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1. Does Toolbox Talk need to be used? (Ref. Safety Manual 7.15)
 Yes, but the sheets do not need to be kept for longer than the duration of the job that they
are being used for
2. The ISM Code requires that safeguards are established against identified risks. How would you go
identify the risks associated with your ship’s operations? (SM 7.1)
 Carry out Risk Assessment
3. The ship is in rough seas and starts rolling. Is this a hazard? (SM 7.2)
 No
4. Can damage to the ship be included as consequence on a Risk assessment? (SM 7.2)
 Yes
5. What is the main aim of the Permit to Work? (SM 7.5)
 To ensure proper (and documented) control of the risk reduction activities
6. If unforeseen extra work is required during the work covered by the Permit to Work, this work can be
done as an officer is informed afterwards? (SM 7.12.3)
 False
7. An Enclosed Entry Permit needs to be signed by ___________/ (Permit to Work: VT 113)
 All answers
8. When you are discussing Risk assessment and setting priorities, you need to use appropriate
questions to help identify the hazards your company may face. Which of the questions bellow would
NOT be appropriate?
 How should I distribute the Class survey schedule to the fleet
9. You have performed a Risk Assessment and deemed one of the consequences of using a power
sander is “Eye irritation from dust”. What harm category is this? (SM 7.2)
 Slight harm
10. Prior to enclosed space entry, what is the purpose of the Toolbox Talk? (SM 7.10)
 To ensure all those working on the task are aware of the potential hazards
11. During an Enclosed Space Entry work if, for any reason, the work scope changes, should the workers
stop what they are doing, and get out? (SM 7.12.3 & 7.12.4)
 Yes
12. What would you deem the “harm” to be from the “Release of compressed gas or steam” hazard?
(SM 7.2)
 Injury or damage from energy release, steam burns
13. On some jobs it will be difficult to assess how long they need so the Permit should not specify a time
limit. (SM 7.12.3)
 False
14. Which of the statements about carrying out a Risk Assessment for a towing operation is correct? (SM
 A new RA should be carried out. Unless there is already an existing valid RA to which the
conditions of the towing operations has not changed, then this RA can be reviewed
15. What is the definition of “risk”? (SM 7.2)
 It is a combination of two factors – the probability of something happening and the
consequences if it does.
16. A routine job is planned, the risk is clearly low, and it’s been performed many times on-board. Do
you need to perform a Toolbox Talk? (SM 7.15)
 No, there is no need for a Toolbox talk for routine job where the risk is obviously very low
17. You have performed a RA and deem one of the consequences of a fall from height is a “Minor
fracture”. What harm category is this? (SM 7.2)
 Moderate harm
18. You have identified a risk as having a “Very Likely” likelihood and a “Moderate” severity of harm.
What is the Risk Factor? (SM 7.2)
 Very High Risk
19. What would you deem the “harm” to be from a “Wet Floor” hazard? (SM 7.2)
 Injury or harm as a result of slips or fall
20. What would you deem the “harm” to be from “Electricity” hazard? (SM 7.2)
 Shock, electrocution
21. What is the Permit to Work? (SM 7.12.)
 To properly manage the risks involved in a job and to ensure proper authorization of
designated work
22. What would you deem the “harm” to be from ‘Benzene” hazard? (SM 7.2)
 Leukemia
23. A RA must be carried out prior to a lifting operation (SM 7.11.2)
 True
24. How long should a Permit to Work be kept on board? (SM 7.15)
 One year from issue date
25. In most cases the resources needed for lowering risk will cost very little (in terms of time, money and
effort) (SM 7.3)
 True
26. Risk has two elements and they are _____________________. (SM 7.2)
 The likelihood (that a hazard may occur) and the consequences (of the hazardous events)
27. How often will a hazard deemed “Unlikely” occur? (SM 7.2)
 Typically experienced once during the working lifetime of an individual
28. You have Risk assessed a job, and one of the consequences of hazard is a “Laceration due to
improper use of a cutting disc”. What harm category is this? (SM 7.2)
 Moderate Harm
29. The importance of RA needs to be made clear by:
 Everyone from a Senior Management of the Company and down
30. The avoidance of a risk in a work place on board ship includes _______________. (SM 7.3 and 7.6)
 The assessment of hazards and taking actions to eliminate or to reduce risk as low as
reasonably practicable (ALARP)
31. How often will a hazard deem “Very Unlikely” occur? (SM 7.2)
 Less than 1% chance of being experienced by an individual during their working lifetime.
32. The Permit to Work system covers _________control measures for particular operations. (SM 7.12.3)
 proper (and documented)
33. What is the greatest risk when mooring? (SM 7.11.2 –Mooring/Unmooring RA)
 Injury from parting towing line
34. The risk analysis of any identified hazard has two distinct steps, one of them is to assess _________.
(SM 7.2)
 the likelihood that harm will occur
35. You have a Superintendant on board, he request you to open the FPT for inspection. Do you need to
have a RA for this? (SM 7.13)
 Yes, and you also need to issue an Enclosed Space entry Permit
36. You require the Electrician to work at height to change a light on the masthead. Is this a hazard?
 No, but falling from height is.
37. Effective RA can improve financial performance. (COSWP Annex 1.2)
 True
38. Which answer best describes a RA?
 To identify hazards and assess the risk, followed by application of resources to minimize, and
control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events.
39. Identify the most effective control to improve safety when identifying significant risks through RA :
(SM 7.6)
 Eliminating hazards altogether
40. At what “Risk Factors“do additional control measures need to be implemented? (SM 7.3 & 7.4)
 Medium Risk or Higher
41. “Change or replacement of an anchor is an example of an ………… (SM 7.12.2)
 Non routine task
42. One of the company objectives in the International Safety Management (ISM) code is to establish
safeguards against all identified risks. The identification of risk can be achieved by ___________
(SM 7.1)
 A risk assessment
43. You have identified a risk as having a “Very Unlikely” likelihood and an“Extreme” severity of harm.
What is the Risk Factor? (SM 7.2)
 High risk
44. Risks depend on circumstances so risk assessment must always be a dynamic process. (COSWP 1.25 –
Risk assessment stage 4: personal assessment of risk
 True
45. Your vessel calls Rotterdam every month. Vessel will arrive in Rotterdam in 2 days time. Does a new
RA need to be carried out for mooring operations? (SM 7.15)
 No, if the circumstances and operation of the mooring does change compared to the existing
(valid RA) then this can be reviewed as part of the Toolbox talk.
46. You have identified a risk as having an “Unlikely” likelihood and a “Moderate” severity of harm.
What is the Risk Factor? (SM 7.2)
 Medium Risk
47. The Deck Cadet wants to do a Job in his training Record Book, but it has to be Risk Assessed. Can the
Deck Cadet perform the RA himself? (SM 7.4)
 No, it is expected that the RA is carried out by a “competent person”
48. Which of these listed is NOT one of the five basic principles of risk control? (SM 7.60)
 Obtaining permission from Head Office
49. Identify the most effective control to improve safety when identifying significant risks through RA?
(SM 7.6)
 Eliminating hazards altogether
50. A Permit to Work system is a good example of : (COSWP 14.2.2)
 An organized and predefined safety procedure
51. When should the contents of a RA to be discussed with the crew? (SM 7.10 & 7.15)
 All the Toolbox Talk before a job starts
52. Apart from suggested control measures, the modern approach for Permit to Work systems also
places emphasis on additional control measures based on the findings of the RA (SM 7.4)
 True
53. Who should be concerned about risk assessment?
 Everyone on board needs to be involved and to “own” the process
54. How often will a hazard deemed “Likely” occur? (SM 7.2)
 Typically experienced one every five years by an individual
55. The C/E planned for a M/E Overhaul, the circumstances of the job has not changed from the last
time. Can he use the previous RA which is still valid, again?
 Yes

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