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CHAPTER 5: ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL Rights that have the potential to produce economic
STATEMENTS benefits may take the following forms:
ELEMENIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Rights that correspond to an obligation of
another entity
Financial statements portray the financial effects of
a. Right to receive cash
transactions and other events by grouping them into broad
b. Right to receive goods or services
classes according to their economic characteristics.
c. Right to exchange economic resources
These broad classes are termed the elements of financial with another party on favorable terms
statements. d. Right to benefit from an obligation of
another party if a specified uncertain
The elements of financial statements refer to the future event occurs
quantitative information reported in the statement of 2. Rights that do not correspond to an obligation of
financial position and income statement. another entity.
The elements of financial statements are the building a. Right over physical objects, such as
blocks from which financial statements are constructed. property, plant and equipment or
The presentation of these elements in the statement of b. Right to intellectual property
financial position and the income statement involves a 3. Rights established by contract or legislation such
process of classification and subclassification. as owning a debt instrument or an equity
instrument or owning registered patent.
For example, assets and liabilities may be classified by
their nature or function in the business of the entity in Potential to produce economic benefits
order to display information in a manner most useful to
users for purposes of making economic decisions. An economic resource is a right that has the potential to
produce economic benefits.
The elements directly related to the measurement of
financial position are: For the potential to exist, it does not need to be certain or
even likely that the right will produce economic benefits.
A. Asset
B. Liability It is only necessary that the right already exists.
C. Equity A right can meet the definition of an economic resource
The elements directly related to the measurement of even if the probability that it will produce economic
financial performance are: benefit is low.

a. Income The economic resource is the present right that contains

b. Expense the potential and not the future economic benefits that the
right may produce.
The Conceptual Framework identifies no elements that
are unique to the statement of changes in equity because An economic resource could produce economic benefits
such statement comprises items that appear in the if an entity is entitled:
statement of financial position and the income statement. a. To receive contractual cash flows
Equity is the residual interest in the assets of the entity b. To exchange economic resources with another
after deducting all of the liabilities. party on favorable terms
c. To produce cash inflows or avoid cash outflows
ASSET d. To receive cash by selling the economic resource
e. To extinguish a liability by transferring an
Under the Revised Conceptual Framework, an asset is
economic resource
defined as a present economic resource controlled by the
entity as a result of past events. Control of an economic resource
An economic resource is a right that has the potential to An entity controls an asset if it has the present ability to
produce economic benefits. direct the use of the asset and obtain the economic
benefits that flow from it.
The new definition clarifies that an asset is an economic
resource and that the potential economic benefits no Control also includes the ability to prevent others from
lonser need to be expected to flow to the entity. using such asset and therefore preventing others from
obtaining the economic benefits from the asset.
Essential characteristics of asset
Control may arise if an entity enforces legal rights.
a. The asset is a present economic resource.
b. The economic resource is a right that has the If there are no legal rights, control can still exist if an
potential to produce economic benefits. entity has other means of ensuring that no other party can
c. The economic resource is controlled by the entity benefit from an asset.
as a result of past events.
For example, an entity has access to technical know-how e. Obligation to transfer an economic resource if
and has the ability to keep this know-how secret. specified uncertain future event occurs
LIABILITY Past event
Under the Revised Conceptual Framework, a liability is An obligation exists as a result of past event if both of the
defined as present obligation of an entity to transfer an following conditions are satisfied:
economic resource as a result of past events.
a. An entity has already obtained economic
The new definition clarifies that a liability is the benefits.
obligation to transfer an economic resource and not the b. An entity must transfer an economic resource.
ultimate outflow of economic benefits.
Definition of income
The out flow of economic benefits no longer needs to be
Income is defined as increases in assets or decreases in
expected similar to the definition of an asset.
liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than
The new definition of liability to some extent is those relating to contributions from equity holders.
inconsistent with the definition of liability under IAS 37.
The definition of income has changed to reflect the
In case of conflict, the IASB stated that the requirements change in the definition of assets and liability.
of a Standard shall always prevail over the Conceptual
Income encompasses both revenue and gains.
Revenue arises in the course of the ordinary regular
Essential characteristics of liability
activities and is referred to by variety of different names
a. The entity has an obligation. including sades, fees, interest, dividends, royalties and
The entity liable must be identified. However, it
The essence of revenue is regularity.
is not necessary that the payee or the entity to
whom the obligation is owed be identified. Gains represent other items that meet the definition of
income and do not arise in the course of the ordinary
b. The obligation is to transfer an economic regular activities.
Gains include gain from disposal of noncurrent asset,
c. The obligation is a present obligation that exists unrealized gain in trading investment and gain from
as a result of past event. expropriation.
Statement of financial performance
This means that a liability is not recognized until
it is incurred. The Revised Conceptual Framework introduces the term
statement of financial performance.
The statement of financial performance refers to the
An obligation is a duty or responsibility that an entity has income statement and a statement presenting other
no practical ability to avoid. Obligations can either be comprehensive income.
legal or constructive.
The income statement or statement of profit or loss is the
Obligations may be legally enforceable as a consequence primary source of information about an entity's financial
of a binding contract or statutory requirement. performance. As a general rule, all income and expenses
This is normally the case, for example, with accounts are included in profit or loss.
payable for goods and services received However, in developing accounting standards, there are
Constructive obligations arise from normal business some items of income and expenses that are included in
practice, custom and a desire to maintain good business other comprehensive income and not in profit or loss if
relations or act in an equitable manner. such presentation would provide more relevant and
faithfully represented information about financial
For example, an entity decides as a matter of policy to performance.
rectify. faults in the products even when these become
apparent after the warranty period There are instances that an amount in other
comprehensive income in one reporting period may be
Transfer of an economic resource recycled to profit or loss in another reporting period.
Obligations to transfer an economic resource include: Such recycling is permitted as long as it would result to
relevant and faithfully represented information about
a. Obligation to pay cash
financial performance.
b. Obligation to deliver goods or noncash resources
c. Obligation to provide services at some future
d. Obligation to exchange economic resources with
another party on unfavorable terms.
Definition of expense An asset or liability and any corresponding income or
expense can exist even if the probability of inflow or
Expense is defined as decreases in assets or increases in
outflow of the benefits is low.
liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than
those relating to distributions to equity holders. Point of sale income recognition
The definition of expense has changed to reflect the The basic principle of income recognition is that income
change in the definition of asset and liability. shall be recognized when earned.
Expenses encompass losses as well as those expenses that But the question is when is income considered to be
arise in the course of the ordinary regular activities. earned?
Expenses that arise in the course of ordinary regular With respect to the sale of goods in the ordinary course of
activities include cost of goods sold, wages and business the point of sale is unquestionably the point of
depreciation. income recognition.
Losses do not arise in the course of the ordinary regular The reason is that it is at the point of sale that the entity
activities and include losses resulting from disasters. has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and
rewards of ownership of the goods.
Examples include losses from fire, flood, storm surge,
tsunami and hurricane, as well as those arising from Stated differently, legal title to the goods passes to the
disposal of noncurrent assets. buyer at the point of sale.
CHAPTER 6: RECOGNITION AND Moreover, it is at the point of sale that the entity has
MEASUREMENT transferred control of the goods to the customer.
RECOGNITION However, under certain conditions, income may be
recognized at the point of production, during production
The Revised Conceptual Framework defines recognition
and at the point of collection.
as the process of capturing for inclusion in the financial
statements an item that meets the definition of an asset, Expense recognition
liability, equity, income, or expense.
The expense recognition principle means that expenses
The amount at which an asset, a liability or equity is are recognized when incurred.
recognized in the statement of financial position is
But the question is when are expenses incurred?
reported as carrying amount.
Actually, the expense recognition principle is the
Recognition links the elements to the statement of
application of the matching principle.
financial position and statement of financial performance.
The generation of revenue is not without any cost. There
The statements are linked because the recognition of an
has got to be some cost in earning a revenue.
item in one statement requires the recognition of the same
item in another statement. There is no gain if there is no pain.
For example, the recognition of income happens The matching principle requires that those costs and
simultaneously with the recognition of an increase in asset expenses period incurred in earning a revenue shall be
or decrease in liability. reported in the same period.
The recognition of expense happens simultaneouly with The matching principle has three applications, namely:
the recognition of a decrease in asset or increase in
liability. a. Cause and effect association.
b. Systematic and rational allocation
Recognition criteria c. Immediate recognition
Only items that meet the definition of an asset, a liability Cause and effect association
or equity are recognized in the statement of financial
position. Under the cause and effect association, the expense is
recognized when the revenue is already recognized.
Similarly, only items that meet the definition of income or
expense are recognized in the statement of financial The reason is the presumed direct association of the
performance. expense with specific income. The cause and effect
association principle is actually the strict matching
In addition to meeting the definition of an element, items concept.
are recognized only when their recognition provides users
of financial statements with information that is both This matching process, commonly referred to as the
relevant and faithfully represented. matching of cost with revenue, involves the simultaneous
or combined recognition of revenue and expenses that
Recognition does not focus anymore on how probable result directly and jointly from the same transactions or
economic benefits will flow to or from the entity and that events.
the cost can be measured reliably.
The best example is the cost of merchandise inventory.
Such cost is considered as an asset in the meantime that Derecognition of a liability occurs when the entity no
the merchandise is on hand. longer has a present obligation for all or part of the
When the merchandise is sold, the cost is expensed in the
form of cost of goods sold because at such time revenue MEASUREMENT
can now be recognized.
Measurement is defined as quantifying in monetary terms
Other examples include doubtful accounts, warranty the elements in the financial statements.
expense and sales commissions.
The Revised Conceptual Framework mentions two
Systematic and rational allocation categories:
Under systematic and rational allocation, some costs are a. Historical cost
expensed by simply allocating them over the periods b. Current value
The reason for this principle is that the cost incurred will
The historical cost or original acquisition cost of an asset
benefit future periods and that there is an absence of a
is the cost incurred in acquiring or creating the asset
direct or clear association of the expense with specific
comprising the consideration paid plus transaction cost.
The historical cost of a liability is the consideration
When economic benefits are expected to arise over
received to incur the liability minus transaction cost.
several accounting periods and the association with
income can only be broadly or indirectly determined, Simply stated, historical cost is the entry price or entry
expenses are recognized on the basis of systematic and value to acquire an asset or to incur a liability.
allocation procedures.
An application of the historical cost measurement is to
Concrete examples include depreciation of property, plant measure financial asset and financial liability at amortized
and equipment, amortization of intangibles, and cost.
allocation of prepaid rent, insurance and other
prepayments. The amortized cost reflects the estimate of future cash
flows discounted at a rate determined at initial
Immediate recognition recognition.
Under this principle, the cost incurred is expensed Historical cost updated
outright because of uncertainty of future economic
benefits or difficulty of reliably associating certain costs 1. Historical cost of an asset is updated because of:
with future revenue. a. Depreciation and amortization
b. Payment received as a result of disposing
An expense is recognized immediately: part or all of the asset
c. Impairment
a. When an expenditure produces no future
d. Accrual of interest to reflect any
economic benefit.
financing component of the asset
b. When cost incurred does not qualify or ceases to
e. Amortized cost measurement of financial
quality for recognition as an asset.
Examples include officers' salaries and most 2. Historical cost of a liability is updated because of.
administrative expenses, advertising and most selling a. Payment made or satisfying an obligation
expenses, amount to settle lawsuit and worthless to deliver goods
intangibles. b. Increase in value of the obligation to
transfer economic resources such that the
Many losses, such as loss from disposal of building, loss
liability becomes onerous
from sale of investments, and casualty loss, are
c. Accrual of interest to reflect any
immediately recognized because they are not directly
financing component of the liability
related to specific revenue.
d. Amortized cost measurement of financial
Derecognition liability

The Revised Conceptual Framework introduced the term

derecognition. CURRENT VALUE

Derecognition is defined as the removal of all or part of a Current value includes:

recognized asset or liability from the statement of
a. Fair value
financial position.
b. Value in use for asset
Derecognition normally occurs when an itern no longer c. Fulfillment value for liability
meets the definition of an asset or a liability. d. Current cost

Derecognition of an asset occurs when the entity loses

control of all or part of the asset.
Fair value The information produced by the measurement basis must
be useful to the users of financial statements.
Fair value of an asset is the price that would be received
to sell an asset in an orderly transaction between market To achieve this, the information must be both relevant and
participants at measurement date. faithfully represented.
Fair value of liability is the price that would paid to Historical cost is the measurement basis most commonly
transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between adopted in preparing financial statements.
market participants at the measurement date.
In many situations, it is simpler and less costly to measure
Fair value is an exit price or exit value. historical cost than it is to measure a current value.
Fair value can be observed directly using market price of In addition, historical cost is generally well understood
the asset or liability in an active market. and verifiable.
In cases where fair value cannot be directly measured, an The IASB did not mandate a single measurement basis
entity can use present value of cash flows. because the different measurement bases could produce
useful information under different circumstances.
Fair value is not adjusted for transaction cost. The reason
is that such cost is a characteristic of the transaction and CHAPTER 7: PRESENTATION AND DISCLOSURE
not of the asset or liability. CONCEPTS OF CAPITAL
Value in use is the present value of the cash flows that an The presentation and disclosure can be an effective
entity expects to derive from the use of an asset and from communication tool about the information in financial
the ultimate disposal. statements.
Value in use does not include transaction cost on acquiring A reporting entity communicates information about its
the asset but includes transaction cost on the disposal of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses by
the asset. presenting and disclosing information in the financial
Value in use is an exit price or exit value.
Effective communication of information in financial
Fulfillment value
statements makes the information more relevant and
Fulfillment value is the present value of cash that an entity contributes to a faithful representation of an entity's assets
expects to transfer in paying or settling a liability. liabilities, income and expenses.

Fulfillment value does not include transaction cost on Effective communicator. of information in financial
incurring a liability but includes transaction cost on statements also enhances the understandability and
fulfillment of a liability. comparability of information in the financial statements.

Fulfillment value is an exit price or exit value. Effective communication in financial statements is
supported by not duplicating information in different
Current cost parts of the financial statements.
Current cost of an asset is the cost of an equivalent asset Duplication is usually unnecessary and can make
at the measurement date comprising the consideration financial statements less understandable.
paid and transaction cost.
Current cost of a liability is the consideration that would
be received less any transaction cost at measurement date. Classification is the sorting of assets, liabilities, equity,
income and expenses on the basis of shared or similar
Similar to historical cost, current cost is also based on the characteristics.
entry price or entry value but reflects market conditions
on measurement date. Classifying dissimilar assets, liabilities, equity, income
and expenses can obscure relevant information, reduce
Selecting a measurement basis understandability and comparability and may not provide
In selecting a measurement basis for an asset or a liability a faithful representation of financial information.
and for the related income and expense, it is necessary to For example, it could be appropriate to classify an asset
consider the nature of the information that the or a liability into current and noncurrent.
measurement basis will produce.
It may be necessary to classify components of equity
In most cases, no single factor will determine which separately if such components are subject to legal,
measurement basis should be selected. regulatory and other requirements.
The relative importance of each factor will depend on Thus, ordinary share capital, preference share capital,
facts and circumstances. share premium and retained earnings should be disclosed
Classification of income and expenses Return of capital is an erosion of the capital invested in
the entity.
Income and expenses are classified as components of
profit lass and components of other comprehensive The Conceptual Framework considered two concepts of
income. capital maintenance or well-offness, namely financial
capital and physical capital.
The Revised Conceptual Framework has introduced the
term statement of financial performance to refer to the Financial capital
income statement together with the statement presenting
Under a financial capital concept, such as invested money
other comprehensive income.
or invested purchasing power, capital is synonymous with
The income statement or statement of profit or loss is the net assets or equity of the entity.
primary source of information about an entity's financial
Financial capital is the monetary amount of the net assets
performance for the reporting period.
contributed by shareholders and the amount of the
All income and expenses should be appropriately increase in net assets resulting from earnings retained by
classified and included in the income statement. the entity.
However, there are certain items of income and expenses Financial capital is the traditional concept based on
that are presented outside of profit or loss but included in historical cost and adopted by most entities.
other comprehensive income.
Net income under financial capital
The components of other comprehensive income are
Under the financial capital concept, net income occurs
subsequently recycled or reclassified either to profit or
when the nominal amount of the net assets at the end of
loss or retained earnings.
the year exceeds the nominal amount of the net assets at
Aggregation the beginning of the period, after excluding distributions
to and contributions by owners during the period.
Aggregation is the adding together of assets, liabilities,
equity, income and expenses that have similar or shared Illustration
characteristics and are included in the same
The following assets, liabilities and other financial data
pertain to the current vear:
Aggregation makes information more useful by
summarizing a large volume of detail. However, January 1 December 31
Total assets 1,500,000 2,500,000
aggregation may conceal some of the detail.
Total liabilities 1,000,000 1,200,000
Hence, a balance should be made so that relevant Additional investments 400,000
during the year
information is not obscured either by a large amount of Dividends paid during 300,000
insignificant detail or by excessive aggregation. the year

Typically, the statement of financial position and the

statement of financial performance provide summarized Computation of net income
or condensed information.
Net Assets – December 31 1,300,000
More detailed information is provided in the notes to Add: Dividends paid 300,000
financial statements. Total 1,600,000
Less: Net Assets – January 1 500,000
CAPITAL MAINTENANCE Additional investments 400,000 900,000
The financial performance of an entity is determined Net Income 700,000
using two approaches, namely transaction approach and
capital maintenance approach. The amount of net assets is the excess of total assets over
The transaction approach is the traditional preparation of the total liabilities.
an income statement. This is the reason this approach is also known as the net
The capital maintenance approach means that net income assets approach.
occurs only after the capital used from the beginning of Physical capital
the period is maintained.
Physical capital is her quantitative measure of the
In other words, net income is the amount an entity can physical productive capacity to produce goods and
distribute to its owners and be as "well-off” at the end of services.
the year as at the beginning.
The physical productive capacity may be based on, for
The distinction between return of capital and return on example, units of output per day or physical capacity of
capital is important to the understanding of net income. productive assets to produce goods and services.
Shareholders invest in entity to earn a return on capital or This concept requires that productive assets be measured
an amount in excess of their original investment. at current cost, rather than historical cost
Productive assets include inventories and property, plant
and equipment.
The current costs for these productive assets must be
maintained in order that physical capital is also
Accordingly, physical capital is equal to the net assets of
the entity expressed in terms of current cost.
The physical concept of capital should be adopted if the
main concern of users is the operating capability of the
entity, meaning, the resource or fund needed to achieve
that operating capability or capacity.
Under physical capital concept, net income occurs when
the physical productive capital of the entity at the end of
the year exceeds the physical productive capital at the
beginning of the period, also after excluding,
distributions to and contributions from owners during the
Assume in the previously given illustration, the net assets
Of P500,000 on January 1 had a current cost of PS00,000
by reason of inflationary condition.

Net Assets – December 31 1,300,000

Add: Dividends paid 300,000
Total 1,600,000
Less: Net Assets at current 800,000
cost – January 1
Additional investments 400,000 1,200,000
Net Income 400,000

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