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‘The 4th Macau International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition in 2024 Allrelevant units: In order to bull an international youth technology activity exchange platform, explore the innovative integration ofthe “interdscplinary practice” curriculum content proposed by the national new curriculum standards, encourage young people to actively participate in technology activities, cultivate new seedlings of ‘technological innovation, strengthen cooperation in youth technology education, expand the international perspective of young science and technology teachers (counselors), improve ther professional abilities and innovation levels, and promote the heatthy and rapid development of scence and technology education. In 2023, the society wilfully return to normal, and the 3rd Macao International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition wll continue tobe jointly held bby the Macao Physics and Education Research Association, Tsinghua FSpace (Shum Institute of Entrepreneurship), the China Physes Education and Research Aliance, and the China Intellectual International Convention and Exhibition Co, Lt, which will continue to jointly hold the 3rd Macao International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition Ie has been decided to continue to hold the 4th Macao International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition in the Macao Special Administrative Region from 12 to 14 August 2024 ‘Te theme ofthe act is: practic, innovation friendship, and grow, ‘The specific organizational work ofthis event is undertaken by the Macau Institute of Physics and Education, the Chinese Physics Education Research Allance, ‘and Zhongzh International Exhibition and Conference Co, Ltd attachment: Articles of Aesocation ofthe Ath Macau International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition in 2024 Registration Form for the Ath Macau international Youth Scence and Technology Practice Competition in 2024 Practice Competition May 10,2024 (Contact person: Teacher Zhu Xin, phone number: 18601144676; email ) ‘The 4th Macau International Youth Science and Technology Practice ‘Competition RULES CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Article LThe Macau International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition (herein after referred to asthe Practice Competition) isa comprehensive sclence and technology practice achievement exhibition and ‘exchange activity aimee at primary and secondary school students and technology counselors from countries and regions across the Taiwan Strat, four reglns, and Southeast Asia. Aticle2:The purpose ofthe practice competition isto adapt to the development of ‘technological innovation and education, create a technology practice platform for learning, exploration, and communication for primary and secondary school students, stimulate the scientific interest and imagination of young people, and cultivate their Scientific thinking, innovative spirit, and practical ability; Through the dislay, ‘evaluation, and exchange activities of sclentific and technological practice ‘achievements, promote extensive contact and friendship among young people fram the four regons across the Talwan Strat andthe Chinese world; Discover and cultivate a group of young technological innovation reserve talents with scientiic research potential and innovative spit, ‘Te thtd practical competition coincides with the newiy issued national curriculum standards, which add the content of "interdsciplinary practice” courses, highlighting the significance ofthe practical competition Inthe times, Article 3 The practical competition's divided into two levels. Ones 2 self selected project competition, where students select topics based on the reference provided by the organizing committee. Students choose topes that are suitable for them in school, complete the design and production, and bring them tothe competition exibition for evaluation; The second is to draw lots onsite based on expert propositions, randomly select questions within the designated time of the competition, propose design plans on-site, and make base models to particlpate in the evaluation. Determine the number and level of awards based on the comprehensive resits ofthe two activities. CHAPTER 2 Basic Content ofthe Practice Competition Atel 4. When the organizing committee issues the registration notice forthe practical competition, it shall also publish the "Entry Guide” Article 5. The scope ofthe topic selection takes into account the cultural foundation ‘of primary and secondary school students in the context of madera technology and culture The technological and innovative capabilites that living experience may achieve CHAPTER 3. Organizational structure and responsiblies Ace 6 Sponsored by: Macau Physics and Education Research Assocation, Tsinghua Space (isi EnrepreneushipSmgss), China Physics Education Research Allance, and Zhongzhi International Exhibition and Coference Co, Ltd ‘The organizers fully responsible fr all major matters elated tothe practical competiion, including formulating and revising the constitution of the practical competition, establishing the competition organizing committee and evaluation ‘committe, reviewing the major plans, measures, funding budgets, and fundraising proposed by the secretariat for each competition Asticle 7. Consultant: Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau ‘The consulting unit mainly provides guidance and suppor from profesional perspectives suchas the topic selection and evaluation work ofthe competition Article 8. Working Committee ‘The working committees the executing agency for the practical competition, implementing the overall purpose of the organizer's competition, comprehensively ‘organizing and providing service fr the competition, including the reception of ‘experts, contestants, and all attending representatives, venue arrangement, data compilation, prizes and certiiates, etc ‘CHAPTER 4 Application and Review Article 9: Al primary and secondary schoo! students who belong tothe school can participate in the competition application, School leaders in charge, school science and technology teachers, and science and technology counselor can apply forthe Student Science and Technology Counselor Award Article 10. review committee shall be established fr the practical competition, consisting of experts from domestic and foreign scientific research and education flelds hired by the organizing committee. The judging committee is responsible for proposing evaluation standards and methods, and independently completing the {evaluation work within the specifies time according tothe competition rules and evaluation methods, and reporting tothe organizing committee, Article 11. A review and supervision committee shall be established forthe practical competition, consisting of experts and representatives ofthe organizing unt, shall bbe responsible for formulating review discipline and supervising the review work. No ‘one shal affect or interfere withthe review workin any form. (CHAPTER 5 Organizational implementation and Management ‘ticle 12 Each organizing unit arranges a dedicated person to serve asthe contact person fo the practical competition, responsible for dally communication and liaison, timely reporting important matters to relevant departments and leaders of the uit, and coordinating the handling of relevant matters Article 13, Under the leadership of the organizing committee, the sectetari ‘organizing committe is fully responsible for promoting the organization, Implementation, and routine management ofthe practical competition. During the {evaluation period of the conference, itis necessary to closely contact the organizer, ofthe consulting units, and co organizers, and work together to comprehensively carry out various practical competitions such as dsplay, evaluation, and awads, ‘Supplementary Provisions Article 14.By submitting thelr works to the organizer the participant voluntarily participates inthe practical competition activities in accordance with the provisions ofthis constitution, and all thelr participation activites are bound by tis constitution, Acie 15 The projects declared by the contestants shall not infringe onthe patents, copyrights, trademarks, reputation rights, or any other legitimate rights and interests of other thid parties, The organizer ofthe practical competition has the right to publish, distribute, and use other public welfare scence popularization activites for the participating projects. ‘Article 16 The organizer shall not be liable for any legal consequences (Including but not limited t infringement of third-party patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, portralt rights, reputation rights, and privacy eights) arising from the participant's {allure to apply for intellectual property protection before partcipatingn the practice competition, and for any force majeure or uncontrollable reasons that may affect the holding ofthe practice competition [Article 17 This Constitution shall be interpreted by the Secretariat ofthe Organizing Committee forthe Practice Competition and shall be implemented from the date of ins release [Attachment 1: Organizing Committee ofthe 4th Macau international Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition [Attachment 2: Projet Guide forthe 4th Macau International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition Attachment 1: Honorary Chairman: Song yonghua _Presdent ofthe University of Macau Uxingwei President of Macau University of Science and Technology Chairman: wu zuren ‘Chairman ofthe China Physics Education and Research Allance President ofthe Brain Development Research Association of, the Chinese Creative Socety Deputy Chairman: Shaohanbin Director ofthe Macau Museum of Science Hemingrong Dean of the Faculty of Science, Keohsiung Normal Universty;chinese Talwan John Baruch Director ofthe Remate Starganing Program atthe UK Department of Education Surapun, Director of English teaching program, Ministry of educaton,thalland Yang canji_ Chairman of the Macao Physics and Education Research Association = Tan jinrong Director of the Science and Technology Practice Base for Primary and Secondary School Students at Macao University LUang yixing Vice Director ofthe Physics Education and Research Alliance Liu chongyi_ Deputy Secretary General of the National Youth Invention and Creation Work Committee Shao hanbin Director of the Macau Museum of Science Liang jingwel Director of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Yang canji Chairman of the Macao Physies and Education Research Gao xingyuan Vice President of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Science and Technology Education Association Liu feng Secretary ofthe Chinese Physics Education and Research Zheng jiezhao Principal ofthe Lou hau High school, Macau uh Director of Bling Future Scence City ‘Zheng llang Former President ofthe Hong Kong Mathematical Socety Quan hanyan Principal of Guangdong Experimental Middle School Zhuhaozhen —_Assistantto the Principal ofthe High Schoo! Affiliated to Renmin University rimary School lou welyi Deputy of Principal Afilated High School of East China Normal University Consultant: Cchen jiaer Academician ofthe Chinese Academy of Sclences, famous physic, ‘ormer present of Peking University Tang xiaowel Academician ofthe Chinese Academy of Scences Zhao kaihua Former vice president of the Chinese Physical Society Chen gingquan Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ‘The father of new energy vehicles in Asia Secretariat of the Organizing Committee: Secretary-General LUangyixing Executive Vice President of China Physics Education and Research Allance, Chairman ofthe Supervisory Commitee of Macau Physics, land Education Research Assocation, President of Macau Technicians Association, resident of Macau Youth Nautical Model Association Tel:(00852—63867628 Deputy Secretary-General: Lujianjun President of 2hongzhi International Exhibition and Conference Co, Ltd Lu zhongyi Deputy Secretary General ofthe National Youth Invention and Creation Work Committee ‘Wang jin Consultants on intellectual propery Gao xingyuan Vice President of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Science and Technology Education Association Lu feng Secretary of the Chinese Physics Education and Research Allance Secretary: ZhuXin , UangYansun, Liu Zhen Zhong. Review Committee: composed of 15 experts from home and abroad. List of working List of working Committees Director: Luianjun ang. Yxing Deputy Director: Lu Zhongy, Wu Min, Xiao Yan, an Jnrong G20 Xingyuan ‘Working Committee: Lu Feng Liu Zherchong, Liang Yan xun, Liu Wenbin, Wanpeng, Long Xuellang ‘Attachment 2: Guide to the 4th Macao International Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition Contest content and requirements © ach team consists of 3-4 people; Each team is required to complete the following default challenges and real-time challenges: 1. Preset challenge projets(200 points) (Joes of space capsule household waste treatment desc Create design foray kind of antage) (240esie of ew popular sence nstuments based on electomagnetism, magnets, tc (Juang the principles of acoustics, mechanic, and electronics, how to make long-distance microphone device jnon-mebile,nonado: ‘Scoring Basis: Making» adel (60 and cea demonstrating sient, practeabity, Inovation 80 points), uniqueness and creativity 30 point), fet and asthe (20 pnts) ‘ekcontstants aged bing thee own work to partcpate n the competion, dy their projects te, and pata in eper defense 1. Instant Challenge Project (200 points) ‘The projects a project developed by the Tsinghua Science Research Team for the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents, whichis interesting and Sclentife, ands suitable for primary and secondary school students. On the day of the report, the task was taken, and the group cooperated in the study and completed ‘the taskon time. According tothe completion time, completion quality, and process observation. (announced at the time ofthe competition) Preliminary schedule of the competition Time arrangement Content ofthe event Checkin, set up, and sue rea time challenge 14200-18200 Day project requirements August 12 + b 1900-2100 | Preset challenge projeets competition (0880-12-00 | Instant Challenge Project competition bay? MBS | 00-17:30 | Judge STEM education sharing, slentificinaviry pen | 8:90-0:20 | a een ase Day3 08:40-1 sng ceremony and award cerem: panier 1:40 | Closing and award ceremony ‘Getto know Macao's freedom of movement and 2006 evacuation MLogistretion requirenents 1. Schools, teachers and students interested in partcipatingin the International ‘Youth Science and Technology Practice Competition are welcome to report to the ‘ccasiontame, The deadline for registration i June 30 2. Each school can send upto 2 teams pet group, and 1 school leader of 1 instructor willbe selected, Each team consist of 4 students 13. According te the list of personnel submitted by the participating units, the Participating students will be divided into elementary school group, junior high school group, and high cheol group. 4. This activity limited to each group (Primary Group/Junior High School/High ‘choo! Group) to accept no more than 50 schools to apply (a total of 100 teams to participate), and the applicants wil arrange (to be specified on a first-come first-served base IV. Activity results 4. The organizer ofthis activity wil sue the corresponding award certificate tothe urstanding performers, according to the evaluation results. Awarded gold, sver and bronze awards 2. Sponsor enterprises to set up special awards, 13. (Establishment ofa special award according to the wishes ofthe supporting organization) 4. Selection of outstanding teachers and outstanding schools. V- Activity costs (CNY) 1. Activity expenses: food and lodging expenses during the even, venue layout and publicity fees, hiring domestic and foreign experts, trophy medals and bonuses for participants, experimental equipment and other expenses 980 CNY / perso, 2. Each representative team member and instructor shall bea the transportation expenses and activities not arranged by the competition Contact: ‘AD: 11FLnda Bg, ANO. Dongtucheng Road Chaoyang Dist Being. PRC ‘unin 0085 ~18601144676 mall: (Organizing Committee ofthe Macau International Youth Sc Practice Competition Form of te 4h Organizing Coramine of she Iteration! Youth Science and Tecnology Practice Compton of Macao Name of Email School ‘Name of (leader) | gender Passport No, Email: Teacher 1 2 Name of a eer team roma Name of student 1 2 3 4 Name of " naer team ear Name of student 1 2 3 4 Organizing Committee of the Macau International Youth Sci Practice Competition

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