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1. Recognize the methods of laboratory technique and analysis;

2. Recognize the relationship of experimentation to the growth and development of scientific


3. Describe, discuss, and perform simple experiments in mechanics, fluid mechanics,

thermodynamics, waves and sound, electricity, optics, and modern physics;

4. Interpret the results of simple experiments and demonstrations of physical principles;

5. Prepare a lab report according to accepted norms.


Course topics will include the following:

1. Significant Figures, Averaging, & Measurements

a. Calculation techniques
b. Significant figures
c. Principles of measurement

2. EGraphing and Hooke’s Law

a. Graphing techniques
b. Force equilibrium

3. Motion on an Air Track

a. Kinematics

4. Conservation of Mechanical Energy

a. Mechanics

5. Density

a. Properties of matter
6. Specific Heat

7. Electric Circuits and Ohm’s Law

a. DC electricity

8. Magnetic Fields and Transformers

a. AC electricity

9. Simple Lens System

a. Principles of optics

10. Summary and Review

a. The nucleus

Method of Instruction:

1. Lecture/Demonstration

2. Experimentation

3. Class Discussion

Types of Assignments:

1. Preliminary write up of laboratory experiment

2. Preparation of physics project reports

3. Reading assignments in theory related to experiments

4. Viva and exam.

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