to the fatigue life,
so shot peening is used to overcome these harmful

Peening Hard Steel

Very interesting results are achieved by peening
hard steel, Fig. 5. Without peening, fatigue Fig. 3-Aircraft-engine exhaust stack, shot
strength reaches approximately 70,000 psi max at peened for improvement of fatigue life under
alternating stresses at elevated temperatures
about Rockwell C 42 hardness.6 Fatigue strength
of unpeened parts does not increase with increasing
hardness, while fatigue strength of peened parts
increases proportionately with hardness up to
140,000 psi at Rockwell C 53.6 •7 By using shot- for landing gears is rendered harmless by shot
peened hard steels, the designer can achieve greater peening, Fig 6. Mozley states, "It appears safer
static and fatigue strengths without danger of to permit some decarburization and peen the part,
brittleness. rather than risk surface carburization". 8 Further
Surface decarburization is a danger when using results are given by some fatigue tests on very
high-strength steel parts. Loss of fatigue strength, hard springs, quenched to a hardness of Rockwell
following even partial decarburization, is well C 62 and not drawn, Fig. 7. Without peening, these
known. Restoration of lost fatigue strength by shot springs had a very low fatigue life; with peening
peening is very effective. Up to 0.040 in. depth of they lasted longer than peened springs of the
partial decarburization on ultrahigh-strength steel highest commercial hardness.0

• • Production shafts peened with
• No.28 shot (0.018 to 0.024 in. ¢1
Arc height 0.012A 2 - Series C
...... • •• .. o Not straightened - Series B
'· ' 19
• Straightened - Series A

Fig. 4 - Fatigue-test

' ...--~+r---~l---i--- -- ·--
Shot peened
data for axle shafts, 8 Note: Points with arrow
indicating effects indicate no failure
of peening after stress plotted for
straightening top of taper

- c -

, ..r--...._.
'· 'Q,,

• .- . .

........ ' ....



--Not straic;ihtened
" T
- • ----- " -:.±.±,:r -- i5 ~
ID - -t -1 ~

5 7 10 50 70 100 500
Revolutions (100,000n)

February 6, 1958 119

O Unpeenod short
@ Peened shaft
C) Unpeened, scratched plole
O Peened,scrotched plate


-~ SOl--~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--,i,,~~---:7""-,c;._~ ~ t-~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ -t-


0 100 200 300 Fig. G- Aitcuit landing-gear

Tensllo Strength ( 1OOOpsl l
part of ulm1high-suength
32 43 50 56 steel is shot peened to over-
Hardness ( Rockwell Cl come effects of decarburiza-
Fig. 5- Fatigue limit as a function of hardness for
peened and unpeened specimens

Shot peening is used successfully to overcome grinding, the damage can be entirely overcome
dangers of surface damage in vital components and beneficial effects of shot peening achieved.
such as propellers. 1 Steel specimens were shot Severe grinding with shot peening gives an en-
peened and then hit by glass splinters to produce durance limit 40 per cent higher than gentle grind-
surface scratches about 0.005-in. deep. Fatigue ing without shot peening, while severe grinding
limits of peened and unpeened parts, plotted over alone lowers the endurance about 30 per cent below
depth of the compressively stressed skin produced that of gentle grinding, Fig. 9.11
by peening, Fig. 8, show that prior peening main- Plating by itself or plating on ground surfaces,
tains the fatigue limit of the part ( even after sur- may also produce damage that can be completely
face damage has occurred) above the fatigue limit overcome by peening before plating, Fig. 10.12
of the unpeened, undamaged part. Results of tests Landing-gear parts, Fig 5, are chrome plated after
on specimens heat treated to various hardnesses, shot peening so that cracks which form in the
Fig. 5, follow the trend previously established, i.e., chrome do not propagate into the steel and cannot
as steel hardness increases, effect of shot peening harm fatigue life of the part.
on fatigue strength becomes more pronounced.
This effect is particularly noticeable with the higher
hardness ranges.
Most applications of shot peening in the past Effect of Peening
were concerned only with increased fatigue dura-
bility. Shot peening can be used in a much wider
field to obtain higher static strength, as well as Benefits of shot peening result in part from work-
better fatigue resistance, by application to steel hardening of susceptible material, such as stain-
parts that are so hard they would be brittle without less steel, but mainly from presence of residual
peening. With further development of this tech- compressive stresses produced by the treatment.
nique, great savings of cost, as well as of weight If only one side of a sheet or strip is treated, the
and space, will result. Grossman showed that the effect is readily visible because the compressed
brittle-transition temperature was 60 F lower and side tries to expand and, in doing so, bends the part.
the permissible strain-rate 20 times higher on shot- This bendiing induces a small compressive stress
peened specimens than on otherwise equal speci- on the untreated side so that equilibrium of forces
mens without peening.10 and bending moments in the cross section is
Grinding may damage the fatigue life of hard established.
materials. Extent of damage depends on severity of Careful removal of layers and observation of
the grinding operation. By shot peening after changes in curvature permit distribution of re-


sidual stresses to be determined. Distribution of SHOT PEEN ING
residual stress measured in this manner on shot-
peened carburized steel, spring steel, and aluminum
is shown in Fig. 11. Difference in intensity cor-
responds to difference in depth of the compressively
0Nol peened
stressed skin; peak stress and surface stress de- .;
.Peened 0 6
pend on the material-not on intensity. Peak 0
o. 4 ex perimen1ol 32 produclion
hard springs springs
stress slightly below the surface is typical of the 0
0 res red res red
distribution shown by many similar measurements. :: 4
:: Moa
In general, on materials that do not strain harden ~
substantially, maximum residual stress is around :? 2
::; Av.,
half the static yield strength of the material.
Where strain hardening is a factor, residual stress 0 -~ ";·
Hordness, Rockwell C 61-63 61-63 52-53
may be higher and may depend on peening intens- Cold Pressed No No Yes
ity. Residual stress will also be higher when peen- Peening lnlensity
Hol Pressed 50 Times at
- - 0 .012A
575 F
ing is done with the material under strain. Re- 300F 300 F

sidual stress can then reach the static yield strength

Peening Intensity - 0 . 018 A
Draw Na No To Hordness
of the material. Operolions arranged In sequence,

Fig. 7-Effect of shot peening on

springs quenched to brittle hardness
and not drawn
Relation Between Residual Stress and Fatigue
Life: Theoretical explanation of benefits obtained 100
by shot peening and similar treatments depends
upon relation between residual stress and fatigue
sc atched specimens
life. Since fatigue failures are cracks and cracks
never open unless adjacent particles are pulled
apart, it may be assumed that cracks cannot start
i ~ r-.
in a compressed layer, nor propogate into it. /
Detailed research shows to what extent this
hypothesis is true. 13 Results of fatigue tests, with
3 70
I Polished p/renl material ( not peened l

-·- __J_ -- --- ---
the permissible-stress range plotted over the mean I!
stress, indicate that the permissible-stress range
increases in going from tensile average stress to
...!! 60
compressive average stress, Fig. 12. Recent work 1
based on best available test data, indicates fatigue Material 4340
Hordness Re 41:!:2
is a function of alternating shear stress and average
normal (compressive or tensile) stress, and that
permissible range of alternating stress increases 40
0 0 .010 0020 0.030
as average stress becomes more compressive a,nd Depth of Compressive Loyer (in.)
decreases as average stress becomes more tensile.1 4 Fig. 8-Fatigue limit plotted against
This relation for tension and compression is shown depth of compressive layer produced
in Fig. 13. Increase of permissible alternating by peening. Specimens scratched after
stress, when the average stress is compressive, is


-~ 100
Fig. 9 - Fatigue
strength of ground 0
and peened bars .5?
~ 80


' '--
- - - - Se vere gri nd plu s shot peen
- - - - Gentle grind
- - - Severe gri nd
40 O.QI 0.1 10 100
Cycl es to Failure (milli ons )

February 6. 1958 1?1

indicated by slope of the cross-hatched area upward when tensile stress reaches a limit value. Treat-
on the compressive side and downward on the ten- ment must then permit a high shear stress with a
sile side. This area encloses large numbers of test low tensile stress-this is done by providing com-
points taken from the most reliable of the test pressive prestress. The same stress acting inside
results. a part is less dangerous than when it acts at the
Peening overcomes brittleness because plastic surface, because the surface is subjected to dam-
deformation necessary to produce small local ad- aging influences from minute imperfections, traces
justments can take place only if the shear stress of corrosion, cracks, and lack of cohesion. 15
has a value sufficiently high. Cracking will occur
Yield Strength Effects: Residual stresses (like
any other stresses) remain as long as total stress
(load stress plus residual stress) has not exceeded
yield strength. Yield strength for repeated loading
70~-~--,---,-----,-----=--.--;--=---;-----.---, is lower than the statically measured yield strength
by 25 to 40 per cent, as shown by the well-known
~ =:: 60 ~--l--l~~--f-~'*-~::i===i=~~"l"""ill
~ ~50
settling of springs, Fig. 14, and by published test
084of----t----t----i---"t~~~~~:::;;;;;;;;j;;;j:!:;;i These considerations explain why shot peening
.!: Q
E- and similar treatments based on residual stresses
~ 301Lo_4_ __.____.10_5_ _.._~1o~s---'-~10~1-__.~ become less effective for higher ranges of alter-
Stress Cycles, Rotating Beom nating stress and must lose their effectiveness
when the stress range reaches twice the dynamic
Fig. IO-Fatigue strength of chrome· yield strength. Under such conditions, residual
plated steel, peened and unpeened
stress would disappear and only the effect of strain
hardening would remain. Testing will, therefore,
fail to show benefits from peening if test stresses
Spring S tee l
,o ~ ~~~.---,
Corb ur,zed Stee l Al uminum Al loy 70 75-TS are appreciably higher than service stresses.
I I I J, Practical solution to such limitations is, of course,
I --l _ . I ) I }.7 1
- 01-+..,....""-t"-+-+---, ;, found by using material of higher yield strength,
LJ-L.r 11
~ 40 - /+--+'-+-+-t--i -t-f I I
- f-

such as very hard steels.
Heat may lower yield strength and thus diminish
or destroy effect of residual stresses. For spring
I' I Alme n l nl ensit y
steel tested at high stress ranges, benefit of shot
1, 1 - - 0.002 c
,: I ---- 0 .010 c peening remains fully effective up to 500 F and
I I I partially effective up to 800 F. 18 For other mate-
0 0 .010 0020 0030 a 0010 0020 0030 o 0010 0020 0030
rials and other stress ranges, results are different,
Oeplh Bero ...- Su rf ac e { 1n.)
depending on effect of temperature on dynamic
............. Fig. 11-Distribution of residual stress yield strength.
. . . . . . . . in spring steel, carburized steel, and
Plastic Deformation from Peening: Residual
stresses produced by shot peening result from
plastic deformation produced by the shot striking

0"' 0 .7
::::, 0.6
0 .9


I r\

\%-C· ~·
1~· ~~
~ "'1'
the workpiece. Microphotographs of sections taken
below an indentation indicate extent of plastic de-
formation taking place. Typical indentations of
a large ball of soft steel are shown in Fig. 15 and
16. 19 A considerable amount of cold working takes
place; depth of cold-worked area is proportional
to diameter of impression, regardless of depth or of
-~ 0 .5

I ~-~ ratio of depth to diameter. Cold-worked area ex-
tends sidewise away from center of indentation over
in 0 .3
I \ 'l'x a dista,nce considerably exceeding diameter of inden-

"' 0.2
/-compressive yield line \\ tation. The last two observations are important
for specification of effective shot-peening treat-
a. 0.1
\\ ment, regardless of material involved.
+I i ,\ Surface roughness bears little relation to depth
of worked layer-to achieve a certain minimum
~1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Tensile Mean Stress/Nominal Ultimate Tensile Stress depth of worked surface layer, it is not necessary
o Nominal x Actual • .No measurable yielding to have 100 per cent coverage on the surface, i.e.,
• Results from tests in reversed bending there may be some distance between one dimple and
the next as long as this distance is less than the
............. Fig. 12-Effect of '!lean stress on width to which plastic deformation extends. This
. . . . . . . . fatigue
fact explains why 100 per cent coverage by dimples
is ,not absolutely necessary, although it is, of course,
the safest objective. In a highly stressed surface,


unpeened areas of several dimple diameters will SHOT PEENING
always become the origin of fatigue cracks.
Shot-Peening Specifications t
" 1.5
en .c.

Shot peening intensities can be measured easily

en -
!: c
~ I.Ol---+- -+::::S..::.64~>:,.;.:-+- -+---i
and with a high degree of significance. The stand-
ard Almen test precedure, combined with applica-
o en
/ic ".;"' 0.51--- + - - - 1 - - - -1--- -+- ....:::,,,+-----l
tions of shot peening, has resulted in a series of
official specifications for the process. 20 Specifica- c- LL
:z: ..
.. oL.._.....1.._ _..J..._ _L.._-.1._ _- ' - - - - '
tions should stipulate intensity of peening for a
i:; -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 +0.5 +1.0 +1.5
given section thickness, details and tolerances of a: Compression Tension
shot to be used, inspection procedure, and subse- Mean Stress (D'ml
quent or prior treatments. 21 Yield Strength
Material Fatigue Str ength Yield
Choice of Intensity: Peening intensity for steel x 2024 Alum inum ±26,000 psi 48,000psl
o 0.41C Steel ± 36,000 55,000
is given by specifications in Table 1. Generally, + 0.65C Steel ± 38,000 57,000
minimum required intensity should be chosen, be- I:. 0.4 4C Steel ± 33,000 57,000
• Ouralumin ± 17,000 32,000
cause higher intensities can only be achieved at • Mild Steel ± 26,000 38,000
higher cost. Thin sections can be damaged by 4 Mild Steel ± 37,000 47,000

excessive peening intensity. For general applica-

Fig. 13-Effect of normal stress on
tions, an intensity of 0.010 to 0.014 A will be satis- permissible alternating shear stress
factory. To some extent, intensity is also dic- (endurance range)
tated by shape of the part; projecting edges may
be damaged by too great an intensity, particularly
on very hard or carburized materials.
For steel springs, equal Almen intensities give
equal increases in fatigue life, regardless of shot
size or material. This is probably also true for
other parts made of steel in the hardness range
of rockwell C 35 to 55. For much softer mate-
rials, this does not hold true. For instance, if the P""<
velocities of soft shot and of hard shot are adjusted
to have equal effects on Almen strips, on aluminum
the soft shot at the higher velocity will produce
a deeper layer of compressive stresses. 22 If the
velocities of large and of small shot are adjusted
to have equal effects on Almen strip, on aluminum 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Test Cycles
the large shot at lower velocity will produce a
deeper compressed skin. 2 3 Fig. 14-Settling of coil springs dur-
To allow for these differences without forcing ing fatigue testing

Fig. 1; -Microphotograph of Fig. 16-Microphotograph of grain growth un-

grain growth under shallow in- der deep indentation made by 1/4-in. ball
dentation made by 1/4-in. ball

Februarv 6. 1958 123


/' f - - lntensity u1uolly obtainable

Shot - Peening Notes

~ All areas desi9nated by this symbol

~ must be shot peened to 0.010-
20 0 .014 A 2 Intensity per
MI L·S-131 65
10 All areas desi9nated by this symbol
must be masked 09ains1 shot

0 .012 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175

Shol Size (In.)
Pig. 18-Drawiog of o/1>"
Fig. 17-Relation of shot size co peening intensicy ical part, w ich peen.tog
notes and specifications

use of shot which may not be readily available, appearance and deeper penetration on aluminum
the designer should specify a combination of Almen parts. Consequently, it has become customary to
intensity and shot size that gives the desired re- prescribe a minimum shot size for aluminum parts
sult and permits use of equivalent combinations. where surface appearance is significant.
Equivalents can be determined by tests with strips Need to peen into small-radius fillets may in-
similar to Almen strips but made of the same mate- dicate a practical maximum limit on allowable shot
rial as the workpiece.2 s size. A generally accepted rule of thumb permits
use of a shot size (diameter) no larger than one-
Masking: Only in a limited number of cases is half the smallest fillet radius on the surface to be
peening of the entire part required, coil springs, peened. Parts with small radius fillets cannot be
for instance. In most engineering applications, peened to high intensities.
only areas and portions subject to high tensile Within the given limits, the drawing callout
stresses need be treated. In other cases, highly should not stipulate a particular shot size. Any
finished areas must be protected from shot. Mask- permissible leeway in shot sizes will permit more
ing of areas which must not be peened is done opportunity for setup, scheduling flexibility, and at-
either by use of special tapes or by applying a pro- tendant economies and of schedules.
tective film. In either case, a considerable amount
of labor is involved in application and removal of Surface Finish: Average peening treatment on
masking. Therefore, protection of areas should be medium-hard steel will result in a roughness of 65
specified only when absolutely essential. Usually to 200 mu-in. rms. Same treatment on harder ma-
it is sufficient if areas to be peened are fully cov- terial will give a smoother finish than on softer
ered. Shot hitting adjacent areas is usually harm.- material. with softer shot leaves a
less. smoother finish than hard shot. Shot softer than
the workpiece may give all the benefits of peening
Shot Size: Larger shot can produce higher peen- without leaving the usual surface dimples. High
ing intensities but smaller shot produces full cover- spots of the peened surface can be lapped down if
age more quickly, Fig 17. High intensities that necessary.
require large shot (and consequent slow coverage)
are more costly but are sometimes worthwhile on Processing Sequence: Shot peening is a finishing
the softer materials. treatment; its value is spoiled by almost any sub-
Use of shot sizes larger than required to achieve sequent machining or heat treatLng processes. Thus,
the desired intensity results in a smoother surface most operations should properly precede peening.


Heating into the stress-relieving range will destroy SHOT PEENING
the residual surface stress-so will any hardening
heat treatment. However, parts may be baked at 7. J. M. Lenels and R. F. Brodrlak- "Sbot :Poenlci; ns Prolcctlon
or Burraca Dam11,gcd P ropollor B l11de Material, " lntornat . Conf.
temperatures not exceeding 500 F for s teel or 250 F ll'llllG'IIO ot Metals, Inst. Mech. Elngr3., London, 1956.
8, P . M. MotJoy- " H lgh Strength Steel, Present Limitations,"
for aluminum alloys. The compressed s urface layer M otal ProDress, Vol. 68, No. 1, July 1955, pp. 78-80.
is only a few thousandths of oo inch thick, so any o. R. L. Mtt.ttaon and J . o. Almon,-JiJl/cct o/ s11ot Blasting on
Pllvalcal PrOJ)OrtlC/1 o/ S tool, Part l (OSRD No. 327\l), Part Il
grinding or machining operations remove most of (OBRl> No. 4825), Part I II (OSRl> No. 6697), Washlngton, 19411.
10. N . Grossman- " Effect or Shot Peening on the Brittlo Transition
that layer. A light lapping or honing treatment Temperature," Molal Proor-eu, BoJ)tcmber, 1950, pp. 352-354.
11. L. P. Taruov o.nd H. J . Grover -"Etrcct of Grinding and
afte1· peening is permissible and is actually ad- Other Finishing Procosaoa on the Fatigue Btrecgtl\ of Ho.rdoned
Steel," Proc. JJ.STM, Vol. :10, 1950, p. 668.
vantageous as far as the fatigue strength is con- l2, J. 0 . Almen- "Fallgue Loss ilnd Gain by Electroplatlng,"
Pro<tllcl E11ulnocrjn11, Vol. 22, No. 6, Pngea 100-116.
cerned. In some cases, about 0.002 in. from 13. .H. C. O'Connor and J. L. M. Morrlson- " Ertect of Mean Stress
the surface will double the fatigue life. However, on Puah-Pull Fatigue Properties of Alloy Steels," Intern. Conf.
Fatigue of Metals, Inst. Mech. Engrs., London, 1956.
greater surface removal may completely s poil the 14. G . Slnes -"Bellav1our or MctO.lil Under Complex Static and
Alternnttng Stresses," Untverslty of Cnllfornla lect ure, December
effect of peening. Any cold-forming processes per- 8 . 1953.
15, F. H . Vltovec- Tllo El/cot o/ Spoctmon Sur/ac11 a.a a D lsocm-
formed after peening may result in a complete re- tjnu1t11 In Fatlouo Pllanomona, Wright Air Development Center
noport No. 53-167.
versal of residual stresses and should be avoided. 16. H. 0. Fuch8 und R. L. Mattson- "Measurcment of Residual
Streaaes lo TorsJon Bnr Springs," Proc. BEISA, Vol. 4, No. 1,
Peened surfaces present an excellent base for any 1948, pp. 6,l-71.
17. II!. K11wamoto and K. Nlllllloka.-" B11fe St reas Range tor De-
organic or inorganic coating treatment not requir- tormatlon Duo to Fntlguo," T ran.,. ASMlil, Vol. 77, No. O, July,
1955. pp. 631·634.
1ng heating (apart from a low-temperature bake) 18. F. P . Zlmmerll-" Bcllt Treating, Set ting, and Bbot Peening of
such as paint, phosphating, etc. Peened surfaces lllocbnnlcnl Springs," Molal ProDre~a. Vol. 67, No. 6, June, 1902,
pp, 97-106.
are highly receptive to oils for rust prevention and 19 . J . L. W11.lam11n and A. Phllllps- "Slmplltled Measuremeot of
Residual Btrea.!los," Proo. BESA , Vol. 11, No. 2.
lubrication. 20. BA.lil Man11a1 on Shot P contno, Boo. ot Autom. Engrs., New
York, 1952.
21, Mllllarv Bpacl/tcatlon on Shot Pec11lnu, MIL-S·l3165A, 19116.
22. H. J. Nobl-"Bhot Peening Appllcat1on1 In tho Aircraft Icdus-
Peening Specifications on Drawings: Drawing try," SAE I ron 11.Dd Stoot TechnlClll Commltteo, DlvJalon XX,
October, 1903.
callouts must include intensity and area to be 28. H. 0 . Fucba-" Bhot Peening E ffects and Specltloatloos," Papor
peened. Reference to shot size a.nd material may No. 34, Second Pacific Aro11 Meeting, ASTM, Loa Angeles, 1906.
be included and, if essential, a note on areas which
must be masked. As in a ll engineering processes,
excessively small tolerances in any of these
specifications multiply costs and should be avoided.
The question is not, "How accurate can the part
Tips and
be" but "How much deviation from the standard
will cause damage?" Both speed and size of peening
shot are accurate only within commercial toler-
ances; more stringent demands cost extra money.
Intensity tolerances of :::t: 0.002 A are good commer- Planimeter Aid
cial practice.
When tracking an odd shape with a plani.tneter,
Testing: In addition to the peening specifica- the stylus often slips off the line. If a sheet of
tions, a drawing may also specify test procedures. carbon paper is placed coated-side up beneath the
Here, too, excessive requirements should be avoided,
with the additional proviso that overtesting may
hide the effects of peening. For jnstance, a part in
service has a maximum deflection of 1/2 in. Testing
that part to a deflection of 1 in. may completely
hide shot-peening effects that are very beneficial
to the part under service conditions. This hiding
happens because overtesting forces the part to

yield and thus dissipates beneficial residual stresses.
An example of a peening s pecification on a draw-
ing is shown in Fig. 18. The threaded portion of \
the part must obviously not be peened at all, while
Carbon paper
the turned portion can stand stray shot because
such marks are not harmful to fatigue life.
tracing paper, the press ure of the stylus will trace
its own path. The area of any error may be sub-
1, Tllo M aln.,,prlnu, A8soolatod Spring Con,., BrJatol, Conn.,
tracted simply by counterclockwise tracking the
February, 1851.
R. L . Mattson and w. s. Coleman Jr.- "Etrect ot Snot Peen-
stylus path of the error as marked by the carbon
ing Vnrlnblos a nd Residual Btroues on the Fatigue Life ot Leaf line.- WILLIAM G. FLANNELLY, stress engineer )
Spring Specimens," Tran". Boo. Autom. JiJnura., Vol. 62, l95i.
pp. !146-G56. Kaman Aircraft Oorp., Bloomfield, Conn.
3. C. W. Olcles and tr. K. LD.ndeoker-"Multlply $prLng Life With·
out Changing Design." lron ADO, De comber 21, 1950.
<I. E . H. Spo.uldlng- "Llghtwe1ght Springe for L IIUlted Lite,"
Proo. Boe. Autom. EnDrs., meeting In Los Angolee, 1955.
!!. 0. J . Horger and C. L lpaon-"Automotlve Rear Axloa nod Means Do you have a helpful Up or lecbnlque tor our other
of Improving Their FallG'IIO Roalata.nce," .ASTM Tech. Publ. roadera? You'll roc~lvo ten dollars or more tor eacll
No. 72, June, 1946. published contrlbutJon. Send a. s hort description plus
6. 0 . J. Horger-"!4cchanlcal and Metallurg1ca1 Advantages of drawings, tables, or photos to: Tlps and Techniques
Shot Peening," Iron ADO, March 29 11nd April Ii, 1945. llldltor, M•Cllll'IH DESION, Penton Bldg., Clevela.nd 13, o.

February 6, 1958 1 ?/;

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