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Hello Friends, how are you? Today I will explain a horror action movie titled “Jurassic Triangle”
released in 2024, directed by Victor De Almeida and written by Harry Boxley.
This survival adventure movie, Jurassic Triangle, starts with a group of coworkers crashing down
on an unknown island after psyching up a strange and raging storm on the way home via the air
above the Atlantic Ocean. Soon they find themselves on a desolate island. And that island is not
even on the map. On that island, there are dinosaurs and other unusual prehistoric monsters
present, and they must figure out a method to leave the island alive before they perish at the
hands of the creatures. What will happen next? Can these people ever be saved? can they ever
leave this island unharmed is the basic premise of the movie. This detailed plot breakdown
provides an in-depth look at each act of the film.
We will break this explanation part into a few segments for better understanding. Let’s start ….

In the beginning, we see an island And, on this island, we find three people running away. There
are many animals behind these people. In the meantime, those animals kill one of them. After
that, there was a girl and a boy who were constantly panting because of continuous running. That
girl told to the boy “You told me that, we would be safe here. And look, all our people have been
killed, and now we are going to die too. But then a dinosaur comes there. Because of that, this
girl hides behind the tree. And the boy goes into a tent. And this dinosaur goes towards the tent
and is about to eat this boy. But here the girl comes out and tries to divert the attention of this
dinosaur. Later the dinosaurs attack this girl and then they attack the boy in the tent and this
scene is cut here.
Later we see two helicopters and seven people sitting in both helicopters Here there is also a boy
named Drew and his girlfriend Beth is also there with Drew They also have a boy named Isaac.
And there is a pilot who drives this helicopter. There are also three people in the other helicopter.
In which there is a boy named Jason and a girl named Philippa. And there is a pilot who drives a
helicopter. And Jason flirts with the pilot here. So, she says, let me fly the helicopter quietly.
Otherwise, we will be at a loss. And they are all people of the same group. And they were going
somewhere. But then the weather changes completely on the way. There are many clouds in front
of the two helicopters. But these helicopters were also passing through the clouds. And as soon
as they see, their helicopter crashes into the water. They all pull each other out of the water. His
pilot here has a broken ankle. That's why he was in a lot of pain. Isaac here is a doctor. That's
why he tries to fix the wounds here. Here Drew tells us that first, we have to see where we are.
And then he says Isaac and Philippa, you two go get water from here. And Beth and I try to find
food here so that we can finish this work before evening. And maybe by then, we'll have some
backup. And then Isaac and Philippa, they both go find water from there and Drew and Beth go
to find some food. But they don’t find any food there also they could hear the roaring of wild
animals. Beth and Drew went to a cave from there and it seemed that someone had been there
before because they found a torch there.
Jenny and Issac were giving treatment to the pilot at the crash site. Jenny is a pilot being herself
she asked Issac are you still a doctor? But Issac told him that he used to be a doctor but he left
this job because of his habit of drinking and taking drugs. Jenny asked him what happened to
you? He told her that he was gone in a depression. He also told that he felt alone then because of
breaking up with Beth. But soon they also heard the roaring of wild animals.
In the cave, Drew said to Beth that you don’t seem too happy with me perhaps you were happy
with Issac. Perhaps I ruined your happiness. But Beth said to him that nothing like that she finds
happiness with him. And she told him perhaps someone had there here before because this place
was the perfect hiding place for someone. Then she hears some voices in this cave. And the two
of them are scared. And when they run, they find out that there is a very big spider there. And
they somehow manage to escape from there. And they see Justin and Filipa who went to fetch
water. They reach a far enough place to fetch water. But they don't find any water. But then, they
spot a monster there and for this, they have to escape from there. For this Jason was frightened
but somehow Philipa calmed him down and brought him to the camp.
Where in the camp they told them that they saw a big ugly monster there. Beth and Drew also
told them when they were in that cave, they also saw a big spider there. And it looked like
someone was living there. and like this, all of them know that this place is not safe. And also,
they know that the place where we are now is not even on the map. The pilot here tells us that we
have heard stories about this place. Many ships have crashed here. The name of this place is Lost
Island. And further, he says that time does not stay at this place. There is no past, present, or
future here. I’ve heard it from Lucy. They have a satellite phone but there was no signal on it.
Jenny says that we need to go to a higher place what if we may find a signal there? Drew says
that I will go on height, so Beth and Philippa say you will not go alone, we will go with you.
That's why the three of them start going to the height from here and come to one place and try to
contact someone, but they fail to contact anyone and then their satellite phone battery also goes
In the meantime, Jason went for a pee and found a small dinosaur there. He was frightened so
much that he tried to take shelter behind a tree. But the dinosaurs found Jason by his smell and
killed him there. At the peak, Phillipa, Beth, and Drew saw a blue portal in the sky. Looking at
this Beth said that we may have fallen through it and we may have gone to a mysterious place
through time travel. So here Drew says that it doesn't happen, it only happens in stories. In this
forest, we also see three military men who may have got lost. And now they are looking for
something here. We also see that pilot whose condition is very bad. He has a friend named Jenny
and also has a friend named Isaac. Jenny tells Isaac that after the death of her father, this pilot
took care of her raised her, and made her a pilot. She also says that there was a daughter of this
pilot named Lucy and she too has lost herself somewhere and she hasn't come to this world yet.
This was the time when Isaac suffered. At that time, he tried to kiss her but there were three
military men pointing guns at them. The military persons were Jax, Floyd, and Sue.
Jack told them there was a very classified secret file. But they lost it. That file was taken by a
plane. They think that file was somewhere in this place. They came here to find that file. But
they now think that they also lost there. Jax asked who the pilot here. then Andy answers that he
is the pilot. Jax asked him can you fly us home? Andy says he can. Then three military men take
all of them with them. But there on the peak, a big monster killed Phillipa. seeing that Drew and
Beth escape from there. The military Jax here tells us that two months ago we started another
mission and our companions came to that mission. Those companions were also killed. There is a
blue cloud in the sky and we reached here through it. Jenny tells us that we have three more
friends with us, we should stay here and wait for But the Jax here says that we cannot stay here.
Jax also says that Our Helicopter wasn’t far away from here. And this island is full of dangerous
monsters. Jax told them that the black cloud here is the key to get out of here, we can get out of
here through it, but Jenny told them that the black cloud has gone, so it means that we are stuck
here, so Jax said that the black cloud will come back, and when it comes back, we will be ready,
while Beth and Drew see these two who are wandering in the jungle. And there is a big dinosaur
behind them. And they both start running from here. And then a river comes and they save their
lives by going to the other side of the river. In the meantime, we see the rest of the people, the
military people are there and they start hearing some sounds. These sounds are of animals. That's
why Jax says that we don't have time. We have to get out of here quickly. And six of them get out
of here. But then a huge monster appears in front of them. Because of that, Isaac, Andy, and
Jenny, all hid in one place because they didn't have weapons. And the military people fight with
this huge monster. And they fire a lot of bullets at this monster. But the bullets don't affect this
monster. And this monster kills Sue and Lloyd one by one. Now only Jax survives. Jax tries to
distract this monster here. He tries to distract this monster here. He tries to distract this monster
here. I had a grenade. And with the help of the grenade, he kills this huge monster. But then
another monster comes along. And the Jax is hiding behind a tree. Now he has neither a gun nor
a grenade. And that reason he picks up a stick and tries to fight this monster. But this monster
kills Jax. And now there are only three of them, Isaac, Jenny, and Andy. All of a sudden Issac had
a Pain in his heart and he died on Luci's lap. Lucy starts crying and, in the meantime, beath and
Andrew tries to calm her down. Meanwhile, Drew takes whatever weapons he can from those
military men. Then they try to move from there. They found a tent and there was a dead body of
a girl in that tent. After that Andrew broke down.
So, this is the story of Andrew. Andrew, who is the pilot of the ship, tells the pilot that it's all his
fault. He tells the pilot that he brought you here. He tells the pilot that he has a little daughter
named Lucy. And she was lost here. We were going to go some other way, but I chose this way.
So that I can come here and find my daughter. And it's all my fault. And I got you stuck here. So,
here, Andrew gets very angry at the pilot named Andy. He gets very angry at the pilot. So here,
Andy tells Jenny that he didn't know that this would happen to us. If you find our daughter, Lucy,
then please tell her that I love her very much. And after saying so much, Andy dies. So here,
Drew says that I have to go to the helicopter. You know how to fly a helicopter. And then we can
get out of here. But then a monster comes here. Like they call T Rex. But here, Drew had a gun.
That's why he took these three guns. They are fire shooting a mortar blast at the monster, but the
shots don't affect them as these shots hit the monster, the monster kills Jennie, and due to that,
Drew and Beth have to run. But they are unable to run very far. In the end, the monster again
shows itself to them. But then also the dinosaur shows itself, and that dinosaur sees the monster
due to that, they both kick and fight in the end. And Beth and Drew get a chance to run away
from here. They run from there and hide in a place, but then they see that the helicopter is right
in front of them, which means they can leave from there and both are very happy. Drew quickly
goes near the helicopter, but then a very big dinosaur comes there and kills Drew, which scares
Beth a lot. But Drew looks up at the sky, the clouds appear in the sky again, and it becomes a
portal. But now, from that portal, a lot of flying monsters appear, which, upon reaching here, kill
Beth too. And with this, this survival movie ends.
"Jurassic Triangle" combines aspects of horror, adventure, and survival drama, referencing
themes of teamwork, resilience, and the primal fight for survival against overwhelming odds.

We hope you all liked our explanation. Friends, we will meet you soon with some of the
latest movies. Till then, you stay happy and take care of yourselves.

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