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Name of Trainee: Maijoynes Sison

Course: BS in Economics
Assigned Office/Unit: Land Bank of the Philippines

Week 1 : February 21 - 23, 2023

DAY 1 : February 21, 2023

Today was totally unexpected. I am a week behind my classmates to start the OJT
because the MOA between MMSU and Landbank was settled a bit late. Yesterday, I was
just informed that Sir Eric will accompany me at LBP to formally introduce me as a trainee.
That is all and I was not expecting that I will also start right away.
After I was endorsed by our OJT coordinator, madam Juliet, the branch manager
oriented me briefly about what I might expect to do during the training, things to avoid and
other matters. At that moment I was relieved. Why? Because Ma’am Juliet is nice. But not
only her but the whole employees. Honestly, I heard from other people that I might have felt
the pressure as they said that people at the landbank are grumpy. I can now prove them
wrong. They are all nice and welcoming.
Ma’am Danah, the clearing assistant, gave me the first task. She taught me how to
file scanned documents. Here at landbank, all documents that have been used in a day are
all stored for a record. All documents are kept. She taught me the branch code of LBP laoag
as well as how to know what the type of the bank is through looking at the 4th digit of an
account number.
That is all that happened today. Even though I started my OJT unexpectedly, it’s not
as bad as it may seem. I had a good time and I cannot wait for what awaits me tomorrow.

DAY 2 : February 22, 2023

For today, since there are other documents that I was not able to finish filing, I
continue to file those neatly and organized. There were no other tasks that I was able to do
other than filing scanned documents. The task was so simple when Ma’am Danah was
demonstrating and teaching me how to arrange them. But when I am doing them, I take so
long to finish filing gathered documents for a certain day. Maybe because I get confused on
which file is which and what documents should be on top and next.
Doing things for the first time and being unfamiliar to these things, I believe that
making mistakes is unavoidable. But from there, I made questions in order for me to make
sure that I was doing the task right. Especially, I am at the bank and every other document
is so important.

DAY 3 : February 23, 2023

I am on my third day now. Every day is a progress and even though my other
classmates are on their 8th day for OJT now, I will not make myself discouraged and I will
avoid thinking that I am left behind.
Anyway, just like yesterday, I filed scanned documents again and also helped Ma’am
Keavy the CASA bookkeeper to file some of her documents too. Ma’am Keavy and Ma’am
Danah were so nice since day 1 and they are always treating me to some snacks.
I also learned how to use the photocopier. I know how to photocopy in a printer with
that feature but I have never done it on a huge photocopier machine. It is so easy to use and
as of this day, this is the most simple and quick task that I have done.

Week 2 : February 27 - March 3

DAY 4 : February 27, 2023

All I can say is that today is the most tiring day that I have had since I have started
my OJT. Unlike last week, I am just sitting down working on my task in filing documents.
Starting my 2nd week of OJT is tiring but fun!
I ran errands upstairs and someone on the 2nd floor also asked me something from
the ground floor and then someone asked me to kindly photocopy a document and then
someone needs help again. Today, I felt like I worked out focusing on building my legs
because I used the stairs many times and an unending walk.
I will not deny that I got so tired but I will not deny also that I had fun. I know that I will
not be able to be hands on to the process that the regular employees are doing but being
physically busy today is fun because I am not merely sitting down doing some filing. But
what it makes more fun is that someone had a birthday and prepared food to share. So,
after a tiring day with a good food before I go home is a win for me today.

DAY 5 : February 28, 2023

Today, my task was to encode the names of the arrived cards. This is for them to
have easy access in finding the cards if it already arrived whenever there is a client inquiring
about it. After I encoded them all, I arranged them according to classification if the card is a
UMID, replacement, remapped etc.
Although this might be a simple task, as I am not a fast typer, it took me a few hours
to finish my task today. After doing it, I asked Ma’am Keavy if I can help her with anything.
She taught me how to print requested bank statements from specific month and where I
could find the documents. Today is also her last day here at LBP Laoag Branch as she will
be transferred to Batac Branch. And I am thankful that she taught me how to do this task as
I may help the replacing CASA Bookkeeper if she will be needing help.

DAY 6 : March 1, 2023

On this day, I filed boxes of dormant account documents. These are the files of bank
holders whose bank accounts are inactive for a period of time. For this, I need to sort each
document if it is a current, savings, checking account according to the 4 th digit in the account
There were a lot of documents and I am carefully looking at the numbers as I need
not just to sort them as to what type of a bank but also, I need to arrange them in a
chronological order. At first, I find it hard to arrange them because I will be needing to look at
so many numbers. But as I go on doing the task, I am getting the technique to look at the
numbers and arrange them. Although I was not able to finish it within a couple of minutes, I
think it is just okay.

DAY 7 : March 3, 2023

Just another normal OJT Day, Ma’am Ethel gave me a box of documents to be files
nicely and organize what is inside.
The box was heavy as it contains bunch of papers. This time, I need to arrange the
list of closed accounts each day. Those are from 2020 and 2021. Since the documents are
jumbled inside the box, I was asked to arrange them according to the date. I need to
arrange them in an ascending order as the latest dates should be on top.
It took me time to arrange them. Even my task was to arrange only the papers it is
also tiring especially my chair do not have a back rest. But I have enough energy to finish it
as Ma’am Ethel treat me a free snack: pancit bihon. With this, I am more encouraged to do
my assigned task a while ago.
Week 3 : March 7 - 10, 2023

DAY 8 : March 7, 2023

Early in the morning, my routine is to wipe the table, computer, arrange some things.
I just do it because when I arrive at the office, in the first hour, everyone is busy getting
ready opening the bank and no one can instruct me or assign any tasks yet. After I clean, I
asked Ma’am Ethel if what she will assign me to do but she said that she will just call me
later as she is doing something.
So, I went at the table of Ma’am Keith Ann, the new CASA bookkeeper if I could help
her with anything. And She gave me a document to stamp “Class B”. This represents the
level of confidentiality of a document. After that, I photocopied some documents of Ma’am
After lunch, I went to Ma’am Ethel again for any tasks and she gave me to arrange a
box of documents again. I have to punch a hole in each of the documents and file them. It is
a simple task but what made it a little hard is to punch a hole in it as the puncher stuck every
time I punch. That was maybe because of the thickness of the papers. So, even It will take
me so much time to punch little by little, that is what I did to avoid the puncher to be broken.

DAY 9 : March 8, 2023

For the past days, I am not able to file the scanned documents. So that was the first
task that I did when I arrived at the office. There were a lot of files already.
First, I arrange the documents according to dates. After that, I set them aside by
wrapping them in a rubber band. In this way, I will not cause so much mess on the table
while I am filing documents for a specific day.
I put the deposit slips together, also with the withdrawal slips and arrange the other
documents in a certain order. Ma’am Danah provided me a sequence of documents. On the
top, there must be the Report on Scanned documents, next is the Cash in Vault document,
and then the Cash in ATM document, Branch Total and the other documents should be at
the back.
After that, I need to put them in a box but I need a new box. So, I went to get a box
and assembled them myself. Doing so, there is a new space for the filed scanned

DAY 10 : March 9, 2023

Today is Thursday. My task for the whole day is to file a box of documents. I just
need to sort them and place them in the box neatly.
While I am arranging the documents my other task is to find if the card of the clients
who inquired arrived at the LBP Laoag branch. It is pretty simple to do as the name of the
cardholders are already encoded in a spreadsheet. What I just have to do is to make use of
the find function, type in the name of the client and then if their name is there, I need to find
their cards in a certain box. Certain box I said as there are different boxes for GSIS cards,
replacement cards, cash cards and others.

DAY 11 : March 10, 2023

Another Friday again. Just like yesterday, Ma’am Ethel given me a task to sort and
arrange the documents in boxes.
As we opened the box, it is a total mess. The box really needs to be taken care of to
be arrange in that way, all the necessary files in the boxes can easily be find when needed.
Week 5 : March 20 - 23, 2022

DAY 17 : March 20, 2023

My first task for today is to encode a signing request form. This is a task given by
Ma’am Blezsa as Ma’am Ethel does not have any task that she could give me earlier. It was
pretty simple as there is already a template that I could use for encoding. I just needed to
change the name of the bank holder and the updating date.
After that, I also helped Ma’am Ethel to count and stack 20 and one peso coins. This
task is the dirtiest. Money is indeed dirty. After this, my hands looked like I was playing with

DAY 18 : March 21, 2023

Today, I was able to file and organize random documents. There were a lot so this is
the only task that I am able to complete for the whole day. There is nothing much that I can
write here in my journal for today.

DAY 19 : March 22, 2023

Just like my normal everyday task, I started my day to file some documents. I
organized the documents properly.
While I was doing my task, Sir Bryan asked me to scan some documents. I was
hesitant at first as I don’t know how to use the scanner. But since he instructed me how, I
was able to do it. They are scanning the documents to have a record of both hard and soft
copy. I had a hard time using the scanner as it won’t scan the documents smoothly. Ma’am
Danah saw me struggling so she taught me some techniques to use the scanner. It turns out
that there is a certain way that you should do with the scanner as it is old. Anyway, I was
able to scan all the documents and it felt good that I got to experience a new task.
There was a queue of requested bank statements and snapshots so I printed them

DAY 20 : March 23, 2023

I continued to file the documents that I was not able to finish yesterday. There were
just a few so I finished my task at about 2 o’clock. After that, Ma’am Ethel was too busy with
some papers so I did not bother her to give me other tasks.
I went to Ma’am Danah and asked for what I can help as I do not have anything to
do. She then gave me documents to file. I filed active salary loan promissory notes. I just
needed to see what agency that document belonged to and then I just needed to file it in its
I have finished filing the promissory notes and I am left again without anything to do.
So I just initiated to organize scratch papers and sweep the floor.
Week 6 : March 27 - 31, 2022

Day 21 : March 27, 2023

Hello Monday. Another Monday to start a week for my OJT. I worked overtime today.
I did not do anything much but what made me work past 5pm was to photocopy clients’
information sheets. I was asked to photocopy the documents 21 copies each page. And to
tell you, the document composes of 23 pages. I started doing it around 5:40 pm and I
thought I have enough time to finish it before 5:00 pm. But it is okay. I am enjoying being at
the office. Employees are not toxic and no one are grumpy like my classmates thought.
The sky is already dark when I arrived at my apartment. I am tired of course. But just
like what I said, I am enjoying my OJT.

Day 22 : March 28, 2023

For today, I just filed different documents of Ma’am Ethel. Just like the usual, I just
needed to arrange them and organize the papers neatly. After that, I just made a label and
printed it. I put the label on the boxes so that the documents can be easily find if they will be
needing it.
I also helped Ma’am Blezsa to file the new account documents. I just sorted them out
to what kind of bank it is and arranged them according to their account number in an
ascending order.
I just felt a little lonely today as Ma’am Danah is on her leave. She is one of the most
approachable employees in the office. Since day one of my training at the office, she was so
nice and welcoming.

Day 23 : March 30, 2023

I was absent yesterday as our organization for cultural development had an event.
There were scanned documents from yesterday that I need to file. That is why that was the
first thing that I did early in the morning.
Whereafter, I'm about to check on Ma’am Ethel to ask if there are tasks that she
could assign me to do. As she was busy, she told me that she will not be able to instruct me
yet. As I have free time, I asked Ma’am Keith Ann if I could help her with anything as I
noticed that she has a lot of papers on her desk. She told me to print requested snapshots
and bank statements. I also stamped a document with “Class B”. This identifies the level of
confidentiality of a document.

Day 24 : March 31, 2023

Last day of this month and last day of this week. There was nothing much that I have
done today. I just filed scanned documents and also filed different documents that Ma’am
Ethel assigned me to do.
Since I am at the back office, I witness a huge number of withdrawals. This week is
also a week for the disbursements of payroll. That is why there are a lot of clients
withdrawing millions of money. It is astonishing to see how tall of a stack was a ten of
millions and more than that in real life.
Week 7 : April 3 - April 4, 2023

Day 25 : April 3, 2023

Today is the first Monday of this month. Also, this week, we will only have just work
for 2 and a half days from Monday to Wednesday as for the observance of Holy Week. As
expected, there were a lot of clients today. Even though I am assigned at the back office,
the busy noises at the lobby coming from the tellers and clients can be heard where I am.
My first task was to stock 20- and one-peso coins. I finished stocking and packing
the 20-peso coins but noticed that there were 5 excess 20 coins. I probably made a
miscount in one of the plastic bags. So, we needed to recount each of the plastic bags
again. Thankfully, we were able to find the plastic that was short of five 20-peso coins. After
that, I also stacked and counted one peso coin.
Just like my everyday task, I filed documents again. I organized them neatly and
labeled the boxes. I even assembled new boxes for other documents.
When I have spare time, I help Ma’am Keith Ann to print her documents and also
some requested bank statements and snapshots. This task is one of my favorites. I do not
know why but I like this task more than filing documents.

Day 26 : April 4, 2023

Just a normal OJT Day for me again but for the landbank employees, they got a busy
day again.
Since they are getting busy, I asked Ma’am Ethel early if what task she could give
me for today. And just like every task that she gave me, she gave me documents to file
again. There were lots of documents that were unorganized and unrelated documents were
found in the boxes. It was hard for me to identify which is which and which should be
separated or what so Ma’am Ethel supervision was a great help.
I also experienced how to fax an email. Ma’am Vanessa, the EA of the bank, taught
me how. That was the first time in my whole life. It was simple but I do not think that I can do
it on my own if I will be asked to fax a mail again.
Week 8 : April 11 - April 14, 2023

DAY 27 : April 11, 2023

After a long weekend due to Holy week, we are back again here in the office for
work. When I arrived at the office, I first did the usual. I grab a rag and started to wipe the
dusts on the computer monitor, table, photocopier and other things. They were covered with
dusts because of the long weekend. After that, I checked on Ma’am Ethel if I can disturb her
to ask if she have task that she would like to give me. I noticed that she was busy.
I just started to file some of the previous scanned documents. The box where I store
them after I file the documents were full already. I went upstairs to get a new box and
assembled them. The documents are for few days so there were a lot.
From time to time, I am also printing requested snapshot or bank statements since I
am just sitting beside Ma’am Keith Ann who is assigned for it. I helped her as the office were
so busy. I am also asked by Ma’am Keith Ann to stamp some documents with “Class B” as a
class of the document’s confidentiality.
I also run errands like if someone needed the document to be sent to Madam’s table
or anyone in the office, I do as they request.
Today was a very busy day for me also. Until the end of my shift, I am not able to
help Ma’am Ethel but it is okay. I will just prioritize her tomorrow.

DAY 28 : April 12, 2023

Yesterday, I was not able to help Ma’am Ethel so I find a perfect timing and went to
ask if there’s anything that I could help her with. And just like every task that she has given
me, I filed and organized a messy box of document again.
I would like to be honest that this is the most boring task. I am not enjoying filing the
documents. I can say that because I yawn approximately every minute and hour. But this
does not mean that I hate this task. It is just not exciting and I am not exerting a lot of effort
and I am not using most of my brain to do the task which is so simple and not challenging. I
do not hate it though. As Ma’am Ethel always treat me with a free snack.

DAY 29 : April 13, 2023

For today, I just continue what I was not able to finish yesterday in filing assorted
documents. After organizing, I made a label and printed it. After that I put it in each of the
boxes so that the documents will just be easy to find.
Ma’am Ethel gave me a new task and it is to inventory all the cards that they have as
of the moment. What I just did was that to check the list of the cards and check one by one if
the card is in keep or already gone. After I do that, I just need to identify if how many where
claimed and unclaimed.
Here in the office, the employees have set Thursday as a special day of a week. For
them Thursday is mandatory milk tea day. It is just so funny that they come up with this. I
was assigned to round a piece of paper where they will write their orders. I went first to
Ma’am Blezsa and she told me to write whatever flavor I want in exchange of prioritizing her
tomorrow for a task that she will give me. I laughed and agreed. I am not a fun of milktea
cause my bowel becomes crazy whenever I have one. But I have a cup anyway.

DAY 30 : April 14 2023

As I agreed with Ma’am Blezsa yesterday, early in the morning, I prioritize the task
that she have given me. I just filed new account documents. What I just did is to arrange
them according to their account number in an ascending order. I had to sort them also into
what kind of bank account are they. I identified the bank account by just looking at the 4 th
digit in an account number.
After I was done with the task, I went again to Ma’am Ethel for any task that she
would like me to do. And once again, she gave a box of documents to be filed. As the usual,
I arrange and organize the documents. Ma’am Ethel was happy as she told me that there
were just few boxes left to be filed and we hope that I am able to organize them all before
my OJT ends.

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