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Unit 4 For rest and relaxation SiTalkc Lesson 2A rest stop with everything sitalk KEES Where do you usually stop to rest during a trip? 7 SE Get to know the words and phrases, and complete the sentences. 1. freeway ~ a wide road for cars traveling long distances Accidents on freeways. 2. accessible - available or able to get/use/reach are accessible by car from ‘0.51, Repro and Content. sitalk KEES = to know the words and phrases, and complete the sentences. 3. rest stop ~ a place beside the road where travelers can stop to take a rest or eat 4. 10ad trip ~ a long distance journey on the road 5. convenience store — a small store selling popular products and open 24 hours a day 6. filling station — a place to get fuel for cars ‘0.51 Reptery ene Conttental. 2 sitalk KEES ‘Speaking naturally (Part |) Conversation (Joey is on a road trip with his friend Jane.) Joey: Jane: Joey: Jane, do you mind if we stop at a filling station? It’s at the next rest stop. It's a few minutes away. That's fine. Traffic is heavy, anyway. Let's buy some food. ls there a convenience store there? Yes. Actually, it's a complete rest stop, not just a filing station. This rest stop has many. restaurants os well as souvenir shops. Let's buy something lo eat because this road trip may last longer than expected. There's a long line of cars on the freeway. ‘este Popeatary and Conteeraal 3 sitalk KEES ‘Speakingnaturally) (Part II) Conversation Jane: Okay, let's do that. By the way, are the restrooms clean? | need to use the toilet. Joey: Don't womy. Every part of the rest stop is well-maintained. It's because members of the filing station staff keep it clean. Jane: That's good. Do you think we can stay there for a while until traffic becomes lighter? Joey: | think so! There are chairs and tables outside the restaurants. We can stay there. I'ma little tired from driving, so | think we could use a bit of rest. Jane: It's good that everything's accessible. 1. What facilities are there at the next rest stop? 2. How is the rest stop kept clean? ‘est Propeatary and Conteeraat A sitalk KEES (nem Speak out You and your guest are on a road trip. She wants to rest a bit. She asks about the next rest stop. Use the pictures to answer some of the questions. 1. How far is the nearest rest stop? (Hint: Mention that the rest stop is not very far from where you are.) 0.51 Reptenry ene Conttental. sitalk KEES (nem Speak out 2. What kinds of eating places are at the rest stop? (Hint: (Mention that there are sandwich and donut shops.) 3. Where can we have a good rest after eating? (Hint: Tell her that there's a roadside park. Describe why it's convenient to rest there.) ‘esti Propeatary and Conteeraiat sitalk KEES 5 Reach out and discuss the topic with your teacher. All about rest stops + Rest stops are also called motorway service areas and rest and service areas. ital + Besides gas stations, convenience stores, and restaurants a 0 a] some rest stops have an information center. + The rest slop in South Carolina called 'The Border’ even has a park. It also has an inn. 1, What are the other names for a rest stop? 2. When do you take a break at rest stops when traveling? ‘este Propeatary and Coteersat 7

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