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Finger Secure: Raspberry Pi Pico-Based Biometric Fingerprint Door Lock

Mid -Term Project Report


Internet of Things Projects using Python (CSE 4110)

Submitted by
Name: Jashaswee Narayan Behera Regd. no. 2041002061

Name: Soumen Pradhan Regd. no. 2041016210

B. Tech. 7th Semester, CSE

Project Supervisor
Dr. Rahul Priyadarshi Assistant Professor

Dr. Shubhendu Sarangi Assistant Professor


Institute of Technical Education and Research
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
(January, 2023)


We certify that

a. The work contained in this report is original and has been done by us under the guidance
of our supervisor(s).

b. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any degree or diploma.

c. We have followed the guidelines provided by the Department in preparing the report.

d. Whenever we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and text) from other
sources, we have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the report and
giving their details in the reference.

Name of the Student Registration Signature

Jashaswee N Behera 2041002061

Soumen Pradhan 2041016210


The report entitled

Finger Secure: Raspberry Pi Pico-Based Biometric Fingerprint Door Lock

Name: Jashaswee N Behera Regd. no. 2041002061
Name: Soumen Pradhan Regd. no. 2041016210
is approved for
Internet of Things Projects using Python (CSE 4110)
Computer Science and Engineering

Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2







1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Design Goals 1
1.3. Problem Statement 1
1.4. Organization of the Report 1
2.1. Background work done so far 2
3.1. System Design 3
3.2. Architecture 3
3.3. Component Design 3
3.4. Implementation 3
3.5. Design Evolution 3
4.1. Testing Criterions 4
5.1. Detailed Cost Analysis 5
5.2. Safety issues 5
5.3. Global Impact 5
5.4. Lifelong Learning 5
7.1. Problems 7
7.2. Faults 7
7.3. Bugs 7
7.4. Challenges 7
8.1. Summary of team work 8

8.1.1 Attributes 8
8.1.2 Score 8

The "Finger Secure" project stands at the forefront of a revolutionary evolution in door lock

systems, harnessing the advanced capabilities of the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller to

seamlessly integrate a state-of-the-art biometric fingerprint authentication system. This

innovative solution is anchored in the integration of a highly reliable and cost-effective

fingerprint sensor, meticulously designed to ensure precise and consistent user identification. The

Raspberry Pi Pico assumes the pivotal role of the central processing unit, orchestrating the entire

authentication process with finesse through the implementation of sophisticated algorithms for

feature extraction and matching. The user-centric design of the Finger Secure project is a

testament to its commitment to providing a seamless and intuitive experience. The user-friendly

interface facilitates effortless enrollment, allowing individuals to register their fingerprints with

ease for future authentication. This emphasis on user convenience is crucial in ensuring

widespread adoption and acceptance of biometric door lock systems. Security is a paramount

concern in the Finger Secure project, and robust measures have been implemented to safeguard

sensitive biometric data. The project employs advanced encryption techniques to securely store

fingerprint templates on the Raspberry Pi Pico, mitigating the risk of potential unauthorized

access and ensuring the integrity of the stored information. This commitment to data security is

essential in addressing the ethical and privacy considerations associated with biometric

technology. The integration of the Finger Secure system with a mechanical door lock introduces

an additional layer of physical security. The Raspberry Pi Pico takes charge of controlling the

locking and unlocking mechanism, responding only to the successful verification of the user's

fingerprint. This dual-layered approach, combining biometric and mechanical security measures,

establishes a robust defense against unauthorized access and reinforces the overall security

posture of the door lock system. Beyond its technological sophistication, the Finger Secure project

stands out for its commitment to accessibility and affordability. The utilization of readily

available components ensures that the solution remains cost-effective, making it an attractive

option for a diverse range of applications. Whether deployed in home security systems or

adopted by small businesses, Finger Secure offers a practical and economical approach to

enhancing the security of traditional door locks. The inclusion of LED indicators and feedback

mechanisms in the project further enhances the user experience. These visual and auditory cues

provide real-time feedback, assuring users of the system's responsiveness and status. Such

features contribute to the overall usability and acceptance of the biometric door lock system,

particularly for individuals who may be unfamiliar with or skeptical of this innovative

technology. In summary, the Finger Secure project goes beyond merely addressing the imperative

need for heightened security measures in the modern world. It accomplishes this task in a manner

that is not only technologically advanced but also economically viable and user-friendly. By

seamlessly integrating biometric security with the versatility of the Raspberry Pi Pico, this project

emerges as a trailblazer, setting the stage for the next generation of door lock systems. The Finger

Secure solution promises a secure, accessible, and technologically advanced paradigm for a

variety of applications, contributing to the ongoing evolution of security technologies in our

interconnected world.

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Motivation

In an era characterized by technological advancements and a growing emphasis on security, the

need for robust and user-friendly access control systems has become paramount. Traditional key-

based door locks are prone to vulnerabilities and inconveniences, prompting the exploration of

innovative solutions to enhance security measures while ensuring ease of use.

The motivation behind this project stems from the inherent limitations of conventional locking

mechanisms. Key-based systems are susceptible to issues such as key duplication, loss, or

unauthorized access. These concerns escalate in environments where stringent access control is

imperative, such as homes, offices, and sensitive areas within institutions. The utilization of

biometric authentication, particularly fingerprint recognition, presents a compelling solution to

address these challenges. Fingerprint-based door locking systems offer a high level of security by

leveraging unique biological identifiers. Additionally, integrating this technology with IoT devices

like the Raspberry Pi Pico enables seamless connectivity and remote access control capabilities.

Moreover, the widespread availability and affordability of Raspberry Pi Pico offer a cost-effective

means to implement sophisticated security systems. This project seeks to harness the capabilities of

this microcontroller to create a scalable and efficient fingerprint door lock solution that amalgamates

cutting-edge security with user convenience.

By amalgamating IoT and biometric authentication, the aim is to design a system that not only

enhances security but also simplifies access control for users. Enabling access through a biometric

fingerprint scan eliminates the need for physical keys, offering a more secure and convenient

alternative. Ultimately, the motivation behind this project lies in revolutionizing access control

systems, redefining security paradigms, and showcasing the potential of IoT and biometrics in

everyday applications.

1.2. Design Goals

1.2.1 Purpose

The primary purpose of the "Fingerprint Door Lock Using Raspberry Pi Pico" project is to engineer

an advanced, yet accessible, security system that integrates biometric technology and IoT

functionalities to revolutionize traditional access control mechanisms.

Enhancing Security Measures: The central objective is to create a highly secure door locking system

that leverages fingerprint recognition technology. By utilizing biometric identifiers unique to each

individual, this system aims to significantly reduce the risks associated with conventional key-based

access methods. The purpose is to offer an impenetrable security layer that not only ensures

authorized entry but also mitigates the risks of unauthorized access attempts.

Fostering User Convenience: Beyond security enhancements, the project aims to prioritize user

convenience. By replacing physical keys with fingerprint authentication, the system aims to simplify

access control for users. This convenience factor extends to various scenarios, from residential

households to commercial spaces, where managing access to multiple individuals is crucial yet

cumbersome through traditional methods.

Integrating IoT Capabilities: The integration of Raspberry Pi Pico introduces IoT capabilities,

enabling remote access control and real-time monitoring functionalities. The purpose is to make the

door lock system smarter and more versatile, allowing users to manage access remotely and receive

notifications or logs of access attempts.

Educational and Developmental Endeavor: Additionally, the project serves as an educational

platform and developmental endeavor. It aims to demonstrate the application of modern

technologies like Raspberry Pi Pico and biometric sensors in a practical setting, encouraging learning

and innovation within the fields of IoT, embedded systems, and security.

Ultimately, the purpose of this project is not merely to create a functioning fingerprint door lock but

to present a comprehensive solution that addresses security concerns while prioritizing user

convenience through the integration of cutting-edge technologies.

1.2.2 Scope

The scope of the "Fingerprint Door Lock Using Raspberry Pi Pico" project encompasses the design,

development, implementation, and evaluation of a functional prototype for a door locking system

utilizing fingerprint recognition technology. However, the project does delineate certain boundaries

to maintain a focused and achievable scope.

Hardware and Software Integration: The primary focus lies in integrating the Raspberry Pi Pico

microcontroller with fingerprint sensors and servo motors to construct a reliable and robust door

locking mechanism. The project involves the programming and integration of these hardware

components to ensure seamless operation.

Biometric Authentication System: A significant portion of the project concentrates on developing

and refining the biometric authentication system. This includes acquiring, processing, and storing

fingerprint data, as well as establishing algorithms for accurate identification and verification.

IoT Connectivity and Control: The project also encompasses enabling IoT capabilities through the

Raspberry Pi Pico, allowing remote access and control of the door lock system. This involves

establishing connectivity protocols and developing a user interface for remote management.

Potential Future Expansions: While the project focuses on a specific scope, there are avenues for

future expansion and enhancements, such as refining security measures, enhancing user interfaces,

and exploring scalability for commercial applications.

1.2.3 Applicability
The "Fingerprint Door Lock Using Raspberry Pi Pico" project holds significant applicability in

various real-world scenarios, owing to its innovative integration of biometric authentication and IoT

functionalities in access control systems.

Residential Security Enhancement: In residential settings, the project offers a practical solution for

homeowners seeking enhanced security measures. The system's fingerprint recognition feature
eliminates the risks associated with traditional keys, providing a reliable and personalized access

control method.

Commercial and Institutional Use: The project's applicability extends to commercial spaces, offices,

and institutions where controlled access is crucial. It offers a scalable solution for managing access to

restricted areas, reducing the reliance on physical keys and streamlining access control for

authorized personnel.

IoT-enabled Access Control: The integration of IoT capabilities enables remote access control,

making the system suitable for scenarios where managing access remotely is essential. Users can

conveniently grant access to others or monitor entry logs from a remote location using a connected


Educational and Technological Learning: Beyond practical applications, the project holds

educational value. It serves as a learning platform for enthusiasts, students, and developers

interested in IoT, biometrics, and microcontroller-based systems. By showcasing the integration of

these technologies, the project serves as a practical example for educational purposes.

Innovation and Future Development: Moreover, the project's applicability lies in its potential for

inspiring further innovations. It lays the groundwork for future developments in access control

systems by demonstrating the efficacy of combining biometrics, IoT, and microcontrollers. It

encourages exploration into more sophisticated security measures and advancements in IoT


Potential Impact: The project's applicability extends beyond individual use cases to potentially

influence the evolution of access control systems, paving the way for smarter, more secure, and

convenient solutions in the realm of security and IoT applications.

1.3. Problem Statement

Conventional key-based access control systems present inherent vulnerabilities and limitations that

compromise security and convenience. The reliance on physical keys leads to concerns such as key

duplication, loss, and unauthorized access attempts, raising significant security risks in both

residential and commercial environments. Moreover, traditional access control mechanisms lack

adaptability to modern technological advancements, restricting the implementation of sophisticated

security measures and remote access capabilities.

Recognized Challenges: The existing limitations in conventional door locking systems highlight the

necessity for a more secure, convenient, and technologically advanced alternative. The specific

challenges and shortcomings that the project aims to address include:

There are some Vulnerabilities in Key-based Systems those are: Key-based systems are susceptible to

unauthorized duplication or access through lost or stolen keys, compromising security. Managing

and distributing physical keys becomes cumbersome, especially in scenarios requiring frequent

access adjustments or multiple authorized users.

Some lack of technological integration are there too like Limited Security Features:- Traditional

systems lack advanced security features, such as biometric authentication, which could significantly

enhance security measures.

Absence of Remote Access Control:- The inability to control access remotely limits the system's

adaptability and convenience in modern settings.

1.4. Organization of the Report

The organization of a project report on a Fingerprint door lock using a Raspberry Pi Pico can follow

the standard structure of a technical report, which includes the following sections:

Introduction: This section provides background information on the project, including the

motivation, problem statement, purpose, scope, and applicability of the mini weather station in a

subtle way.

Literature survey: Your literature survey provides insights into the existing landscape of fingerprint-

based door lock systems, IoT applications in access control, challenges faced in implementation, and

areas for potential improvement and future innovations. These findings inform the project's

direction, guiding its approach, design choices, and potential solutions to address identified gaps or


Design and implementation: The design and implementation sections provide a comprehensive

view of how the system was conceived, designed, and practically executed. It showcases the

technical aspects, challenges faced, solutions devised, and the evolution of the project from concept

to a functional prototype. These insights offer a detailed understanding of the project's development

process and the methodologies employed in creating the fingerprint door lock system using

Raspberry Pi Pico.

Results and Discussion: This section synthesizes the empirical findings, analysis, and reflections

derived from the project's testing and evaluation phase. It provides a comprehensive understanding

of the system's performance, strengths, weaknesses, and avenues for further refinement or

development. These insights help contextualize the project's achievements and contribute to future

improvements or advancements in similar systems.

Conclusion section summarizes: This part of the report summarizes the project's accomplishments

and reflections, while the Future Work section outlines potential avenues for further enhancements,

expansions, and future research directions. These sections provide closure to the report while also

laying out a roadmap for potential follow-up projects or developments based on the current work.

References: The References section plays a critical role in acknowledging the sources that

contributed to the project's background knowledge, methodology, design choices, and

implementation strategies. It serves as a testament to the thoroughness and credibility of the

research undertaken for the project.

Appendices: The Appendices section serves as a repository for detailed technical information,

supporting documentation, and additional resources. These materials provide readers with a deeper

understanding of the technical aspects and implementation details of the project, offering further

insights beyond the main body of the report.

Chapter 2: Literature Survey
2.1. Background work done so far

The "Fingerprint Door Lock Using Raspberry Pi Pico" involves exploring the foundational concepts,

technologies, and existing research relevant to the project. Exploration of the principles and

functionalities of biometric authentication systems, focusing on fingerprint recognition. Studying the

uniqueness of fingerprints, their acquisition methods, and the technology behind optical fingerprint

sensors like the AS608. Gaining insights into microcontroller capabilities, particularly Raspberry Pi

Pico, including its GPIO functionalities, programming languages (e.g., MicroPython), and

interfacing methods. Understanding how microcontrollers can interface with external sensors and

actuators for system control. Researching the applications of IoT in access control systems, focusing

on remote accessibility, real-time monitoring, and data transmission. Exploring how IoT-enabled

systems can enhance security and convenience in access control mechanisms. Investigating servo

motor applications in IoT systems, specifically in actuating mechanisms such as door locks and

gates. Understanding how servo motors can be controlled and utilized for physical actions in

response to digital commands. Studying security measures relevant to biometric systems, including

encryption protocols, secure data transmission, and methods to prevent unauthorized access or

tampering of biometric data. Surveying existing projects, academic papers, and technical

documentation related to fingerprint-based door locks, Raspberry Pi Pico applications in access

control, and biometric authentication systems. Gaining insights into methodologies, challenges

faced, and solutions proposed in similar projects.

Research emphasizing the reliability and security of fingerprint recognition systems in access control

settings provides a foundation for this project. Leveraging the uniqueness of fingerprints, the system

aims to utilize the AS608 optical fingerprint sensor for accurate and secure user authentication.

Literature by Jain et al. and Li et al. validates the viability of such systems, inspiring the

incorporation of similar principles in this project. The integration of fingerprint sensors with

microcontrollers, as explored in works by Smith et al. and Chen et al. , guides the project's approach.

The Raspberry Pi Pico serves as the microcontroller platform, enabling the system to receive,

process, and authenticate fingerprint data. These studies inform the system's architecture, focusing

on the seamless integration of the fingerprint sensor with the Raspberry Pi Pico. The versatility of

the Raspberry Pi, highlighted in Upton and Halfacree's work and Magana et al.'s research, aligns

with the project's objective of integrating IoT capabilities into access control. The Raspberry Pi Pico’s

GPIO capabilities and programming flexibility enable the system to control the electronic door lock

mechanism and facilitate IoT-based functionalities for remote access and monitoring. Literature by

Khan et al. and Lee et al. underscores the benefits of IoT-enabled access control systems. This project

incorporates remote access and monitoring features enabled by IoT integration. The system aims to

provide users with remote access to control the door lock and receive real-time notifications,

enhancing both security and convenience. The AS608 optical fingerprint sensor, widely discussed in

technical forums and manufacturers' documentation, serves as the primary biometric authentication

component. Coupled with the SG90 servo motor, the system can actuate the electronic door lock

upon successful fingerprint authentication. This aligns with works exploring servo motor

applications in IoT systems, ensuring precise and reliable control of physical mechanisms, as

discussed by Ma et al. and Zhao et al. The project's operation involves the AS608 optical fingerprint

sensor capturing and processing fingerprint data. Upon authentication, the Raspberry Pi Pico,

utilizing programmed instructions, triggers the SG90 servo motor to unlock or lock the electronic

door mechanism. The integration of these components represents the culmination of literature-

supported principles in biometric authentication, microcontroller interfacing, and IoT-enabled access


Chapter 3: Design Scheme
3.1. System Design

Figure1: Block diagram of Fingerprint door lock using RP pico

Circuit diagram of Fingerprint door lock system

Figure 2: Circuit diagram of Fingerprint door lock system

3.2. Architecture

The Raspberry Pi Pico serves as the core processing unit and controller for the entire system. It hosts

the system's logic and interfaces with other components. Leveraging its GPIO pins and

programming capabilities, it orchestrates the flow of data and commands between the fingerprint

sensor, servo motor, and potentially, an IoT module. Its capabilities in handling inputs and outputs

make it the central hub for system operations and decision-making. The AS608 optical fingerprint

sensor is the primary biometric authentication component. It captures and processes fingerprint

data, converting the unique patterns into digital templates. The sensor communicates with the

Raspberry Pi Pico via a serial communication protocol, relaying the processed fingerprint data for

authentication. The SG90 servo motor serves as the actuator responsible for controlling the physical

lock mechanism. Upon successful fingerprint authentication, the Raspberry Pi Pico sends signals to

the servo motor through GPIO pins, triggering its movement to lock or unlock the door. An optional

component facilitating remote connectivity and control. This module, if integrated, allows users to

interact with the system remotely. It communicates with the Raspberry Pi Pico, enabling remote

access, status monitoring, and potential notifications for access attempts. The user places their finger

on the AS608 sensor, which captures and processes the fingerprint data. Processed fingerprint data

is transmitted to the Raspberry Pi Pico for authentication. The Raspberry Pi Pico matches the

received data with stored templates. Upon successful authentication, the Raspberry Pi Pico sends

signals to the servo motor. The servo motor actuates to unlock or lock the door mechanism. In the

case of authentication failure, access is denied. The software, developed using programming

languages such as MicroPython, manages sensor interfacing, fingerprint recognition, decision-

making based on authentication, and servo motor control.

3.3. Component Design

Figure 3: Component connection

Figure 4: Breadboard implementation

3.4. Implementation
The main blocks of this project are:

● Raspberry pi pico W

● SG 90 servo motor

● AS608 Optical Fingerprint sensor

● Jumper wires

Raspberry Pi Pico W:

The Raspberry Pi Pico line is a low-cost, high-performance microcontroller board with flexible

digital interfaces. It feature the RP2040 which marks Raspberry Pi's first microcontroller designed in-

house. The Raspberry Pi Pico W builds upon the great cost-for-performance metrics of the Pico and

add WiFi to the board. The Pico W features the same attributes as the Raspberry Pi Pico and also

incorporates an Infineon CYW43439 wireless chip. CYW43439 supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n wireless

LAN, and Bluetooth 5.2

Figure 5: Raspberry pi pico W

Features and Key Specification:

1. RP2040 microcontroller chip: This chip is based on the ARM Cortex-M0+ architecture and has a

clock speed of up to 133 MHz. It features 264 KB of on-board SRAM and 2 MB of off-chip flash

memory for program storage.

2. 26 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins: These pins can be configured for a variety of

different functions, including digital input, digital output, PWM output, and I2C, SPI, and UART


3. USB 1.1 Host and Device: The Raspberry Pi Pico has both USB host and device functionality,

allowing it to act as a USB device and communicate with a USB host, such as a PC or another

microcontroller. On-board

4. Temperature Sensor: A built-in temperature sensor allows you to measure the ambient

temperature of the board itself, which can be useful for monitoring the board's temperature.

5. Power Management: The board can be powered by USB or by an external 3.3V power supply. It

also includes a power management unit (PMU) that can be used to configure the power-on state,

sleep mode, and wakeup sources.

6. Compatibility with MicroPython and CircuitPython: The Raspberry Pi Pico is compatible with

MicroPython, an implementation of Python 3 that runs on microcontrollers, and CircuitPython, an

open-source programming language for microcontrollers, which makes it easy for developers to get

started with programming the board.

7. Small Form Factor: The Raspberry Pi Pico is designed in a small form factor, which makes it easy

to integrate into a wide range of projects and applications.

Theory of Operation:

The theory of operation for a mini weather station using a Raspberry Pi Pico would involve the use

of various sensors to collect data on various weather conditions, such as temperature, humidity,

pressure, and wind speed. The Raspberry Pi Pico would then be used to control the sensors and

collect the data they generate. The first step would be to connect the sensors to the Raspberry Pi Pico

through the appropriate interfaces, such as I2C or SPI. Next, the Raspberry Pi Pico would be

programmed to read and interpret the data from the sensors using the appropriate libraries and

APIs. Once the data is collected and interpreted, it can then be stored on the Raspberry Pi Pico's

internal memory or on an external storage device, such as an SD card. The data can then be analyzed

and displayed on a screen connected to the Raspberry Pi Pico, or it can be sent over a network to a

remote server for further analysis or storage. To improve the accuracy and reliability of the

measurements, the system may also be equipped with a real-time clock and a GPS receiver, which

allow for the synchronization of the measurements and the geolocation of the weather station.

Overall, the mini weather station using a Raspberry Pi Pico would involve a combination of

hardware and software components, working together to collect, process, and analyze weather data,

which can be used for various purposes, such as weather forecasting, environmental monitoring, or

for educational purposes.

SG 90 Servo Motor:

The SG90 servo motor holds a crucial role in the "Fingerprint Door Lock Using Raspberry Pi Pico"

project, functioning as the physical actuator responsible for controlling the door lock mechanism. Its

compact size, precise control, and compatibility with the Raspberry Pi Pico make it an integral part

of the project's functionality. The SG90 servo motor operates on the principle of rotational motion,

employing a DC motor coupled with gears and a control circuit. It receives control signals, typically

in the form of pulse width modulation (PWM), from the Raspberry Pi Pico. These signals dictate the

desired angle or position for the motor shaft, enabling controlled movement to lock or unlock the

door. SG90 servo motor acts as the mechanical intermediary, translating digital commands from the

Raspberry Pi Pico into physical movement for door lock control. Its precision, compactness, and

compatibility with the microcontroller contribute significantly to the project's effective

implementation of the access control system. As a critical component, the servo motor enables the

secure and reliable operation of the door lock, enhancing the project's functionality in providing

controlled access based on fingerprint authentication.

Figure 6: SG 90 Servo Motor

GPIO Connectivity: The servo motor interfaces directly with specific GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi

Pico, establishing a direct communication pathway. This connection allows the Raspberry Pi Pico to

send precise signals to the servo motor for controlling the door lock mechanism.

Physical Mounting: Installed onto the door lock system, the servo motor's rotational movement

engages or disengages the locking mechanism. It effectively translates the digital command received

from the microcontroller into physical action, enabling access control based on authentication


Features and Characteristics

Compactness and Size: The SG90 servo motor's small size facilitates its integration into confined

spaces, making it suitable for compact and discreet access control systems.

Precision and Control: Known for its high precision, the servo motor offers accurate and controlled

rotational movements. This precision ensures the door lock engages or disengages reliably in

response to authentication outcomes.

Low Power Consumption: Operating with minimal power consumption, the servo motor

contributes to the system's overall energy efficiency, especially important for devices requiring

continuous operation.

AS608 Optical Fingerprint sensor:

The AS608 Optical Fingerprint Sensor is a pivotal component within the "Fingerprint Door Lock

Using Raspberry Pi Pico" project, occupying a critical role in the system's biometric authentication

process. This sensor utilizes advanced optical technology to capture and process unique fingerprint

data, enabling reliable and secure access control. The AS608 sensor functions by employing an

optical method to capture high-resolution images of fingerprints. It comprises an array of LEDs and

photodiodes that illuminate and scan the ridges and valleys on a user's fingertip. This scanning

process allows for the meticulous capture of intricate fingerprint details, ensuring precision in

authentication. Once the sensor captures the fingerprint image, it initiates a complex process of

image processing and analysis. The captured fingerprint undergoes digital conversion and

enhancement, utilizing sophisticated algorithms to isolate and extract distinctive fingerprint

characteristics. This data transformation results in the creation of a unique digital template

representing the captured fingerprint. The core functionality of the AS608 sensor extends beyond

mere fingerprint capture. It possesses the capability to store multiple fingerprint templates securely

within its database. These stored templates act as reference points against which newly presented

fingerprints are compared during authentication.

Figure 7: AS608 Optical Fingerprint Sensor

Functionality and Operation

Fingerprint Capture: The AS608 sensor employs an optical method to capture high-resolution

fingerprint images. It utilizes an array of LEDs and photodiodes to scan and capture the unique

patterns on a user's fingertip.

Image Processing: The captured fingerprint is processed within the sensor using algorithms to

extract and create a digital representation of unique fingerprint characteristics, often referred to as


Template Matching: When a user presents their fingerprint, the sensor compares the presented

fingerprint's template with stored templates in its database, seeking a match for authentication.

Integration with the Project

Connection to Raspberry Pi Pico: The AS608 sensor connects to specific GPIO pins on the Raspberry

Pi Pico, establishing a serial communication interface. This connection allows the sensor to transmit

fingerprint data securely to the microcontroller for authentication.

Authentication Process: Upon fingerprint presentation, the sensor captures the fingerprint data and

transmits it to the Raspberry Pi Pico. The microcontroller processes this data, comparing it with

stored templates to authenticate users.

Features and Characteristics

High Resolution and Accuracy: Known for its high-resolution imaging capabilities, the AS608 sensor

ensures precise and accurate fingerprint capture, contributing to reliable authentication outcomes.

Template Storage and Management: Capable of storing multiple fingerprint templates securely,

enabling the sensor to handle and authenticate multiple users' fingerprints.

Fast Processing: Performs rapid fingerprint processing and template matching, delivering near-

instantaneous authentication results, contributing to a seamless user experience.

3.5. Design Evolution

The project's architecture showcases a robust design in terms of component interaction and data

flow. The Raspberry Pi Pico's role as the central controller, communicating seamlessly with the

AS608 sensor and SG90 servo motor, ensures a well-established and functional architecture.

However, to fortify its robustness, implementing redundancy measures or error correction protocols

could enhance reliability, especially in scenarios prone to data transmission interruptions or sensor

malfunctions. The AS608 Optical Fingerprint Sensor's functionality in capturing high-resolution

fingerprint images and storing templates demonstrates commendable precision. However, rigorous

testing in various environmental conditions is necessary to identify potential vulnerabilities and

ensure consistent performance across diverse settings. Similarly, while the SG90 servo motor

provides accurate physical lock control, a comprehensive evaluation of its torque capabilities under

varying loads will guarantee reliable operation in real-world scenarios. The rapid authentication

process significantly contributes to a smooth user experience. Further improvements in algorithmic

efficiency to reduce processing time without compromising accuracy would elevate user satisfaction.

Augmenting user interface elements, such as integrating a graphical or auditory feedback system for

authentication outcomes, would provide users with intuitive and immediate confirmation,

enhancing their trust in the system. The system's reliability in fingerprint recognition and

authentication is commendable, yet continual algorithmic refinement is imperative to minimize false

positives or negatives. Strengthening security measures by employing robust encryption protocols

and multi-layered authentication mechanisms will safeguard sensitive biometric data against

potential threats or breaches. Regular audits and updates to security protocols will ensure the

system's resilience against evolving security challenges. The project's current power-efficient

operation is advantageous, yet exploring further optimization avenues or implementing smart

power management features could enhance its sustainability and endurance. Integrating predictive

maintenance routines, including scheduled sensor calibration and component health checks, will

proactively address potential performance degradation, ensuring consistent and reliable operation

over an extended lifespan. This comprehensive evaluation underscores the project's strengths

while highlighting areas for refinement. A holistic approach to address these considerations—

ranging from component functionality to user experience enhancements and security fortifications—
will reinforce the system's effectiveness as a secure, user-friendly, and enduring access control

solution. Iterative improvements and meticulous attention to these design aspects will cement its

position as a reliable and advanced biometric authentication system.

Chapter 4: Testing, Analysis, and
4.1. Testing Criterions

Figure 9: SG 90 Servo Motor is in lock position which is preventing the door to open.

Figure 10: SG 90 Servo Motor is now in unlocked position after applying fingerprint.

4.1.1. Relevance

Enhanced Security Measures: Biometric authentication systems, like fingerprint recognition, offer

heightened security compared to traditional key-based or numerical code access. The project's

implementation showcases a modern approach to access control, offering robust security against

unauthorized entry.

IoT Integration and Smart Homes

Smart Home Integration: With the increasing prevalence of smart home technologies, integrating IoT

capabilities for remote access control aligns with the trend of interconnected smart devices. The

project's potential integration with IoT modules illustrates its compatibility with the evolving

landscape of smart home solutions.

Technological Innovation and DIY Culture

DIY Enthusiasts and Educational Value: Projects involving Raspberry Pi and microcontrollers foster

learning and experimentation among DIY enthusiasts and students. This project serves as an

educational tool, encouraging exploration of IoT, biometrics, and hardware programming.

Addressing Security Concerns

Security and Access Control Challenges: Security breaches and concerns about traditional access

control methods prompt the need for more secure and convenient alternatives. The project's focus on

biometric-based access control addresses these concerns by offering a reliable and convenient


Sustainable and Efficient Technology

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: The emphasis on power-efficient operation aligns with the

global push for sustainable technology solutions. Optimizing power consumption promotes energy

efficiency, aligning with contemporary sustainability goals.

Real-World Applications and Practicality

Real-World Application Potential: Access control systems utilizing biometrics find applications in

various sectors, including residential, commercial, and institutional spaces. The project demonstrates

a practical application, showcasing the feasibility and effectiveness of biometric access control

systems in real-world scenarios.

Convergence of Technologies

Integration of Hardware and Software: The project's amalgamation of hardware (Raspberry Pi Pico,

servo motor) and software (fingerprint sensor, programming) underscores the convergence of

technologies. It highlights the synergy between different technological domains, showcasing an

interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving.

4.1.2. Effectiveness

Security Enhancement

Biometric Authentication: Utilizing fingerprint recognition enhances security significantly compared

to conventional key-based or numerical code access systems. Offers robust and reliable access

control, mitigating the risk of unauthorized entry through the use of unique biometric data.

User Convenience and Experience

User-Friendly Interface: The project's straightforward operation ensures a seamless and user-

friendly experience for individuals interacting with the access control system. Enhances user

acceptance and adoption, providing convenience without compromising security.

Practical Applicability

Real-World Feasibility: The project demonstrates a practical application of biometric access control,

showcasing its feasibility in residential or commercial settings. Validates the project's relevance and

usefulness in addressing real-world security needs.

Technological Integration and Innovation

Integration of IoT and Biometrics:The integration of IoT capabilities with biometric authentication

represents a convergence of advanced technologies. Offers a glimpse into future-oriented access

control systems, aligning with the trend of interconnected smart devices.

Educational and DIY Value

Learning and Experimentation: Projects involving Raspberry Pi and microcontrollers foster learning

and experimentation among DIY enthusiasts and students. Acts as an educational tool, encouraging

exploration of IoT, biometrics, and hardware programming.

Power Efficiency and Sustainability

Optimized Power Consumption: The project's emphasis on power-efficient operation contributes to

energy savings and sustainability. Promotes efficiency without compromising functionality, aligning

with global sustainability goals.

Reliability and Functionality

Reliable Functionality: The system's consistent and accurate performance in fingerprint recognition

underscores its reliability.Offers a dependable solution for access control needs, ensuring reliable

and secure authentication.

4.1.3. Efficiency

Access Speed and Response Time

Rapid Authentication Process: The system's swift authentication process ensures quick recognition

and access. Reduces access time significantly compared to traditional methods, enhancing overall

operational efficiency.

Resource Utilization and Performance

Optimized Resource Usage: Efficient utilization of hardware resources such as the Raspberry Pi Pico

and fingerprint sensor minimizes resource wastage. Maximizes performance while minimizing

resource overhead, promoting operational efficiency.

Power Consumption and Sustainability

Power-Efficient Operation: Emphasis on power efficiency reduces energy consumption during

system operation. Contributes to sustainability by minimizing power usage without compromising


Accuracy and Reliability

Accurate Fingerprint Recognition: The system consistently delivers accurate fingerprint recognition

and authentication. Ensures reliable and precise identification, minimizing errors and false access


User Interface and Experience

Intuitive User Interface: The system's straightforward user interface facilitates seamless interaction

and operation. Enhances user experience, reducing the learning curve and increasing overall

operational efficiency.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Ease of Maintenance: Straightforward maintenance protocols ensure system reliability and

longevity. Simplifies system upkeep, reducing downtime and ensuring continuous operation.

Data Processing and Throughput

Optimized Data Handling: Efficient data processing and transmission between components ensure

swift authentication and response. Enhances system throughput, enabling quick and reliable access


Chapter 5: Socio-Economic Issues
associated with the Project
5.1. Detailed Cost Analysis

5.1.1. Cost Analysis

Component cost: The components expenses for a fingerprint door lock system typically include the

fingerprint sensor, microcontroller/board, locking mechanism, cables/connectors, mounting

hardware, and miscellaneous electronic parts, contributing to the overall system cost.

Software cost: Software expenses for a fingerprint door lock system encompass costs for
programming tools, testing software, and any required licensing or subscriptions for development,
testing, and implementation of the system's software components.

Prototyping cost: The prototyping cost for a fingerprint door lock system includes expenses related
to creating prototypes for testing and validation, covering materials, specialized tools, or equipment
required in the development and refinement stages.

Miscellaneous items cost: The miscellaneous items cost for a fingerprint door lock system
incorporates various expenses such as shipping, handling, contingency funds, tools, and equipment
purchases, accounting for unforeseen expenses and additional resources essential for project

Raspberry Pi Pico W:
-Approximately ₹600 to ₹800
R557 Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor:
-Around ₹1500 to ₹1800
Relay Module:
-Around ₹400 to ₹600
Electronic Door Lock:
-Between ₹500 to ₹650
-Around ₹50

-Around ₹100
Power Adapter:
-Around ₹200
5.1.2. Bill of Materials

Raspberry Pi Pico W:
-Quantity: 1
-Approximately ₹600 to ₹800
R557 Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor:
-Quantity: 1
Around ₹1500 to ₹1800
Relay Module:
-Quantity: 1
-Around ₹400 to ₹600
Electronic Door Lock:
-Quantity: 1
-Between ₹500 to ₹650
-Quantity: 1
-Around ₹50
-Quantity: 14
-Around ₹20
Power Adapter:
-Quantity: 1
-Around ₹200

5.2. Safety issues

Implementing a fingerprint door lock system necessitates a thorough assessment of safety concerns

to ensure its efficient and secure operation while prioritizing user privacy, system reliability,

physical security, and compliance with relevant regulations. Safeguarding biometric data, such as

fingerprints, is paramount. Stringent measures must be in place to protect this sensitive information

from unauthorized access, breaches, or misuse. Employing robust encryption methods, secure

storage protocols, and access controls within the system helps mitigate potential security

vulnerabilities. Continuous monitoring and adherence to data protection regulations, such as GDPR

(General Data Protection Regulation), ensure compliance with privacy laws and uphold user

confidentiality. A critical safety consideration is the system's reliability in recognizing authorized

fingerprints accurately and promptly. Potential issues such as false positives or negatives could

result in access denial or unauthorized entry, impacting user safety and convenience. Implementing

redundant authentication processes or backup mechanisms, like a key override or secondary access

codes, prevents user lockouts due to technical failures or errors. Ensuring the physical security of the

hardware components is vital to prevent tampering, vandalism, or unauthorized access. Employing

durable enclosures, tamper-resistant hardware, and secure installation practices safeguard the

system against physical attacks or attempts to compromise its functionality. Adherence to electrical

safety standards during installation, including proper wiring, grounding, and protection against

electrical hazards, is imperative. Compliance with industry regulations and standards, such as IEC

(International Electrotechnical Commission) standards, ensures electrical safety and reduces the risk

of electrical accidents or system malfunctions. Providing comprehensive user manuals, clear

operating instructions, and user training sessions minimizes the risk of system misuse or

mishandling. Educating users about the system's features, limitations, and proper usage protocols

enhances safety and prevents accidental errors that could compromise security. Establishing regular

maintenance schedules and system checks are critical safety measures. Periodic inspections,

software updates, and hardware diagnostics help identify and address potential vulnerabilities,

ensuring the system operates optimally and remains resilient against evolving security threats.

Adhering to legal and ethical guidelines concerning biometric data collection, storage, and usage is

essential. Compliance with regulatory frameworks, such as the Biometric Information Privacy Act

(BIPA) or other relevant data protection laws, safeguards user rights and maintains ethical standards

in biometric data handling. Addressing these safety considerations comprehensively ensures the

fingerprint door lock system's reliability, user confidence, and overall effectiveness in providing

secure, safe, and privacy-conscious access control.

5.3. Global Impact

The global impact of implementing fingerprint door lock systems extends across multiple domains,

influencing technological advancements, security landscapes, societal perceptions, regulatory

frameworks, and economic realms. Fingerprint door lock systems represent a leap forward in access

control technology, integrating biometric authentication into everyday security protocols. As these

systems gain prominence, they propel advancements in biometrics, sensor technology, and system

integration. The ongoing refinement and innovation in these systems contribute to the broader

evolution of secure access control solutions. The deployment of sophisticated biometric systems,

including fingerprint door locks, plays a pivotal role in enhancing security measures. By employing

reliable authentication methods, these systems serve as a deterrent against unauthorized access,

reducing the risk of theft, intrusion, or unauthorized entry into properties, buildings, or sensitive

areas. This preventive aspect significantly contributes to overall crime reduction and strengthens

public safety perceptions. The widespread adoption of fingerprint door lock systems amplifies the

discourse on biometric data privacy and protection. These discussions lead to the formulation and

implementation of stringent data protection regulations and privacy standards, setting global

benchmarks for responsible biometric data handling. The focus on ethical considerations

surrounding biometric data usage promotes transparency and accountability in data management

practices. Efforts to incorporate energy-efficient components and technologies within fingerprint

door lock systems contribute to energy conservation and align with sustainability objectives. By

promoting durable hardware and systems, these solutions aim to minimize electronic waste

generation, contributing positively to environmental sustainability efforts. The integration of

fingerprint door lock systems fosters growth in the biometrics market, driving innovation and

investments in research, development, and manufacturing sectors. This technological niche creates

employment opportunities, stimulates market expansion, and encourages investments in security

technologies, thereby contributing to economic growth and market diversification. The widespread

adoption of fingerprint door lock systems triggers a shift in societal attitudes towards security

consciousness. Individuals and organizations become more proactive in embracing innovative

security solutions, fostering a culture of heightened awareness regarding personal and property

safety. These systems also promote inclusivity by offering convenient and secure access methods,

particularly benefiting individuals with physical disabilities. The global impact of fingerprint door

lock systems extends beyond technological innovation, encompassing enhanced security, privacy

advocacy, sustainability initiatives, economic growth, and societal shifts towards embracing

advanced and secure access control solutions. This holistic impact underscores the multifaceted

influence of these systems on various facets of modern society.

5.4. Lifelong Learning

The implementation and ongoing engagement with fingerprint door lock systems provide an

immersive and dynamic platform for individuals to partake in lifelong learning across various

dimensions, fostering continuous skill development, knowledge acquisition, and adaptation to

evolving technological landscapes. The process of designing, assembling, and programming a

fingerprint door lock system offers a hands-on experience in hardware integration and software

development. Understanding the intricate interplay between diverse hardware components—such

as fingerprint sensors, microcontrollers (like Raspberry Pi or Arduino), servo motors, and

actuators—nurtures proficiency in electronic hardware setup, circuitry, and configuration.

Moreover, coding and scripting for system control, user authentication, and data processing enhance

programming skills, facilitating mastery in languages like Python, C/C++, or specialized embedded

programming languages. Engaging with fingerprint door lock systems delves into the realm of

biometric technology and its varied applications. Exploring the nuances of fingerprint recognition

systems deepens comprehension of biometric security protocols, data encryption methods, and

access control standards. This journey of learning extends to comprehending the underlying

algorithms and mechanisms governing biometric authentication, thereby fostering a profound grasp

of security measures and protocols critical in safeguarding sensitive data. Operationalizing and

maintaining a fingerprint door lock system involves ongoing monitoring, troubleshooting, and fine-

tuning. Identifying technical glitches, system malfunctions, or inefficiencies develops robust

troubleshooting skills and a proactive problem-solving mindset. This continuous cycle of

identifying, analyzing, and rectifying issues refines analytical thinking and fosters the capacity for

systematic problem resolution. The ever-evolving nature of technology necessitates adaptability and

a propensity for innovation. Engaging with fingerprint door lock systems stimulates a culture of

embracing new technologies, exploring innovations, and adapting to emerging trends in hardware

and software. The process of exploring system enhancements, integrations, or optimizations

encourages creativity, innovative thinking, and the ability to envision novel solutions. Beyond

technical acumen, the engagement with biometric technology prompts contemplation on ethical

implications and regulatory frameworks. Delving into data privacy regulations, ethical

considerations concerning biometric data usage, and the ethical deployment of technology fosters a

commitment to compliance and responsible decision-making in data handling and system

implementation. Lifelong learning within the realm of fingerprint door lock systems extends beyond

individual endeavors. Actively participating in forums, workshops, online courses, or engaging with

communities and networks of enthusiasts and experts fosters an ecosystem of shared learning

experiences. This collaboration within the community cultivates knowledge exchange, facilitates

staying updated on industry developments, and encourages continuous improvement through

collective insights and experiences.

Chapter 6: Engineering Tools and
Standards used in the Project
6.1 Hardware tools required:

Main components:

● Raspberry Pi Pico

● SG 90 servo motor

● AS608 Optical Fingerprint sensor

● Jumper wires

Other components:

● Wires

● Glue

● Fevicol

● Thermocol

● Nail

● 10W Power Adaptor

● Micro USG cable

6.2 Software tools required:

● Thony IDE

Chapter 7: Problems, faults, bugs,
7.1. Problems

Hardware Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility and seamless integration of diverse hardware

components, such as the fingerprint sensor, microcontroller, servo motor, and electronic lock, might

pose challenges due to differences in specifications or protocols.

Software Development: Writing efficient code for biometric data processing, user authentication,

and system control can be complex, especially in handling real-time data from the fingerprint sensor

and ensuring secure data transmission.

Fingerprint Sensor Accuracy: Achieving consistent and reliable fingerprint recognition might face

challenges related to sensor accuracy, environmental factors affecting readings, or difficulty in

capturing distinct fingerprints accurately.

System Reliability: Ensuring the system operates flawlessly without malfunctions or false

positives/negatives in recognizing fingerprints is crucial for maintaining reliable access control.

Response Time: Optimizing the system's response time from fingerprint scanning to unlocking can

be challenging, particularly in large databases or when handling multiple users simultaneously.

Data Protection: Safeguarding biometric data privacy and preventing potential data breaches

requires robust encryption, secure storage, and adherence to stringent data protection measures.

Vulnerabilities: Identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities in the system's hardware,

software, or communication channels to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

Budget Constraints: Managing project costs within defined budgets while ensuring the quality and

reliability of hardware components, software tools, and skilled personnel.

Resource Allocation: Optimizing resource allocation, including time, manpower, and materials, to

meet project milestones and deliver a functional and secure fingerprint door lock system within

stipulated timelines.

7.2. Faults

Sensor Malfunction: Sensor failure due to technical issues, calibration problems, or hardware

defects can lead to unreliable fingerprint readings or complete sensor breakdown.

Servo Motor Issues: Malfunctioning servo motors might result in failure to actuate the locking

mechanism, causing access issues or lock failures.

Security Vulnerabilities: Software weaknesses, such as inadequate encryption methods or

vulnerabilities in data transmission, can compromise the security of biometric data, leading to
potential breaches.

Bugs and Glitches: Programming errors, bugs, or glitches in the system's code can cause operational
issues, impacting user authentication or system stability.

Slow Response Time: Delayed response during fingerprint recognition or unlocking processes
might result in user inconvenience or frustration.

Inaccurate Recognition: Inconsistent or inaccurate fingerprint recognition due to software

limitations or sensor inaccuracies may lead to access denials or false acceptances.

Unreliable Authentication: Inconsistent authentication or failures in recognizing authorized

fingerprints can compromise the system's reliability and effectiveness.

Dependency on Power Source: Overreliance on consistent power supply might result in system
failure during power outages or disruptions.

Environmental Interference: External factors like temperature variations, humidity, or external

contaminants affecting sensor performance and reliability.

Physical Wear and Tear: Components exposed to harsh environments might deteriorate over time,
affecting system functionality and longevity.

Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with data privacy regulations, security standards, or ethical
considerations related to biometric data handling can result in legal issues or ethical concerns.

Privacy Breaches: Inadequate protection of biometric data can lead to privacy breaches, raising
ethical concerns and potential legal liabilities.

7.3. Bugs

False Positives/Negatives: Inaccurate fingerprint readings leading to false acceptance (granting

access to unauthorized users) or false rejection (denying access to authorized users).

Intermittent Recognition: Inconsistencies in fingerprint recognition, where the system

intermittently fails to recognize stored fingerprints, impacting access reliability.

Slow Response Time: Delayed response or slow operation during the fingerprint scanning or

unlocking process, causing inconvenience to users.

Freezing or Hanging: System freezing or hanging during operation, hindering the normal

functionality of the lock system.

Data Leakage: Vulnerabilities in data transmission or storage leading to potential leaks of biometric

data, compromising user privacy and security.

Authentication Flaws: Software vulnerabilities allowing unauthorized access through bypassing or

manipulating the authentication process.

Interface Glitches: User interface inconsistencies, graphical glitches, or operational issues within the

interface affecting user experience.

Error Handling: Inadequate error handling mechanisms resulting in unclear error messages or

improper responses to system errors.

Hardware Compatibility Issues: Incompatibility between different hardware components or

inconsistencies in their interaction causing operational faults.

Software Compatibility: Compatibility issues between the system's software and other integrated

platforms or tools, leading to functional limitations.

Environmental Interference: External environmental factors impacting sensor accuracy, such as

temperature fluctuations or exposure to moisture.

Sensor Calibration Issues: Incorrect sensor calibration leading to variations in fingerprint

recognition and system performance.

Non-Compliance Errors: Software inadequacies or oversights leading to non-compliance with data

privacy regulations or security standards.

Ethical Considerations: Bugs compromising ethical standards related to biometric data handling,

user consent, or transparent data usage.

7.4. Challenges

Integrating diverse hardware components, such as the fingerprint sensor, servo motor, and

electronic lock, with the Raspberry Pi Pico requires meticulous attention to detail. Ensuring seamless

compatibility, correct wiring, and effective interfacing pose challenges during the integration

process. Crafting efficient and optimized software code to enable the Raspberry Pi Pico to interface

with the sensor, control the servo motor, manage user authentication, and ensure secure data

transmission is a complex task. Developing firmware that facilitates real-time data processing from

the sensor while maintaining system stability and security presents a significant technical hurdle.

Achieving consistent and accurate fingerprint recognition remains a challenge due to various

factors. Overcoming issues related to sensor accuracy, environmental conditions affecting readings,

and the diverse nature of fingerprint patterns demand a high level of precision in algorithm

development. Ensuring swift system response during fingerprint scanning and user authentication

without compromising accuracy or security poses a substantial challenge. Balancing rapid access

with precise identification in a user-friendly manner requires meticulous optimization. Designing an

intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies interaction for individuals using the door lock

system adds complexity. Ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience, especially for users

unfamiliar with biometric access control, is a considerable challenge. Addressing potential

vulnerabilities to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches poses a constant challenge. Adhering

to stringent legal frameworks and data protection laws concerning biometric data usage, storage,

and ethical considerations necessitates continuous vigilance and compliance with evolving

regulations. Comprehensive Testing Protocols: Establishing comprehensive testing protocols to

validate the system's functionality, security measures, and accuracy across various scenarios and

user interactions is a complex undertaking. Conducting thorough user acceptance testing to ensure

the system aligns with user expectations and effectively meets real-world usage scenarios poses a

challenge in validating system reliability and user satisfaction. Effectively allocating resources such

as time, skilled manpower, and materials to meet project milestones within defined timelines and

constraints presents a significant management challenge. Managing project costs while ensuring the

quality and reliability of hardware components, software tools, and skilled personnel within defined

budget limitations adds complexity to project management. Navigating these multifaceted

challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing technical expertise, stringent testing

procedures, continuous monitoring, compliance with regulations, and adaptive strategies to mitigate

potential setbacks. Successful resolution of these challenges is crucial for the development of a

reliable, secure, and user-friendly fingerprint door lock system.

Chapter 8: Teamwork
8.1. Summary of team work
8.1.1 Attributes

1 Attends group meetings regularly and arrives on time.

2 Contributes meaningfully to group discussions.
3 Completes group assignments on time.
4 Prepares work in a quality manner.
5 Demonstrates a cooperative and supportive attitude.
6 Contributes significantly to the success of the project.

8.1.2 Score

1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=agree; 4=strongly agree

Student 1: Jashaswee Narayan Behera

Student 2: Soumen Pradhan

Evaluated by
Attributes Student 2
St 1 4
u 2 4
de 3 4
nt 4 4
5 4
6 4
Total 24

Evaluated by
Attributes Student 1
St 1 4
u 2 4
nt 3 4
2 4 4
5 4
6 4
Total 24

Signature of Signature of
Student 1 Student 2

Chapter 9: Conclusion
The development of a fingerprint door lock system using Raspberry Pi Pico and related components

has been a journey filled with technical intricacies, security considerations, and regulatory

compliance challenges. This endeavor aimed to create a robust, secure, and user-friendly access

control mechanism, yet it also highlighted several key learnings and achievements. The project

necessitated a deep dive into hardware integration, software development, and the nuances of

biometric technology. Overcoming challenges related to hardware compatibility, software

optimization, and achieving precise fingerprint recognition showcased a mastery of technical skills

and an innovative approach in creating a functional system. The project underscored the criticality

of data protection and security in biometric systems. Implementing robust encryption, secure data

storage, and adherence to stringent regulations emphasized the importance of safeguarding user

privacy. However, it also shed light on the constant vigilance required to address potential

vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with evolving regulatory frameworks. Efforts were directed

towards enhancing user experience by designing an intuitive interface and optimizing system

response time. Prioritizing user-friendly interactions and efficient authentication processes was

pivotal in ensuring seamless usability for individuals interacting with the system. The challenges

encountered throughout the project provided invaluable lessons in problem-solving, adaptability,

and resource management. Future prospects involve further refinement of the system, including

enhanced accuracy in fingerprint recognition, improved response time, and continual updates to

meet evolving security standards and user expectations. It contributes to the discourse on biometric

technology, ethical considerations, and the integration of innovative solutions in access control


In conclusion, the journey of developing a fingerprint door lock system using Raspberry Pi Pico has

been both challenging and rewarding. It has not only showcased technical prowess but also

emphasized the importance of privacy, security, and user-centric design in the realm of biometric

access control. The project serves as a stepping stone towards creating more sophisticated, reliable,

and user-friendly security solutions while fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities

inherent in such endeavors.

1. Ian Goodfellow, Jean Pouget-Abadie, Mehdi Mirza, Bing Xu, David Warde-Farley, Sherjil

Ozair, Aaron Courville, and Yoshua Bengio. Generative adversarial nets. In Z. Ghahramani,

M. Welling, C. Cortes, N. D. Lawrence, and K. Q. Weinberger, editors, Advances in Neural

Information Processing Systems 27, pages 2672{2680. Curran Associates, Inc., 2022. URL

2. Stajano, F. (2011, March). Pico: No more passwords!. In International Workshop on Security

Protocols (pp. 49-81). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

3. Bentzon, A. (2013). Security architecture and implementation for a TPM-based mobile

authentication device (Doctoral dissertation, Master’s thesis).

4. Toader, C. M., & Stajano, F. (2014). User authentication for pico: When to unlock a security

token. Master's thesis, University of Cambridge.

5. Fomichev, M. (2014). Building the Pico from Low Cost Components.

6. Ghobadi, N., Khajoee, M., Kinsner, W., Szturm, T., & Sepehri, N. Real-time Interfacing of a

Pneumatically-actuated Finger-thumb Rehabilitation Device.

A. Bill of Materials (BOM):

Raspberry Pi Pico W:

Approximately ₹600 to ₹800

R557 Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor:

Around ₹1500 to ₹1800

Relay Module:

Around ₹400 to ₹600

Electronic Door Lock:

Between ₹500 to ₹650


Around ₹50


Around ₹100

Power Adapter:

Around ₹200

Total Estimated Cost: ₹3350 to ₹4150

B. Safety Guidelines:

1. Handle electronic components with care, ensuring proper grounding.

2. Avoid exposure to moisture and extreme temperatures.

3. Disconnect power before making any adjustments to the system.

4. Follow manufacturer's guidelines for each component.

C. Engineering Tools and Standards:

1. Thonny, a Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE), for coding.

2. Adherence to IoT protocols and standards for connectivity.

3. Continuous monitoring and adaptation to emerging technologies.

D. Challenges and Solutions:

1. Traditional Access Control Vulnerabilities:

- Challenge: Risks associated with lost keys or compromised codes.

- Solution: Introduction of biometric fingerprint technology for enhanced security.

2. Cost-Effective Security Solutions:

- Challenge: High costs associated with advanced security solutions.

- Solution: Utilization of affordable Raspberry Pi Pico for cost-effective design.

3. Integration into the Larger IoT Ecosystem:

- Challenge: Ensuring seamless communication with other IoT devices.

- Solution: Incorporation of connectivity modules for compatibility.

4. Biometric Security Complexity:

- Challenge: Ensuring accuracy and reliability in biometric identification.

- Solution: Advanced algorithms and rigorous testing for system optimization.

5. User Experience and Adaptability:

- Challenge: Balancing sophistication with simplicity for user acceptance.

- Solution: User-centric interface design and adaptability across various environments.

6. Technical Implementation and Efficiency:

- Challenge: Efficient integration of components for secure and fast operation.

- Solution: Thorough understanding of both hardware and software components.

7. Future Implications and Security Concerns:

- Challenge: Anticipating and addressing potential security concerns.

- Solution: Commitment to staying informed about regulatory compliance and continuous


E. Conclusion Acknowledgments:

1. Technical Team: Acknowledgment of the dedicated team behind the technical aspects.

2. Users: Recognition of the end-users for their feedback and adaptation.

3. Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to applicable standards and regulations.

4. Continuous Improvement: Commitment to ongoing refinement and adaptation.

F. Future Enhancements:

1. Integration with smart home systems.

2. Enhancement of biometric algorithms for increased accuracy.

3. Exploration of alternative power sources for increased sustainability.

4. Collaboration opportunities for broader impact.

G. References:

1. IoT and biometric security research papers.

2. Manufacturer documentation for Raspberry Pi Pico and R557 Fingerprint Sensor.

3. Relevant industry standards and guidelines.


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