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This post was republished to Publikasi Bimasoft at 11:33:11 27/05/2024

1. These are the expression of closing a conversation, except….

A It’s been a pleasure talking to you

B Let’s continue this another time

C Did you catch the news today?

D Sorry, I have something else to do

E I must be off now

2. Which one is the most suitable expression to begin a conversation?

A I should go right now

B Anyway, I found your bag

C How was your new job?

D It was nice to see you

E Shall we go now?

3. She's been working tirelessly to protect rainforests and the creatures that call them home.

The underlined word has the same meaning with……

A Instantly

B Beautifully

C careleessly

D effortlessly

E relentlessly

4. Jason : Hello, Robert! How's your day so far?

Robert : Oh, it's been quite interesting actually. I came across this inspiring story about a young
girl who saved a baby orang utan.

Jason : That sounds incredible!

Robert : Well, I've been reading about environmental conservation efforts, and this story

really caught my attention. So, this girl, named Sarah, was on a family trip to a rainforest when
they found a baby orang utan all alone.

Jason : Wow, that must have been a challenging situation! ...................................................

Robert : My pleasure. After finding the baby orang utan, Sarah's family decided to help it.

They contacted local wildlife authorities who took care of the baby orang utan and made sure it
was safe. Sarah was so moved by this experience that she decided to dedicate her life to protect
wildlife and their habitats.

Jason : Seriously? What came after that?

Robert : Well, as Sarah grew up, she pursued a degree in environmental science and eventually
became a forest ranger. She's been working tirelessly to protect rainforests and the creatures
that call them home. Her story is truly inspiring and shows how one small act of kindness can lead
to a lifetime positive impact.

Jason : That's an amazing story of resilience and dedication. I've had a great time chatting with
you, but I need to leave now.

Robert : Sure, no problem. It's great chatting with you too!

What expression best completes the dialogue?

A Could you provide more details on that?

B Could you please help me on that?

C Have you heard about that?

D Have you visited there?

E Shall we talk about it?

5. Jason : Hello, Robert! How's your day so far?

Robert : Oh, it's been quite interesting actually. I came across this inspiring story about a young
girl who saved a baby orang utan.

Jason : That sounds incredible!

Robert : Well, I've been reading about environmental conservation efforts, and this story

really caught my attention. So, this girl, named Sarah, was on a family trip to a rainforest when
they found a baby orang utan all alone.

Jason : Wow, that must have been a challenging situation! ...................................................

Robert : My pleasure. After finding the baby orang utan, Sarah's family decided to help it.

They contacted local wildlife authorities who took care of the baby orang utan and made sure it
was safe. Sarah was so moved by this experience that she decided to dedicate her life to protect
wildlife and their habitats.

Jason : Seriously? What came after that?

Robert : Well, as Sarah grew up, she pursued a degree in environmental science and eventually
became a forest ranger. She's been working tirelessly to protect rainforests and the creatures
that call them home. Her story is truly inspiring and shows how one small act of kindness can lead
to a lifetime positive impact.

Jason : That's an amazing story of resilience and dedication. I've had a great time chatting with
you, but I need to leave now.

Robert : Sure, no problem. It's great chatting with you too!

What did Sarah do to help the baby orang utan?

A She took care of the baby of orang utan

B She pursued a degree in environmental science

C She protected the rainforests and the baby orang utan

D She contacted local wildlife authorities

E She read about environmental conservation

6. Jason : Hello, Robert! How's your day so far?

Robert : Oh, it's been quite interesting actually. I came across this inspiring story about a young
girl who saved a baby orang utan.

Jason : That sounds incredible!

Robert : Well, I've been reading about environmental conservation efforts, and this story

really caught my attention. So, this girl, named Sarah, was on a family trip to a rainforest when
they found a baby orang utan all alone.

Jason : Wow, that must have been a challenging situation! ...................................................

Robert : My pleasure. After finding the baby orang utan, Sarah's family decided to help it.

They contacted local wildlife authorities who took care of the baby orang utan and made sure it
was safe. Sarah was so moved by this experience that she decided to dedicate her life to protect
wildlife and their habitats.

Jason : Seriously? What came after that?

Robert : Well, as Sarah grew up, she pursued a degree in environmental science and eventually
became a forest ranger. She's been working tirelessly to protect rainforests and the creatures
that call them home. Her story is truly inspiring and shows how one small act of kindness can lead
to a lifetime positive impact.

Jason : That's an amazing story of resilience and dedication. I've had a great time chatting with
you, but I need to leave now.

Robert : Sure, no problem. It's great chatting with you too!

Why Sarah dedicate her life to protect wildlife and their habitats?

A Because she pursued a degree in environmental science

B Because she became a forest ranger

C Because she had an experience in saving the baby orang utan

D Because she has been working tirelessly for the rainforests

E Because she likes to have a challenging story

7. Jason : Hello, Robert! How's your day so far?

Robert : Oh, it's been quite interesting actually. I came across this inspiring story about a young
girl who saved a baby orang utan.

Jason : That sounds incredible!

Robert : Well, I've been reading about environmental conservation efforts, and this story

really caught my attention. So, this girl, named Sarah, was on a family trip to a rainforest when
they found a baby orang utan all alone.

Jason : Wow, that must have been a challenging situation! ...................................................

Robert : My pleasure. After finding the baby orang utan, Sarah's family decided to help it.

They contacted local wildlife authorities who took care of the baby orang utan and made sure it
was safe. Sarah was so moved by this experience that she decided to dedicate her life to protect
wildlife and their habitats.

Jason : Seriously? What came after that?

Robert : Well, as Sarah grew up, she pursued a degree in environmental science and eventually
became a forest ranger. She's been working tirelessly to protect rainforests and the creatures
that call them home. Her story is truly inspiring and shows how one small act of kindness can lead
to a lifetime positive impact.

Jason : That's an amazing story of resilience and dedication. I've had a great time chatting with
you, but I need to leave now.
Robert : Sure, no problem. It's great chatting with you too!

These statements are correct based on the text, except…..

A Sarah pursued a degree in environmental science and eventually became a forest


B Jason and Robert are amazed about the inspiring story

C Jason has been reading about environmental conservation efforts story

D Sarah was on a family trip to a rainforest when they found a baby orang utan

E Sarah's family decided to help it by contacted local wildlife authorities

8. The aim of narrative text is….

A To explain about something

B To amuse the readers

C To tell how to do something

D To get readers’ attention

E To tell about the latest issue

9. The generic structure of narrative text is.....

A Orientation-complication-resolution-reorientation

B Goals-materials-steps-conclusion

C Orientation-reorientation-complication-resolution

D Orientation-complication-resolution-recommendation

E Goals-reorientation-steps-conclusion

10. The example of fictional narrative is...

A The legend of Surabaya

B Romeo and Juliet

C The lion and the mouse

D The sleeping beauty

E The life of Cleopatra

11. This story is like autobiography which focuses on a particular period, theme, or key event in the
author’s life. It includes personal reflections, emotions, insights, and is frequently used to capture
moments of transformation and self-discovery. It is a kind of …………

A Biographical narrative

B Memoir

C Fable

D Tall tale

E Folktale

12. Winona LaDuke is a writerand Oibwe scivist she aims to improve Native Americans livelihoods
while also tackling environmental and human rights concerns.

After graduating from Harvard, LaDuke relocated to the White Earth Reservation. She was the
principal of the tribal high school. She was shortly entangled in a lawsuit. The White Earth
Nationiscued the Unlted States covernment to reclaim the lands guaranteed to them in an 1867
treaty. The government had permitted number firms and other non-Native people to steal
NEARLY 700.000 acres (230.000 heactares). The lawsuit was not allowed to proceed after four
years LaDuke's involvement in the litigation inspired her to do more to safeguard Native lands.

She established the White Earth Land Recovery Project in 1989. The organization works to
reclaim the stolen land. It also contributes to the creation of economic opportunities for the
people living on the reservation. LaDuke was the project's executive director until 2014.

She was a founding member of Honor the Earth in 1993. The Honor the Earth campaign raises
awareness and support for Native environmental issues. It raises and distributes cash to Native
environmental organizations. Honor the Earth has donated over $2 million to over 200 Native
villages since its inception.

What did Winona LaDuke do after graduating?

A She found member of Honor theEarth in 1993

B She relocated to the White Earth reservation

C She become the principal of national high school

D She was not allowed to proceed after four years

E She improve Native Americans livelihoods

13. Winona LaDuke is a writerand Oibwe scivist she aims to improve Native Americans livelihoods
while also tackling environmental and human rights concerns.
After graduating from Harvard, LaDuke relocated to the White Earth Reservation. She was the
principal of the tribal high school. She was shortly entangled in a lawsuit. The White Earth
Nationiscued the Unlted States covernment to reclaim the lands guaranteed to them in an 1867
treaty. The government had permitted number firms and other non-Native people to steal
NEARLY 700.000 acres (230.000 heactares). The lawsuit was not allowed to proceed after four
years LaDuke's involvement in the litigation inspired her to do more to safeguard Native lands.

She established the White Earth Land Recovery Project in 1989. The organization works to
reclaim the stolen land. It also contributes to the creation of economic opportunities for the
people living on the reservation. LaDuke was the project's executive director until 2014.

She was a founding member of Honor the Earth in 1993. The Honor the Earth campaign raises
awareness and support for Native environmental issues. It raises and distributes cash to Native
environmental organizations. Honor the Earth has donated over $2 million to over 200 Native
villages since its inception.

When did the result of the lawsuit proposed by Winona LaDuke come out?

A After four years and it was declined

B After four years and it was accepted

C She finally established the project in 1989

D She was a founding member of Honor the Earth in 1993

E The lands guaranteed to them in an 1867

14. Galang's path began with an extraordinary accomplishment: a scholarship to a prestigious

university that recognized his academic excellence. He soared through his university years,
absorbing knowledge, meeting friends, and evolving as an individual, with unflinching drive and
endless hours of hard work.

Years passed by. Galang proudly stepped over the stage on a graduation day with his diploma
degree, a monument to his hard work. He couldn't help but think about his future as he stood
amid cheers and acclaim. Galang's heart was tugged in a new way amid the flow of job offers,
many from abroad organizations with excellent prospects. During his university years, he became
aware that the children in his own community lacked access to a high-quality education. Their
families couldn't afford the course expenses, and their aspirations appeared far away.

Galang turned down the rich offers because he felt a strong sense of responsibility and empathy.
He instead made the life-changing decision to invest in his community. Galang began on a mission
to construct a secondary school that would provide free education to these underserved students
with the money he saved for his trip overseas. His altruistic dedication to securing a brighter
future for people around him demonstrated the power of compassion and the possibility for
change that one person can bring to their community.

As the school doors opened, children's laughter replaced what would have been silence, and
young minds' hopes began to blossom. Galang's journey from scholarship to community service
became an encouraging illustration of how one person's decision can affect lives and spark a
positive circle of change.

What remarkable thing marked Galang’s initial journey?

A Traveling overseas

B Starting a secondary school

C Graduating from high school

D Becoming a succesful entrepreneur

E Receiving a scholarship to a university

15. Galang's path began with an extraordinary accomplishment: a scholarship to a prestigious

university that recognized his academic excellence. He soared through his university years,
absorbing knowledge, meeting friends, and evolving as an individual, with unflinching drive and
endless hours of hard work.

Years passed by. Galang proudly stepped over the stage on a graduation day with his diploma
degree, a monument to his hard work. He couldn't help but think about his future as he stood
amid cheers and acclaim. Galang's heart was tugged in a new way amid the flow of job offers,
many from abroad organizations with excellent prospects. During his university years, he became
aware that the children in his own community lacked access to a high-quality education. Their
families couldn't afford the course expenses, and their aspirations appeared far away.

Galang turned down the rich offers because he felt a strong sense of responsibility and empathy.
He instead made the life-changing decision to invest in his community. Galang began on a mission
to construct a secondary school that would provide free education to these underserved students
with the money he saved for his trip overseas. His altruistic dedication to securing a brighter
future for people around him demonstrated the power of compassion and the possibility for
change that one person can bring to their community.

As the school doors opened, children's laughter replaced what would have been silence, and
young minds' hopes began to blossom. Galang's journey from scholarship to community service
became an encouraging illustration of how one person's decision can affect lives and spark a
positive circle of change.

Why did Galang turn down job offers from overseas companies?

A He wanted to focus on his studies

B He wasn’t interested in those job offers

C He wanted to travel and explore different countries

D He wanted to make a difference to his community

E He was planning to start his own business

16. Galang's path began with an extraordinary accomplishment: a scholarship to a prestigious

university that recognized his academic excellence. He soared through his university years,
absorbing knowledge, meeting friends, and evolving as an individual, with unflinching drive and
endless hours of hard work.

Years passed by. Galang proudly stepped over the stage on a graduation day with his diploma
degree, a monument to his hard work. He couldn't help but think about his future as he stood
amid cheers and acclaim. Galang's heart was tugged in a new way amid the flow of job offers,
many from abroad organizations with excellent prospects. During his university years, he became
aware that the children in his own community lacked access to a high-quality education. Their
families couldn't afford the course expenses, and their aspirations appeared far away.

Galang turned down the rich offers because he felt a strong sense of responsibility and empathy.
He instead made the life-changing decision to invest in his community. Galang began on a mission
to construct a secondary school that would provide free education to these underserved students
with the money he saved for his trip overseas. His altruistic dedication to securing a brighter
future for people around him demonstrated the power of compassion and the possibility for
change that one person can bring to their community.

As the school doors opened, children's laughter replaced what would have been silence, and
young minds' hopes began to blossom. Galang's journey from scholarship to community service
became an encouraging illustration of how one person's decision can affect lives and spark a
positive circle of change.

How did Galang fund the establishment of the secondary school?

A Using the savings he set aside traveling abroad

B Borrowing money from overseas companies

C Making use of the scholarships he received

D Using the money he earned from his overseas job

E Earning financial supports from his university

17. Raffi: Aqila, I've been thinking a lot recently about what I would be in the future. It seems so

Aqila: I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super important. One
of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your goals, deadlines, and
responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila : Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the better
you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a superlative way
to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills and look
great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether it's sports, clubs,
or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage years and build a well-
rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars -it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

According to Aqila, what is the best thing Raffi needs to do to prepare for his future?

A Practice good study habits

B Join student organization

C Set ambitious career goals

D Save money for college since early

E Enroll a lot of extracurricular activities

18. Raffi: Aqila, I've been thinking a lot recently about what I would be in the future. It seems so

Aqila: I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super important. One
of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your goals, deadlines, and
responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila : Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the better
you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a superlative way
to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills and look
great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether it's sports, clubs,
or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage years and build a well-
rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars -it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

According to Aqila, why is being organized important for preparing for the future?

A To emphasize the need to set career goals early

B To highlight the importance of setting a future career

C To stress the significance of time management since early

D To encourage us to travel and explore new things in the future

E To suggest that we should pursue a creative hobby for the future

19. Raffi: Aqila, I've been thinking a lot recently about what I would be in the future. It seems so

Aqila: I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super important. One
of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your goals, deadlines, and
responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila : Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the better
you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a superlative way
to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills and look
great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether it's sports, clubs,
or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage years and build a well-
rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars -it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

Aqila says, ”It’s a superlative way to invest in your future.” what does it mean?

A She think that studying is a waste of time

B She suggest Raffi invest money in a stock market

C She recommends Raffi start running a small business

D She believes that studying hard leads to the best outcomes

E She advises that traveling is a way to invest in one’s future

20. Raffi: Aqila, I've been thinking a lot recently about what I would be in the future. It seems so

Aqila: I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super important. One
of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your goals, deadlines, and
responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila : Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the better
you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a superlative way
to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills and look
great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether it's sports, clubs,
or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage years and build a well-
rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars -it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

According to Aqila, why are extracurricular activities important for preparing our future?

A They allow us to earn money ourselves for college

B They provide chances for us to relax and enjoy life

C They open opportunities for us to make more friends

D They enable us to explore new places and meet new people

E They teach valuable life skills and enhance college applications

21. These are the correct sentences used in a kind of narrative text is….

A She will enroll in international university next month

B She goes to Japan every year

C They do not clean the hall after the show

D They did not clean the hall after the show

E He have gone to Japan yesterday

22. Past continuous tense is used in a sentence that.....

A An action or event happen in the past

B An action or event that is going

C An action or event that was going in the past

D An action or event that will happen in the future

E An action or event that will happen in the past

23. These are the example of past tenses, except.......

A They were valuable

B She was happy at that time

C You had written this article

D We dedicated our time a lot doing this project

E The agenda does not run well

24. The correct form of Past perfect sentence is....

A He had have breakfast with his friend in canteen

B He had has breakfast with his friend in canteen

C He have had breakfast with his friend in canteen

D He had had breakfast with his friend in canteen

E Heh had breakfast with his friend in canteen

25. The pattern of Past continuous tense that may use in a kind of narrative text is….

A S+was+V3+O

B S+was/

C S+was/were+V2+O

D S+V2+O


26. The purpose of procedure text is….

A To explain the latest issue around the writer

B To explain on how to make or do something

C To explain why something happens

D To explain on what happen in the past

E To explain on why something can be done

27. Have vou ever wondered how to have glowing, healthy skin? To preserve your skin, you might
begin by following the basic skincare routine.

Firstly, wash your hands to guarantee cleanliness. To remove makeup, debris, and pollutants
from your face, use mild cleanser. Massage the cleanser in circular strokes onto your damp skin.
Then, thoroughly rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a clean towel.

Then, take a cotton pad and gently swipe it around vour face and neck with light toner.

Toning balances the pH levels of your skin and prepares it to absorb the upcoming skincare
products more effectively.

Next, using your fingertips, gently push and pat targeted serum or treatment, such as one
containing hyaluronic acid or vitamin C, onto vour skin. Serums and treatments contain active
chemicals that address specific skin issues such as hydration, brightness, and anti-aging.

After that, apply a nutritious night moisturizer to your face and neck evenly. Remember to gently
massage it into your skin with upward motions. Moisturizing helps keep your skin hydrated,
minimizes moistureloss, andsupports the skin's natural repair process while you sleep.

Additionally, on the drier side of your skin, you can use lightweight face oil. Simply put a few
drops of oil to your palms, warm it, and press it onto your skin. Face oil, especially for dry or aged
skin, can add an extra layer of hydration and seal in moisture.

Finally, apply a nutritious lip balm or treatment on your lips to complete your routine. A lip balm
can help reduce dryness and chapping, especially throughout the winter.

After a long day, each step serves a role in cleansing, nourishing, and revitalizing your skin,
allowing you to wake up with a rejuvenated and bright complexion.

What is the text called?

A An agenda

B Notices

C Instructions

D A recipe

E A manual

28. Have vou ever wondered how to have glowing, healthy skin? To preserve your skin, you might
begin by following the basic skincare routine.

Firstly, wash your hands to guarantee cleanliness. To remove makeup, debris, and pollutants
from your face, use mild cleanser. Massage the cleanser in circular strokes onto your damp skin.
Then, thoroughly rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a clean towel.

Then, take a cotton pad and gently swipe it around vour face and neck with light toner.

Toning balances the pH levels of your skin and prepares it to absorb the upcoming skincare
products more effectively.

Next, using your fingertips, gently push and pat targeted serum or treatment, such as one
containing hyaluronic acid or vitamin C, onto vour skin. Serums and treatments contain active
chemicals that address specific skin issues such as hydration, brightness, and anti-aging.

After that, apply a nutritious night moisturizer to your face and neck evenly. Remember to gently
massage it into your skin with upward motions. Moisturizing helps keep your skin hydrated,
minimizes moistureloss, andsupports the skin's natural repair process while you sleep.

Additionally, on the drier side of your skin, you can use lightweight face oil. Simply put a few
drops of oil to your palms, warm it, and press it onto your skin. Face oil, especially for dry or aged
skin, can add an extra layer of hydration and seal in moisture.

Finally, apply a nutritious lip balm or treatment on your lips to complete your routine. A lip balm
can help reduce dryness and chapping, especially throughout the winter.

After a long day, each step serves a role in cleansing, nourishing, and revitalizing your skin,
allowing you to wake up with a rejuvenated and bright complexion.

What step can’t we do if we have an oily skin type?

A Use lightweight face oil

B Apply a lip balm

C Pat serum onto our face

D Wash our face using cleanser

E Balance our PH using toner

29. Have vou ever wondered how to have glowing, healthy skin? To preserve your skin, you might
begin by following the basic skincare routine.

Firstly, wash your hands to guarantee cleanliness. To remove makeup, debris, and pollutants
from your face, use mild cleanser. Massage the cleanser in circular strokes onto your damp skin.
Then, thoroughly rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a clean towel.

Then, take a cotton pad and gently swipe it around vour face and neck with light toner.
Toning balances the pH levels of your skin and prepares it to absorb the upcoming skincare
products more effectively.

Next, using your fingertips, gently push and pat targeted serum or treatment, such as one
containing hyaluronic acid or vitamin C, onto vour skin. Serums and treatments contain active
chemicals that address specific skin issues such as hydration, brightness, and anti-aging.

After that, apply a nutritious night moisturizer to your face and neck evenly. Remember to gently
massage it into your skin with upward motions. Moisturizing helps keep your skin hydrated,
minimizes moistureloss, andsupports the skin's natural repair process while you sleep.

Additionally, on the drier side of your skin, you can use lightweight face oil. Simply put a few
drops of oil to your palms, warm it, and press it onto your skin. Face oil, especially for dry or aged
skin, can add an extra layer of hydration and seal in moisture.

Finally, apply a nutritious lip balm or treatment on your lips to complete your routine. A lip balm
can help reduce dryness and chapping, especially throughout the winter.

After a long day, each step serves a role in cleansing, nourishing, and revitalizing your skin,
allowing you to wake up with a rejuvenated and bright complexion.

When should we do the basic skincare routine?

A In the morning

B Before going to work/school

C During a lunch break

D Before going to bed at night

E On the weekend only

30. Have vou ever wondered how to have glowing, healthy skin? To preserve your skin, you might
begin by following the basic skincare routine.

Firstly, wash your hands to guarantee cleanliness. To remove makeup, debris, and pollutants
from your face, use mild cleanser. Massage the cleanser in circular strokes onto your damp skin.
Then, thoroughly rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a clean towel.

Then, take a cotton pad and gently swipe it around vour face and neck with light toner.

Toning balances the pH levels of your skin and prepares it to absorb the upcoming skincare
products more effectively.

Next, using your fingertips, gently push and pat targeted serum or treatment, such as one
containing hyaluronic acid or vitamin C, onto vour skin. Serums and treatments contain active
chemicals that address specific skin issues such as hydration, brightness, and anti-aging.

After that, apply a nutritious night moisturizer to your face and neck evenly. Remember to gently
massage it into your skin with upward motions. Moisturizing helps keep your skin hydrated,
minimizes moistureloss, andsupports the skin's natural repair process while you sleep.

Additionally, on the drier side of your skin, you can use lightweight face oil. Simply put a few
drops of oil to your palms, warm it, and press it onto your skin. Face oil, especially for dry or aged
skin, can add an extra layer of hydration and seal in moisture.

Finally, apply a nutritious lip balm or treatment on your lips to complete your routine. A lip balm
can help reduce dryness and chapping, especially throughout the winter.

After a long day, each step serves a role in cleansing, nourishing, and revitalizing your skin,
allowing you to wake up with a rejuvenated and bright complexion.

Who is mostly interested to read the text?

A Skin care product sellers

B Beauty product sevices

C Influencers of beauty vloggers

D Producers of natural ingredients products

E People who want to have a healthy face skin

31. The generic structure of procedure text is

A Orientation-conflict-conclusion

B Orientation-complication-resolution

C Goals-purpose-step

D Goals-conflict-resolution

E Goals-materials-steps

32. Indah: What do you think about the pollution of this city compared to your hometown?

Randy: Well, I think the pollution of this city is …………. than that of my hometown.

A Bad

B worse

C Very bad

D The worst

E So bad
33. Shinta : Do you know lake toba?

Rama : I do. It is the ……………. Crater lake in Indonesia.

A Small

B Larger

C Smaller

D Smallest

E Largest

34. (1) Firstly, you should unsecure the battery.

(2) After plugging into the charger, wait until the lights turn green for the sign that it is full.

(3) Now, you can ride your bike again!

(4) After you get the battery unsecured, plug it into the charger.

(5) Don’t forget to secure the battery before riding your bike.

(6) When the battery has been full, slot the battery back in.

The correct arrangement of the sentences is ………………..

A 1-2-5-4-6-3

B 1-5-2-4-6-3

C 1-4-2-6-5-3

D 1-5-4-6-2-3

E 1-4-5-2-6-3

35. Emma : What do you think of the concert last night?

Ron : Woah, I think it was the ……….. concert that I have ever watched.

A Great

B Greater

C Greatest

D Spectacular

E Spectaculerer

36. Alya : Did you experience the flood that lately happened in Jakarta?
Setya : I didn’t. The flood had receded when I ………………. there.

A Arrive

B Arrives

C Arrived

D Am arriving

E Had arrived

37. Building a compost bin is not as daunting as it may seem. With a few easy steps, you can create
an efficient composting system right in your backyard. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it.

1. Choose an ideal location. The location should be well-drained, easily accessible, and receive a
good balance of sunlight and shade.

2. Select the right container. The container should be sufficiently large to accommodate your
compost but still fit comfortably in the chosen location.

3. Drill holes in the bottom and on the sides of the container to allow for proper airflow.

4. Place your composter on top of a large garbage bag or a weed cloth to keep your composting
process clean and manageable.

5. Start filling it with organic waste. You can add a wide range of materials, including kitchen
scraps like fruit and vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, and eggshells, as well as garden waste
such as leaves and small branches. Avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods, as they can attract
pests and slow down the composting process.

6. Regularly turn the compost with a pitchfork or shovel to aerate it and speed up decomposition.

Why should we drill holes in the compost container?

A To keep our pests

B To allow for proper airflow

C To provide a decorative pattern

D To add stability to the container

E To increase the compost’s temperature

38. Building a compost bin is not as daunting as it may seem. With a few easy steps, you can create
an efficient composting system right in your backyard. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it.

1. Choose an ideal location. The location should be well-drained, easily accessible, and receive a
good balance of sunlight and shade.
2. Select the right container. The container should be sufficiently large to accommodate your
compost but still fit comfortably in the chosen location.

3. Drill holes in the bottom and on the sides of the container to allow for proper airflow.

4. Place your composter on top of a large garbage bag or a weed cloth to keep your composting
process clean and manageable.

5. Start filling it with organic waste. You can add a wide range of materials, including kitchen
scraps like fruit and vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, and eggshells, as well as garden waste
such as leaves and small branches. Avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods, as they can attract
pests and slow down the composting process.

6. Regularly turn the compost with a pitchfork or shovel to aerate it and speed up decomposition.

What materials should not be added to the compost bin?

A Coffee grounds and eggshells

B Small branches and leaves

C Meat, dairy, and oily foods

D Kitchen scraps

E Garden waste

39. Building a compost bin is not as daunting as it may seem. With a few easy steps, you can create
an efficient composting system right in your backyard. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it.

1. Choose an ideal location. The location should be well-drained, easily accessible, and receive a
good balance of sunlight and shade.

2. Select the right container. The container should be sufficiently large to accommodate your
compost but still fit comfortably in the chosen location.

3. Drill holes in the bottom and on the sides of the container to allow for proper airflow.

4. Place your composter on top of a large garbage bag or a weed cloth to keep your composting
process clean and manageable.

5. Start filling it with organic waste. You can add a wide range of materials, including kitchen
scraps like fruit and vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, and eggshells, as well as garden waste
such as leaves and small branches. Avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods, as they can attract
pests and slow down the composting process.

6. Regularly turn the compost with a pitchfork or shovel to aerate it and speed up decomposition.
What should you do regularly to aid the composting process?

A Avoid turning the compost

B Add more meat and dairy products

C Keep the compost bin in direct sunlight

D Turn the compost with a pitchfork or shovel

E Increase the amount of plastic in the compost

40. Building a compost bin is not as daunting as it may seem. With a few easy steps, you can create
an efficient composting system right in your backyard. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it.

1. Choose an ideal location. The location should be well-drained, easily accessible, and receive a
good balance of sunlight and shade.

2. Select the right container. The container should be sufficiently large to accommodate your
compost but still fit comfortably in the chosen location.

3. Drill holes in the bottom and on the sides of the container to allow for proper airflow.

4. Place your composter on top of a large garbage bag or a weed cloth to keep your composting
process clean and manageable.

5. Start filling it with organic waste. You can add a wide range of materials, including kitchen
scraps like fruit and vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, and eggshells, as well as garden waste
such as leaves and small branches. Avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods, as they can attract
pests and slow down the composting process.

6. Regularly turn the compost with a pitchfork or shovel to aerate it and speed up decomposition.

“Choose an ideal condition” (step 1)

What is the synonym word ‘choose’?

A Select

B Decide

C Determine

D Remove

E Use

41 Jessica : was Indonesian team as strong as japan?

Jasmine : No, I tgink Japan was stronger than Indonesia/

Jessica : But…………… China, Japan, or China?

Jasmine : China.

A Which team is the strongest

B Which team is the weakest

C Which team is the worst

D Which country plays better

E Which country wins better

42 Harry : How did Jacob jog in the race?

Justin : he jogged quickly.
Harry : Really? How about Cedric?
Justin : He was the winner. So he jogged …

A As quick as others

B As quickly among all

C More quickly than Jacob

D Very quickly

E The quickest of all

43 John has ten marbles. Andi has fifteen marbles, but Doni has twenty. Which of the following is
not correct?

A Andi has more marbles than John

B Doni has the most marbles among them

C John has the least marbles among them

D Andi has more marbles than Doni

E Doni has more marbles than John

44 Lisa sings the song beautifully. Rose sings the song beautifully.

We can combine the sentence into......

A Lisa sings the song the same beautifully as Rose

B Lisa sings the song as beautifully as Rose

C Rose sings the song the same beautifully with Lisa

D Rose sings the song not differently as Lisa

E Rose sings the song differently as Lisa

45 Your clothes are ............ than mine

A Dirty

B Dirtier

C Dirtiest

D More dirty

E Most dirty

46 I have never met anyone as …………. as you!

A Pretty

B Prettier

C Prettiest

D More pretty

E Most prettiest

47 Air pollution is worse in big cities. To anticipate health problems due to air pollution, there are
several ways that people can do, namely:

1. Check the air quality in each area. You can check air quality using a website or application on
smartphones. Air quality is seen from the color and index number.

2. Avoid places with high air pollution such as busy highways or industrial areas affected by air

3. Purify indoor air. Use an indoor air purifier or air filter to reduce exposure to indoor pollutants.

4. Increase green plants in areas with high air pollution and around your house. One of the uses
of plants is as an early indicator of pollution, and also as a barrier to dust and other particles.

5. Arrange for good air circulation. Ensure good indoor air circulation by opening windows or
using an effective ventilation system.

6. Use public transportation such as buses, trains, LRT, and MRT to reduce air pollution.

7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Maintain your immune system by adopting a healthy lifestyle,
including consuming balanced nutritious food (especially consuming foods rich in natural
antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruit, and nuts), exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking.
8. Use a mask if you are in a location with a high level of air pollution. The recommended mask is
at least a surgical mask because it can filter pollutant particles better than cloth masks.

What is the text about?

A Ways to overcome air pollution

B Ways to avoid helath issues due to air pollution

C Steps to reduce pollution exposure at home

D Risks of high air pollution to human health

E Steps to reduce the risk os lung diseases

48 Air pollution is worse in big cities. To anticipate health problems due to air pollution, there are
several ways that people can do, namely:

1. Check the air quality in each area. You can check air quality using a website or application on
smartphones. Air quality is seen from the color and index number.

2. Avoid places with high air pollution such as busy highways or industrial areas affected by air

3. Purify indoor air. Use an indoor air purifier or air filter to reduce exposure to indoor pollutants.

4. Increase green plants in areas with high air pollution and around your house. One of the uses
of plants is as an early indicator of pollution, and also as a barrier to dust and other particles.

5. Arrange for good air circulation. Ensure good indoor air circulation by opening windows or
using an effective ventilation system.

6. Use public transportation such as buses, trains, LRT, and MRT to reduce air pollution.

7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Maintain your immune system by adopting a healthy lifestyle,
including consuming balanced nutritious food (especially consuming foods rich in natural
antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruit, and nuts), exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking.

8. Use a mask if you are in a location with a high level of air pollution. The recommended mask is
at least a surgical mask because it can filter pollutant particles better than cloth masks.

Where can you check the air quality?

A In a TV live news reports

B In a social media new posts

C In an application on smartphones
D In a high buildingthat offers the city view

E In a n article that is internationally published

49 Air pollution is worse in big cities. To anticipate health problems due to air pollution, there are
several ways that people can do, namely:

1. Check the air quality in each area. You can check air quality using a website or application on
smartphones. Air quality is seen from the color and index number.

2. Avoid places with high air pollution such as busy highways or industrial areas affected by air

3. Purify indoor air. Use an indoor air purifier or air filter to reduce exposure to indoor pollutants.

4. Increase green plants in areas with high air pollution and around your house. One of the uses
of plants is as an early indicator of pollution, and also as a barrier to dust and other particles.

5. Arrange for good air circulation. Ensure good indoor air circulation by opening windows or
using an effective ventilation system.

6. Use public transportation such as buses, trains, LRT, and MRT to reduce air pollution.

7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Maintain your immune system by adopting a healthy lifestyle,
including consuming balanced nutritious food (especially consuming foods rich in natural
antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruit, and nuts), exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking.

8. Use a mask if you are in a location with a high level of air pollution. The recommended mask is
at least a surgical mask because it can filter pollutant particles better than cloth masks.

Why should we avoid living in an industrial areas?

A The air is highly polluted

B The areas are crowded

C The areas are dry

D The trees are cut down

E The air quality is good enough

50 Air pollution is worse in big cities. To anticipate health problems due to air pollution, there are
several ways that people can do, namely:

1. Check the air quality in each area. You can check air quality using a website or application on
smartphones. Air quality is seen from the color and index number.

2. Avoid places with high air pollution such as busy highways or industrial areas affected by air
3. Purify indoor air. Use an indoor air purifier or air filter to reduce exposure to indoor pollutants.

4. Increase green plants in areas with high air pollution and around your house. One of the uses
of plants is as an early indicator of pollution, and also as a barrier to dust and other particles.

5. Arrange for good air circulation. Ensure good indoor air circulation by opening windows or
using an effective ventilation system.

6. Use public transportation such as buses, trains, LRT, and MRT to reduce air pollution.

7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Maintain your immune system by adopting a healthy lifestyle,
including consuming balanced nutritious food (especially consuming foods rich in natural
antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruit, and nuts), exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking.

8. Use a mask if you are in a location with a high level of air pollution. The recommended mask is
at least a surgical mask because it can filter pollutant particles better than cloth masks.

What should people wear if they are in a location with a high level of air pollution?

A A pair of gloves

B A raincoat

C A mask

D A pair of socks

E A shawl

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