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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com
1. What form of executive clemency was given when it reduces the sentence of a convicted person to shorter term?
A. Commutation of sentence C. Reprieve
B. Amnesty D. Pardon

2. This is an investigation conducted by the parole and probation officer not within the jurisdiction of the trial court.
A. Post-Sentence Investigation C. Courtesy Investigation Report
B. Pre-Parole Investigation Report D. Pre-Executive Clemency Investigation Report

3. A disposition under which a defendant, after a conviction and sentence is released subject, a condition imposed by a court
and a supervision by a probation officer.
A. Executive clemency B. Parole C. Probation D. Recognizance

4. The conditional pardon for a petitioner must have serve at least _____ of the minimum of his indeterminate sentence.
A. ¼ B. ½ C. 1/5 D. 2/5

5. Instantaneously upon the issuance of a probation order by the court to the probationer, who among the following
accountable to inform the probationer the penalty of such order and explain to him that failure to comply the conditions,
he shall serve the penalty imposed?
A. Probation Officer C. Director General of BUCOR
B. Judge of the trial court D. Director of BJMP

6. These refers to the method of correcting sentenced offenders without having to go in prison____.
A. Institutional corrections C. Non-institutional corrections
B. Therapeutic community modality program D. Corrections

7. Pardon is given only after conviction, while _______ may be exercised even before investigation, trial, or convict.
A. Amnesty B. Probation C. Pardon D. Parole

8. Among the following, one of the purposes of adult probation is to ______

A. Create a probation office for all offenders.
B. Foster closer relationship between the offender and the judge who promulgated the probation order.
C. Place the offender outside police power of the state.
D. Prevent commission of the crime

Purposes of probation (PRE-IN-PE)

- Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing him with individualized treatment.
- Provide an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent offender which might be less probable if he were to serve a prison
sentence; and
- Prevent the commission of offenses.

9. An alien parolee turned over for disposition, documentation and appropriate order, which agency shall accept him for this
A. Board Of Pardons and Parole C. Bureau of Correction
B. National Bureau of Investigation D. Bureau of Immigration and Deportation

10. This refers to an act of grace and the recipient is not entitled to it as a matter of right.
A. Pardon B. Reprieve C. Parole D. Commutation of sentence

11. All but one is the major rehabilitation program of probation.

A. Volunteer probation aide program C. Retributive justice
B. Therapeutic community D. Restorative justice

12. The man who coined the word "probation" derived from the Latin word “probare (to test or to prove)".
A. Richard Mcsweeney C. John Augustus
B. Frederick Rainier D. Edward N. Savage

13. The investigation report of probation officer shall be submitted to the court not later than —
A. 30 days from the receipt of the order C. 15 days from the receipt of application
B. 10 days from the receipt of application D. 60 days from the receipt of the order

14. Following category of prisoners shall not be for conditional pardon except.
A. The petitioner is eligible for parole.
B. The petitioner had been sentenced to another prison within one-year from the date of his last recommitment to
the jail.
C. The prisoner is suffering from mental illness.
D. At least two-years of the minimum sentence if convicted of murder or parricide but not sentenced to reclusion

15. He was held the probation officer employed by the United States government.
A. Teodolo C. Natividad B. Elizabeth Fry C. John Augustus D. Edward N. Savage

16. Two are most closely associated with the founding of probation ______, an 18th century English barrister and judge, and
John Augustus, a 19th century Boston boots maker.

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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com
A. John Howard C. Matthew davenport hill
B. Francois-Marie Arouet (nom de plume voltaire) D. Charles montesquieu

17. Which of the following, a probationer should not do?

A. Go and play in a gambling den. C. Make periodic office report.
B. Stay away from bad associates. D. Work regularly to support his family.

18. What refers to the deferment of the implementation of the sentence to an interval time?
A. Amnesty B. Probation C. Pardon D. Reprieve

19. Considered as the special form of pardon exercised by the president.

A. Reprieve B. Amnesty C. Pardon D. Commutation of sentence

20. CHAPSa convicted, whose application for probation has been granted but fails to report to the proper probation officer within
72 hours upon receipt of notice or a probationer whose whereabouts cannot determined for more than a month.
A. Fugitive from justice C. Absconding probationer
B. Petitioner D. Absconding petitioner

Petitioner Probationer Absconding petitioner Absconding probationer

Applying for probation ➔ a Already granted probation Applying for probation Already granted probation.
person who file a formal + +
application Failed to report Failed to report

21. Parole and probation administration is under the direction of the _______
A. Department of the Interior and Local Government
C. Department of Justice

22. CHAPS served his sentenced at the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa. Why was he photographed at the DRD?
A. He a good-looking personality upon his entry
B. Photographing the inmate is part of the reception procedure.
C. It is a rare opportunity to have his photograph.
D. To have a souvenir photo tor his family

23. Person place on probation.

A. Parolee B. Pardonee C. Client D. Probationer

24. After release, from prison, when does a parolee present himself (report), to the parole and probation officer?
A. At least three weeks from release
B. Within the period prescribed in the release document (within 15 days)
C. At least one month from release.
D. Within three weeks from release

25. Probation is only granted ______

A. Many times B. Twice C. Once D. Unlimited

26. Who among following is responsible to inform the probationer the consequences of such probation order and explain to
him that failure to comply the conditions, he shall serve the penalty imposed, and this information shall be done immediately
upon the issuance of a probation order by the court to the probationer?
A. Director General of BUCOR C. Probation Officer
B. Judge Of the Trial Court D. Parole and Probation Administrator

*Effectivity of probation order. A probation order shall take effect upon its issuance, at which time the court shall inform the offender
of the consequences thereof and explain that upon his failure to comply with any of the conditions prescribed in the said order or
his commission of another offense, he shall serve the penalty imposed for the offense under which he was placed on probation.
(Section 11, pd 968)

27. For amnesty to be granted, there should be ______

A. Recommendation from commission on human rights
B. Application for amnesty
C. Concurrence of the majority of the congress
D. Recommendation from the United Nations

28. Under the indeterminate sentence law (act 4103), who acts as the chairman of the board of pardons and parole?
A. PNP Chief B. DOJ Secretary C. Chief Executive D. DILG Secretary

29. A probation officer may authorize a probationer to travel outside his area of operational or territorial jurisdiction for a
period of _________
A. More than 30 days within a period of 6 months
B. More than 10 days but not exceeding 30 days.
C. More than 30 days but not exceed 60 days.
D. Not more than 10 days

Section 41. Outside travel.

To travel outside his area of operational/territorial jurisdiction for Approved by probation officer
a period of more than ten (10) days but not exceeding thirty (30)

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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com
A probationer who seeks to travel for up to thirty (30) days outside - File at least five (5) days before the intended travel
the operational/territorial jurisdiction of the probation office schedule a request for outside travel (PPA form 7)
- Recommended by the supervising probation officer.
- Approved by the CPPO.
If the requested outside travel is for more than thirty (30) days - Recommended by the CPPO
- Trial court for approval.
Outside travel for a cumulative duration of more than thirty (30) days - Courtesy supervision.
within a period of six (6) months

Change of residence: transfer of supervision.

- A probationer may file a request for change of residence (PPA form 24) with the probation office, citing the reason(s)
therefore. This request shall be submitted by the CPPO/OIC for the approval of the trial court.
- Upon approval, the supervision and control over the probationer shall be transferred to the concerned executive judge of
the RTC, having jurisdiction and control over said probationer, and under the supervision of probation office in the place
to which he/she transferred. Thereafter, the executive judge of the regional trial court to whom jurisdiction over the
probationer is transferred shall have the jurisdiction and control with respect to him/her which was previously possessed
by the court which granted probation.
- The receiving probation office and the receiving court shall be duly furnished each with copies of the pertinent probation
order, PSIR (PPA form 3),

30. Who shall approve the request of a probationer to travel outside his area for more than 30 days?
A. The trial court judge
B. The chief parole and probation officer
C. The probation and parole officer

31. It is the authority of the president of the Philippines to suspend the execution of penalty reduce the and extinguish criminal
A. Clemency C. Commutation of sentence
B. Executive clemency D. Amnesty

32. When the prisoner is pardoned under certain administrative requirements like reporting monthly to a judge for a certain
number of years.
A. Situational pardon B. Absolute pardon C. Pardon D. Conditional pardon

33. Under the rules, a parolee who violates provision of parole should be recommitted to the prison to serve the –
A. Remaining unexpired portion of his maximum sentence
B. Remaining unexpired portion of his minimum sentence
C. Quarter or 1/4 of the unserved portion of his sentence
D. All of these

34. The post sentence investigation report which will serve as guide (legal basis) for the court granting or denying the
application is _
A. Optional B. Jurisdictional C. Mandatory D. Required

35. The application for probation shall be filed with the court which has jurisdiction.
A. Probation office B. Trial court C. Warden's office D. Prosecution office

36. One advantage of probation is that it protects the society by placing the offender to probation supervision of the
A. Probation officer
B. Trial court
C. Mayor
D. Court

37. Which is not an advantage of probation?

A. It restores probationer his civil rights.
B. It conforms to the concept of restorative justice.
C. It makes the probationer a tax eater rather than a taxpayer.
D. It prevents first time convict from becoming a hardened criminal.

38. What shall be accomplished by the applicant once he reports to the probation officer during the initial interview?
A. Post-sentence investigation work sheet
B. Interview work sheet ➔ probationer ➔ report to probation officer
C. Pre-sentence investigation work sheet (does not exist)
D. Investigation work sheet

During such an initial interview, the Probation Officer on Case or CPPO shall require the applicant to accomplish and sign a post-
sentence investigation work sheet (PPA form 1). The investigating probation officer on the case or CPPO shall conduct further
investigation based on the information contained therein.

39. The order of the court granting or denying probation shall be ___.
A. Temporary
B. Appealable
C. Academic
D. Not appealable

Section 1. Section 4 of presidential decree no. 968, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“sec. 4. Grant of probation. — subject to the provisions of this decree, the trial court may, after it shall have convicted and sentenced
a defendant for a probationable penalty and upon application by said defendant within the period for perfecting an appeal, suspend

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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com
the execution of the sentence and place the defendant on probation for such period and upon such terms and conditions as it may
deem best.

No application for probation shall be entertained or granted if the defendant has perfected the appeal from the judgment of

Provided, that when a judgment of conviction imposing a non-probationable penalty is appealed or reviewed, and such judgment
is modified through the imposition of a probationable penalty, the defendant shall be allowed to apply for probation based on the
modified decision before such decision becomes final.

The application for probation based on the modified decision shall be filed in the trial court where the judgment of conviction
imposing a non-probationable penalty was rendered, or in the trial court where such case has since been re-raffled. In a case
involving several defendants where some have taken further appeal, the other defendants may apply for probation by submitting a
written application and attaching thereto a certified true copy of the judgment of conviction.

“The trial court shall, upon receipt of the application filed, suspend the execution of the sentence imposed in the judgment.

“This notwithstanding, the accused shall lose the benefit of probation should he seek a review of the modified decision which
already imposes a probationable penalty.

“Probation may be granted whether the sentence imposes a term of imprisonment or a fine only. The filing of the application shall
be deemed a waiver of the right to appeal.

“An order granting or denying probation shall not be appealable.”

40. Application for probation shall be filed with the trial court which has _____ over the case.
A. Authority
B. Jurisdiction
C. Responsibility
D. Venue

41. Probation is not right but a mere privilege and its grant or denial depends upon the trial court that grant it becomes a ____.
And it shall only be cancelled or revoked for cause and a hearing.
A. Statutory right
B. Political right
C. Constitutional right
D. Civil right

42. What is the significance (value) of the post-sentence investigation report to the application?
A. To determine whether the applicant has immoral conduct.
B. To determine the past offenses of the applicant.
C. It would serve as a basis to grant or deny the application for probation.
D. To know the personal affairs of the applicant.

43. The conviction and sentence clause of the statutory definition of probation affects ____. Total extinguishment of criminal
A. Both criminal and civil including subsidiary penalty
B. Both criminal and civil
C. Only the civil aspect of the case
D. Only the criminal aspect of the case

44. If the applicant for probation failed to appear before the probation office for seventy-two (72) hours, what should be done
by the probation officer?
A. Write to the applicant in his court given address and warn him that his failure constraint the court not to approve
the application.
B. Recommend the immediate disapproval of the application for probation be appearance shows that the applicant
is not interested.
C. Write the applicant in his court given address or personally visit the applicant schedule an interview at the
probation office.
D. Personally visit the applicant’s place to schedule an interview at the probation office to check his actual condition.

Section 15. Initial interview work sheet: waiver. –

- Within five (5) working days from receipt of said delegated assignment (or self -assignment), the investigating probation
officer on case (or chief probation and parole officer) shall initially interview the applicant if he appeared in the probation
office upon response to the seventy-two (72) hours limitation given to him by the trial court.
- If not, the probation officer on case may write the applicant in his court given address, or personally visit applicant's place
to schedule an initial interview at the probation office.

45. The probation officer when conducting investigation (search for truth), either interviewing or examining documents must
weigh the evidence based on the best available information to provide the court with an accurate basis for sentencing. It
is important on the part of probation officer to
A. Utilize the instrumentation approach to scientifically obtain the facts needed by the court.
B. Distinguish between facts and inferences, opinions or conclusion based upon those facts.
C. Conduct surveillance operations against the applicant or potential source of information that verify the truth.
D. Apply the method of crime scene search to cover all the details of the case.

46. What is the nature of the information obtained during the post-sentence investigation?
A. Useful
B. Confidential
C. Important
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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com
D. Overt

Confidentiality of records. The investigation report and the supervision history of a probationer obtained under this decree shall be
privileged and shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to anyone other than the probation administration or the court concerned,
except that the court, in its discretion, may permit the probationer of his attorney to inspect the aforementioned documents or
parts thereof whenever the best interest of the probationer make such disclosure desirable or helpful: provided, further, that, any
government office or agency engaged in the correction or rehabilitation of offenders may, if necessary, obtain copies of said
documents for its official use from the proper court or the administration. (Section 17, pd 968)

Section 29. Violation of confidential nature of probation records. The penalty of imprisonment ranging from six months and one
day to six years and a fine ranging from hundred to six thousand pesos shall be imposed upon any person who violates section 17
hereof. (PD 968)

47. When shall the supervision service to a probationer commence?

A. Upon the issuance of the probation order.
B. Upon completion of the post sentence investigation.
C. After 72 hours from receipt of the order.
D. On the day of initial interview or reporting.

Section 39. Commencement of supervision service. - for purposes of these rules, supervision service shall commence on the day of
initial interview or reporting of a probationer. Such facts shall be noted in the case notes of the client.

48. Parole is usually given to individuals who exhibited good behavior inside prison or jail and _____.
A. Deem safe to be returned to the society.
B. With definite sentence
C. Granted conditional pardon.
D. Convicted with heinous crime.

49. In case of vacancy by reason of death, incapacity, resignation, or removal of any of the Board (BPP) members, who is
authorized to designate a temporary member possessing the qualifications?
A. Secretary of interior and local government
B. President
C. Executive director (Secretary BPP)
D. Chairman of the board of pardons and parole

In case of vacancy by reason of death, incapacity, resignation, or removal of any of the board members, the secretary shall have the
authority to designate a temporary member possessing the qualifications of his predecessor and to serve out his unexpired term or
until the president shall have appointed a regular member to fill the vacancy.

50. Which is not a function of the board secretary of the board of pardons and parole?
A. Authenticate and/or attest all minutes, resolutions and recommends of the board.
B. Prepare and serve all notices of board meetings or sessions to the members of the board.
C. Prepare and keep the minutes of all the board sessions in a book of purpose.
D. Prepare an annual report to be submitted to the president about the list of probationers.

51. Zebulon Reed Brockway made successful innovations in prison reform at the min________. Where inmates were given
parole based on their good behavior, achievement. This contribution recognized him as _
A. Father of Irish system
B. Father of American parole
C. Father of parole
D. Father of Elmira reformatory

52. What was the penal management system developed by Capt. Alexander Maconochie whereby a convict could earn freedom
by hard work and good behavior in prison?
A. Mark system
B. Parole system
C. Indeterminate system
D. Maconochie system

53. Parole shall not be granted to the following inmates except.

A. Those convicted of offenses punished with death penalty.
B. Those convicted of treason, conspiracy, or proposal to commit treason of espionage.
C. Those suffering mental disorder.
D. Those convicted of offenses punished with prision correccional

54. A mode of securing the release of any person in custody or detention for the commission of an offense who is unable to
post bail due to abject poverty. A person accused will be released through reputable person in the community by order of
the judge is known as?
A. Bail
B. Probation
C. Parole
D. Release on recognizance

55. This is a temporary withholding of sentence, before or after judgment; as where the judge is not satisfied with the verdict,
or evidence is suspicious, or indictment is insufficient, or sometimes if it be a small felony or any favorable circumstances
appear in the criminal’s character.
A. Reprieve
B. Executive reprieve
C. Judicial reprieve
D. Legislative reprieve
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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com

56. The grant of release on recognizance aims (purpose or objectives) the following except.
A. Guarantee the appearance of the accused before any court when so required.
B. Prevent the undue incarceration of an accused who may be released after trial unless proven guilty.
C. Protect the people and the peace of the community which may be disturbed upon the temporary release of the
D. None of these

57. The custodian shall have the following qualifications except.

A. A person of good repute and probity.
B. A resident of the barangay where the accused resides.
C. He must not be a relative of the accused within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity.
D. He must belong to any of the following sectors and institutions: church, academe, social welfare, health sector,
cause-oriented groups, charitable organization/s engaged in the rehabilitation of offenders duly accredited by the
local social welfare and development officer.
E. He must be a public officer.

58. The accused released on recognizance shall have the following obligations except.
A. To appear before the proper court whenever required by the court or these guidelines.
B. To undergo drug test, and/or drug dependency examination as may be required by the court.
C. To allow the probation officer to visit his home or his place of work.
D. None of these

59. The first practical demonstration of probation, and first use of the term probation as court service and the first legally
enactment of the 1st probation law occurred here:
A. Europe
B. England
C. Rhode Island
D. United states of America (Massachusetts and Vermont)

60. It is considered as the first probation law in the Philippines, but which was abolished upon declaration of its
A. Act 4221
B. Batas Pambansa 76
C. Presidential Decree 968
D. Presidential Decree 1990

61. How long is the period of probation for a defendant sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than one year?
A. Not to exceed 6 years ➔ more than 1 year
B. Not to exceed 10 years
C. Not to exceed 8 years
D. Not to exceed 2 years

62. The violations of the following special laws shall disqualify an offender to avail of the benefits of presidential decree 968
A. Omnibus election code
B. Robbery
C. Wage rationalization act as amended.
D. Video gram law (PD 1987)

63. May a drug pusher avail probation?

A. Yes. Because it allows pusher to enter plea to lesser offense of possession of drug paraphernalia under section 12
of RA 9165 in a case involving of shabu of not more than .99 grams and marijuana of not more than 9.9 grams.
B. No. Because it depreciates the seriousness of the offense.
C. No. Because it is prohibited under RA 9165 to avail probation.
D. Nota

64. When shall probation order take effect?

A. Three days after issuance
B. Three days prior to issuance
C. Upon its issuance
D. Upon reporting to the probation officer.

65. Who appoints probation administrator, regional probation officers, and assistant probation officers?
A. Department of the interior and local government secretary
B. President of the republic of the Philippines
C. Department of justice secretary
D. Parole and probation administrator

66. How many days are given to the court to act on application for probation?
A. 15 days
B. 60 days
C. 10 days
D. Within 72 hours

67. The probationer and his probation officer will prepare the prescribed plan and program__.
A. Parole supervision
B. Probation supervision
C. Supervision treatment plan (STP)
D. Pardon supervision
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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com

68. The volunteer probation assistant may be appointed by the parole and probation administrator from among the citizens of
A. Good religious background
B. High educational level
C. Good repute and probity who have the willingness, aptitude and capability to act as VPAS.
D. High social standing

69. A disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is released subject to conditions imposed by the
court and under the supervision of a probation officer?
A. Commutation of sentence
B. Parole
C. Probation
D. Reprieve

70. Which of the following should be a probationer not to be done?

A. Be a law-abiding citizen.
B. Take revenge.
C. Work regularly to support family.
D. Stay away from bad associates.

71. In probation, the court may also require the person placed under it to do the following except.
A. Pursue vocational training program.
B. Refrain from finding a means of living.
C. Stop from visiting houses of ill repute (house of prostitution or whore house or brothel)
D. Undergo medical, psychological, and psychiatric treatment.

72. What is the effect of probation on a sentence imposed by the court on a convicted individual?
A. Exempted from criminal liability.
B. Justified the wrongful act.
C. Mitigated both criminal and civil liability.
D. Suspend the execution of sentence.

73. As one of the conditions of probation, how many times in a month shall the probationer report to the probation officer?
A. Once
B. At least twice
C. More than twice
D. Four times

74. If CHAPS violated sec. 29 of pd 968. Violation of confidential nature of probation records, with a penalty of imprisonment
ranging from six months and one day to six years and a fine ranging from hundred to six thousand pesos shall be imposed
upon any person who violates section 17 hereof. Is he qualified for probation?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Partially true

75. Who is responsible for conducting an immediate fact-finding investigation of any alleged violation of probation?
A. Parole And Probation Administrator
B. Chief, Parole and Probation Officer
C. Probation And Parole Officer
D. Supervising Probation Officer (Investigating Officer)

Section 47. Fact-finding investigation. - based on reasonable cause reported by a reliable informant or on his own findings, the
SPPO, SRPPO, PPOII, PPOI concerned or the CPPO himself shall conduct or require the supervising probation officer on case to
immediately conduct a fact-finding investigation on any alleged or reported violation of probation condition(s) to Determine the
veracity and truthfulness of the allegation.

76. What was the occupation of the father of probation who interceded with the court to suspend the sentence of youthful
offenders and alcoholics and placed them in his charge?
A. Carpenter
B. Mason
C. Shoemaker
D. Tailor
E. Barrister or judge

77. In the Philippines may the offended party grant pardon as a rule?
A. Yes
B. No
C. False
D. True

78. An order granting or denying probation of the trial court –

A. Shall be appealable.
B. Shall not be appealable.
C. Cannot be revoked.
D. Shall be appealable by imposable penalty only.

79. The probationer and his probation program are under the control of ____.
A. Probation officer
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3rd Floor Highland Lumber Bldg., cor. Macaraig St., España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila
Globe Contact no. (0926) – 056 – 8167; Email Address: noliboyingcad@gmail.com
B. Board of pardons and parole
C. Parole and probation administration
D. Trial court

80. The probation order is read before the petitioners and the probation officer.
A. In probation office
B. Inside the judge room
C. In confidence
D. In open court

81. CHAPS was sentenced in 2003 to a minimum prison term of three years and one day. He applied for probation, and he
was granted probation in 2008. He was involved in a robbery and was given a prison term of less than three years. If he
applied for probation, is he qualified?
A. Yes. His prison term is less than six years.
B. No. His prison term is less than three years.
C. Yes. There is a five year gap between his second offense and the first offense.
D. No. He is a second time offender, and probation shall be given once.

82. The probation and parole week is celebrated every when pursuant to Proclamation No. 405?
A. Every last week of October
B. Every first week of September
C. July 18 to 24 of every year
D. Every august 14 of every year

83. Who shall appoint the parole and probation administrator?

A. House speaker
B. President of the republic of the Philippines
C. Secretary of justice
D. Senate president of the republic of the Philippines

84. The following are the person in authority pursuant to sec. 4, RA 10707 except.
A. Regional probation officer
B. Provincial probation officer
C. City probation officer
D. Volunteer probation assistant (agent)

85. Who may grant probation?

A. Trial judge/trial court

86. The community service is punitive (punishment) in that offered is ___________________.

A. Allowed to do something constructive.
B. Restricted in movement and time until the work is completed.
C. Gives the opportunity to gain esteem.
D. Afforded more time with his family.

87. Mr. Chaps committed treason during war between Philippines and China. Is he qualified in probation?
A. No. Because it is a crime against national security.
B. Yes. Because blood is thicker than water
C. Maybe
D. Nota

88. Who among the following convicted drug pushers may be placed under probation?
A. CHAPS, who is a first-time offender and 20 years old.
B. CHAPOPOY, who is a first-time offender and 25 years old.
C. CHUPAPI, who is a third time offender and 21 years old.
D. CHUP-CHUP, who is a second time offender and 21 years old.
E. None

89. What is referred to as the withdrawal of the privilege of probation or parole resulting in the incarceration of the offender?
A. Revocation
B. Suspension
C. Retaliation
D. Commutation of sentence

90. Mr. Chaps was convicted of a crime that carries a penalty of eight years and one day. As a probation officer will you
recommend him for probation?
A. No. Because it exceeds the maximum imposable penalty.
B. No. Because no probation will be granted if there is no PSI
C. Yes. He can appeal for the imposable penalty as a law provides.
D. Yes. Because it is the job of the judge or trial court

91. All data gathered about probation applicants shall be treated.

A. Judiciously
B. Comprehensive
C. Confidentially
D. Privilege

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92. What is the effect of the recommitment of a probationer?
A. He will serve the remaining portion of his sentence.
B. He will serve the remaining portion of the maximum sentence.
C. Minimum sentences impose (requirement for parole application)
D. He will serve the original sentence of imprisonment.

93. It refers to those that handle the investigation of petitioners for probation, and the supervision of probationers, parolees
and pardonees.
A. Parole and Probation Administration (DOJ-PPA)
B. Board of pardons and parole
C. Secretary of justice
D. Department of justice

94. This is the report that shall be submitted to the court if a probationer or violates any of his probation conditions.
A. Final report
B. Termination order
C. Revocation order
D. Violation report

95. All except one is the aim of community service under voluntary submission programs.
A. Accountability on the part of the offender
B. Competency development
C. Community protection.
D. Recreational program

96. It is a conditional release after the prisoner’s conviction is final and executory and has already served the minimum period
of the sentence imposed on him.
A. Parole
B. Word of honor
C. Parole d’ honneur
D. Probare

97. It refers to the report submitted by the probation and parole officer on violations committed by a parolee/pardonee of the
conditions of his release on parole or conditional pardon while under supervision. (Correct answer violation report)
A. Progress report
B. Status report
C. Summary report
D. Infraction report

98. The ex–officio chairperson of board of pardons and parole under act 4103.
A. Administrator ➔ ex-officio member
B. Secretary of justice
C. Clergyman
D. Educator

99. All except one, are the requisites to be eligible for review of parole cases.
A. Final conviction
B. The maximum period of sentence exceeds one year.
C. Served the minimum sentence.
D. None of the above

100. The Director General of the bureau of corrections has the responsibility to forward all documents of the petioner/s to the
board of pardons and parole, _______ before the expiration of prisoner’s minimum sentence.
A. 15 days
B. 45 days
C. 30 days
D. 60 days

101. The board shall assess and determine whether the petitioner is qualified for parole, the decision or action must be
supported by ________of the members of the board of pardons and parole.
A. 4 votes
B. Majority
C. 5 members of the board
D. At least four votes

102. If a petition for parole was granted the board of pardons and parole will be issued a ______ or specifically known as
discharge on parole.
A. Release document
B. Termination order
C. Certificate of final release and discharge
D. Summary report

103. As a rule, a parolee may not transfer residence stated in the release document except if the petition for transfer of residence
is approved by_______.
A. Regional director
B. Board of pardons and parole
C. Probation and parole officer
D. Parole and probation administration

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104. A chief probation and parole officer may authorize outside travel to his area of jurisdiction for a period of not more than
A. 30 days
B. 15 days
C. 20 days
D. 10 days

 If a travel of a parolee is more than 30 days. It shall be approved by the __________. Regional director
 A parolee may work or travel abroad if he has no pending criminal case in any court. Application for travel and work
abroad shall be approved by the administration and confirmed by the ________. Board of pardons and parole

105. If a travel of a parolee is more than 30 days. It shall be approved by the __________.
A. Regional Director
B. Board Of Pardons and Parole
C. Probation And Parole Officer
D. Parole And Probation Administration

106. A parolee may work or travel abroad if he has no pending criminal case in any court. Application for travel and work
abroad shall be approved by the administration and confirmed by the ________.
A. Regional Director
B. Board Of Pardons and Parole
C. Probation And Parole Officer
D. Parole And Probation Administration

107. The following are disqualifications for parole to be granted.

A. Those who escaped from confinement or evaded sentence.
B. Those who have pending criminal case.
C. Those who are habitual delinquents.
D. Those who suffering from any mental disorder.
E. Those conviction is on appeal.
A. A-B-C-E B. A-B-C-D C. B-C-D-E D. A-B-C-D-E

108. It is exercise exclusively within the sound discretion of the president for the objective of preventing miscarriage of justice
or correcting manifests injustice.
A. Parole
B. Pardon
C. Executive clemency
D. Reprieve

109. On executive clemency a petition filed by the prisoner should be addressed to whom?
A. Board of pardons and parole
B. Parole and probation administrator
C. Chairman of the board of pardons and parole
D. President of the republic of the Philippines

110. Who shall endorse to the board of pardons and parole the petition for absolute or conditional pardon if the crime committed
is crimes against the national security?
A. DFA secretary B. DOJ secretary C. COMELEC D. DND secretary

111. The power of the chief executive to grant pardon is limited to the following except:
A. Pardon cannot be extended to cases of impeachment.
B. No pardon, parole, or suspension of sentence for the violation of any election law may be granted without favorable
recommendation of the commission of elections.
C. Pardon is exercised only after conviction.
D. Pardon is administered by the court.

112. A pardon can be extended to any of the following cases except:

A. Carnapping
B. Impeachment cases
C. Estafa
D. Parricide

113. Which of the following is not a total extinguishment of criminal liability?

A. Probation
B. Parole
C. Pardon
D. Amnesty

114. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be served in prison is referred to us __

A. Corporal punishment
B. Determinate sentence
C. Indeterminate sentence
D. Capital punishment.

115. A pardon granted by the chief executive has the benefits of following.
A. Extinguishes criminal liability of offender.
B. Does not extinguish civil liability of offender.
C. Must be given after the prosecution of the offense (pardon by offended party)
D. All of the above
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116. It is the extinction of the criminal liability of the individual to whom it is granted without any condition and restores to the
individual his civil rights.
A. Amnesty
B. Parole
C. Absolute pardon
D. Reprieve

117. What is an act of the sovereign power granting oblivion or general pardon for a past offense usually granted in favor of
certain classes of persons who have committed crimes of a political character, such as treason, sedition, or rebellion?
A. Amnesty
B. Parole
C. Pardon
D. Reprieve

118. CHAPS is a death convict, and he will be executed next week. To avoid the execution, he must ask the president for an act
of grace then the chief executive order the postponement of the execution. What form of executive clemency given by the
president to CHAPS?
A. Reprieve
B. Pardon
C. Commutation of sentence
D. Amnesty

119. A kind of executive clemency given by the president to which a penalty be deferred subject to review by the supreme court
especially in death penalty.
A. Amnesty
B. Commutation of sentence (reduce)
C. Probation
D. Reprieve

120. Who shall appoint provincial and city probation officers?

A. Secretary interior and local government
B. Secretary national defense
C. Secretary of justice
D. Parole probation administrator

121. What portion of the sentence of a petitioner must have been served to be eligible for the grant of commutation of sentence
in case of definite sentence?
A. At least one half of the maximum of his indeterminate sentence
B. At least one half of half the minimum of his indeterminate sentence
C. At least one third of the minimum of his indeterminate sentence
D. At least twenty years

Commutation of sentence before granting it:

At least one half (1/2) of Aggregate minimum of the indeterminate prison terms
the minimum of
At least ten (10) years Sentenced to one (1) reclusion perpetua or one (1) life imprisonment, for crimes/offenses not
punishable under RA 7659 and other special laws.
At least thirteen (13) For inmates who’s indeterminate and/or definite prison term were adjusted to a definite prison term
years of forty (40) years in accordance with the provisions of article 70 of the revised penal code, as
At least fifteen (15) years For inmates convicted of heinous crimes as defined in republic act no. 7659 committed on or after
January 1, 1994, and sentenced to one (1) reclusion perpetua or one (1) life imprisonment
At least eighteen (18) For inmates sentenced to reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment for violation of RA 6495, as
years amended, otherwise known as “the dangerous drugs act of 1972”, or RA 9165, known as “the
comprehensive dangerous drugs act of 2002”, and for kidnapping for ransom, or violation of the
laws on terrorism, plunder, and transnational crimes
At least twenty (20) years For inmates sentenced to two (2) or more reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment even if their
sentences were adjusted to a definite prison term of forty (40) years in accordance with the provisions
of article 70 of the revised penal code, as amended;
At least twenty-five (25) For inmates originally sentenced to death penalty but which was automatically reduced or
years commuted to reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment.

122. The constitutional reduction of imprisonment?

B. Commutation of sentence
C. Release on recognizance
D. Parole

123. The following are examples of executive clemency. Which among them can alter death to life imprisonment
A. Reprieve
B. Amnesty
C. Commutation of sentence
D. Pardon

124. A person who provides bail money is called.

A. Garnishment
B. Attachment
C. Bondsman
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D. Obiter dictum

125. Why was congressman Teodulo Natividad considered as the “father of probation in the Philippines”?
A. He initiated the drafting of a bill which would establish a probation system.
B. He signed into law the adult probation law in the Philippines.
C. He proposed and convinced President Cory Aquino to sign the probation law.
D. He presented in a technical conference the creation of children’s welfare act.

126. Select the law that did not amend certain provisions of pd 968.
A. RA 9165 B. RA 10707 C. RA 1990 D. RA 9344

127. What is the effect of the application for probation by the convicted person to his case under the probation law?
A. It is an automatic waiver of his right to appeal.
B. It will prevent the court from rendering decision.
C. The trail court will refer his case to the supreme court.
D. He could still file an appeal to the next level court.

128. The advantages of a probation sentence over incarceration include allowing the offender to work in the community, earn
money to support his or her family, and to ___.
A. Decongest the growing population of prisoners inside jails and prisons.
B. Enlightened him about the value of liberty and freedom.
C. Conform with the concept of institutional treatment of offender.
D. Have the support of friends and family while attending counseling sessions.

129. A community-based treatment underlines the goal of re-integrating the probationer into the ____.
A. Mainstream of society C. Correctional system
B. Criminal justice system D. Institutional reforms

130. When clarifying discrepancies between the information received from the applicant and those secured from other sources,
the investigating probation officer may conduct ____.
A. Further interviews on the applicant and other persons
B. Undercover investigation in the residence of the applicant
C. Tactical interrogation to the applicant and other sources
D. Stake out from the immediate neighborhood.

131. From the date of conviction and sentence, when may an applicant for probation file the application for probation?
A. Before 15 days B. Within 15 days C. After 15 days D. On appeal

132. The application for probation shall be in the form approved by secretary of justice and it may be obtained from any _____.
 City or provincial prosecutor’s office C. City or provincial parole and probation office
 City or regional office D. Municipal and regional trial court

Section 8. Form. - the application for probation shall be in the form approved by the secretary of justice as recommended by the
administrator or as may be prescribed by the supreme court. Official application form or xerox copy of the same may be obtained
or secured from any city or provincial parole and probation office for free.

133. What is the attribute of post sentence investigation on the part of the court in giving a decision whether to deny or grant
A. Mandatory B. Optional C. Special D. Supplemental

134. What is the nature of interview and information gathering to an applicant of probation?
A. It shall be confidential in nature and applicant does not a counsel.
B. It is overt in nature and applicant does not need a counsel.
C. it shall be confidential, and applicant does not require a counsel.
 It shall be confidential, and applicant need a counsel.

135. Which probationers may be recommended for the early termination of probation?
A. Those recommended for further supervision.
B. Those who are cooperative and participative probationer in the programs
C. Those convicted for offenses involving moral turpitude.
D. Those physically and mentally fit for travel

136. What will happen if the probation is revoked by the court?

A. The probationer shall be ordered to serve the original sentence imposed.
B. The judge will give his decision on the case filed against the probationer.
C. The court will advise the prosecutor to review the case for reference.
D. The chief of police will issue warrant for the arrest of the probationer.

137. From the receipt of the order of the court to conduct the investigation, the probation officer must submit the post-sentence
investigation report not later than ____ days.
A. 15 B. 30 C. 45 D. 60

138. Who shall assign the conduct of post-sentence investigation to an investigating probation officer?
A. The Chief Probation and Parole Officer C. The prosecutor
B. The trial court D. The supervising probation and parole officer

Section 14. Assignment. - after receipt from the trial court, the city or provincial parole and probation office concerned, through
the CPPO shall assign the same to the office clerk for docketing and eventual assignment to a subordinate investigating probation
officer for the conduct of the psi or conduct such investigation himself.

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139. The supervision activity of the probation officer to a probationer granted with probation is basically considered as ____.
A. Judicial function C. Administrative process
B. Legal process D. Police function

140. What kind of report is intended to assist the court in determining whether or not the ends of justice and the best interest
of the public as well as the applicant will be served by the grant or denial of probation?
A. Pre-sentence investigation C. Full blown investigation
B. Post-sentence investigation D. Probation investigation

141. When does the probation officer submit the termination report?
A. At least 30 days after the expiration of the period of probation
B. At least 10 days before the expiration of the period of probation
C. At least 15 days before the expiration of the period of probation
D. At least 30 days before the expiration of the period of probation

Section 61. Termination report. - the city and provincial parole and probation office shall submit to the trial court a probation
officer’s final report (PPA form 9) thirty (30) days before the expiration of the period of probation embodying, among others, the
 brief personal circumstances of the probationer.
 brief criminal circumstances about his case (i.e. criminal case number, court, branch,
 Period of probation, initial and last date of probation)
 prescribed probation treatment and supervision program.
 probationer's response to the treatment plan/program.
 recommendation to discharge the probationer from probation and the restoration of all his civil rights.
 such other relevant and material facts and information which may be required by the Trial court.

142. CHAPS, a probationer wanted to travel outside his area of territorial jurisdiction for a period of ten (10) days but not
exceeding thirty days, the authority to allow CHAPS to travel may come from ___.
A. The Trial Court Judge
B. The Probation Officer
C. The Chief Probation Officer
D. The Supervising Probation Officer

143. Who shall assess and recommend the appropriate treatment and supervision program upon the applicant if granted
A. The supervising probation officer or the chief probation officer
B. The investigating probation officer or the chief probation officer
C. The trial court judge or the chief probation officer
D. The trial court judge or the prosecuting officer

Section 16. The Investigating Probation Officer on case or CPPO shall assess and recommend or prescribe the suitable probation
treatment and supervision program upon the applicant, if granted probation.

144. Who shall represent the state if there is a serious violation of probation condition (s)
A. During a hearing or proceeding? C. Chief state prosecutor
B. Prosecuting officer D. Secretary of justice

Section 54. Representation for the state. - for the prosecution of serious violation of probation condition(s), during said hearing or
proceeding, the state shall be represented by the proper prosecuting officer.

145. Once a serious violation of a probation condition has been established in the hearing, the trial court may ____.
A. Revoke the probation and shall order the probation officer on case to submit the probation administrative file to
the court within 72 hours for safekeeping.
B. Order the conduct of full-blown investigation to determine the surrounding circumstances of the violation of
probation and impose the necessary sanction to the probationer.
C. Order the continuance of the probationer’s probation or modification of the probation condition or revoke his
probation whichever is proper and just under judicial discretion.
D. Place the probationer on a watch list in coordination with the probation office to prevent him from leaning the
country or evade his sentence.

Section 52. Disposition: effect of revocation: remedy.

 After a serious violation of a probation condition has been established in the hearing, the trial court may order
the continuance of the probationer's probation or modification of his probation conditions or revoke his probation
whichever is proper and just under in judicial discretion.
 If the probation period has been revoked, the trial court shall order the probationer to serve the sentence originally
imposed in the judgment of his case for which he applied for probation.
 A court order modifying the probation conditions as in sec. 44 of these rules or revoking probationer's probation
shall not be appealable. However, it may be correctable by certiorari under the rules of court

146. Parole is different from probation in that the former is an administrative function while the latter is _____.
A. Administrative function C. Judicial function
B. Operational function D. Executive function

147. Which of the following is not an administrative function exercised by the executive branch of the government?
A. Probation
B. Pardon
C. Reprieve
D. Amnesty

148. What are eligibilities for review of a parole case?

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I. Inmate is serving an indeterminate sentence the maximum of which exceeds 1 year.
II. Inmate has served the minimum period of the indeterminate sentence.
III. Inmate conviction is final and executory.
IV. Inmate has no pending case.
V. Inmate is serving sentence in the national penitentiary unless the confinement of said inmate in municipal city,
district or provincial is justified.

A. I, III, IV B. II, IV, V C. II, III, IV, V D. I, II, III, IV, V

149. Who is the ex officio member of the Board of Pardon and Parole
A. The administrator of parole and probation administration
B. The secretary of department of interior and local government
C. The secretary of department of justice
D. The director of the bureau of corrections

150. Who serves as the chairman of the board of pardon and parole?
A. Parole administrator C. Executive officer
B. Secretary of justice D. Secretary of interior and local government

151. What system was developed by Sir Walter Crofton that permitted convicts to earn marks to move from solitary confinement
and return to the community on a conditional pardon?
A. Mark system B. Crofton system C. Parole system D. Indeterminate system

152. What system was introduced by Sir Walter Crofton that allowed convicts to earn marks to move from solitary confinement
to their respective communities on a conditional pardon?
A. Ticket B. English C. Irish D. Passes

153. What government agency is responsible for the formulation of conditions of probation?
A. Prosecutor B. Probation C. Court D. Police

154. What office should conduct the post-sentence investigation?

A. City/Provincial Prosecutor Office C. City/Provincial Parole and Probation Office
B. Police Case Investigation Team D. Post-sentence Investigation Team

155. How would you call a convicted defendant whose application for probation has been given due course by the court but
fails to report to the probation office or his location is unknown and cannot be located?
A. Absconding petitioner C. Absconding probationer
B. Absconding offender D. Fugitive from Law

156. CHAPS applied for probation and waiting for the decision of the court whether to approve or deny his application. Can
CHAPS be temporarily released from custody?
A. No, he may not be released until the result of his post sentence investigation is received by the court.
B. Yes, he may be temporarily released under bail or be released on recognizance of a responsible member of the
C. No, he may not be released until the result of his preliminary investigation is completed by the
D. Yes, he may be permanently released under bail upon the instruction of the court especially he is incapable of
posting the same.

157. Probation is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence is released subject to conditions imposed
by the court and to the supervision of a probation officer who may NOT be qualified for probation?
A. CHAPS who are a first-time offender and sentence to six years imprisonment
B. CHAPOPOY who is convicted of a crime against national security.
C. CHUPAPI who violated city ordinances in his place of residence.
D. CHUP-CHUP who is caught stealing a kilo of mango fruit from her neighbor.

158. When may the court order the final discharge of the probationer?
A. After the probationer show that he is already a "change man" or rehabilitated
B. After the probationer complied with the instruction of the supervising probation officer
C. Upon finding that he has fulfilled the terms and conditions of his probation
D. Upon determination of the readiness of the probationer to submit himself for supervision

159. Can all sentenced offenders apply for probation?

A. Yes, provided they are qualified. C. Yes, it is their privilege to apply.
B. Yes, because it is their right to apply. D. Yes, provided they are disqualified

160. Pedro's application for probation was denied by the court. The decision of the court is _____________.
A. Appealable b. amendable c. not amendable d. not appealable

161. As a Criminologist, how would you describe probation?

A. A right granted by the court to a person convicted of a criminal offense to remain in the community instead of
actually going to prison/jail.
B. A disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is released subject to conditions imposed
by the community and to the supervision of a probation officer.
C. Both right and privilege granted by the court to a person convicted of a criminal offense to remain in the
community instead of actually going to prison/jail.
D. A privilege granted by the court to a person convicted of a criminal offense to remain in the community instead of
actually going to prison/jail.

162. CHAPS, a probationer, intended to reside in another province and was permitted by the Trial Court What will happen to
the control and supervision of her probation program?
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A. It will be transferred to the Warden of that place.
B. It will be transferred to the Executive Judge of that place.
C. It will be transferred to the Chief of Police of that Place.
D. It will be transferred to the Prosecutor of that Place.

163. Who serves as the Chairman of the Board of Pardon and Parole?
A. Executive Officer
B. Parole Administrator
C. Secretary of Interior and Local Government
D. Secretary of Justice

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to
you as well.” - Matthew 6:33

“Therefore, all things whatsoever ye that men would do to you, do ye even so to them; for
this is the law and the prophets” - Matthew 7:12



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