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Wy 1, 2022 Irfan Fathullah Bin Norzaini 2021492374 EMD5Méc Question 1 Given* T= 25°C = 298k Patm= 101-325 kPa Wat 4.8 kg/min To = 1800K CHyt 1-25ay, [Oa +3.76Na | 0.9602 # 0.160 $0.25 a4, Oa + 2HaO +(125%376) ay Na Oxygen balance * 1.2544, = 0.9 +0.05+ 0.25ay, I Orn = 5 yy Mair Méuel _ (125x145 x 4.76) (24) (1) 012) + (2902) AF = 21.03 kg air /kg fuel # if) Mar Meuet 21.0% (4.8) —_ evel Méuet = 0-25 kg/min * iit)-Q= ZNp (hg +h-h?)y - SNe(hg th-h)e -Q= 0.9 (-395520 + 88806 - 9364) +0.1(-10530+ 58141 - 8669) + 0.4875, (ot 60371 - 8682) + 2 (-241820 + 72513 - 9904) + 9.165 (0+ 57651 - 8664) - 1 (-#4350)-0-0 Q = 98224.583 kT/kmol CHy ~ QM Monel . (49224.583) (0.23) ae) Q=lhh.a8 kW Question 2 A) Stoichiometric air - The minimum amount of air needed for the complete combustion of a fuel. Also referred to as the chemically Correct amount of air, or 100 % theoretical air. Excess air-The amount of gir in excess of the stoichiometric amount. Usually expressed in terms of the stoichiometric air as percent excess air or percent theoretical air. Deficiency of air - Amounts of air less than the stoichiometric amount. Often expressed as percent deficiency of air. Two (2) reasons the cause of incomplete combustion process :- L Insufficient oxygen 2. Insufficient mixing in the combustion chamber during the limited fime that the fuel and the oxygen are in contact. b) Given: Tis 25° P= 100 kPa [0.65 Cy + 0.25 Na +0.1 03] + 4, [02 *3.76Na] S 3.36 COat 0.09CO + 15.04, + yHaO + 81.64 Na Carbon balance? 0.65% * 3.36 + 0.04 m=5.31 Nitrogen balance : Hidregen balance : O.25ut 3.Foay, = BL64 0.65% (2)= y 0.65 (5.319(2) = ¥ 0.25 (5.31) +3.76 as, = 81-64 y= 6-4 nF 21-56 i) ™ air Meuel (21.36 4.76) (2.9) (5.31)[(0-65)(16) + (0.28)(28) + (0.10(28)] AF= 27.49 kg air /kg fuel 3 ii) Actual: 5.31[0.65 Cly + 0.25 Na +01 02)+21.36 [0243 76 Na] Coauconbacereen On + 6.9H20 + 81.64 Na O©.65CHy+0.25 Na +0102 + 4.02 [02 +3.76Na] 2. yy 4.02, Theoretical : O.65CHy +0.25 Na +0102 + A, [Oa +5.76 Na] 5 0.65602 + 1-3 Ha0 + [0.15+3.76.ay,] No Oxygen balance * O.1 + G4, = 0.65 + 0.65 Ary = 1.2 Meir th (4.02) (4.76) ° C2976) Percent theoretical air = 335% *K Question 3 Given: Te = 25°C 248K Meue| 7 0-05 kg/min Ta: = #°C = 280K To = 1500 K Cet 1.5 am, [02 +3:46Na]% x [0.9C02 +0.1C0] #0.504,0,¢ 4H20 +(1-5%3.76244,Na Carbon balance: B=n(04+01) ned Oxygen balance : 1.Sag, = % (0.940.058) 40.504, +2 1-5 a4, = (3) (0.940.058) + 0.544, 42. On 24.85 Mair Ma a) ai , ir Monel Meuel (1.5 x 4.85% 4.76) (29) Mair (39G12) + (4¢2) (08/60) AF=22.82 kg air /kg fuel Mgiy = 0.019, kg/s b) -Q= 2Np (hz +h-h°), - SNe(he th-h" - Q= 2.4 (-393520+ 71078 - 1364) + 0.3 (-110530+4F51F- 8649) + 2.405, (ot 49292-8682) + Y (-241820+ 54994 - 1904) + 27.354 (0+4F075- B64) 1103850) - 7.275 (0+ 8150-8682) - 27.354 (0+ BINI- 8664) Q=421135.32 kT/kg Css » Ared ™Ménel . (421 135.32)(0.05/60) ay) Q=t4F6 kW 3g Question 4 Given : P= 100 kfa Ti= 248K To= 48K O.4C3Hs + 0.6 CHu+ Om [Oa +3.76Na] 7 1.8COn+ 2.8Ha0 + 5-764H, Na Oxygen balance: On 2 1B +1 Ons 3-2 i) Balanced combustion equation* ON Colt + 0.6 CHy + 3-2 [Oat 5.76Na] > 1.8C0, + 2-8 Hao + 12.032 Nag Nrotat (2.8) 1684-15 Tap - 55.9% (1.8)+(2.8) #(12.032) * 20-15 60.06-53.9F Py = 16.84 kPa Taps 56.21°C yy iit) -Q= Np (hg +h-h*), - SNe(hz th-h"), - Q= 1.8 (- 398520 + 13299.6-9364) + 2.8 (-241 820 +15287.6-9904) + 12-032 COri5814-8669) - 0.4 (-103850 + O-O) - 0.6(-74850 +0-0)- 3.2 CO) - 12.032 (0) Q = 1247 399.84 kT/kmol fuel , Q Newer? = 3 (9#000) —j (1247 399. 84) Neuet 70-0778 kmol fuel /h gue = Newer Fuet fuel * (0.0778) [0-4(49) #0-6 (16)] Fuel = HG kg/h Maw Move (3.2x4-6) (24) (0.4)(4y) + (0.6) Cb) AF = 16.24 kg air / kg fuel F wos Meuet ( ) Maw " (a.1lg) Phair 34.36 kg/h

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