Update For Violating Tyrone Rights in Kangaroo Court Via Void Ab Initio Orders Bondsmen and FLanagan 18 Usc 1341 ScamrRICO

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Margaret Sue Bozgoz 3653 Burr CT Unit A Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-1239 International Criminal Court Po Box 19519 2500 CM, The Hague ‘The Netherlands The Honorable Lloyd J Austin Mr. Christopher Miller Secretary Of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington DC 20301-1000 Office of the Attorney General Motor Vehicle Administration 6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E Glen Burnie, Maryland, 21062 Circuit Court Clerk Coffee County PO BOX 629 Manchester, TN 37349 In the IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR POLK COUNTY/Polk Justice Center, INC 222 5" Avenue, Des Moines, 1A, 50309 Flanagan Law Group 108 3° Street DES Moines, IOWA A50309 Chief Amal E. Awad ‘Anne Arundel County Chief of Police Attn: D Ganges Officer 8495 Veterans Hiwy Millersville, MD 21408 The Honorable Brooke Lierman Comptroller of Maryland 60 West Street Suite 102 Annapolis, MD 21401 The Honorable Chrissy Nizer Motor Vehicles Administrator 6601 Ritchie Highway NE Glen Burnie, MD 21062-1000 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service PO Box 267, Stop 812 Covington, KY 41019-0001 Department of the Treasury DC Internal Revenue Service James Johnathan Sizer 11209 Longbrooke Drive Riverview, Fl 33579 St Joseph Hospital South 6901 Simmon Loop Riverview 33578 Santos Security Lederman Bail Bonds 712 Sycamore St Waterloo, 1A 50703 1101 4th Street, SW, Suite 270 West, Washin| 1c 20024 Phone: (202) 727-4829 Fax: (202) 442-6890 General Paul M. Nakasone, USA Commander, U.S. Cyber Command 9800 Savage RD, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5999 General B. Chance Saltzman Chief of Space Operations 2020 U.S. Space Force Pentagon, STE 4£858 Washington, DC 20330-2000 Justice Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America PO BOX 520994. Big Lake AK 99652-0994 ‘SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENT to LIEN and MOTION TO ADD THE BELOW LISTED TO THE ATTACHED LEIN/LIEN DEBTORS AND MILITARY TRIBUNALS, ICC, GENERALS, JUSTICE ANNA, The events that generated this motion are (1) Human rights violation, (2) discrimination under the color of law, and (3) 18 USC 1341 SCAMIRICO. The main issue is CONTINUATION OF ILLEGAL CONDUCT AND ADA, INTERFERENCE WITHOUT BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE TOPIC: ADA CLIENTS VS. UNITED STATES INC and THIRD-PARTY CONTRACTORS 1, LIEN CREDITORS: Please ADD: Tyron Smith, and Chris Daniels to the attached LIEN. 2. LIEN DEBTORS: Please ADD the following: a) IOWA COURT CLERK, IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR POLK COUNTY/Polk Justice Center (Tyrone) b) e) g) hy ) STATUS: FLANAGAN LAW GROUP, 108 3®° Street, DES Moines, IOWA A50309 (TYRONE SMITH). | am suing everyone in this firm associated with TYRONE in their individual and official capacity COFFEE COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER, Circuit Court Clerk Coffee County (CHRISTOPHER DANIELS) JAY SIZER, 11209 Longbrooke Drive, Riverview, Fl 33579 (LUANNE SIMMONS) (continued course of conduct) ‘ST JOSEPH HOSPITAL (LUANNE SIMMONS) FAKE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR POLK COUNTY/Polk Justice Center JUDGE (TYRONE SMITH) IOWA, PROFESSIONAL BAIL BOND, Lederman, Bail Bond, 712 Sycamore St., Waterloo, [A 50703 JUDGE (TYRONE SMITH), IOWA SECURITY [EVERYONE INVOLVED UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW AND ASSOCIATED WITH TYRONE SMITH'S ILLEGAL ARREST, AND ILLEGAL KANGAROO COURT AS THEY ARE RUNNING AN 18 USC 1341 SCAMIRICO State of IOWA State of Tennessee The events that generated this letter include the following ADA Clients: 1. Tyrone Smith On 16 June 2024, As Tyrone Smith's ADA Advocate, | challenged the Privately owned courthouse in IOWA (EXHIBIT, 1, Sufficiency of Pleading). This challenge was ignored. The court should have (1) dismissed his illegal arrest approximately two weeks prior because everyone knows by now that car registration is optional vs law as the USA INC cannot pass laws especially after | submitted the QUO WARRANTO and (2) returned his bond of approximately $800.00 and $130.00 and alll involved pay Tyrone $75,000 for the first offense and $155,000 thereafter times fraudulent inducement pay! On 18 June 2024, | contacted the Flanagan Law group to help me understand how and how appointed Tyrone’s representative when he appointed me as per the 6" Amendment/Bill of Rights. hitps://www.bitchute, com/channel/WVTXWnbI8 YhXG/ They (ANDREA/OFFICE CLERK) Hung up on me and contacted my Client, Tyrone after she knew I was serving TYRONE in the capacity of LEGAL! ‘On 20 June 2024, TYRONE SMITH CONTACTED ME and informed me that the IOWA, COURT, INC clerk/Flanagan Law Firm Representative contacted him. The Flanagan Law Firm Attorney informed Tyrone (1) his hearing for Friday, 21 June 2024 was dismissed, (2) | informed this law firm on 18 Jun 2024, that we were not waving Tyrone’s rights for this Kangaroo Court because | asked for ADA RA so the whole world could see their crimes! This was an ADA Reasonable Accommodation which cannot be denied! They busted Tyrone for driving without a license and I wanted to demonstrate to the world that the USA INC was not only a private corporation but they were running a scam throughout AMOORICA at the taxpayers’ expense! FLANAGAN LAW FIRM also informed Tyrone that he was not appearing in court Friday but on some other date in the future (e.g., not updating his license) but for the 2018 incident (audio recorded: htips://www.bitchute,com/channelWTXWnbI8YhXGi} They informed Tyrone that he would receive an order via email canceling Tyrone’s court hearing. Tyrone never received it. BLUF: Once a UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN pedo corporation/Law FIRM violates its charter and human rights (ADA INTERFERENCE, 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 18 USC 245, 18 USC 246, 18 USC 249, 42 USC 1983 KKK, 42 USC 1985, 42 USC 1986, due process, and SAFETY, it must step down and dissolve itself instead of continuing to violate human rights (28 USC 3002 Section 15A, 884 and Quo Warranto) and gaslighting INDIGENOUS/HAWAIIANS aka the OWNERS OF AMERICAS See: https:/www. bitchute.com/channel/WTXWnbI8YhXG/ Also, when the POPE renounced the Doctrine of Discovery in 2023, that meant: (1) The UNITED STATES INC aka the VA Company of London's fake government (2) The United States INC privately owned Kangaroo Courts designed by the NAZIS are VOID AB INITIO! (3) The United States Inc.'s Strawman Game is over. ‘The United States Inc.'s strawman game includes tuning innocent Amooricans into. second person, slaves, and debtors to the PRIME UNITED STATES INC PRIME CONTRACTORS WHICH WERE DISSOLVED IN 2020 (EXHIBIT 2, May 2020 QUO WARRANTO) and (EXHIBIT 3, Justice Anna’s Public Notice 2021) According to Justice Anna, United States Inc. fiduciary, Private FOREIGN CORPORATIONS ARE MASQUERADING around in our NATION (1) with their RED, WHITE, AND BLUE CORPORATE FLAG WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY, and (2) pretending they are the boss (CREDITOR or BONDING AGENT) while (1) committing TREASON (EXHIBIT, 3 Justice Anna’s Affidavit and Public Announcement) and (2) writing void ab initio orders without an oath of office. Hence the reason | challenged every defendant and ask for their oath of office. The Defendants and Lien Debtors have 10 days to show me their oath of office or step down. They are not stepping down. Therefore, the United States Inc. military must arrest them for TREASON per the 11.3 Defense Manual. 21 June 2024, Tyrone Smith appeared in Court to ensure his name did not appear on the docket and inform them that he was a MOOR and they had violated his human rights as we are well aware: (1) BID BOND/STRAWMAN GAME, (2) DRIVERS. LICENSE IS PART OF THEIR GAME AND (3) JESUIT JUDGES ISSUING fake warrants to Sheriffs/KKK [who are also privately owned corporations] (SEE RED, WHITE, BLUE CORPORATE FLAG). ‘Tyrone checked in with the court to ensure they knew he was a MOOR/HAWAIIAN vs a United States Inc. STRAWMAN. The security guard informed Tyrone that he was clear as his name did not appear on the docket. Approximately 15 minutes later, the security guard arrested Tyrone illegally and against their charter on a warrant they took out two days before, 18 June 2024 versus his failure to renew his driver's license. which is NOT a requirement for any MOOR/Hawaiian as we are aware of the United States Inc. STRAWMAN/BID BOND and SCAM. The United States Inc.’s Strawman fraud includes/connected: a. Birth Certificate b. BID BOND c. STRAW MAN (The United States Inc. New WORLD ORDER COMPANIES use your 2 you aka Strawman when you enter their privately owned courts, hospitals, fire departments, old folk's homes, and schools) Red, white, and blue corporate Flag Social Security Number IRS Deed vs Land Patents Void Ab inito Orders Federal Reserves DRIVER’S LICENSE SHERIFF DEPARTMENT/KKK, COURT HOUSE Feo Clerk . Attorneys/Prosecutors Legally (Trick Words) Jesuit Judges who work for the PRIME UNITED STATES INC CONTRACTORS Department of Defense DLA/GSA (maintain records/declarations of facts that stand as truth as per UCC) r. Veterans Affairs GENERAL COUNSELORS aka LAW GROUP, INC who work for the PRIME UNITED STATES INC 8. Store Front Executive Orders (e.g., ADA, Disabi RIGHTS, CHILDREN, Veterans, SOLDIERS, third party contractors to help the elderly) t. BIOWEAPONS TIMELINE 1700- 2024, UNIT 741, Fort Detrick u, Jesuit Smallpox/COVID Vaccine V. Military tricking soldiers, sailors, airmen/women to give up their oath when entering the service. w. Three types of UNITED STATES INC CITIZENSHIP (1) Corporation/Strawman) (2) Federal (3) Continental x. Retaliate against Whistleblowers when they discover their dirty little United States Inc. treason. Plausible Deniability United States Inc attorneys writing policies (fake laws) they do not follow themselves. e337 ap Ns On 21 Jun 2024, while Tyrone was arrested, | told Tyrone’s girlfriend to put me on speaker so the security guard could hear. | told them (1) I challenged the sufficiency of Pleading on the 16 of June, (2) they do not have jurisdiction over him, (3) Tyrone is a Moor/HAWAIIAN vs United States Inc. citizen and they still ignored Tyrone’s due process and safety and arrested him anyway! On 21 Jun 2024, The Jail received a hard copy of my Sufficiency of Pleading Challenge. Note: on 16 Jun 2024, the court received a copy via fax and email. So, they know | am Tyrones ADA Advocate/Due Process. On 21- Jun 2024, Tyrone was locked in the IOWA Jail, On 22 Jun 2024, Tyone (and his STRAWMAN) appeared in a fake Kangaroo JAIL vs a COURTROOM for his BID BOND HEARING A fake judge appeared in front of Tyrone vs a Judge. This FAKE JUDGE asked Tyrone. (1) If Tyrone had an attorney. Tyrone said he had an ADA Advocate (See Exhibit 1, 16 JUN PACKET the court and FLANAGAN LAW GROUP received) (2) The fake Judges also asked TYRONE how he pleaded to the fake charges they cooked up two days prior. TYRONE responded NOT guilty because the charges are false! The man without the Jesuit then issued Tyrone [and his strawman] a bill/bond for $1300. On 22 Jun 2024, Tyrone’s brother appeared in jail to BOND Tyrone out of jail. He stayed there for over 3 hours, and nobody released Tyrone. His brother had to leave for work. According to the Bonding Agent, owner of Lederman BAIL at the jail, itis the jail’s policy not to have anyone work the front desk on weekends. On 22, June 2024, | called and informed the Bondsman, Lederman BAIL BOND 712 Sycamore Street Waterloo, A 50703, 515-280-6511 that they were running a RICO/SCAM, and he was involved because he knew what they were doing was wrong. | told him that the fake judge is NOT establishing Subject Matter Jurisdiction which means they do not have jurisdiction over the case then they lock the victims up in jail BLUF: the process is a fraud that costs taxpayers 60 trillion! (Exhibit 8, bonding is illegal) He told me that he had worked in several states throughout America, and they had their victims wait longer than 24 hours going through the process/fraud. | told him that he had an obligation to stop the fraud. He told me to talk to the director for whom the “PEOPLE” voted! | told him I was taping our conversation and going to make him a defendant! https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WTXWnbI8YhxXG/ 2. Christopher Daniels On 21 June 2024, Christopher Daniel's mother, Millie Daniels contacted me to reference her son being obtained in jail (Circuit Court Clerk Coffee County). Millie and | are Chris! ADA Advocate which thay ara aware see Exhibit 4, Certified Mail return, receipt). Millie informed me that the Public Defender informed Chris that their corrupt ass FOREIGN PEDO CORPORATION COMPANY did not recognize their NAZI UNITED STATES INC’s PRESIDENT's [BUSH] 1990 ADA Act which means they steal ADA FUNDS AND DENY ADA Rights too! The public defendant is a lien debtor! She said that her company does not recognize ‘ADA Representatives which is another due process right under the color of law! 3. Luanne Simmons/Jay Sizer (Continuation of Course of Conduct to take out his mother and Lee) (See QUO WARRANTOILIEN) Luanne has never healed from the HILLSBOROUGH Cop, Jag, and her son, Jay Sizer attempting to steal her property after her neck surgery (See 2022 Incident) ‘She went into the hospital last week on or about 20 Jun 2024. On 24 Jun 2024, the doctor located at St Joseph Hospital South discriminated against her in the open, and after she waited approximately 3 days to see him. The question is. why did they keep her that long to reject her SSN insurance? This is a professional corporation! On 24 June 2024, the doctor/staff at St Joseph Hospital South told Luanne that they did not take her SS insurance because she did not have the right SS insurance, she had part 5A Social Security. She needed 5B as well. The hospital told Luanne that she needed to obtain/complete the 5B portion of SSN. Luanne said she could not because Jay had her receipts (e.g., move, repairs, and control of her home/prime signature on her home) We contacted Jay for the above-listed items. Jay denied he had anything to do with his mother's receipts and property. He called his mother crazy. Now keep in mind, this is the same guy who had the nerve to hire an attorney in FL and a Sheriff in MD to threaten me with a fake Cease and desist order aka an expensive Letter to be delivered on a MILITARY INSTALLATION. The MD Sheriff that Jay hired told me [on the record] to accept the fake order or he would attach a device to my body and drag me into a fake Kangaroo Court! When the sheriff arrived at my house [in front of my friends/neighbors] | watched the Sheriff tape a fake cease and desist order to my door. The fake order read Jay Sizer vs Margaret Bozgoz. This is an illegal scare tactic, | am not worried about myself, | am worried about others they play with! When my husband looked at the fake cease and desist order, he said that it was not an order, but a very expensive letter Jay paid to threaten me/us. He was pissed! We wrote a letter to the post commander, etc. We put that on the record and reported Jay's, the attorney's, and the sheriff's crime. Why because these people are in this game together! On 24 Jun 2024, As stated above, we contacted Jay, and he denied having anything to do with his mother's receipts and house. We checked the system and discovered that Jay completed a Quick Deed on his mother's property on 14 Oct 2023 Exhibit 5, Quick Deed)! Later that day, Luanne was to leave the hospital without the doctor finishing/reading her MRI due to lack of SS 5B. The hospital released her. They said they would contact ADAMWheelchair transportation for her then canceled her ride. They brought her dinner, then took it back. She found her way home. While she was walking out of the hospital, she stopped by the gift store and security told her that she was not allowed to go in there. She was escorted out of the hospital and watched by the security guards. | talked to her from 6-7 pm. She was sitting in the rain outside of the hospital. On 25 Jun 2024, | contacted Luanne, and the Security Guard, Santos at the Hospital Answered her phone! I want to know where she is. Exhibit 6, Proof the MOORS own the land which was stolen by THE USA INC, USA MILITARY (Exhibit 6, USA Residential School Report which proves the USA INC STOLE THE LAND AND CHANGED THE MOORS CULTURE. WHY? BECAUSE IT WAS EASIER FOR THE WHITE MAN TO STEAL THEIR LAND see page 21, UNITED STATES INC PRESIDENTS. Note: What the United States Inc., and its attorneys do not tell us is a DEED is another rich man’s trick, you need the land patent which is owned by the MOORS! Exhibit 7 Proves that United States Inc. stole the land. Also, see Trail of Tears, LOKOTA MOORS (e.g., the United States Inc. CEO, GENERAL GRANT ORDERED THE USA INC MILITARY SOLDIERS TO KILL THE MOORS for $300 each! Note: The USA INC changed the names of the MOORS to Indian to cover their genocide. ‘Shaunel and WA STATE FEMALES Washington State Females in Washington State Prison. Status: Awaiting Public Health Hazard Bonding Information and CDD Video to prove to the world that the United States Inc. and its subcontractors are still using BIOWEAPONS, torturing, experimenting, and Killing AMOORICANS! We provided copies of their response and a $1.84 money order to DOD and WA STATE PRISON (Exhibit 9) Karla and Sailors USS Harry Truman continues to retaliate and prolongs Karal's out-processing. On 24 June, | informed Karla if she wanted to hurt herself to go to the hospital! Look at the patterns. It is 2024, AMOORICANS DESERVE BETTER! SHUT THEM DOWN DOD AND ICC! How many more Amooricans need to die while these For-profit criminals continue to use their “STRAWMAN FOREIGN TACTICS” SO YOUR FRIENDS can get rich? DO YOUR JOB OR GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR REAL NATION. |, Margaret Sue Bozgoz, MOOR/Hawaiian make this statement under penalty of Perjury to the best of my knowledge and recollection. Wy fy Respectily Sn /). — Margaret Sud Bozgoz MOOR/Hawaiian/ADA Advocate Exhibit Summary Exhibit 4: Sufficiency of Pleading, 16 June 2024 Exhibit 2: May 2020 QUO WARRANTO Notice 2021 Exhibit 3: Justice Anna's Affidavit and Public Announcement Exhibit 4: Certified Mail return receipt. Exhibit 5: Quick Deed)! Exhibit 6: Proof the MOORS own the land Exhibit 7: USA Residential School Report Exhibit 8: Bail Bonds receipt for Fake Kangaroo Court. Proof NO SANCTIONS ARE ALLOWED when SMJ is not established, Due process is violated and etc Exhibit 9: $1.84 money order to DOD and WA STATE PRISON Exhibit 1: Sufficiency of Pleading, 16 June 2024 and oath of office request: https:/www.scribd.com/document/743899070/lowa-State-Court-Inc-and-Flangan-Law- Group-Violating-Their-Charter-and-the-Ada-Again ~aaeooorcrines E © ww Aq pouueos + swueuyoenve aL LIBHL GNY SLHOIY NYMINH UNO BISHL SUVIOIA SOd3d NOFSYOS ONI VSN UoUM sev | ssneD=q SIEDOAPY Va PLE ‘snoUeEAPUI‘UeHENEH OMEN ofiog ang Ww om wy ‘WaIY 0661 24 J0 1 pue 1 TTL Jepun BuRian@ Jo} Se | spI608) GuUFER WAY PLE ‘sow Jo EO “voneULUO} Bupuog axGNd s.aUOKsaKD WEN 3)4\4ER!OUS ‘000'SS1§ PUE WoNerOI Yas Va 1814 2 20} 090'S1$ 811 "BOSINpE 09 aseed J9pL0 PION © LY pons! 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SUDIAL 920 BAEN | A aKHeH es5re "LGD ‘HurpEWBpW PrOWNE FydOEOF "YSADO] WooHeWBErC OIE, ‘AweKD sp20N Ot ns woo ew ez08zoqenseie00\pe¢pe> ZOBz0g ang 3LVOONGY VOY Exhibit 2: May 2020 QUO WARRANTO Notice 2021 90-3) NO U20 25 Cet ionduosoq 6L0z6z/t 201 poubissy G3A139394u IOLA ET Va VONEIOIA DY OLET VHSO, Dy VOReMIGeHDY £261 suoneqorn siuBhy WD E86T ‘a1eG “Ubissy wa ozr0z 30 ‘uoruysera dn seuany wousan ore} CP saeyy sueiaian jo waunsedaa || 44 PHM Lagu o O2¥0z 2a ‘orBunseM JAN anuany 1woWK9, OTS saperan pautoy comes Kiony ose oapiedten youn ——_ EEE Exhibit 3: Justice Anna's Affidavit and Public Announcement "8 eyo) 9 anUB201 om — 240 JequeN, yd ah Sg ronan ove ors 2woun9H08 weave vey ALO USL © ern PUR Udo AK ‘ney 9g hq wm oes ha yum ap sb of Bugaon ae Aan e234 sp mou vewny mao sone ro Amanurysend sous ha sous partsot0 ove 900 wih 0 SuOR Bue Sx weoumury fa dn es ma oorOND AYOLY BAE-PINOS “SHFE-HCO LOLI USING HOUR 8 Tone beret or pam Tae AT VORP SsLvIS ‘aaLiNn oun vam Buowe 202 Annu « pene puR ‘oo parques 50m HOO YSN UL soouputy p sna oge Burge O28 a ep PLE HURL 1p sow au ur pus womusveiy 0 suo Bundnsyeg Voge Bunge Ou ONE B0A 95, wo or Bune Lump ay sisKe vodn Buen BUR Bu Bukng ha Kane ode ous BusveWy vO09 Okey SOR SEG OY AFL ‘sompues Jo so 0 0920p woH BeyRlUR sey OEE Ware BEN 0 8 Ye} a ‘21a pops Kou ‘ueBug > yueg ou Sem oko uoUrD Sy w SODIENIALEG I) BJO BUD FM somyouey sy si 9 S908 suonEodins wove 5g oso jo v0 vawn osnecea ‘acmd Bune sradnaqueg jo UoM Are vee OneY FO4L fowe pordnayuea oe ou we Sonar jo dro owes 1 ha pateuew pur payeiedo pue pouno 8 eu 910 Jou Kywedsa uogeDdioD AOU ALE Jo Sapives aut 2020 0 a L0p ama seHES PANN a UCMTHERICD Buy Aa REFNS seca oun opv0id pours ms 8 20g Mop a apse Le Se LORE 0 Bu) SMTA See esse See pe PoP PT 2n0N revonewrony gM, $202 ‘92 Arenuer 22RON DIGNd ec ye seg end ne 99 a ean ero asec ok sl a tn ‘wep eOIPT TAP SELF GOIN © POY SS I a's ny ey ope ang ee tom Sips nal ay peep en ney we PO Lamers SIViS CL ON SRI Peer Senomatreesd eas RY es SPO March 15" of 2021 Big Lake, Alaska Margaret Sue Bozgoz, 3553 Burr Court Unit A Fort George G. Meade, MD 2075: Dear Margaret Sue Bozgoz: Tread with dismay the details of the incarceration and mistreatment of one of our own. I regret to say that Jimmy is not alone 1 am returning a wet-ink copy of the Public International Notice ~ Notice to Vacate, It should be sufficient to explain the situation and the duty of the Municipal and Territorial Officers alike. Jimmy is the victim of a double-ended impersonation scheme and is owed all succor and assistance. Yours truly and with best wishes, _ by phan Mace egeyen, Payers ‘Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America Public International Notice - Notice to Vacate 4. The commercial organizations that have been hired by the British Government(s) and the Holy See to provide governmental services stipulated under the three (3) Federal Constitutions have been terminated in bankruptcy; our contracts are not with these subcontractors, but their bankruptcy and bad performance does impact us, and we do have cause to manage our own affairs and to make decisions with respect to the new service providers 2, Our actual contracts are with the Principals~ the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London, We have not approved and do not have contracts with any of the new Municipal Corporations and/or Territorial Corporations which are seeking to create contracts by Assumption of Contract in Succession; 2. We have specifically provided Notice to the other Principals and have denied any assumption of succession by the Biden Administration for Cause. Mr. Biden is a self- admitted influence peddler and crook; there is, therefore, no controversy. He admits it. We accept that admission. The number of our Municipal Employees and Dependents who may or may not have voted for Mr. Biden is a moot issue. This decision not to hire the Biden Administration and not to allow it to represent us _and forbidding access to our cradit is @ business decision, made by lawful Deputies, and it may not be presumed against; 4, We are the Employers and the Presumed Donors of the Public Trusts; as Donors we have returned and demanded the liquidation of the Public Trusts and the return of the ‘Assets, unharmed and unencumbered. This includes all State Trust and Cestui Que Vie Trust Assets, all gold and silver assets purloined and deposited offshore, domestic and overseas investments, and all credit owed to the American States and People. We have provided the means to accomplish this removal of the artificial trust structure(s) that have been imposed under False Legal Presumptions and have allowed for a safe and gradual transition to State Assembly control; 5. All the territories that entered Territorial Statehood between 1860 and 1959 have been enrolled as States of the Union and have entered in to their true capacity as States according the Equal Footing Doctrine as of 1 October 2020; 6. All Territorial State-of-State organizations are provided Notice to Vacate and must begin withdrawal and transition planning. Municipal STATE OF STATE organizations which should not exist under the provisions of the Federal Constitutions have already had ten (10) years to reorganize and liquidate their business interests and are, together with their Federal Agencies, not being allowed to continue unlawful and unconstitutional incursions. 7. Itis unfortunate that this very significant down-sizing and removal of Municipal Interests ig necessary, but itis clearly contra-indicated by our Founding Agreements, our Will and our Public Intent-— not to mention being contrary to common sense and our practical benefit. The mistaken presumption that the Municipal Government represented our civilian government in our purported "absence" has resulted in our States and People being charged for a complete redundancy of Federal and federated state-of state services by two self-interested commercial corporations, both in the business of providing governmental services. As a result, we have been paying for two departments of labor, two departments of defense, two court systems, two political administrations, and we have been putting up with not only the cost, but the confusion and infighting that results from this duplication of effort 8.The actual State Assemblies are now in Session and prior assumptions of authority seized upon by the Territorial and Municipal Government Contractors and their respective state-of-state organizations must be released in an orderly, gradual, and peaceful manner without fear or rancor. Provision for the necessary transfers of authority and measures to re-task and re-employ people affected by this necessary restructuring are underway and should prove beneficial for all concerned 9. All members of the General Public and International Investors as well as all members of State-of-State Legislatures have cause to know that as of 1 October 2020, all State Trust interests and ail assets contained therein, have reverted to the living people of these Several States of the Union and these assets ere not available for any continued speculation, use as collateral, sale, encumbrance, or abuse by the members of the United States Department of Justice serving as the US TRUSTEES nor by members of the United States Congress serving as United States Trustees together with their heirs and assigns, nor are any State Trust assets subject to any sale, distribution, secondary administrative contract, or other agreements entered into by state-of-state legislatures; 40. The Enrollment of the Western States has been made effective with and retroactively contemporaneous with their original entry into Territorial Statehood; all right, title, and interest must be yielded to those Americans who have returned and who are daily returning to their lawful standing on the land and soil of this country; 41. As a matter of Law and of proper Public Administration, all rights, titles, duties and interests in the international and global realm which were onoe exercised by the Confederation of the States of America and the Federal Republic have returned by Operation of Law to our unincorporated Federation doing business as The United States of America which was and is the Delegator of all mutually-held Delegated Powers of the actual States; 42. Also as a matter of Law and proper Public Administration, all rights, titles, duties and interests in the national and local government realms vest in the State and County ‘Assemblies which are now in Session for the first time in many years, and all foreign trusts and foreign trust interests otherwise presumed to exist are dissolved, 43, The return of the actual American Government to full force and function cannot be accomplished overnight, but the foundational work to rebuild and reconstruct both the Confederation of the States of America and the Federal Republic is underway and ongoing; as the only true Sovereign Interests in this country representing all people of all ethnicities, races, religions and backgrounds, our State Assemblies hold aloft the banner of national sovereignty and self-determination, and through their unincorporated Federation of States, they similarly uphold the ideals of individual freedom and self- determination, and yet also fully accepts voluntary cooperation with other nations for the advancement of mutual peace, security, friendly trade, social and cultural exchange, and environmental issues; 14, In the transition period, there will be a migration of elements of the American Armed Forces to occupy the position of the original Federal Republic, which is ultimately an instrumentality of our unincorporated Federation. In this way the function of the original ‘American Federal Subcontractor can be restored without having to complete the entire Reconstruction first. Mr. Trump is selecting those elements of the American Armed Forces necessary for the task before us and they are being funded on a temporary basis until the actual final Reconstruction is in place and the entire American Government is functioning as intended, 15. Mr. Trump will be called upon to help us secure all those American assets that have been held offshore in diverse locations and we are all obligated by international law to return control of those recovered assets back to the actual unincorporated Union of States doing business as The United States, which is our domestic National Government of the Several State Assemblies, for reassignment of a portion of those assets to our unincorporated Federation, The United States of America, which is our international and global government, which then assigns resources to the Confederation and the Federal Republic which Mr Trump and elements of the American Armed Forces, particularly The United States Army and The United States Air Force and The United States Space Force will be occupying. 16. These assignments and the correct lawful and legal arrangements have already been made and stand upon the Public International Record of the Uniform Commercial Code, but it remains under the watchful eyes of the international community to be sure that no further substitutions or impersonations or other legal chicanery is attempted by the British of other European interests seeking to derail or delay our process or impersonate our lawful unincorporated government again; 47. Upon the receipt of control of our retumed trust assets we shall be authorizing the minting of United States Silver Dollars for domestic use, and American gold coinage for Use internationally, this does not imply that credit-based notes will be removed from Circulation, but necessary changes will be made across a spectrum of currency products that are either based on other commodities or are commercial or military scripts; we do not anticipate that anyone needs to be harmed in this process at all, 48. We have thus far published the Enrollment of the States created during and after the so-called American Civil War and the first American Public Law in over a hundred years, which establishes punishments and prohibitions for corporations seeking to meddie with the natural genome of individual people using nanotech and patented genetic materials to create the basis to claim these same people are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) subject to ownership by the patent holders. We have also published and re- Issued, several years ago, our renewed Sovereign Letters Patent and our recognition of ‘The Declaration of Independence of 4 July 1776 as the Source and Foundation of our lawful American Government 419, The renewed Sovereign Letters Patent referenced above are our acknowledgement and receipt of those land and title interests which are ours by venerable Grant and Treaty Agreements made before, during, anc after The War of Independence, and these renewed Sovereign Letters Patent represent our peaceful and mutual sharing of land and Soll interests among the living people present within the borders of each one of the Several States, including the members of the Native American Nations, who are as individuals welcome to participate in the State Assemblies and who are inheritors of all the same constitutional guarantees and protections: 20. We formelized and recorded and gave International Notice of these actions to make it clear that we are the lawful Possessors and Inheritors and we are in full command of ‘our records, our history, and our depository receipts, grants, treaties, land patents, and all presumed titles and deeds issued in our purported absence. We are not confused or incompetent or engaged in any war or controversy and wish only for @ peaceful and lawful and logical way forward for our country and for the rest of the world; 21. Our government is not now nor has it ever been engaged in oppressing anyone, dictating any religious belief, harming or depriving anyone based on their race or ethnicity, promoting any system of bondage, or depriving anyone of the full enjoyment of their assets both public and private; 22, We recognize and everyone ale must recognize that while there are urgent needs to be addressed throughout the world, the necessary and lawful changes will not happen instantaneously or occur at the same pace in all places; a daunting process of evaluation ‘and education lies ahead not only for America and Americans, but for the rest of the world community, We embrace these challenges and opportunities in a spirit of brotherood and with great determination to preserve ail that is best in our communal past, while forging in the present time a firm and happy and simple basis to go forward into the future; 28. As part of our dedication to making government simple, sensible, and non-invasive, 2 great many of the more than 80 million statutory laws, codes, and regulations which have resulted in such nullities as victimless crimes and thought crimes and unconscionable infractions will be set aside, Both the injustices promulgated by this proliferation of private statutory laws and the economic burden of enforcing them is Unsupportable and not in any sense necessary for nor conducive to the Public Good; 24, Legislation which has imposed upon the Natural and Unalienable Rights of individuals 2nd these rights and prerogatives guaranteed by the Constitutions will similarly be rooted Gut, set aside and nullified, resulting in the release of many prisoners who have been Victims of state-of-state, Territorial, and Municipal Prisons-for-Profit schemes; 28. Along with the long overdue nullification of these burdensome and often oppressive or nonsensical statutory laws comes the similar restructuring and removal of ‘Administrative Codes and Administrative Agencies. The gross duplication of governmental services created in this country and the degree of public ignorance regarding the applicability of Administrative Codes which have no authority outside the Corporate administration of our subcontractors will similarly be addressed; 26. All the reforms referenced above necessitate a similar reform of the court system(s) which have been administering the enforcement of these statutes and codes and ‘expediting their improper imposition upon the General Public. Our American Justices will be returning to their proper places as Administrators and Comptroliers and those Lesser Courts of strictly limited jurisdiction, including the courts of Special Admiralty and their Judges, will be retired and circumscribed as the American Courts revive and the lawful duties and limited jurisdictions of the foreign courts are imposed. Most particularly, Hired Jurists and Territorial and Municipal elected Judges are advised to recognize the actual identity of Americans misaddressed by court summons and faulty case initiation processes, so as to avoid further trespasses against their Employers; 27. All Political Parties which have been endured and employed as a means to foment constant Public Policy debates related to our foreign subcontractors and their incorporated commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services-— are merely lobbyist organizations similar to labor unions or professional associations like the Bar Associations and the American Medical Association — all of Which are foreign with respect to our actual American Government and devoid of any authority related to our States, our People, and our Country. The elections which have resulted from the activities of such organizations are self-evidently private corporation Glections, and do net, a2 they have misroprazented, result in public elactians nor the lawful occupation of public offices. While we stop short at this time of outlawing such organizations generally, we do insist that their activities be disclosed for what they are, and that all those elected and appointed to private corporate offices as a result. (1) perform their constitutional duties; (2) observe the limitations of their offices: (3) fully Freclose all impacts, obligations, effects, resulting legal presumptions, and applicability of registration processes-— including Voter Registrations; (4) fully disclose the limitations, applicability, and results of their foreign licensing agreements and foreign guid requirements, in the event that any American thus fully informed should choose. to participate or imagine thet these foreign requirements and practices have anything whatsoever to do with them. 28. Insurance is legalized gambling, and in our purported absence, a vast compendium of insurance services and insurance conglomerates with ties to international organized crime have sprung up on our shores and have been used for purposes of money laundering, unjust enrichment, and illegal investment pooling ‘While we realize the short term benefits that can be gained by individual investments in various forms of insurance ard the institutional profits that can be realized by allowing the insurance industry to exist, wwe also observe the social evils associated with insurance: bonding of assets, failure to pay, widespread unilateral and unconscionable contracting practices, misrepresentation Of Insured Parties, and so on. The insurance industry like the even more corrupt and corruptible securities industry, has been operating without competent Third Party oversight in virtually all States of the Union; this situation requires the establishment of State-mandated Third Party oversight and enforcement, consumer protection and Ombudsman services specific to the insurance industry, and insurance arbitration services available to the General Public, 29. Securitization of living flesh is illegal; it has been illegal and unlawful since the days of slavery and was universally outlawed on a planetary basis as of 1926. Yet, we observe the current situation promoted by the labor bonding practices of the Municipal United States Government and its co-conspirators at the Federal Reserve and DTCC, which have all promoted a ghastly trade in securtized labor and securitized living flesh despite the clearly worded prohibitions which stand as Public Law throughout the known world The loophole used to promote this abhorrent situation is our guaranteed freedom to contract and the inability of the government to restrict our ability to contract. This freedom has been used as @ means to enslave us via unconscionable contracts with babies and other minors, undisclosed third party contracts entered into for’ us by people pretending to be our agents, trustees, executors, or others in power over our affairs and assets, and miltary press-ganging which has been outlawed for over 200 years. These claims ask us to entertain the idea that we can choose to enter into contracts to perform illegal acts, subject ourselves and others to criminal practices, enter into unilateral contracts with ourselves and other personas representing ourselves, be subject to contracts we are totally unaware of, and via the exercise of our freedom to contract, justify any kind of criminal activity whatsoever so long as there is @ contractual obligation present ‘These practices, claims, and the social insanity predicated upon them are fully denied dha rebulied by our Publis Law, our ectual binding contract requirements, and most of al! by the illegal, ‘unconstitutional, and unlawful results of these foreign legal practices and presumptions being misapplied to Americans—- all of which serves to make the Municipal United States Government sponsored by the Holy See and those corporations conspiring with it to engage in these contracting practices, recognizable as an international crime syndicate engaged in crimes against humanity. Our Municipal Subcontractors are responsible for the misdirection and misadministration of their hirelings and franchises; they have cause to know the limitations of their service contracts, the Public Law of this country, and their own obligations to anyone born on our soil; they have deliberately and with apparent malevolent and self-interested intent built a foreign, evil, invasive, and unauthorized criminal empire on our shores in contravention of our Public Law and in violation of International and Global Law; they have employed falsified records, impersonation, constructive fraud, and barratry to do it As a result of these crimes and the usurpation against our lawful government evidenced by the spread of Municipal Government enclaves and activities far beyond the limitations set by our constitutional agreements already noted, corrective measures have been taken and will continue until the entire criminal edifice is extracted, together with the corporations and interlocking trust directorates and individuals connected to these activities and practices. 30. In 1865, the Territorial United States Government failed its duty to fully inform and support the Federation of States. The same Territorial United States Government claimed emergency powers that were never granted to it, and used this claim as an attempt to justify its continued abrogation of its own constitutional limitations and obligations owed to the American States and People. In 1868, this same Territorial United States Government created a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" —- Incorporated, and in an act of undisclosed constructive fraud and attempted legal enclosure, published the Articles of Incorporation as "The Constitution of the United States of America". In 1870, this same Territorial United States Government acting as the U.S. Congress, claimed that it had the right to issue corporate charters in ‘our names~-- something never authorized or granted to the Territorial United States Government, and naturally residing by Operation of Law and Jurisdiction with our unincorporated Federation of States. In 1871, these same jackals exercised this false claim of power and authority to create multiple Municipal commercial corporations in our names and used these as instrumentalities of the District of Columbia. They also claimed to own all United States Corporations and the assets thereof as personal property. Every iota of this was accomplished under conditions of fraud, non-disclosure, and treasonous usurpation against our actual American Government and all of it was done by self-seeking foreign Employees on our payroll, being either: (a) misdirected by the foreign Principals responsible for their activities, or (b) being allowed to run wild and do alll of these things by the other Principal Parties to the Federal Constitutions without oversight. In all cases, the British Monarchs, the Lord Mayors of London, and the Popes --who owed us "Good Faith and Service" in these matters were derelict and criminally negligent in the performance of their duties, including the duty to protect and inform their Employers. A Similar situation accrued to the misadministration of our Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Offices. As a result, corrective measures have been taken and will continue to be taken. The ownership interest in United States Corporations belongs to our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, and to the States and People of this country, in whose names these entities were created under conditions that are otherwise constructive fraud and without any vestige of authority to exercise any such sovereign power: all corporations formed since 1860 "in the name of” either the United States or the United States of America are subject to the ownership and authority of the Unincorporated American Government and our Public Law, including the Federal Constitutions. All such corporations have been given one (1) year to correct and amend their Articles of Incorporation accordingly, or choose voluntary liquidation. 31. Our relations with the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London are, Understandably, quite strained as a result of these criminal activities and various forms of usurpation which have been employed and allowed to prosper against our lawful government. Various other Bad Faith abuses of actual Delegated Powers by these same Parties such as Giveaway Trade Agreements, Federal Block Grant kickback programs used as inducement to evade constitutional obligations and unlawfully convert loca! governments, especially city governments, and widespread improper enforcement of foreign contracting processes and forms of law, including the Spanish Law of the Inguisition, and participation in foreign tax schemes such as the "New Green Deal" and ‘American Wealth Redistribution schemes predicated on the idea that our entire country was abandoned’ and without a government, and claims by the self-interested Creditors of our foreign Subcontractors that all our assets distributed worldwide were “unclaimed” ‘and "abandoned —-all of this and more serves for prickly Foreign Relations going forward, as it is abundantly apparent to all Parties that we have been horrendously disserved by our Employees and the Principals responsible for their employment at our expense, for the past 158 years 32. As disturbing as all this is, together with the fact that our supposed friends and allies have in fact proven to be our most intractable and unkind and dishonest detractors, it is nonetheless the Truth, Our Affidavit of Probable Cause has been published worldwide and distributed worldwide since 2015 as part of our book, "You Know Something Is Wrong When...An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” and wet-ink signed and witnessed copies have been provided to the Principals and other responsible officials; courts serving in the international and global jurisdictions have been given proper Notice and Invocation of the Law, including the International Court of Justice, the Court of the Lord High Steward, and the Vatican Chancery Court—- and all have been moved to action upon Maxims of Law pertaining to the forms of law they each employ. The fundamental crimes of fraud, Breach of Trust, and piracy both on the High Seas and Inland Piracy, form a common thread impacting alll jurisdictions of the actual Public Law on this planet. Those who have been compartmentalized and left unaware of these circumstances must now awaken and undertake correction, together with those of us who have already labored long and faithfully in the cause of decency and freedom for Mankind. Be , Anare Uee espns Fl dante Phe Deli Stabe l Ame cee i By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of Ameria

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