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1. When do the body temperature becomes abnormal?

- Body Temperature can become abnormal due to Fever and Hypothermia

2. Where can you find a person’s pulse?

- It can be found on the side of the neck, inside of the elbow, or at the wrist

3. Define the following terms:

3.1. Blood Pressure

- The pressure exerted by blood on the walls of arteries as the heart contracts and

3.2. Systolic Blood Pressure

- Refers to the pressure inside the artery when the heart contracts and pumps blood throughout
the body

3.3. Diastolic Blood Pressure

- refers to the pressure inside the artery when the heart is at rest and is filling with blood

3.4. Hypertension

- directly increases the risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke

4. What are the four categories of blood pressure?

- Normal Blood Pressure

- Elevated Blood Pressure
-Stage 1 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension Stage 1)
-Stage 2 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension Stage 2)
5. What should be remembered before taking the blood pressure of a person?

- Ensure you're calm for at least 5 minutes before measuring blood pressure. Take
2-3 readings with a one-minute interval between each, and document all the

1. Define CPR. What is the importance of CPR to the person experiencing cardiac arrest?

- CPR consists of mouth to mouth respirations and chest compressions. CPR allows oxygenated
blood to circulate to vital organ such as the brain and heart. CPR can keep a person alive until
more advanced procedures are applied that can treat cardiac arres

2. Who can perform CPR? As an NSTP student-trainee, how can you help if you see someone
who is experiencing cardiac arrest?

- can perform CPR including bystanders that have proper training. As a NSTP student-trainee
with no proper training i can help someone by looking for help.

3. What will happen to the patient if you have no experience or proper training in
performing CPR?

- When you Perform CPR with no prior training it can land you into trouble and it worsens the
victim's condition.

4. Describe and explain the different stages of performing a CPR.

- First, you have to Approach Safely and make sure that the scene is safe. Second is to Check for
Response, tap and shake the victim slowly. Third is to Open Airway by tilting the head and
lifting the chin. Next is to Check Breathing, Look, Listen and feel for normal breathing. Check
Circulation, use your index finger and middle finger to check for pulse then Call Emergency
Hotlines. Give 30 Chest Compressions. Then give 2 Rescue Breaths, give breath over about 1
second. Then Continue CPR and if the victim starts to breath normally Place in Recovery
Position. Continue Resuscitation until Qualified help arrives and takes over.

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