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HANDOUT FOR DISCRETE STRUCTURES Let us have A = {1,2,3} and B = {1,2,3,4,5} since

elements 1, 2, and 3 of set A are also present in set B

we can therefore say that “A is a subset of B” or A  B.
A set is a mathematical representation of a
collection of distinct objects (elements) that are
grouped in a particular manner. A superset is a set that contains all the elements of
another set with additional elements.
An element refers to the individual object that
Let A = { 1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} from these values
composes a set.
we can say that “B is a superset of A” or B  A since
Z = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50} is read as “Z containing the set B has all the elements of set A.
elements 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50”.
10, 30, 40 ∈ Z is a notation that uses the Greek letter The power set is the collection of all possible
epsilon (∈) can be read as “10, 30, and 40 are element subsets of a given set including the empty set (∅) and
of Z”. the set itself.
m ∉ B is a notation that can be read as “m is not an
element of B”.
The Cartesian Product refers to the set of all
possible ordered pairs where the first element of the
The cardinality of a set is a measure of a set's size, pair is from set A and the second element is from set
meaning the number of elements in the set. B.
For instance, the set A = {10, 20, 30} has a cardinality of
3, |A| = 3, for there are three elements that are in it. MATHEMATICAL STATEMENTS

SPECIAL SETS A statement is any declarative sentence which is

▪ Empty Set (∅) either true or false.
Is a set that contains no elements at all. It is Atomic Statement refers to a statement that is too
denoted by the symbol ∅ to represent the absence elementary that it cannot be divided into smaller
of elements. statements,
▪ Set of Natural Numbers (ℕ) Molecular Statement are statements that are
Is a that set that includes all positive whole composed of two or more statements that are joined
numbers, starting from 1 and continuing infinitely. by logical connectives.
▪ Set of Integers (ℤ)
Is a set that encompasses all whole numbers, LOGICAL CONNECTIVES
including positive, negative, and zero. ▪ P  Q is read “P AND Q” and called a Conjunction
• P  Q is read “P OR Q” and called a Disjunction.
▪ Set of Rational Numbers (ℚ)
▪ P → Q is read “if P then Q” and called an
Is a set that comprises all numbers that can be
expressed as a fraction where the numerator and
denominator are integers (excluding zero in the • P  Q is read “P if and only if Q” and called a
denominator). Biconditional.
•  P is read “NOT P” and called a Negation.
▪ Set of Real Numbers (ℝ)
Is set incorporates all numbers with decimal TRUTH VALUES FOR LOGICAL CONNECTIVES
points. ▪ P  Q is TRUE when both P and Q are TRUE
• P  Q is TRUE when either P or Q is TRUE or both
▪ Union of Sets (∪) • P is FALSE
Is an operation that combines all the elements of • Q is TRUE
both sets, removing its duplicates. • P is FALSE and Q is TRUE
▪ Intersection of Sets (∪) • P  Q is TRUE when:
Is an operation that lists down all the elements • P and Q are both TRUE
that are present in both sets. • P and Q are both false.
•  P is TRUE when P is FALSE
▪ Difference of Sets (–)
Is an operation that list down all the elements that
The inverse of an implication P → Q is the implication
are present in the one set but not in the other set.
 P →  Q.
▪ Complement of Sets (C)
Is an operation that determine elements that are The converse of an implication P → Q is the
not in the given set but belong to the universal set implication Q → P.

SUBSETS AND POWERSETS The contrapositive of an implication P → Q is the

implication  Q→  P.
A set can be considered as a subset if and only if all
its elements are elements of another set.

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