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Apparatus required:​ ​ ​1) Emitter

2) Concentrator
3) Fiber
4) Fiber stand
5) Detector
6) Output Unit


Sl no. Detector Distance Z I​max I​max​/e (μA) Radius r Numerical Aperture

(mm) (μA) (mm) N.A. = sinθ = r/√(r​2​+d​2​)

1. 2.0 0.369 0.136 0.675 0.320

2. 2.5 0.296 0.109 0.85 0.322

3. 3.0 0.246 0.090 1.0 0.316

4. 3.5 0.211 0.078 1.2 0.324

d = 2.0 mm d = 2.5 mm

d = 3.0 mm d = 3.5 mm

Average aperture = (0.320 + 0.322 + 0.316 + 0.324)/4 = 0.321

Angle of acceptance = sin​-1​(0.321) = 18.7​o


The average value of aperture is ​0.321​.

The acceptance angle of optical fibre is ​18.7​o​.

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