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Military action Explanation of importance Mark out of 8: Explanation of score

8 = very important
1 = little importance
First Bull Run The battle was important as it had showed the This has importance as it determined to what

early failures of the Union due to McClellan’s dominated America during the war and how
campaign and his perception on the Lincoln would respond to the failure of the
Confederate army, as he believed the forces battle, although it may not have been a
were much larger than him. It was important turning point for the Confederates, it may
to the Confederates as Jackson’s have showed how much power the army had
outnumbered army showed how much power towards the Union. Furthermore, the Union
they had, especially Jackson’s tactics helping may have morale lowered but this was during
the Confederate army, therefore it was the early stages of the war.
important for the Confederates to advance
towards the Union.
McClellan’s campaign 1862 The campaign may have been important, This had moderate importance, as the

especially towards the Union due to the numerous Confederate victories within the
failures it had endured, but it was also campaign, it shows how much continued
important for the Confederates due to the power the Confederacy has over the United
numerous victories won by General E. Lee, as States, as it also showed the improvements
it further showed the power the Confederates the Union had to be made in order to show
had, but it was down to the Union being naïve more stronger will against the Confederates,
and heavily cautious on the tactics, leading to especially towards the generals E. Lee and
McClellan being ousted by Lincoln. Jackson.
Shiloh The battle may have been important as the Overall, this battle may have had little

Confederate army gained territory along the importance due to the attention being heavily
Mississippi river and despite the Union loss, focused more towards Washington and how
General Grant was able to hold his position Lincoln was more concerned over the
due to support from Lincoln. Furthermore, Confederacy, and how morale was low due to
the Union did have an advantage, and that poor discipline and limited plans, therefore
General Johnston of the Confederacy was uncertainty across the Union force led to the
killed in battle, however this was important defeat.
for the Confederates due to the victory
Antietam The battle was particularly important based This was very important, as it could have been

on the consequences of the battle, as it led to one of the turning points of the civil war and
the emancipation of slavery across America showed how much morale the Union had and
and that France or Britain cannot recognise was able to fight off the Confederacy, while
the South. It was especially important for the also showing the improvements the
Union as they declared victory, however both Confederates may need.
sides experienced losses and casualties. Also,
the arrogance of the Confederacy invading
into Union territory, as Lee wanted to
demonstrate the South’s ability to invade
Union territory
Vicksburg The battle of Vicksburg proved much The battle of Vicksburg was highly important

importance along the Mississippi River as as it proved to how loyal and supportive the
though Vicksburg was placed under siege, the Union was towards battling against the
Union was able to take control of the city, Confederates, therefore high morale may
which may have largely been down to morale, have helped the Union and hindered the
especially towards the Confederacy, as the Confederate’s strategies.
extent of the siege may have exhausted them
and had low morale when the Union took
over the city
Gettysburg Gettysburg was highly essential and The battle of Gettysburg was highly important

important, as it may have proved the main and essential, as it proved to how the Union
turning point of the American Civil War, as it had high morale, and it is usually seen as
was down to Lee’s ambition to take the state overall Union victory in the civil war due to
of Pennsylvania, and the lack of foreign the battle, therefore the battle was very
intervention, as Europe feared it would important based on Lee’s strategy and the
antagonise the Union. However, Lee was still General Meade’s counter-strategy.
able to win battles afterwards, but it proved
to be the turning point of the civil war
Sherman’s March to the Sea The march towards Georgia proved to be The March to the Sea was particularly

negatively impacting, as the South’s resources important as the destruction of railways and
were destroyed, and Confederate numbers properties delivered psychological and
were outnumbered, as only 13,000 physical damage to the South, which may
Confederates were assigned, compared to the have lowered morale for the Confederacy.
Union’s 62,000. Furthermore, the destruction Furthermore, it may have helped the Union
of the railway and destroyed property may advance more into the South as they gained
have lowered Confederate morale even more territory far away from the front lines.
due to the lack of resources being delivered to
the front line. Therefore, the March to the Sea
was very important for the Union, as it
destroyed internal aspects within the South
The Wilderness The Wilderness campaign was important as it The Wilderness campaign may have proved to

proved to be successful for the Union, as have been the last days of the civil war, but
Grant’s army was able to outnumber Lee’s the Union was largely helped by Grant’s army,
army, which therefore led to the surrender of who was positioned along the Mississippi
the Confederacy. The addition of Sherman’s River for the majority of the war, however, it
army destroying the South may have led to did prove that the Union was able to defeat
the Confederacy surrendering. Therefore, the the Confederates, therefore it is important in
Wilderness campaign may have been ending the conflict.
important based on the outcome of the

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