Punto 2

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HCS+: Multilane Highways Release 5.

Phone: Fax:

_______________________________DESIGN ANALYSIS_________________________________

Analyst: Ing. Alexander J. y Monica P.

Agency/Co: Especializacion Infravial
Date: 5/20/2015
Analysis Period:
From/To: Tunja
Jurisdiction: UPTC
Analysis Year: 2015
Project ID: Punto 2

_______________________________LEVEL OF SERVICE________________________________

Direction 1 2
Desired LOS B B

_______________________________FREE-FLOW SPEED_________________________________

Direction 1 2
Lane width 3.6 m 3.6 m
Lateral clearance:
Right edge 1.8 m 1.8 m
Left edge 1.8 m 1.8 m
Total lateral clearance 3.6 m 3.6 m
Access points per km 2 2
Median type Undivided Undivided
Free-flow speed: Base Base
FFS or BFFS 95.0 km/h 95.0 km/h
Lane width adjustment, FLW 0.0 km/h 0.0 km/h
Lateral clearance adjustment, FLC 0.0 km/h 0.0 km/h
Access points adjustment, FA 1.3 km/h 1.3 km/h
Median type adjustment, FM 2.6 km/h 2.6 km/h
Free-flow speed 91.1 km/h 91.1 km/h


Direction 1 2
Volume, V 1000 vph 1000 vph
Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85
Peak 15-minute volume, v15 294 294
Trucks and buses 24 % 24 %
Recreational vehicles 0 % 0 %
Terrain type Grade Grade
Grade 6.00 % 6.00 %
Segment length 1.60 km 1.60 km
Trucks and buses PCE, ET 3.5* 3.5*
Recreational vehicles PCE, ER 6.0 6.0
Heavy vehicle adjustment, fHV 0.625 0.625

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Driver population adjustment, fP 1.00 1.00
Flow rate, vp 1882 pcph 1882 pcph


Direction 1 2
Desired LOS B B
Flow rate, vp 1882 pcph 1882 pcph
Free-flow speed, FFS 91.1 km/h 91.1 km/h
Allowable maximum service flow rate
for desired LOS, MSF 1001 pcphpl 1001 pcphpl
Number of lanes required, N 1.9 1.9

Designers should perform an operational analysis on the possible choices for N.

Overall results are not computed when free-flow speed is less than 70 km/h.

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