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#Game: ~Vice City Stories

#Author: ~r~Mic~w~ ~g~Suit~w~

#Version: 1.0
#Category: Missions
#Date: 2022-12-24
#Description: A Mission made for ~r~Chri~w~ ~g~stmas~w~! Help Lance and please,
don't ~r~cheat~w~ ;)

0004: $3100 = 2500 // Mission Reward

0004: $3101 = 136 // Lance ID

000F: $ONMISSION > 0 // If Player is on a mission, end the script

0021: goto_if_true @END_MISSION

0109: force_weather_now 1

:SPAWN_BS // Spawn Blip and sphere

0005: 1@ = -103.46
0005: 2@ = -1603.96
0005: 3@ = 10.28
0248: add_sphere 1@ 2@ 3@ radius 3.0 store_to $2001
00C5: add_sprite_blip_for_contact_point 1@ 2@ 3@ sprite 37 store_to $2000

:CHECK_SPHERE // Check if player touched sphere

0001: wait 0
008A: locate_char_on_foot_3d $PLAYER_CHAR coord 1@ 2@ 3@ radius 3.0 3.0 3.0
sphere 1
0022: goto_if_false @CHECK_SPHERE

:REM_BS // Remove Blip and Sphere

00BB: remove_blip $2000
0249: remove_sphere $2001
0004: $ONMISSION = 1

:START_CUTSCENE_MISSION // Start Christmas Mission Cutscene

0107: set_player_control $PLAYER_CHAR to 0
0352: stop_char $PLAYER_CHAR
00EE: char $PLAYER_CHAR walk_to -101.69 -1600.71
03A1: set_wants_to_draw_hud 0
0401: disable_access_to_pause_menu 1
0055: print_big 'Snowy Vice City' time 100 style 2 // Name
02B4: set_interpolation_parameters 0 time 10000
0005: $4 = -130.00
0005: $5 = -1621.32
0005: $6 = 19.64
00B9: set_fixed_camera_position $4 $5 $6 rotation 0 0 0
00BA: point_camera_at_point 1@ 2@ 3@ switchstyle 2
0036: $7 = 1@
000A: $7 -= 10.0
0001: wait 1
00BA: point_camera_at_point $7 2@ 3@ switchstyle 1
0001: wait 2000
00C8: set_fading_colour 0 0 1
00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 0
0001: wait 1000

:SRT_CUT_MIS3 // Change to Cutscene thing before load complete

0005: 4@ = -96.52
0005: 5@ = -1585.32
0005: 6@ = 10.50
0005: 7@ = 236.0

0005: 8@ = -93.79
0005: 9@ = -1586.97
0005: 10@ = 10.50
0005: 11@ = 62.0

0005: 12@ = -93.90

0005: 13@ = -1579.67
0005: 14@ = 11.79

0005: 15@ = -96.66

0005: 16@ = -1591.21
0005: 17@ = 10.02

0160: request_model $3101

0160: request_model 238 // 238 - Mule ID
0228: load_all_models_now

003E: create_char 22 model 0 at 4@ 5@ 6@ store_to $100

00CF: set_char_heading $100 to 7@

003E: create_char 22 model $3101 at 8@ 9@ 10@ store_to $101

00CF: set_char_heading $101 to 11@

00B9: set_fixed_camera_position 12@ 13@ 14@ rotation 0 0 0

00BA: point_camera_at_point 15@ 16@ 17@ switchstyle 2
0001: wait 2000
00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 1
0001: wait 1000

:SRT_CUT_MIS41 // Show First Cutscene

0001: wait 0
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16 // a bit bloated, but who cares right?
0021: goto_if_true @STR_CUT_MIS42
0001: wait 750
0057: print_now '~h~Lance~w~: Hey Vance! Since it is ~g~Christmas~w~, I want you to
do something.' time 4000 flag 1
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @STR_CUT_MIS42
0001: wait 4000
0057: print_now '~h~Vic~w~: Lance, what shit did you made this time?' time 3500
flag 1
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @STR_CUT_MIS42
0001: wait 3500
0057: print_now '~h~Lance~w~: Come on Vic, I was just moving ~b~snow~w~ inside a
~r~red~w~ and white Mule across Vice City, but the police ~r~seized~w~ the
vehicle.' time 6000 flag 1
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @STR_CUT_MIS42
0001: wait 6000
0057: print_now '~h~Lance~w~: Can you bring it back to me, please? The Mule is in
the ~y~Little Havana Police Department~h~.' time 5000 flag 1
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @STR_CUT_MIS42
0001: wait 5000

0059: clear_prints
00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 0
0001: wait 1000

:SRT_CUT_MIS5 // Setup everything after the cutscene

0005: 18@ = -91.49
0005: 19@ = -1582.11
0005: 20@ = 10.50
0005: 21@ = 328.0

0005: 22@ = -892.75

0005: 23@ = -702.50
0005: 24@ = 11.19
0005: 25@ = 59.0

003F: delete_char $100

003F: delete_char $101

0048: create_car 238 at 22@ 23@ 24@ store_to $3000

0150: change_car_colour $3000 primary_to 3 secondary_to 3 // Set Mule Colors (red)
00D1: set_car_heading $3000 to 25@

0162: mark_model_as_no_longer_needed 238

00C0: add_blip_for_car $3000 store_to $3001

00BC: change_blip_colour $3001 to 4
00A7: give_car_alarm $3000
00EE: char $PLAYER_CHAR walk_to 18@ 19@

0044: set_char_coordinates $PLAYER_CHAR to 18@ 19@ 20@

00CF: set_char_heading $PLAYER_CHAR to 21@
00B6: restore_camera
0001: wait 2000

:XMAS_MIS1 // After the Cutscene

0107: set_player_control $PLAYER_CHAR to 1
03A1: set_wants_to_draw_hud 1
0401: disable_access_to_pause_menu 0
0221: set_camera_behind_player
0057: print_now 'Rescue ~g~Lances Christmas Mule~w~ with the ~b~snow~w~.' time 3000
flag 1
00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 1

:XMAS_MIS23 // In Shoreside Vale

0001: wait 0
0108: force_weather 1
03B9: set_car_rotation $3000 rot 0.0 0.0 235.0
009F: is_char_dead $PLAYER_CHAR
0021: goto_if_true @MISSION_FAILED
00A0: is_car_dead $3000
0021: goto_if_true @MISSION_FAILED
00A5: has_player_been_arrested $PLAYER_CHAR
0021: goto_if_true @MISSION_FAILED
007C: is_char_in_car $PLAYER_CHAR car $3000
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS3
0002: goto @XMAS_MIS23
:XMAS_MIS3 // Remove Car Blip
00BB: remove_blip $3001

:CUT_MIS21 // After you enter the vehicle

0005: 26@ = -887.57
0005: 27@ = -708.73
0005: 28@ = 11.33

0005: 29@ = -896.71

0005: 30@ = -697.62
0005: 31@ = 12.09

0005: 32@ = -86.30

0005: 33@ = -1574.66
0005: 34@ = 10.46

0107: set_player_control $PLAYER_CHAR to 0

03A1: set_wants_to_draw_hud 0
0401: disable_access_to_pause_menu 1
00B9: set_fixed_camera_position 26@ 27@ 28@ rotation 0 0 0
00BA: point_camera_at_point 29@ 30@ 31@ switchstyle 2

0248: add_sphere 32@ 33@ 34@ radius 3.0 store_to $1833

00C3: add_blip_for_coord 32@ 33@ 34@ store_to $1525
00BC: change_blip_colour $1525 to 4

0057: print_now 'You ~y~alerted~w~ the cops! You cannot escape them! Bring this
Mule back to ~y~Lances House~w~!' time 3000 flag 1 // ~w~You need a car to be in
this race!
0001: wait 3000

:XMAS_MIS4 // After short cutscene

0098: alter_wanted_level $PLAYER_CHAR to 3
0107: set_player_control $PLAYER_CHAR to 1
03A1: set_wants_to_draw_hud 1
0401: disable_access_to_pause_menu 0
00B6: restore_camera

:XMAS_MIS5 // Loop until you reach Lance's House

0001: wait 0
0108: force_weather 1
0098: alter_wanted_level $PLAYER_CHAR to 3
009F: is_char_dead $PLAYER_CHAR
0021: goto_if_true @MISSION_FAILED
00A5: has_player_been_arrested $PLAYER_CHAR
0021: goto_if_true @MISSION_FAILED
00A0: is_car_dead $3000
0021: goto_if_true @MISSION_FAILED
0104: locate_car_3d $3000 point 32@ 33@ 34@ radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 sphere 1
0022: goto_if_false @XMAS_MIS5

:CUT_MIS22 // Setup Final Cutscene

0098: alter_wanted_level $PLAYER_CHAR to 0
00BB: remove_blip $1525
0249: remove_sphere $1833
00E8: set_char_obj_leave_car $PLAYER_CHAR car $3000
0107: set_player_control $PLAYER_CHAR to 0
03A1: set_wants_to_draw_hud 0
0401: disable_access_to_pause_menu 1
0001: wait 2000
00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 0
0001: wait 1000

:CUT_MIS23 // Last Cutscene

0005: 38@ = -110.64
0005: 39@ = -1616.03
0005: 40@ = 10.13

0005: 41@ = -106.63

0005: 42@ = -1609.16

0005: 43@ = -105.47

0005: 44@ = -1607.48
0005: 45@ = 10.22

0005: 46@ = -110.50

0005: 47@ = -1602.13
0005: 48@ = 10.19

0044: set_char_coordinates $PLAYER_CHAR to 38@ 39@ 40@

0001: wait 700
00CF: set_char_heading $PLAYER_CHAR to 329.0

003E: create_char 22 model $3101 at 43@ 44@ 45@ store_to $102

00CF: set_char_heading $102 to 147.0
00B9: set_fixed_camera_position 46@ 47@ 48@ rotation 0 0 0
00B3: point_camera_at_player $PLAYER_CHAR mode 15 switchstyle 2
00EE: char $PLAYER_CHAR walk_to 41@ 42@
0162: mark_model_as_no_longer_needed $3101
00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 1
0001: wait 1200
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16 // a bit bloated, but who cares right?
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0001: wait 1200
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0001: wait 1200
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0001: wait 1200
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0001: wait 1200
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0057: print_now '~h~Lance~w~: Thank you so much bro!' time 3000 flag 1
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0001: wait 3000
0057: print_now '~h~Vic~w~: Man you got me in a really bad situation and all you
can say is thanks?' time 5500 flag 1
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0001: wait 5500
0057: print_now '~h~Lance~w~: Hey man I am sorry! I did not mean to cause so much
trouble, see you later!' time 6000 flag 1
007F: is_button_pressed 0 button 16
0021: goto_if_true @XMAS_MIS6
0001: wait 6000

:XMAS_MIS6 // Setup Player after last cutscene

00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 0
0001: wait 1000
0352: stop_char $PLAYER_CHAR
0044: set_char_coordinates $PLAYER_CHAR to -107.22 -1610.07 10.18
00B6: restore_camera
0221: set_camera_behind_player
003F: delete_char $102
0049: delete_car $3000
00CF: set_char_heading $PLAYER_CHAR to 153.0
0107: set_player_control $PLAYER_CHAR to 1
03A1: set_wants_to_draw_hud 1
0001: wait 500
00C9: do_fade 1000 fade 1

:XMAS_MIS7 // Mission Passed

0401: disable_access_to_pause_menu 0
011D: print_with_number_big 'M_PASS' number 2500 time 2000 style 1
0094: add_score $PLAYER_CHAR value 2500 // money
022B: play_mission_passed_tune 1
0004: $ONMISSION = 0
0002: goto @END_MISSION

:MISSION_FAILED // Acivated in case Player dies or vehicle is destroyed

0055: print_big 'M_FAIL' time 1000 style 1 // ~Y~MISSION FAILED!
00BB: remove_blip $3001
00BB: remove_blip $1525
0249: remove_sphere $1833
0049: delete_car $3000
0098: alter_wanted_level $PLAYER_CHAR to 0
0004: $ONMISSION = 0
0002: goto @END_MISSION

:END_MISSION // End Script

0023: terminate_this_script

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