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Measurement: Shunt-Thru

Cursor 1 Cursor 2 Delta C2-C1

Frequency 7,368 kHz 542,884 kHz 535,515 kHz
Trace 1 Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude
Measurement 814,701 Ω 66,178 Ω -748,522 Ω
Trace 2 Phase (°) Phase (°) Phase (°)
Measurement -8,993 ° -69,249 ° -60,256 °

Sweep Calibration Full-Range User-Range

Start frequency: 100 Hz Thru Active -
Stop frequency: 40 MHz O/S/L Available -
Center frequency: 20 MHz
Span: 40 MHz Attenuator setting Channel 1 Channel 2
Sweep mode: Logarithmic Reflection 20 dB 20 dB
Numer of points: 201

Hardware setup
Device type: Bode100R2
Serial number: KN052S
Receiver bandwidth: 300 Hz
Output level: 0 dBm
DUT settling time: 0s

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