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Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind/PV

microgrid with hydrogen energy storage using MOPSO

Article in Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems · February 2017

DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-152372


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3 authors:

Hamid Reza Baghaee Mojtaba Mirsalim

Amirkabir University of Technology Amirkabir University of Technology


Gevork B. Gharehpetian
Amirkabir University of Technology


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Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 32 (2017) 1753–1773 1753
IOS Press

Multi-objective optimal power management

and sizing of a reliable wind/PV microgrid
with hydrogen energy storage using
Hamid Reza Baghaeea,b , Mojtaba Mirsalima,b,∗ and Gevork B. Gharehpetiana
a Departmentof Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
b Electrical
Machines and Transformer Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Abstract. In this paper, a multi-objective algorithm is presented for optimal power management and design of a hybrid
Wind/Photovoltaic/ generation system with hydrogen energy storage system including electrolyzer, fuel cell and hydrogen
tank to supply power demand in a microgrid system. The generation units are intrinsically non-dispatchable and moreover,
the major components of the system i.e. wind turbine generators, photovoltaic arrays and DC/AC converter may be subjected
to failure. Also, solar radiation, wind speed and load data are assumed to be entirely deterministic. The goal of this design is
to use a novel multi-objective optimization algorithm to minimize the objective functions i.e. annualized cost of the system,
loss of load expected and loss of energy expected and provide optimal energy management in the microgrid. The system
costs involve investment, replacement and operation and maintenance costs. Prices are all empirical and components are
commercially available. The simulation results for different cases reveal the impact of components outage on the reliability
and cost of the system. So, they are directly depends on component’s reliabilities, i.e. outages lead to need for a larger and
more expensive generation system to supply the load with the acceptable level of reliability. In addition, an approximate
method for reliability evaluation of hybrid system is presented which lead to reduce computation time. Simulation results
show the effectiveness of proposed multi-objective algorithm to solve optimal sizing problem in contrast with traditional
single objective methods.

Keywords: Microgrid, wind energy, photovoltaic, fuel cell, reliability, optimal power management and sizing, multi-objective
particle swarm optimization

1. Introduction These drawbacks result in serious reliability concerns

in both design and operation of PV and WG sys-
A drawback common to Photovoltaic (PV) and tems. Although over sizing is usually an approach
Wind Generation (WG) units, is unpredictable and to overcome reliability problem, however, it may
non-dispatchable nature of solar and wind energy be costly and so as an alternative approach, hybrid
sources in the microgrid systems. Moreover, the vari- PV/WG systems efficiently combine complementary
ations of these sources may not match with the characteristics of solar and wind sources to enhance
time distribution of demand in the microgrid [1–3]. the microgrid system’s reliability and reduce its
costs [4].
∗ Corresponding
author. M. Mirsalim. Tel.: +98 21 64543321; Overall single line/block diagram of studied micro-
Fax: +98 21 66406469; E-mail: grid system is demonstrated in Fig. 1 including

1064-1246/17/$35.00 © 2017 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
1754 H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

Fig. 1. Block diagram f a hybrid wind/Photovoltaic generation microgrid unit with hydrogen based ESS.

WG/PV units connected to a common DC bus and are successfully implemented for optimal sizing of
a combination of a Fuel Cell (FC) stack, an elec- hybrid stand-alone systems, assuming continuous
trolyzer, and a hydrogen storage tank as the Energy and reliable supply of load [7, 18, 26–28]. GA
Storage System (ESS). In recent years, hydrogen as a and preference-inspired co-evolutionary algorithm
suitable storage medium in renewable energy systems (PICEA) have been used in [3] and [17] to find
has become a matter of grave challenge [5–8]. optimal size of a wind/PV/battery system subject
Unlike diesel generator, hydrogen-based ESS are to reliability index of LPSP. However, they do not
emission free and they do not need any supply of fuel. consider outage probabilities of components such as
Moreover, hydrogen-based systems will be econom- wind turbines and PV arrays. In [14], a methodology
ically reasonable in future considering expectation of for calculation of economic costs of power inter-
increase in fuel price and extreme reductions in FC ruptions for different user sectors and interruption
costs [9–11]. Also, in hybrid PV/WG/diesel systems, durations has been developed.
it is not possible to store surplus during good sea- Reliability assessment is relevant for any engi-
sons. In contrary, in proposed hydrogen-based ESS, neering system [29]. But, previous researches do not
electrolyzer converts the excess energy into chemi- consider reliability issues in depth. For instance, some
cal form, i.e. produces hydrogen, and stores in the very given phenomena that may extremely affect sys-
hydrogen tank [12, 13]. tem’s reliability and cost, such as failures and outages
Because of intermittent characteristic of wind of generating units are usually ignored.
speed and radiation, most important challenge in Impacts of uncertainties in operating parameters
design of such systems is reliable supply of demand and reliability of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel
so, the goal is optimal design of a hybrid system for Cell (PEMFC) has been studied and it has been noted
reliable and economical supply of the load [7]. Litera- that, uncertainty and reliability shall be considered
ture offers a variety of methods for optimal designing in designing stage of any robust and applicable sys-
of hybrid PV/WG generating systems [1–4, 7, 10, tem and finally, it suggests that a stochastic modeling
12–28]. framework should be interfaced with a numerical
In [15], non-Linear programming (NLP) is used to optimization scheme [30]. This suggestion was a
find the optimal size and location of grid-connected great motivation to consider the impact of component
wind turbines. Simple iterative algorithms have been reliabilities, on economical design of stand-alone
used for optimal sizing of hybrid WG/PV system renewable systems. So, in [4], the outage probabili-
with battery ESS [12, 19–25]. Deficiency of power ties of PV arrays and WGs have been considered. But,
supply probability (DPSP) [19] and Loss of power further studies revealed that the availability of DC/AC
supply probability (LPSP) [23–25] have been used converter, as the only single cut-set [29] in reliability
as the technical criteria in iterative solution for opti- diagram, has an extreme influence over the system’s
mal sizing of hybrid WG/PV systems with battery reliability. Later, [28] investigated the problem more
ESS. In [16], Genetic Algorithm (GA) and in some carefully as a Single Objective Optimization (SOO)
other works, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) problem.
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind 1755

Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) methods where, G is perpendicular radiation at array’s surface

have also been used to design and optimize a (W/m2 ), PPV,rated is rated power of each PV array at
hybrid energy systems [11, 34]. In [11], a hybrid G = 1000 W/m2 , and ηMPPT is the efficiency of PV’s
PV-wind-diesel-hydrogen-battery system has been DC/DC converter and Maximum Power Point Track-
designed using a MOO algorithm minimizing total ing (MPPT). PVs are usually equipped with MPPT
net present cost, CO2 emissions, and the unmet load systems to maximize the power output [3]. Using
as three objective functions by using Multi-Objective these systems, usually result in about 30% increase
Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) and GA. Multi- in the average amount of the extracted energy from
objective linear Programming (MOLP) has been used PV arrays [2]. Thus, it is assumed that PV arrays are
to optimize economic/environmental objectives in a equipped with 95% efficient MPPT systems which
distributed energy system including PV, FC and gas provide a 48 V DC at DC bus side.
engine for combined heat and power (CHP) plants
2.2. Wind Turbine Generator
In this paper, Multi-Objective Particle Swarm
Optimization (MOPSO) algorithm is exploited to
Output power of WG against wind speed is
minimize costs of the system over its 20 years of
depicted in Fig. 2. This curve is given by manufac-
operation, as well as reliability indices like Loss
turer and usually describes the real power transferred
of Load Expected (LOLE) and Loss of Energy
from WG to DC bus. In this paper, Bergey Wind
Expected (LOEE) subject to reliability and oper-
Power’s BWC Excel R/48 [9] is considered. It has
ational constraint. Wind speed and solar radiation
a rated capacity of 7.5 kW and provides 48 V DC
data are available for Ardebil province in North
as output. Here, power curve versus wind speed is
West of Iran (latitude: 38 170, longitude: 48 150,
defined by (Fig. 2):
altitude: 1345 m), and system costs include AC of

⎪ 0 ; vW ≤ vcut in , vW ≥ vcut out

⎨  m
vW −vcut in
PWG = PWG,max × vrated −vcut in ; vcut in ≤ vW ≤ vrated (2)

⎩P +
Pfurl −PWG,max
× (v − v ) ;v ≤v ≤v
WG,max vcut out −vrated W rated rated W furl

Where, PWG,max and PWG,furl are WG’s output

investment, replacement, and O&M, as well as cos-
power at rated and cut out speeds, respectively. In this
tumers’ dissatisfaction costs. Finally, an approximate
paper, m is set to 3. Also, in above equation, vW refers
method for reliability evaluations of the hybrid sys-
to wind speed at the height of WG’s hub. Measured
tem is proposed. Results indicate that the approximate
data at any height can be converted to installation
method provides not only acceptable accuracy, but
height through exponent law [2]:
also reduces problem complexity significantly and,
consequently, needed time and computation intensity.

2. PV/WG/FC system modeling

The microgrid is simulated for one year period of

operation in one hour time steps. Given yearly pro-
file of wind speed and solar are available, generated
power by PV and WG can be calculated.

2.1. Photo voltaic array

Insulation data is converted in to output power of

the PV panel using the following equation [4, 7].
PPV = PPV,rated × ηPV,conv (1) Fig. 2. Power output characteristic of BWC Excel-R/48 versus
1000 wind speed.
1756 H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

hhub where, Ptank FC is the transferred power from the
vW = vmeasure
W × (3) hydrogen tank to the FC. Storage efficiency (hstorage )
may present losses resulted from leakage or pump-
where, α is the exponent law coefficient [3]. ing, and assumed to be equal to 95% [28, 36]. The
mass of stored hydrogen, at time step t, is calculated
2.3. Power generated by renewable Units as:
Etan k (t)
By adding WG and PV power outputs, injected mtan k (t) = (7)
power from renewable sources to DC bus is: HHVH2
fail fail fail where, the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of hydrogen
Pren nWG , nPV = NWG − nWG × PWG
is equal to 39.7 kWh/kg [28, 37]. Hydrogen pressure
  drop, a small fraction of the hydrogen (here, 5%) may
+ NPV − nPV × PPV (4)
not be extracted. This fraction is the lower limit of the
fail fail stored energy [28]. Therefore,
Where, NWG , NPV , nWG and nWG are number
of installed and failed WG turbines and PV panels, Etank,min ≤ Etank (t) ≤ Etank,max (8)
respectively [32]. At this point, generated power by
renewable sources distributes through two streams, 2.6. Fuel cell
one stream goes to DC/AC inverter to meet the load
(Pren−inv ), and other, transfers the extra power to A PEM fuel cell has reliable performance under
electrolyzer for hydrogen production (Pren−el ). intermittent supply and is commercially available
[33]. Its output power can be defined as a function
2.4. Electrolyzer of its input and efficiency (ηFC ) which is considered
to be constant (here, 50%) [9].
Most electrolyzers produce hydrogen at pressure
around 30 bars which can then be further compressed PFC− inv = Ptank−FC × ηFC (9)
for storage [28, 33]. But, the reactant pressures within
a Proton Exchange Membrane FC (PEMFC) are 2.7. DC/AC converter
around 1.2 bar (a bit higher than atmosphere pres-
sure) [34]. So, the electrolyzer output is directly The inverter’s losses can be presented by its effi-
injected to a hydrogen tank [8, 9, 18, 34, 35]. In ciency (ηinv ). The efficiency is roughly supposed to
this paper, the electrolyzer is directly connected to be constant (here, 90%) [9].
hydrogen tank, although, the developed software is
flexible to handle compressor model. When the tank Pinv− load = (PFC−inv + Pren−inv ) × ηinv (10)
is fully charged, compressors pump the hydrogen into
a second high-pressure tank. So, compressor does not 2.8. Operation strategy
work continuously and, it consumes lower energy.
Transferred power from electrolyzer to hydrogen is: Strategy of system operation is governed by the
Pel− tank = Pren−el × ηel (5) following rules:
where, ηel is the electrolyzer efficiency [9, 28]. • If Pren (t) = Pload
ηinv , then whole power gener-
ated by renewable sources is injected to the load
2.5. Hydrogen tank through inverter.
• If Pren (t) > Pload
ηinv then the surplus power is
The energy of hydrogen stored in the tank at time transferred to electrolyzer. If the injected power
step t can be obtained by the following equation: exceeds electrolizer’s rated power and the sur-
plus energy will circulate in a dump resistor.
Etan k (t) = Etan k (t − 1) • If Pren (t) < Pload
ηinv then shortage power will be
 supplied by fuel cell. If shortage power exceeds
Ptan k−FC (t)
+ Pele−tan k (t) − × t fuel cell’s rated power or stored hydrogen cannot
ηstorage afford the shortage, some fraction of the load
(6) must be shaded. This fact leads to loss of load.
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind 1757

Under all above conditions, components limits are • Loss of power supply probability [4, 32]
regarded and Equations (1–10) rein the system.
= E [LOE (h)] (15)
3. Reliability/cost assessment D (h) h=1
The microgrid system is simulated over a year with
where, D(h) is the load demand (kWh) at time step h.
1-h time steps and reliability/cost assessment studies
are carried out. Then, using economic factors, results • Equivalent loss factor [4, 32]
are expanded to the 20-year period of a microgrid
lifetime. Load growth and uncertainty in load, solar H
radiation and wind speed are neglected. 1 E [Q (h)]
ELF = (16)
H D (h)
3.1. Reliability Indices
In all above equations, H is the number of time
Several reliability indices introduced before [17, steps in which system’s reliability is evaluated (here,
32, 33, 38, 39]. LOLE, LOEE or Expected Energy not H = 8760). The ELF is the ratio of the effective
Supplied (EENS), LPSP, and Equivalent Loss Factor forced outage hours to the total number of hours
(ELF) are some of the most common used indices in [33]. Therefore, ELF is chosen as the main reliability
the reliability evaluation of generating systems. From constraint of the optimization problem. In developed
these, LOLE is a loss of load index, whereas others countries, electricity suppliers aim at ELF <0.0001.
belong to category of loss of energy indices. On the other hand, in rural areas and stand-alone
applications (this study), ELF <0.01 is acceptable
• Loss of load expected [4, 32] [33].

3.2. System’s reliability model
LOLE = E [LOL (h)] (11)
In this study, outages of PV arrays, wind turbine
where, E[LOL(h)] is the expected value of loss of generators, and DC/AC converter are considered.
load at hth time step defined by [4, 32]: Forced Outage Rate (FOR) of PVs and WGs is
assumed to be 4% [28, 39] and they will be available
E [LOL] = T (s) × f (s) (12) with a probability of 96%. Probability of encoun-
s∈S tering each state is calculated through binomial
In the above equation, f (s) is the probability of distribution function [40]. For example, given nWG
encountering the state s, and T (s) is the loss of load out of total NWG installed WGs, and nPV out of total
duration (h), given that the occurring state s and S is NPV installed PV arrays are failed, the probability of
the set of all possible states. encountering this state is calculated as follows:
• Loss of energy expected (expected energy not fail fail
fren nWG , nPV
supplied [4, 32]
NWG fail
NWG −nWG fail
H = fail × AWG × (1 − AWG ) nWG
LOEE = EENS = E [LOE (h)] (13)
fail fail
where, E[LOE(h)] is the expected value of loss of × fail × APV ×(1 − APV )
energy, or energy not supplied, at time step h:
where, AWG and APV are availabilities of each WG
E [LOE] = Q (s) × f (s) (14)
and PV array. Since, other components do not have
moving parts and are installed indoors, their out-
Here, Q(s) is the amount of loss of energy (kWh) age probabilities, in comparison with WGs and PV
when system encounters state s. arrays, are much lower and therefore negligible. But,
1758 H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

as simulation results will confirm the extreme influ-

ence of this component over system’s reliability,
DC/AC converter plays a vital role in supplying the
demand, and its failure, under any conditions, will
result in loss of entire load as the only single cut-
set of the system reliability diagram [29] and so, the
outage probability of inverter shall be taken into reli-
ability evaluations, although its FOR is too small [2,
41, 42].
Given failure rate of an inverter is equal to
2.5 × 10–5 [41], since Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
of each equipment is reciprocal of its failure rate [29],
MTTF of the inverter is equal to 37,037 h, which is
about 4.23 years (Also, [2] assumes 5 years for Mean
Time Between Failure (MTBF) of DC/AC convert- Fig. 3. Steady-state reliability variation of a proton exchange
ers). On the other hand, as it is given in [42], the Mean membrane fuel cell versus operation years (the solid line: first
5 years, the dashed line: second 5 years with battery replacement)
Time To Repair (MTTR) of each inverter is about [13].
40 h. Steady-state reliability, or in a better word avail-
ability, of DC/AC converter can be calculated as [29]:
sizing. They, require detailed information that is often
MTTFinv not available [44].
Ainv = (18)
MTTFinv + MTTRinv Figure 3 shows the availability (steady-state reli-
ability) of a battery equipped with PEMFC over a
Regarding above equation, the inverter is avail- 10-year operation period [13]. It is observed that dur-
able with a probability of 99.89%, which is indeed ing its useful lifetime, i.e. first 5 years, FC is almost
much more reliable than WGs and PV arrays. Finally, available with a probability of more than 99%. Unfor-
fail fail
probability of failure of nWG WGs, nPV PV arrays, tunately, there is no information about reliabilities of
and ninv inverters out of, respectively, NWG , NPV , electrolyzer and hydrogen tank. By the way, failure
and Ninv (here, Ninv = 1) installed components is probabilities of FC, electrolyzer, and hydrogen tank
calculated by the following equation. are neglected. Unlike DC/AC converter, these parts,
    do not involve in any single cut-set and, therefore, do
fail fail fail fail fail
fsystem nWG , nPV , ninv = fren nWG , nPV not directly cause loss of load. Also, they are much
  more reliable than WGs and PV arrays.
Ninv fail
Ninv −ninv fail
× fail × Ainv × (1 − Ainv ) ninv
ninv 3.3. Cost of loss of load
fail fail
Where fren (nWG , nPV ) is the probability of fail- Cost of electricity interruptions has been esti-
fail fail mated in different ways. For example, looking at the
ure of nWG WGs and nPV PV arrays calculated
in Equation (17). Consideration of failures of other costumer’s willingness to pay for expansion or at pro-
components as well as uncertainties in solar radi- duction losses at industries affected, or at the level
ation, wind speed and load profile, in reliability of compensations, which makes shortages accept-
assessment of the system results in numerous num- able. The values found are similar in all cases: in
ber of system states which leads to tedious and the range of 5–40 US$/kWh for industrial users and
time-consuming computations. Accurate reliability 2–12 US$/kWh for domestic users [33]. Here, cost of
assessment of such a system requires numerical meth- customer’s dissatisfaction, caused by loss of load, as
ods like Monte-Carlo simulations [38, 39, 43, 44]. it used in [33], is equal to 5.6 US$/kWh.
In [44] a WG/PV/battery system is simulated using
Monte Carlo method. Results show that this method 3.4. Approximate method
converges to final values after more than 50 years
simulation. Consequently, simulation models based For reliability assessments, all possible states
on Monte Carlo-type algorithms are usually very of the system must be enumerated. Generally,
time consuming, complex and unsuitable for a rough Artificial Intelligence (AI) based algorithms are
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind 1759

Substituting Equations (4–17) in above equations

⎧   ⎫
NPV ⎪ ⎪
fail fail
0.08 NWG ⎨ Pren nWG , nPV ⎬
Pren =
fail fail

⎩ ×fren nfail , nfail ⎪⎭
nWG =0 nPV =0 WG PV

Ultimately, it can be proved that:

0 10
Pren = NWG × PWG × AWG + NPV × PPV × APV
150 5
# of failed Wind Turbines However, Equation (22) could be logically antic-
# of failed PV arrays
a) ipated. Results, presented in the following section,
probability will validate the acceptability of the proposed approx-
imate method. By using this method, number of all
possible states for outages of 14 WGs and 199 PV
arrays at each time step, reduces from 6000 to only
2 states.
# of failed PV array s

4. Problem statement

Goal of this paper is reliability/cost based opti-

mal design of a hydrogen-based hybrid WG/PV
system. Optimization variables are number of wind
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 turbine generators, number and installation angle of
# of failed Wind Turbines
photovoltaic arrays, and capacities of electrolyzer,
hydrogen tank, fuel cell, and DC/AC converter.
System costs consist of annualized cost of invest-
Fig. 4. a) Probability distribution function and b) equal-probability
curves of failures of WGs and PV arrays. ment, replacement, and operation and maintenance
of components during 20 years of operation. Relia-
evolutionary or population-based and demand a num-
bility indices used as objective functions are LOEE
ber of simulations. For instance, in this study a
and LOLE. The problem is subjected to maximum
swarm of 200 particles searches the solution spaces
allowable ELF reliability index. Besides, system sim-
through 2000 iterations. Thus, system must be
ulation is subjected to some other constraints, like
simulated for 200 × 2000 × 8760 = 3,504,000,000 h.
components’ maximum and minimum power and
Now, given system is composed of 199 PV arrays
energy. The Annualized Cost (AC) of component i
and 14 WGs, each time step must be enumerated to
is defined as in the following [3, 18]:
2 × 15 × 200 = 6000 states and so any effort to reduce
the complexity and computation time is well worth. CCi + RCi × Ki (ir, Li , yi )
Failure Probability Distribution Function (PDF) and ACi = Ni × (23)
equal-probability curves of 14 WGs (FOR = 4%) and ×CRF (ir, R) + O&MCi
199 PV arrays (FOR = 4%) are shown in Fig. 4 (It is where, N may be number (unit) or capacity (kW or
observed that this function is nonzero only in a small kg), CC is capital cost (US$/unit), RC is cost of
area.) In approximate method, all the possible states each replacement (US$/unit), and O&MC is annual
for outages of WGs and PV arrays to be modeled with operation and maintenance cost (US$/unit-yr) of the
an equivalent state. Probability of encountering the component, and R is the useful lifetime of the project
equivalent state is 100% and the generated power by (here, 20 years). ir is the real interest rate (here, 6%)
renewable sources in this state is equal to the expected which is a function of nominal interest rate (irnominal )
value of generated power in all the possible states, i.e. and annual inflation rate (fr), defined by [16]:
Pren = E [Pren ] = Pren (s) × fren (s) (20) irnominal − fr
ir = (24)
s∈S 1 + fr
1760 H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

Also, CRF and K are capital recovery factor [3] Minimize: f (x) = [f1 (x) , f2 (x) , . . . , fM (x)]T (36)
and single payment present worth [16], respectively: 
gj (x) ≤ 0; i = 1, 2, . . . J
ir × (1 + ir)R Subject to: (37)
CRF (ir, R) = (25) hk (x) = 0; i = 1, 2, . . . K
(1 + ir)R − 1
where, fi (x) is the ith objective function, gj (x) is the
yi jth inequality constraint and hk (x) is the kth equality
Ki (ir, Li , yi ) = (26) constraint [45, 47, 48]. The constraints given by (33)
(1 + ir)n×Li
n=1 define feasible region  and any point x in  defines a
where, L and y are useful lifetime and number of feasible solution. The vector f (x) is a function, which
replacements of the component during useful lifetime maps the set  into the set  and represents all pos-
of the project, respectively [2]. Using Equation (13), sible values of the objective functions. The notion
annual cost of loss of load is calculated by: of an optimum solution in MOO is different than
SOO, the concept of Pareto dominance formulated
ACloss = LOEE × Closs (27) by Vilfredo Pareto is used as [45, 47, 48]: A vector
where, Closs is cost of customer’s dissatisfaction u = [u1 , u2 , . . . , uM ]T is said to dominate a vec-
(US$/kWh) described in Section III. Finally, the tor v = [v1 , v2 , . . . , vM ]T (denoted by u≺v), for a
objective functions are defined as: MOO problem, if:
  ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , M} , ui ≤ vi
JCost = min ACi (28)
X ∧ ∃i ∈ {1, . . . , M} : ui < vi (38)
JRe liability1 = min {LOEE} (29) where, M is the dimension of the objective space. A
solution u ∈ U, where U is the universe, is said to be
JRe liability2 = min {LOLE} (30) Pareto Optimal if and only if, there exists no other
solution v ∈ U, that u is dominated by v. Such solu-
(31) tions (u) are called non-dominated solutions. The set
i is the component indicator, and X is a seven dimen- of all non-dominated solutions constitutes the Pareto
sional vector consisting of optimization variables. set or non-dominated set [45, 47, 48].
The optimization problem is subjected to:
5.2. Particle swarm optimization
E [ELF ] ≤ ELFmax (32)
Ni ≥ 0 (33) The PSO is a population-based algorithm that
π exploits a population of individuals to probe promis-
0 ≤ θPV ≤ (34) ing region of the search space [45, 50–53]. Suppose
that the search space is n-dimensional, then ith
Etan k (0) ≤ Etan k (8760) (35) particle is a n-dimensional vector, Xi = [xi1 , xi2 ,
where, θP V is array’s installation angle, and con- . . . , xin ]T and velocity Vi = [vi1 , vi2 , . . . , vin ]T ,
straint (34) ensures that the amount of stored energy where i = 1, 2, . . . , N and N is size of popula-
in the hydrogen tank at the end of first year will be tion. In PSO, the particle i remembers the best
more than its initial amount (worst condition). position it visited so far (Pbest ), referred to as
Pi = [pi1 , pi2 , . . . , pin ]T , and best position of best
particle in the swarm (Gbest ) is referred as Gi =
5. Multi Objective Particle swarm [g1 , g2 , . . . , gn ]T . Each particle i adjusts its position
optimization (MOPSO) in the next iteration t + 1, with respect to following
equations [45, 50, 53]:
5.1. Multi-objective optimization
Vi (t + 1) = ω (t) × Vi (t) + c1 × r1
A general minimization problem of M objectives × (Pi (t) − Xi (t)) + c2 × r2
can be stated as: given x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xd ]T , where
× (Gi (t) − Xi (t)) (39)
d is the dimension of the decision variable space
[45, 46]: Xi (t + 1) = Xi (t) + χ × Vi (t + 1) (40)
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind 1761

where ω(t) is inertia coefficient. The factor χ, is used such a problem, the calculation for the distance of the
to limit velocity (here, χ = 0.7). c1 , and c2 denote nearest neighbor is done in an order such that, the dis-
the cognitive and social parameters and r1 and r2 are tance of a solution to its nearest neighbor which has
random real numbers drawn from interval [0, 1] [45, not already been considered, is taken. For example,
50]. More details have been provided in [45]. if the nearest neighbor distance is computed in the
order a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h then, for the nearest
5.3. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization neighbor of solution f , solution g should be consid-
ered since, its distance to solution e has already been
To make the PSO algorithm capable of dealing with considered [45, 46].
MOO problems, some modifications become neces-
sary because PSO is an inherent SOO algorithm. In 5.4. Best tradeoff solution
[46], the personal best performance (Pbest ) of each
individual particle is replaced with the new solution Because none of Pareto optimal set solutions is
if and only if it dominates the former Pbest . Also, the absolute global optimal, the designer should
two major issues should be considered in the updat- choose the most proper solution according. To han-
ing process of the global best performance (Gbest ). dle this dilemma fuzzy sets are proposed [45]. In this
First, the fitness assignment and selection should be approach, a linear membership function is defined for
addressed such that a search can move towards the each objective function (Ji ) as follows:
Pareto optimal set. Second, the diversity of swarm
Ji − Jimin
should be maintained to prevent premature conver- ui = (41)
gence and obtain an evenly distributed Pareto optimal Jimax − Jimin
front [45, 46]. Here, the authors employ an archiving It is evident that the lower values of the member-
mechanism proposed in [45] to form a repository, ship function indicate more degrees of achievement
which may contain only a limited number of solu- of the objective function. For every non-dominated
tions. The density parameter (deni ) of the solution solution (k), the aggregate membership function can
i defined as its distance to the nearest neighbor in be defined as follows:
the archive is introduced as a measure of the diver-
sity of archive. However, it may happen that two
Uk = uki (42)
solutions are the closest to each other. For instance,
for a two-objective (f1 and f2 ) minimization prob-
lem illustrated in Fig. 5, solutions e and f are closest The solution with the minimum membership, U k
to each other and therefore, will get the same value can be considered as the best compromise solution
for the distance to their nearest neighbor. To prevent (Best Tradeoff I). Here, the authors propose another
criterion to choose the best compromised solution.
First, the distance of each non-dominated solution
(k) from the origin in the fuzzified coordinate, is
calculated by the following equation:
M  2
Vk = uki (43)

Then, the nearest solution (V k ) to the fuzzified ori-

gin is chosen as the best compromised solution (Best
Tradeoff II).

6. Simulation results

Software is developed in MATLAB programming

environment. To perform the reliability/cost assess-
Fig. 5. The diversity measure proposed in [48]. ments, it is necessary to simulate the systems through
1762 H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

1000 value of stored hydrogen at the end of previous time

900 Horizontal step. Also, capital cost of hydrogen tank includes the
800 cost of initial amount of hydrogen that is US$1.8/kg
Annual radiation (W/m 2)

6.1. Base case

400 Software is run for the base case on a Pentium

300 IV, 3.2 GHz CPU and 2 GB of RAM. For saving the
computation time, states with negligible probabili-
ties (here, 10–16 ) are not enumerated. For instance,
by applying this approach to a system consisting
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 of 14 WGs and 199 PV arrays with availabilities
Time (hr)
of 96%, number of enumerated states reduces from
15 × 200 = 6000 to 252 and, as a consequence, about
Fig. 6. Hourly vertical horizontal solar radiation during a year.
half of the computation time is saved. It should be
noted that, this approach is not effective for small
systems, because the number of low probable states
is not considerable. For example in case of 3WGs
20 and 5 PV arrays, there is no state less probable than
10–16 . By the way, it takes about 36 h that the software
Annual wind s peed (m/s )

finds the optimal combination. Simulation Parame-

ters have been presented in Table 2. Obtained results,
are shown in Tables 3 and 4 for three systems i.e.
10 hybrid WG/PV, only WG and only PV when WGs
and PV arrays are 96% available. It is observed in
Table 3 that reliability inequality constraint, i.e. Equa-
tion (31), is not activated in the base case for none of
hybrid, only WG and only PV systems and because of
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
high loss of load costs (i.e. cost of customer’s dissatis-
Time (hr) faction), designing a reliable and expensive microgrid
is economically reasonable. Pareto optimal set and
Fig. 7. Hourly wind speed during a year (at a height of 15 m). best tradeoff solutions for optimal sizing of hybrid
WG/PV, only WG and only PV systems have been
a year with 1-h time steps. The available data con- depicted in Figs. 8–10. It can be seen in Figs. 8–10
sist of hourly averages of wind speed, recorded at a that for the hybrid WG/PV and only PV systems, the
height of 40 m, and vertical and horizontal solar radi- Pareto frontier is evenly distributed along cost, LOLE
ation in one of the northeastern provinces of Iran, i.e. and LOEE axes and the tradeoff criteria results into
Ardebil (latitude: 38◦ 17’, longitude: 48◦ 15’, altitude: different solutions. Since reliable supply of the load
1345 m). The load data are for IEEE Reliability Test at each time step, strongly depends on the amount
System (IEEE RTS) [32], with a peak of 50 kW. Using of the stored energy, the hourly expected amounts of
Equation (3), wind speed data at 15 m (WGs’ instal- stored energy in the hydrogen tank, during the year,
lation height) are calculated. These data are shown in have been shown in Fig. 11 for hybrid, only WG and
Figs. 6, 7. Origin of horizontal axis is first hour of the only PV systems.
first day of solar year, i.e. March 21. Specifications
of components of the hybrid system are summarized 6.2. 100% available components
in Table 1 [2, 9, 39, 41, 42]. It is worth to mention
that, in the following simulations it is assumed that, Literature on optimal sizing of hybrid WG/PV
initial amount of the hydrogen stored in the tank, i.e. systems, has not considered outage probabilities of
Etank (t − 1) for t = 1 in Equation (6), is equal to half system components and as a matter of fact To under-
of its rated capacity. Also, for other time step (t > 1), stand the impact of components’ outage probabilities
initial amount of stored hydrogen is the expected on the system’s costs and reliability, problem has
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind 1763

Table 1
Components’ specifications [2, 9, 26, 28, 29]
Component Capital cost Replacement Cost O&M Life (yr) Efficiency Availability Unit
(US$/unit) (US$/unit) (US$/unit-yr)
WG 19400 1500 75 20 – 96 7.5 kW
PV panel 7000 6000 20 20 – 96 1 kW
electrolyzer 2000 1500 25 20 0.75 100 1 kW
Hydrogen storage tank 1300 1200 15 20 0.95 100 1 kg
Fuel cell 3000 2500 175 5 0.50 100 1 kW
inverter 800 750 8 15 0.90 99.89 1 kW

Table 2
Optimal combination in base case for hybrid, Only WG and Only PV Systems
Type of the system Tradeoff solution Optimal Combination
NWG NPV Pel (kW) Mtank (kg) PFC (kW) Pinv (kW) θPV
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I 9 251 126.760 192.235 48.152 49.832 29.994
Best tradeoff II 9 251 127.019 193.063 49.030 50.504 29.970
Minimum Cost 9 251 126.155 191.222 45.489 48.939 30.075
Minimum LOEE 9 251 127.533 193.817 50.9084 51.486 29.909
Minimum LOLE 9 251 127.533 193.817 50.9084 51.486 29.909
Only WG Best tradeoff I 204 – 354.584 1009.295 55.993 53.902 –
Best tradeoff II 204 – 354.584 1009.295 55.993 53.902 –
Minimum Cost 204 – 354.610 1009.212 55.943 53.872 –
Minimum LOEE 204 – 354.584 1009.295 55.993 53.902 –
Minimum LOLE 204 – 354.584 1009.295 55.993 53.902 –
Only PV Best tradeoff I – 340.016 167.665 200.981 49.019 49.816 57.230
Best tradeoff II – 340.040 167.642 201.871 49.683 50.146 57.193
Minimum Cost – 340.298 167.687 193.405 45.540 47.930 57.418
Minimum LOEE – 339.936 167.003 212.213 55.778 53.037 56.862
Minimum LOLE – 339.936 167.003 212.213 55.778 53.037 56.862

been solved assuming 100% availability of all com- 6.3. Impact of DC/AC convertor on the system’s
ponents. As shown in Tables 5 and 6, comparing reliability
to the base case, in this case a smaller system
can supply the load with lower costs and higher To understand the impact of inverter on the sys-
reliability. In fact, as a consequence of failure prob- tem’s reliability, in this section the optimization
abilities of WGs, PV arrays, and DC/AC converter, problem has been subject to reliability constraint of
annual cost of the system increases from 3,134,902 ELF <0.0001, i.e. reliability constraint in developed
to US$3,183,155/yr, for hybrid WG/PV system, from countries [33]. The program has been run and actu-
7077828 to US$7222327/yr, for only WG system, ally, this huge fitness value is resulted from the heavy
and from 3703402 to US$3792828/yr, for only PV penalty term of fitness function assigned to reliabil-
system, respectively. Additionally, components’ out- ity inequality constraint. Taking a closer look at the
age probability results in increase about US$64809 result reveals that the ELF of the system can fall even
for hybrid WG/PV, US$182075 for only WG, and to zero. This fact, directly results from the vital role
US$89930 for only PV systems, respectively, in of the inverter, as the only single cut-set, in reliabil-
investment cost of the system that might be con- ity diagram of the hybrid system. Given Psupply , Ainv ,
siderable. Besides, it can be observed that failure and Aothers are, respectively, probability of supplying
probabilities cause deterioration in system’s reliabil- the load, availability of the inverter, and availability
ity, i.e. ELF index from 0 to 0.00005850 for hybrid of all other components as well as energy resources,
WG/PV system, and from 0.00001486 to 0.00005385 the upper limit of the probability of supplying the
for only PV system, respectively. Also, since in this load is:
case all the components are assumed 100% available,  
Psup ply = Aothers × Ainv Lim Psup ply = Ainv
both accurate and approximate methods provide same ⇒
results. In fact, at each time step, system can work Aother→1
only in one feasible state. (44)
Table 3
Optimal costs and reliability indices in base case for Hybrid, Only WG and Only PV Systems
Type of the system Tradeoff solution Reliability Indices Costs Etank
LOLE (h/yr) LOEE (MWh/yr) ELF LPSP Investment Cost (MUS$) JCOST (US$/yr) ACloss (US$/yr) Etank (0) Etank (8760)
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I 34 25 0.00006196 0.00008813 3183155 2592947.76 228.7388 3761.05 6923.076
Best tradeoff II 9 5.848345 0.0000147 0.00002173 3195813 2597714.82 32.73018 3777.48 6960.692
Minimum Cost 154.937751 229.4364754 0.00060050 0.00085257 3149071 2581715 1285.336 3740.933 6660.267
Minimum LOEE 0.518042 0.13885044 3.4087e-13 5.1596e-13 3220598 2606141 0 3792.438 6777.453
Minimum LOLE 0.518042 0.13885044 3.4087e-13 5.1596e-13 3220598 2606141 0 3792.438 6777.453
Only WG Best tradeoff I 0 0 0 0 7222327 6170553.45 0 19979.7 31875.62
Best tradeoff II 0 0 0 0 7222327 6170553.45 0 19979.7 31875.62
Minimum Cost 0 0 0 0 7221651 6170322 0 19978.03 31872.99
Minimum LOEE 0 0 0 0 7222327 6170553 0 19979.69 31876.28
Minimum LOLE 0 0 0 0 7222327 6170553 0 19979.69 31876.28
Only PV Best tradeoff I 30 21.36 0.00005043 0.000075 3792828 3.16E+06 210.4686 3934.65 7454.67
Best tradeoff II 15 10.2 0.00002523 0.00003214 3802057 3166882.15 82.49374 3952.31 7490.008
Minimum Cost 227.081825 361.30623035 0.00094232 0.00134260 3739635 3141763 2026.47 3784.262 7150.989
Minimum LOEE 0 0 0 0 3881517 3192644 0 4157.607 7897.704
Minimum LOLE 0 0 0 0 3881517 3192644 0 4157.607 7897.704

Table 4
Optimal Combination when all components are 100% available for Hybrid, Only WG and Only PV Systems
Type of the system Tradeoff solution Optimal Combination
NWG NPV Pel (kW) Mtank (kg) PFC (kW) Pinv (kW) θPV
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I 7 246 127.259 187.027 50.692 50.012 33.0616
Best tradeoff II 7 246 127.259 187.027 50.692 50.012 33.0616
Minimum Cost 7 246 127.362 186.989 50.931 50.180 33.025
Minimum LOEE 7 245 127.199 189.839 53.896 51.141 32.251
Minimum LOLE 7 245 127.199 189.839 53.896 51.141 32.251
Only WG Best tradeoff I 193 – 355.709 1002.344 62.006 54.744 –
Best tradeoff II 193 – 355.709 1002.344 62.006 54.744 –
Minimum Cost 193 – 353.766 999.374 56.303 52.548 –
Minimum LOEE 193 – 355.709 1002.344 62.006 54.744 –
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

Minimum LOLE 193 – 355.709 1002.344 62.006 54.744 –

Only PV Best tradeoff I – 331 169.397 174.897 50.0050 50.510 57.186
Best tradeoff II – 331 169.579 175.519 50.139 50.577 57.200
Minimum Cost – 331 169.015 176.185 49.516 50.172 57.191
Minimum LOEE – 331 169.624 175.467 50.169 50.598 57.201
Minimum LOLE – 331 169.967 174.540 50.524 50.844 57.200
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind 1765

3D Pareto Optimal Set 8000



Etank [k W]

3.2 4000


300 2000 E0tank
200 Etank
100 100 1000
50 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Loss of Energy Expected (MWh/yr) 0 time [hour]
Loss of Load Expected (h/yr)
Fig. 8. 3D Pareto optimal sets and best tradeoffs in base case for x 10

Hybrid WG/PV system. 4.5

3D Pareto Optimal Set


Etank [k W]

Annual Cos t (M$)

7.3 1.5
0.5 E0tank
1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
0.5 1 time [hour]
-0.5 -0.5
Loss of Energy Expected (MWh/yr) -1 -1
Loss of Load Expected (h/yr) 8000

Fig. 9. 3D Pareto optimal sets and best tradeoffs in base case for 7000
only WG system.

3D Pareto Optimal Set
Etank [k W]


Annual Cos t (M$)

3.85 3000
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
3.75 time [hour]

3.7 c)
300 250
200 150
100 100 Fig. 11. Hourly expected amount of stored energy in the hydrogen
Loss of Energy Expected (MWh/yr) 0 0 tank during a year for a) hybrid WG/PV b) only Wg and c) only
Loss of Load Expected (h/yr)
PV systems.

Fig. 10. 3D Pareto optimal sets and best tradeoffs in base case for
only PV system.

Table 5
Optimal costs and reliability indices when all components are 100% available for Hybrid, Only WG and Only PV Systems
Type of the system Tradeoff solution Reliability Indices Costs Etank
LOLE (h/yr) LOEE (MWh/yr) ELF LPSP Investment Cost (MUS$) JCOST (US$/yr) ACloss (US$/yr) Etank(0) Etank(8760)
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139.39 0 3657.67 6853.478
Best tradeoff II 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139.39 0 3657.67 6853.478
Minimum Cost 0 0 0 0 3130699 2522146 304.5668 3656.91 6630.147
Minimum LOEE 0 0 0 0 3182522 2547590 0 3713.481 6731.608
Minimum LOLE 0 0 0 0 3182522 2547590 0 3713.481 6731.608
Only WG Best tradeoff I 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988477.93 0 19841.7 31542.21
Best tradeoff II 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988477.93 0 19841.7 31542.21
Minimum Cost 0 0 0 0 7001743 5961866 0 19782.75 31422.36
Minimum LOEE 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988478 0 19841.7 31542.21
Minimum LOLE 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988478 0 19841.7 31542.21
Only PV Best tradeoff I 9.1 6.2 0.00001484 0.000023 3703402 3073583.2 228.61105 3416.88 6420.145
Best tradeoff II 7 4.9 0.00001221 0.00002008 3706363 3075210.28 28.15963 3429.23 6444.847
Minimum Cost 6 5.02850497 0.00001243 0.00001886 3691224 3065754 639.0887 3442.451 6468.211
Minimum LOEE 6 4.86651195 0.00001203 0.00001808 3706752 3075339 135.3972 3428.188 6439.889
Minimum LOLE 5 3.02194714 0.00000075 0.00001123 3710460 3076082 149.1336 3409.787 6403.086
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind
Table 6
Optimal Combination when Ainv = 1 and ELFmax = 0.0001 for Hybrid, Only WG and Only PV Systems
Type of the system Tradeoff solution Optimal Combination
NWG NPV Pel (kW) Mtank (kg) PFC (kW) Pinv (kW) θPV
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I 7 252 128.598 190.624 47.931 49.635 31.305
Best tradeoff II 7 252 128.6 190.635 47.969 49.658 31.305
Minimum Cost 7 252 128.586 190.62 47.884 49.612 31.302
Minimum LOEE 7 252 128.599 190.637 47.971 49.659 31.304
Minimum LOLE 7 252 128.598 190.637 47.97 49.659 31.304
Only WG Best tradeoff I 200 – 357.205 1000.669 49.013 49.8 –
Best tradeoff II 200 – 357.439 1000.507 49.307 50.27 –
Minimum Cost 200 – 357.050 1000.460 47.745 49.578 –
Minimum LOEE 200 – 357.598 1000.699 52.039 50.253 –
Minimum LOLE 200 – 357.594 1000.667 52.038 50.327 –
Only PV Best tradeoff I – 346 172.158 167.281 50.744 50.147 57.224
Best tradeoff II – 346 172.601 166.431 51.67 50.487 57.162
Minimum Cost – 345 170.38 173.483 48.925 49.063 57.314
Minimum LOEE – 347 173.19 164.526 52.331 50.872 57.125
Minimum LOLE – 347 173.19 164.526 52.331 50.872 57.125
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

Table 7
Optimal costs and reliability indices when Ainv = 1 and ELFmax = 0.0001 for Hybrid, Only WG and Only PV Systems
Type of the system Tradeoff solution Reliability Indices Costs Etank
LOLE (h/yr) LOEE (MWh/yr) ELF LPSP Investment Cost (MUS$) JCOST (US$/yr) ACloss (US$/yr) Etank(0) Etank(8760)
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I 44.30959 32.15181 0.00008182 0.000119 3176238 2588307 182.5857 3729.073 6712.936
Best tradeoff II 42.30947 30.68983 0.000078068 0.000114 3176722 2588459 174.055 3729.278 6713.378
Minimum Cost 48.55628 34.04078 0.000086681 0.000126 3175652 2588120 193.934 3728.985 6712.557
Minimum LOEE 42.30947 30.60183 0.000077843 0.000114 3176750 2588467 173.693 3729.318 6713.428
Minimum LOLE 42.30947 30.6298 0.000077915 0.000114 3176741 2588464 173.895 3729.323 6713.429
Only WG Best tradeoff I 9 13.806811 4.0083175e-05 5.1305238e-5 7069553 6082159 58.973 19808.46 31442.89
Best tradeoff II 6 8.828806 2.190914e-05 3.280728e-5 7073804 6083675 48.193 19805.23 31436.44
Minimum Cost 46 37.401437 0.00010329 0.000139 7054331 6077595 204.306 19804.3 31434.57
Minimum LOEE 1 0.9480587 2.254001e-06 3.5229256e-6 7105097 6092423 5.309 19809.06 31444.09
Minimum LOLE 1 0.9487957 2.255754e-06 3.5256647e-6 7105132 6092430 5.313 19808.42 31442.81
Only PV Best tradeoff I 4 2.12976 5.246075e-06 7.91405e-06 3815387 3176132 11.969 3265.707 6115.158
Best tradeoff II 0 0 0 0 3825983 3178964 0 3248.838 6081.447
Minimum Cost 33. 26.94925 6.68782e-05 0.0001 3791526 3167315 153.9 3388.825 6361.156
Minimum LOEE 0 0 0 0 3839682 3186956 0 3211.028 6006.041
Minimum LOLE 0 0 0 0 3839682 3186956 0 3211.028 6006.041
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind
Table 8
Comparison of the accurate method with the approximate method for Hybrid, Only WG and Only PV Systems
Type of the system Tradeoff solution Method Reliability Indices Costs
LOLE (h/yr) LOEE (MWh/yr) ELF LPSP Investment Cost (MUS$) JCOST (US$/yr) ACloss (US$/yr)
Base case
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I Accurate 29 21.5 5.38e-05 7.99e-05 3792827.535 3163513.154 203.6610
Approx. 30 36.4 0.00011 0.000135 3792827.535 3160000 120.4686
Error (%) –3.48 –69.06 –105.08 –69.06 0 0 40.848472
Best tradeoff II Accurate 9.12 5.84 1.47e-05 2.17e-05 3195813.245 2597714.822 32.7507328
Approx. 9 5.85 1.47e-05 2.17e-05 3195813.245 2600000 32.73017597
Error (%) 1.29 –0.063 –0.0619 –0.06281 0 0 0.06276754
Only WG Best tradeoff I Accurate 0 0 0 0 7222326.555 6170553.454 0
Approx. 0 0 0 0 7222326.555 6170000 0
Error (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Best tradeoff II Accurate 0 0 0 0 7222327 6170553 0
Approx. 0 0 0 0 7222327 6170553 0
Error (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Only PV Best tradeoff I Accurate 29 21.5 5.38e-05 7.99e-05 3792827.535 3163513.154 203.661
Approx. 30 36.4 0.000110 0.00013 3792827.535 3160000 120.4686
Error (%) –3.45 –69.06 –105.08 –69.06 0 0 40.8485
Best tradeoff II Accurate 14 9.37 2.33e-05 3.48e-05 3802057.042 3166882.15 90.634
Approx. 15 16.2 4.92e-05 6.01e-05 3802057.042 3170000 52.494
Error (%) –7.14 –72.66 –111.23 –72.66 0 0 42.081
100% Available Components
Hybrid System Best tradeoff I Accurate 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139 0
Approx. 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139 0
Error (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Best tradeoff II Accurate 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139 0
Approx. 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139 0
Error (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Only WG Best tradeoff I Accurate 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988478 0
Approx. 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988478 0
Error (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Best tradeoff II Accurate 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988478 0
Approx. 0 0 0 0 7077828 5988478 0
Error (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

Only PV Best tradeoff I Accurate 9 6 1.49e-05 2.23e-05 3703402 3073583 35.4178

Approx. 10.1 5.6 1.53e-05 0.0000218 3703402 3.07E+06 33.61105
Error (%) –12.22 6.666667 –2.68456 2.24215 0 0 5.70246
Best tradeoff II Accurate 6 5.03 1.24e-05 1.87e-05 3706363 3075210 139.6726
Approx. 6.6 4.9 1.32e-05 1.72e-05 3706363 3.08E+06 128.15963
Error (%) –10 –7.54 –6.45161 8.02139 0 0 7.913669
1770 H.R. Baghaee et al. / Multi-objective optimal power management and sizing of a reliable wind

Table 9
Comparison of optimal combination between proposed multi-objective PSO and single objective algorithm presented in [28] for Hybrid
Optimization Method Tradeoff solution Optimal Combination
NWG NPV Pel (kW) Mtank (kg) PFC (kW) Pinv (kW) θPV
Base Case
Proposed MOPSO Best tradeoff I 7 246 127.259 187.027 50.692 50.0121 33.0616
Best tradeoff II 7 246 127.259 187.027 50.692 50.0121 33.0616
SOO – 8 224 119.44 144.19 43.431 43.725 34.129
100% Available Components
Proposed MOPSO Best tradeoff I 7 246 127.259 187.027 50.692 50.0121 33.0616
Best tradeoff II 7 246 127.259 187.027 50.692 50.0121 33.0616
SOO – 9 214 117.27 127.1 43.736 46.464 33.993

Table 10
Comparison of results between proposed multi-objective PSO and single objective algorithm presented in [28] for Hybrid System
Optimization Method Tradeoff solution Reliability Indices Costs
(h/yr) (MWh/yr) (US$/yr) (MUS$) (US$/yr)
Base Case
Proposed MOPSO Best tradeoff I 34 25 0.00006196 0.00008813 3183155 2592947.76 228.7388
Best tradeoff II 9 5.848345 0.00001473 0.00002173 3195813 2597714.82 32.73018
SOO – 335.96 2.372667 0.00836036 0.00881527 250410 2321000 13287
100% Available Components
Proposed MOPSO Best tradeoff I 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139.39 0
Best tradeoff II 0 0 0 0 3134902 2528139.39 0
SOO – 303 2202768.7 0.0078850 0.00818404 242648 2247700 12335

Usually, there are two remedies for improving the the approximate method estimates reliability of the
reliability limit of such a hybrid system. The first, base case system somehow optimistically.
using a more reliable (more available) inverter, and
the second, using two or more inverters in parallel. For 6.5. Comparison of proposed MOPSO with SOO
example, in case of using a 100% available inverter, algorithm
the software yields Tables 6 and 7.
To show the efficiency of proposed algorithm,
6.4. Comparison of the accurate method with the the multi-objective particle swarm optimization pre-
approximate method sented in this paper has been compared with the
conventional single objective particle swarm opti-
To compare accurate method with the approx- mization algorithm proposed in [28]. The results have
imate method, the approximate method has been been presented in Tables 9 and 10. It can be seen
applied to the problem. In this case, optimization that the proposed MOPSO algorithm offers better
process has been terminated in about 7 h which is combination with lower reliability indices.
considerably less than 20 h. Results are presented in
Table 8. Since, the deference between approximate
and accurate method is only in reliability calculations, 7. Conclusion
both of them result in same investment, replacement,
and operation and maintenance costs. Also, Table 8 The main goal to propose optimal power man-
indicates that the approximate reliability indices are agement and sizing design of hybrid wind–solar
acceptably close to actual indices provided by the generating microgrid systems is a reliable supply
accurate method. It is observed that, the magnitudes of the load under varying weather conditions, with
of the percentage errors are almost below 10%. Addi- minimum cost. In this paper, a hybrid WG/PV/FC
tionally, negative percentage errors are evidences that microgrid system with hydrogen ESS is designed
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