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Our English Department: A Tale of a Decade

Muhammad Islam Khan
Our workplace is a point of departure for our professional excellence, pleasant moods and
personality development. I am blessed that I was transferred on September 10, 2009 from
Government Degree College (B), Sarai Alamgir (District Gujrat) to Government Islamia
College, Lahore. I joined here on September 12, 2009 and I entered my department, the
department of English. It was the holy month of Ramadhan so on the first day, I could not be
served with tea but there was something more precious. It was beyond professional smiles and
embrace, it was the magnetic force of acceptance, frankness and undeclared atmosphere of
harmony, cooperation and care. I did not feel that it was my first day. There was a brief
interaction with the colleagues. I could not know for some hours who was the chairperson as our
friend Ahmad Aleem was commanding in several tasks and Anjum Basharat (Chairman) was
facilitating the people as he were a volunteer assistant and Anjum Bashart talked to me in the
same manner. Besides my friend Zubair Afzal, I had already met Muhammad Azhar and
Muhammad Saeed and had an impressions of their personalities. Other colleagues were drawing
surprisingly wonderful impressions on the slate of my mind. In this bouquet of intellect,
aesthetics and humanity, there was a unique character who conquered me in the very first sight
and he looked the personification of my own idea of teacher. Frank, accessible, witty and
interesting Haseem Javed Butt appeared a wonderful man with a great sense of humour. He
responded to Ahmad Aleem, Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Azhar, Shahid Imtiaz and
Ahmad Sarfraz and it seemed as these fellows were waiting for his humorous remarks. Sheikh
Muhammad Iqbal mentioned monthly tea fund and reminded Haseem Butt to collect it. Butt
Sahib spontaneously looked at me and said, “ acha, pa g kado peso” (O dear, pay this tea fund).
Sheikh Sahib baffled at this and tried to give explanations. I was also amused a lot. First time in
my life I had seen, a man can create laughter and break the spell of seriousness and foolishness
without relating any joke.
Within a few days, different colleagues I had met either in staff room or in the corridors or in
one-on-one sitting. In staffroom, there’s a school of art and knowledge. Muhammad Azhar who
was an icon of interdisciplinary knowledge though the world knows him as an expert of sports
medicine and a professor of English literature, used to create his spell in a circle through his
marvelous scientific ideas and updates of recent discoveries. He was challenged by the literary
and historical propositions of Dr Shahid Imtiaz and Syed Sabahat Hussain Naqvi, indigenous
narratives of the Punjabi lover Zubair Ahmad, a poet deeply interested in music Ahamd Aleem
and above all the witty Haseem Javed Butt. Syed Mukhtar Hussain Sherazi (May Allah bless his
soul!) and Muhammad Iqbal (May Allah bless his soul!) mostly raised political debates that
reflected their sound political consciousness. Muhammad Azhar was equally relevant on the
issues of politics, science, economics, religion, literature and sports. Human anatomy,
physiology, nutrition and theology are his special areas of interest. Likewise, when Dr Shahid
Imtiaz, a scholar on Lahore, a man of clarity and compassion, spoke on literature, history and
criticism, his words revised my concepts. These two men, Shahid Imtiaz and Muhammad Azhar,
inspired me more than the university teachers and I began to feel that I have been inducted in a

university which education and training was not available to me anywhere else in the past. The
passion of Zubair Ahmad, the first winner of Dahan International Prize for Punjabi fiction, a
poet, critic and short story writer, and that of Haseem Javed, the Punjabi poet, transformed my
reading and thinking. Punjabi is my mother language and I speak this language with a pure sense
of belonging but my reading of Punjabi text and quest for literary expression owe solely to these
two great sons of Punjab. After a few months, Hafiz Aziz-ul-Haq, joined this department. Aziz ul
Haq was a keen learner of English language, etymology, lexicography, pronunciation and usage.
He was equally interested in authenticity of knowledge and tradition of knowledge. Like me, he
was also impressed by Muhammad Azhar and often enjoyed the sittings with Azhar Sahib. One
day, he mentioned, “Azhar Sahib, of course, is a great scholar but it is (Haseem) Butt Sahib who
makes this knowledge accessible, leads to the points missed and saves the learners like us from
getting bored.” I endorse his words as I had realized in the very beginning that the most
inspirational English teacher in our department was Haseem Javed. In fact, he has an art of
involving the learners in the learning, knack of motivating them to set and pursue their goals,
patience to listen and accommodate others and a generous attitude towards his students. It is his
habit to respect his students and encouraged their individuality. He is great explainer but away
from all sorts of prudery and pedantry. Hafiz Aziz ul Haq had a very short stay at our college
when he got transferred, I asked him about his decision and he said, “Whatever I have learnt here
from Professor Muhammad Azhar and Professor Haseem Javed Butt within these few months, it
is matchless and real asset.” One of my earlier memories is a welcome and farewell party. I was
cordially welcomed at a sumptuous lunch and some honourable professors such a Chaudhry
Abdul Ghaffar and Arshad Masih. Professor Abdul Ghaffar, the former vice principal of this
college, looked me a graceful professor who embodied the virtues of teaching profession. The
liveliness and wit of Professor Arshad Masih also raised the status of this environment where
distinction of color and creed has no presence. He used to laugh at the remarks of Haseem But
and Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal. Professor Muhammad Anwar, a retired professor, was not only
participated in this farewell party but also we enjoyed a regular contact with him. The senior
most fellow Anwar Sahib has true spirit of ‘young in old age’. He is a great source of wisdom,
compassion, pragmatic outlook and above all the history of college and department of English. I
learnt a lot about the retired professors of English such as Ras Massood Butt, Muslim Abbas,
Abdul Hannan, Saleem Ahmad Saddiqi and Abdul Qadeer. I got a chance to have small talk with
some of them. Anwar Sahib almost daily visits college and never misses the tours where he
generously spends on the friends.
In those days my senior friend, Nisar Ahamd Saddiqi (the nephew of Abdul Hameed Saddiqi, the
renonwned Islamic scholar and English translator of the Sahih Muslim) insisted me on sitting in
his language lab, a room adjacent to the department of English. In fact, Anjum Basharat took this
initiative of developing a language lab to facilitate the students of M.A. English for better access
of audio-visual aids and the film versions of dramas and novels included in their syllabus. Anjum
Basharat spent a handsome amount personally and bought some notes of language and literature
(in soft form) from a reliable audio-visual company. Nisar Ahmad Saddiqi manged this lab very
efficiently, from collection of videos or films based on classic English novels and dramas,
worksheets of grammar and phonetics and the audios/videos of several spoken English series
such as Follow Me. He developed a directory of the language material available in this lab. He

likely expected some help form my side (though he did not express it) but I could not cooperate
with him because of my overwhelming interest in the discussions of our senior colleagues. Mr
Saddiqi often experienced an awkward situation when the students, sometimes teachers too,
asked him for CDs/DVDs of films or spoken language courses without bringing any blank
CD/DVD. He did not complain in courtesy and he had to bear some financial loss for such
demands. This tendency of demanding DVDs/CDs, in absence of any viable mechanism of
providing soft material to the students, caused decline of this language lab. Moreover, the rising
trend of B.S. English or M.A. English through semester system offered by the private
universities of Lahore affected the enrollment of M.A. English program of this college. The
decreasing number of students in M.A. English and increasing access to online sources
especially with the advent of Android cellphones ultimately closed this lab.
Nisar Ahamd Saddiqi and Anjum Basharat were often seen discussing something secretly and
Haseem Butt used to call them, “Tech-kids are converting their files”. Both of them are fond of
technology and gadgets. Anjum Bashart is more inclined toward updated knowledge of
International Affairs, latest technology and language learning techniques in the hi-tech world
while Nisar Ahmad Saddiqi has the American spirit searching for and handling the innovative
and efficient tools. It is Mr Nisar who bought photo-copier for college use and made the working
of college exams efficient and Examination Department got much benefit of this service. During
the days of looming terrorist threats and the terrible tragedy of APS Peshawar, Nisar Ahmad
Sadiqqi facilitated college in installation of surveillance cameras. He along with Mukhtar
Hussain Sherazi and Akbar Mahmood Sarwar contributed to change the look of English
department by purchasing water dispenser, crockery and making the furniture of department
polish. Almost on all occasions, flex-banners are developed by Nisar Ahmad and Tayyab Ali.
If Nisar Ahmad and Anjum Bashart owned our department positively, our dearest Mukhtar
Hussain Sheerazi helped a lot in managing the furniture of department and construction of toilet
and later on its renovation. During the campaigns of Dengue Awareness, Syed Mukhtar Hussain
Sheerazi as a focal person ensured the Dengue spray in every nook and corner of our college and
ensured preventive measures against this epidemic. He as an Estate Officer of the college tried
his best to beautify the college. In this regards, many workers of college, the gardeners and
certain professors have been contributing. I think, the best effort of Professor Muhammad Ashraf
Hashmi can be seen through Botanical Garden of Government Islamia College. Besides Mr
Hashmi, Professor Anjum Basharat contributed a lot and the flower beds and trees standing in
front of English department remind us his passion for gardening. He visited the plant nurseries of
Pattoki, bought plants and seeds from his own pocket, and sowed here.
Syed Mukhtar Hussain Sheerazi who left this mortal world after a road accident in August 2015,
was a pro-active and dynamic man. That’s why when he was promoted to the rank of assistant
professor he was adjusted here and another worthy colleague, Syed Farhat Abbas Kazmi was
transferred and posted at Government Dyal Singh Graduate College, Lahore. Though Sherazi
had a reputation of the coach and guide of the candidates of competitive exams for civil service,
he actively conducted (free) Communication Skills Courses in Summer Vacation. Twice Mr
Akbar Mahmood Sarwar, a committed teacher, great sports commentator, well-articulated and

honest and sincere fellow and twice I assisted him in these Communication Skills Courses. His
most remarkable contribution was his services for Abdullah Yousaf Ali (Memorial) English
Debating Society of this college. It was probably October 2011 when an invitation of debate
competition was sent to English department and we were asked to nominate the participants. I
along with Professor Muhammad Iqbal (Allah bless his soul!) visited almost all the classes and
announced but no student was ready to show his consent for the competition that was scheduled
very next day. Professor Muhammad Iqbal reported the situation to the principal.
Fortunately, the principal, Amjad Ali Shakir, was a literary critic, historian and essayist who
had an idea how to motivate the students for English debates. He encouraged the idea of
Professor Muhammad Iqbal and Dr Shahid Imtiaz (the chairperson) and asked to revive
Abdullah Yousaf Ali (Memorial ) English Debating Society. Professor Muhammad Iqbal was
adviser of this society and Professor Mukhtar Hussain Sheerazi was the co-adviser of this
society. They chalked out a plan to polish the talent of college debaters. The debaters were
motivated to be members and office holders of this society. A student of MA English, Zainab
Rehman, was elected president of this society and a student of BA, Syed Safdar Abbas Naqvi
was elected general secretary of this society. Both were good debaters too. The students were
called daily in their free periods for rehearsals and a monthly competition was held with great
excitement of the participants. Professor Amjad Ali Shakir and Dr Shahid Imtiaz encouraged
these debaters to the best. Professor Shakir announced the consolation prizes for all participants
besides the first three position holders. In his speeches he asked the debaters to speak confidently
and speak for decolonization of English language. One of the debates or essay writing
competition Professor Sallamaan Raffique visited our college as a judge of debates and he was
so impressed by the congenial atmosphere of the department that he decided to get transferred
here. He was a mutlti-dimensional figure known for his astrology, palmistry, acting, writing, and
the marketing of State Life Insurance policies. He claimed to have performed at Broadway
Theatre in New York. The people did not much believe in his words because of his mysterious
manners and snobbish tone. He was notorious for his gluttony. In 2013, he was charged with the
murder of his maid. Though after 2 years, he was acquitted in this case, his career closed and he
could not continue his services.
The efforts of Debating society became fruitful when first Syed Safdar Abbas Naqvi won the
second position in inter-collegiate English debates in Lahore Division and the very next year the
first position at provincial level. Zainab Rehman also got second position in the interuniversity
competition of the Punjab Government English Debates. These debaters motivated many other
students. Those who could not win prize in these contests they showed excellence in different
respects. Some of them are running their Youtube Channels these days. One of these debaters
was Syed Mubeen Shah who is recognized as guru of Spoken English in South Asia these days
and his channel English with Mubeen has widespread viewership. Professor Muhammad Iqbal
used to spend on these functions from his own pocket. It was working well. A young passionate
debater from the faculty, Mr Aasim Hameed Lodhi, also inspired the debaters of this society
after his joining as lecturer in this college in 2013. The society was working well but the
declining number of students in M.A. English, the sudden demise of Syed Mukhtar Hussain
Sheerazi in August 2015, the promotion of Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal to the rank of Professor in

2016 and his transfer to the Government College Model Town and the joining of Mr Aasim
Hammed Lodhi in Government College University Lahore in January 2017 affected this society.
After the commencement of BS English program, Abdullah Yousaf Ali (Memorial) English
Debating Society has been revived and a young lecturer AFAQ Imran is adviser of this society
and the distinguished motivational speaker Mr Shahar Yar Haider also guides and motivates the
debaters. The young debaters of college are expected to retain the image of this debating society.
In college life, transfer and posting, are routine matters but those who leave they become part of
memory. Within two months after my joining, Mr Aziz-ul- Haq joined this department. This
bearded Hafiz-e-Quran English lecturer demonstrated his inquisitive spirit for authentic
pronunciation, exact and precise meaning of idiomatic phrases, connotative aspects of the words
and terms. He was very keen in learning but humble, generous and tolerant. He was former
student of Professor Syed Sabahat Hussain Naqvi who had liberal progressive outlook towards
life but deeply rooted in the indigenous culture and idiom. The latter had passion for music and
mystic poetry too. Apparently Hafiz Aziz ul Haq was different from Syed Sabahat Naqvi but he
shared his broadminded and tolerant outlook. After a short while, Agha Mohsin Sohail and Syed
Sabahat Hussain Naqvi were transferred to Government College Model Town and Government
M.A.O College Lahore respectively. Both liked the atmosphere of our college especially English
department but they had some strong bond with those colleges where they preferred to be
transferred. Then Mr Muhammad Saeed Malik, a committed, polite and efficient lecturer was
also transferred to Government College Township and Mr Ahamd Nadeem Khalid and Professor
Javed Iqbal joined this college. During the stay of a few months in this college, my friendship
with Mr Zubair Virk had been strengthened because of his generous and open temperament and
his habit of sharing jokes incessantly and arousing laughter. His aura is of a fragrance that is felt
by all. Mr. Ahmad Nadeem Khalid was the second who soon made me his friend and we were
seen together in college, in marking centre of BISE Lahore and even in family gatherings. The
name of Ahmad Nadeem Khalid echoes Ahmaad Nadeem Qasmi, the renowned poet and fiction
writer of Urdu language. In fact, the father of Ahamd Nadeem Khalid was impressed by Ahamd
Nadeem Qasmi and he was named after him. On the other hand, Javed Iqba is the worshipper of
the playback singing of the Bollywood legend Mohammad Rafi and his ears have acute sense of
rhythm. He shares this interest with Akbar Mahmood Sarwar, Ahmad Nadeem Khalid and
Muhammad Jahanzeb Dhilon. Professor Javed Iqbal is an authority of English grammar and he
evaluates ideas and language competence on merit. His keen sense of applied grammar is highly
admirable. He is simple, modest, honest and exceptionally punctual and regular teacher who had
no casual leaves in his service record. During these days Professor Ahmad Sarfraz also joined as
Deputy Director Sheikhupura and I could not spend much time with him. He looked me a mature
person of rural background who was conscious of his social image and very caring of his
dressing, sitting and interaction. I never saw a wrinkle in his shalwar kameez. Later on, he passed
away and hepatitis caused his early death. Mr Mehboob Ahmad was somehow replacement of
Chaudhry Ahmad Sarfraz because the latter was going to work on an admin post and the former
had served as DEO in Narowaal district. Actually Mehboob Ahamd got a mutual transfer with
Aziz-ul-Haq. He belonged to my ancestral home town, Shakar Garh, and was a pleasant surprise
for me. He was a man of practical wisdom and he knew how to live with others generously. He
hardly spent two years here but he became lifelong friend of mine. After the death of my mother

(August 2014) and of my father (April 2021) when he was not member of our department, he
came to Lahore just to express condolence and pray for the departed souls. He had to join
Government College Shakar Garh in 2013 when he was promoted to the rank of Assistant
After his transfer, Mr Aasim Hameed Lodhi joined this college. Before Aasim Lodhi, Ms
Assia Attaullah, Mr Tayyab Ali and Mr Jawad Naeem had joined our department while Mr
Zubair Afzal Virk was selected as assistant professor in 2010 and was transferred to Government
College Pattoki (Kasur). These days Zubair Virk is working as Associate Professor of English at
Government Graduate College, Township Lahore. For a few years, that was a marvelous
company of these young fellows that had close frank interaction. Mr Tayyab Ali, a pure Lahorite
and a man of light humor and easy going nature, has a passion for history, current affairs and
documentaries. He has interest in photography too. His instinct to verify the claims helps us a lot
in learning new things and verifying the unverified information. While Mr Jawad Naeem is a
loving, caring and compassionate fellow. He has a marvelous sense of humour and spontaneous
wit. His primary interest lies in poetry and music. He is great admirer of nature, natural
landscape and spontaneous expression. Since he takes part in hunting activities, there are many
stories in the air about his pigeons and fishes. After Zubair, Akbar and Ahmad Nadeem, Jawad
became so close to me that I feel so relaxed in sharing my secrets with him. Jawad Naeem was
not ready to join this college but we persuaded him to stay in Lahore and serve in our college.
Actually he is a person who loves his roots. Though he joined Islamia College unwillingly, his
presence added to the flavor of the department in multiple ways. We owe him much for his
cooperation in the tours and outstation visits to our colleagues. Mr Ahamd Nadeem had a sole
passion of going to the USA and he was often seen talking on cellphone in college premises.
Finally he succeeded and now he lives in Texas, USA. Mr Akbar Mahmood Sarwar, a poet,
calligrapher and sports commentator, completed his M.Phil. in TESL but even during his
research work, he never missed his classes. He performs his duties with commitment and
conscience. His brilliant sons, first Ahamd Ibrahim and then the younger one Ahamd Ismail
made their mark as they used to visit departments off and on. Ms Assia, a pleasant lady, retained
the essence of English department and never spoilt it because of her gender. She was initially
seen with her son, Mulatif. Mukhtar Sheerazi, Nisar Ahmad Saddiqi and Muhammd Iqbal loved
this baby boy very much. With the passage of time, her family grew in number like mine. Her
courtesy and family care are commendable. Mr Aasim Hameed Lodhi was the youngest when he
joined. His pleasant personality, delightful jokes and aptitude for learning made him friend of all
including me. He speaks so wonderfully and his speech has spellbound effect. He is often seen
on a Youtube Channel, Norang (The New Colours) contributing in the academic discourses of
the 21st century.
Dr Shahid Imtiaz did not choose to be the boss who is always alone in his office rather he
emerged as a leader of his team. He was passionate to create pleasant memories by planning the
tours of his staff. We visited Rohtas Fort, Kallar Kohar, Kattas, Harrapa, Head Balloki and Rana
Resort. These tours not only shattered the monotony of routine but the participants learnt more
about each other. They explored their common interests and new friendship offers. Some of them
outshined such as Ahmad Aleem with his skills of playing flute, Haseem Javed with his apt jokes

and witty remarks, and Akbar Mahmood with his coordination and management. Dr Shahid
Imtiaz, Akbar Mahmood Sarwar, Tayyab Ali and Jawad Naeem cordially offered their cars for
these trips. Sometimes the long drives were sources of hot debates and exchange of ideas. A
significant change in this year was the mutual transfer of Ahmad Aleem and Muhammad Naeem.
Muhammad Naeem, a well-built and healthy man, was a good prose writer with a rich literary
taste but some of his students were not happy with his behavior and they made him notorious in
the college. He became an example of those who are misunderstood by the people around. Such
non-conformist colleagues are a lesson for others and a reminder of tolerance in the working
relationship. Anyhow, the transfer of Ahmad Aleem brought about change in the editorial team
of the college magazine, Crescent. Professor Zubair Ahmad, became the editor of Crescent after
Ahmad Aleem and he revived the literary spirit of the magazine.
The year of 2014 set a new chain of retirement. In the very outset, the leader of Ittehad –e-
Asataza and the former president of PPLA Professor Syed Nazim Husnain concluded his career
and the college arranged the memorable farewell party to him. Professor Asghar Javed was the
first of this chain in our department of English. He had suffered a difficult time due to the
paralysis stroke before his retirement. The friends missed him and his farewell was memorable
event. After a few months, Professor Javed Ahmad Qamar joined against the post vacated after
the retirement of Asghar Javed. Javed Ahmad Qamar is very friendly, active and pragmatic
person. As a senior faculty member, he guided me in different affairs of examinations and
marking of the scripts. He is very social and often cordially accepts the invitations of friends. In
the month of June, the literary principal of our college, Professor Amjad Ali Shakir, was bidden
farewell with a sense of gratitude and appreciation. Before his retirement, a grand event of the
Book Fair was held in Habibia Hall of the college. The next year, 2015, was the year of
retirement of Professor Anjum Basharat. Almost after a month of his retirement, there was a
tragic death of Syed Mukhtar Hussain Sherazi in a road accident. It was a great loss for his
family as well as for the Department of English. He was buried in the graveyard of Jamal Pur, a
village of Hafiz Abad district but lives in our hearts with his immortal image of smiling generous
man, always ready to help the friends and visitors. After a few month, Mr. Ahmad Nadeem
Khalid got the immigrant visa of the USA and he left this job and country for good.
During the first quarter of 2016 when the faculty and students of our college visited the president
house on special invitation of President Mamnoon Hussain, the grace of our profession Syed
Mohsin Abedi was the guest of honor in another farewell party. He was applauded with the
dignity he served the education department. After a few months, Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal was
promoted to the rank of Professor and was posted in Government College, Model Town, Lahore.
In the month of August, Dr Mahmood Ahmad Awan, Sheikh Zafar Iqbal, Mr Muhammad
Jahanzeb Dhillon, Mr Nadeem Ayaz and Mr Khawaja Mustafa Hussain joined our department
after getting transfer orders. Dr Mahmood Ahmad Awan is a compassionate soul,
conscientiously dutiful and generously helping hand. His passion for linguistics and his
meticulous care for research earn admiration. He prefers to help the students and serve the
college without any care for reward. Sheikh Zafar Iqbal like Muhammad Naeem had an
international exposure of teaching. Both had served the universities of Kingdom of Sadui Arabia.
He had a diverse social circle and was conscious of quality and standard. The colleagues were

often amused with his oft-repeated phrase, “He’s a very good friend of mine.” Mr Jahanzeb is a
man of clarity and refined taste. His aura is of traditional grace, knowledge, conviction and polite
disagreement with the band wagon practices. He speaks with his conviction and grace. His
presence in the department enriched the culture of get together. Mr Nadeem Ayaz is also
competent English teacher who has a good reputation of teaching literature. His stay in college
was about two years when he got mutually transferred with Aziz Shahid, a young lecturer
originally from Nurpur Thal, Khushab district. Aziz Shahid was almost obsessed with the idea of
PhD. He tried his best to get enrolled in the PhD program of any foreign university and he is still
trying hard for the higher qualification. Khawaja Mustafa Hussain, an MPhil in Linguistics, has
passion for learning new ideas and methods. He is very caring for the students and has literary
taste of poetry and drama. His laughter echoes in department with certain smiles and few
scowls. He hardly stayed a year in this college when he was selected Assistant Professor of
English and was posted in Government Graduate College, Sheikhupura. After his transfer, a
promising young lecturer Mr Shahr Yar Haider joined this college and Mr Aasim Hameed Lodhi
was transferred on deputation to Government College University Lahore. Mr Shahar Yar Haider
is a motivational speaker and trainer too who inspires his students with chaste ideas, fresh
outlook and encouraging stories. His approach is very pragmatic and updated knowledge is
profound. He knows well how to relate the things in multiple dimensions. Mr Ashar Kamran, a
smart witty fellow and the teacher of good reputation, joined this department against the post
vacated by Aasim Hameed Lodhi. Ashar has quit a career of the flying officer in Pakistan Air
Force and his personality reflects the charisma of young pilot’s personality. Originally he
belongs to Bhalwal (Sargodha), the town known internationally for orange exports.
The year of 2017 was platinum jubilee of Pakistan and on this historic occasion, College
inaugurated Gallery of the Pakistan Movement in the upper balcony of Habibia Hall. The same
year college celebrated 125th anniversary of Islamia College (established in 1892) and the grand
Convocation was graced by the President of Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussain who awarded the
degrees to the college graduates of three previous sessions. This year brought the sad news of
retirement of Professor Muhammad Azhar who was a great inspiration for teaching faculty and
the students. His diverse reading keeps on the spiral tracks of enrichment, accumulation and
purification. Professor Massud Ahmad joined as Associate Professor in the same year. He is well
read, simple and generous man. Almost everyone noticed of his peculiar habit of reading a book
or reading some material on tablet even in the shorter gap between the busy hours. He stayed for
hardly a year and was transferred to Government College, Model Town, Lahore but his stay
proved me a source of contact with the highly learned man. Professor Sheikh Zafar Iqbal and
Professor Zubair Ahmad got their retirement in February and June 2018 respectively and
Professor Javed Ahmad Qamar in November 2019.
In the year of 2019, first Professor Burhan Ahmad and then Professor Asma Hassan
joined this college. Professor Burhan Ahamd has close association with this college. Actually he
started his career from this college and was compelled to join MAO College when he was
promoted as Assistant Professor because there was no vacant post in this college. But he
preferred to serve this college in the later years of his service. He has passion for hiking and
many tours of Murree, Khanaspur and Guliat were planned in his leadership. The railway

journey in his company from Lahore to Rawalpindi was also a very pleasant experience. He
believes in exchange of gifts and has presented many gifts to me and my colleagues. In my case,
it is true that I owe him from head to toe (for gifts of cap, shirts and socks). Burhan Ahmad
supported the college especially BS classes wonderfully. He also served as editor of Crescent
and contributed with his literary writings and translations especially translation of his father’s
short stories (a great literary work in the context of migration to Pakistan on the eve of
Independence). He is an expert on genealogy and is very much conscious of inclusive society
and social equality. Ms Asma Hassan is a multilingual poet and a linguist. She has spent some
years in Canada and has broader exposure of the places and people. She made us attentive for
some positive changes in the department as well as in college. The year of 2019 was very crucial
in the history of college because the BS program (4 years) was launched and the college offered
BS in English, Chemistry, Mathematics, Urdu, Islamic Studies and Political Science. The
Masters classes were not offered then.
The year of 2020, Corona year, brought about online education and the students of
Islamia College also had interaction with their teachers through Zoom app/Googlemeet. It was a
new experience of learning and teaching. The very year our beloved Dr Shahid Imtiaz concluded
his service. Everyone felt it much because Dr Shahid Imtiaz was a kind guide for many of us
though it was a relief that Dr Shahid Imtiaz would continue to guide us in literary and research
activities and next chairperson would be Professor Haseem Javed Butt, the sun of this
department. The last colleague who joined during the chairmanship of Dr Shahid Imtiaz is
Professor Samina Khaliq Butt. Her arrival was really blessing for the cordial environment of the
department. She has served the University of Gujrat for more than a decade. She is the Ravian
like Professor Muhammad Anwar, Professor Burhan Ahmad, Professor Rauf Tahir Haidri, Mr
Aasim Hameed Lodhi, Mr Shahar Yar Haider, Afaq Imran and myself. She came not only with
her literary achievements but also with the cuisine taste. Her hospitality is exemplary. She is a
nice, decent lady who thinks and acts in refinement. Her interaction with Professor Haseem
Javed Butt resulted in a permanently available host to the department. The aroma of her dishes is
felt by every visitor of the department. With the presence of three female colleagues, department
image from exclusively male department has changed. Her contribution in BS English is
marvelous. These days she is guiding the students for creative writing and training the student
editors of Crescent.
In the year of 2021, Professor Burhan Ahmad completed his successful innings and he got
retirement but our informal interaction continues. After his retirement, all the colleagues started
feeling that the close friend of Burhan Ahmad, Professor Haseem Javed Butt would also be
retired soon. Really it was March 22, 2022 when we felt that something valuable was lost. It was
not just the charismatic personality of Professor Haseem Javed Butt but his unique manner of
relaxing the colleagues from any stress. Dr Mahmood Ahmad Awan was appointed new
chairperson of the department and he is leading the department with his commitment, sincerity
and sacrifice. This year, Professor Jahanzeb was appointed Deputy Director in DPI office and Mr
Aziz Shahid was transferred to his hometown, Khushab. A young lecturer Mr Afaq Imran has
joined against the vacant post of lecturer. His novel ideas and commitment to teaching profession
are wonderful. I hope our students will get benefit of his research, skill and literary taste not in

the classroom but also from the platform of Abdullah Yousaf Ali (M) English Debating Society.
They can get similar advantage from the advice of Khawaja Mustafa Hussain from the platform
of English Literary Circle (ELC). The students’ participation in these societies and clubs will
create great memories for them and add to the glorious history of this college.

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