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cryla-| 81S ee 12017 IBU PEJABAT LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA MENARA HASIL PERSIARAN RIMBA PERMAL CYBER 8, 63000 CYBERJAYA SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA STAMP CERTIFICATE (Sila lekatkan sil sotem in ke alas surat cara sebogal bul ponyeteman) ‘Plate alah is star coral tone nsrument a atonce samira | | | | | \ SWIL SETEM SAL i | | Cara Bayaran Payment Motos FPX TRANSACTIONS No. Adjdkasi Accson Ne. To1DG30D81xFO23 Jonis Surat Cara PERJANJIAN PINJAMAN Type OF nsiument SURAT CARA UTAMA Tarikh Surat Gara 25/08/2028 Dike Orton Bolasan Censiation RM 27,000.09, Maklumat Pihek Pertama ! Penjual / Pember! Fist Paty/Yendor/Transovor/ Assign EVERGREEN GREDIT EXPRESS SON BHO, (831751-K) ‘Maklumat Pihak Kedua / Pembeli/ Penetlma Secind Pay /Puctaser/ Tansee Assn MOHQ ZAIRULFAIZ BIN MOHAMAD RUDIN, (82102409501 1) Butiran Harta / Surdepra Prepon /instuntort Desertion TTIDAK BEAKENAAN ‘Dongan inl gisahkan surat cara inl clgotom dan cindors seperti maklumat ol bah: Z z Ned) iy LL EBTIE AY) YY LN, hee Li YY LL hie 2 ‘esge lnan i alone stan tron guy ay as oon pe aay Sar Cos eon bv aaa aon by me eo ‘nateaconouerowesaes teu evalu eee WebFon Page 1 of | Shas, ANG KAS A (1/79) No.Dokumon: 202092261WL6200000008 Status Rekod: Kemastini BPA NoKP Lama/PoliTonter: NoKP Bar sama ponut: Jens Anggot ct J [821024036311] MOHD ZAIRUL FAIZ BIN MOHAMAD RUDIO PERINJAM Zz NamatAtamat Waka: Pe} Porakaunan/Ked JabatanPusat Bayaran SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN BUKIT GADING 117500 TANAH MERAH, KELANTAN DINAIM, No.Gajo.Pokerja: Kod Majikan: 14497036 paszt1a301 No.Tetefon: Nama Banik No.Akaun Bank: Pokoriaan/Pangkat: 0199913036, ee 166120681715 ‘cuRU Kod Koperasi: —_Amaun Pinjaman Yang dluluskan: No.Anggote: vest 2000.00 Kod Pign Bulan Mula Bulan Akhir AmaunPokok — AmaunFasdah —_Nombor Polis! stor 14.029 102009, 458.98 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Jumiah Hash (Amaun Pokok + Amaun Faedah) 488.98 Jumlah —Jumlah_—Potongan JumlahiPerbezaan Amaun Penyolesaian — Peratus Pendapatan Potongan ‘In-Transit’ —Arahan ini ‘Awal—Potongan Gall 6035.15 3480.56 0488.96 ° £9.50 % Jumiah Potongan asia Be 3891.21 Pending Amaun 458.96, httpsy// 2719/2023 PERSONAL FINANCING FACILITY AGREEMENT 4. OVERVIEW “Tre terms and conditions herein shail apply to the Customers, as doscribed in Section 2 of Schedule 1 who have been granted Personal Financing: (Faclty’) by Evergreen Credit Express Sdn. Bthd, (931761) (herein after refer tothe Financier") 2, TAWARRUG ARRANGEMENT ‘Based on Tawarrugarrangemant, the aciity is extended tothe Customer as follows: 4) Thecustomer appointstheFinancier as an agentto perform thefolowingtasks: 1 Appointment ‘As agent to purchase commodity rom the Financier en behalf of theCustemer I. Appointment 2: ‘As agenito sell commodiy foacnmosity purchaser(s) on behalf ofthe Customer ') Aller the mattars set out in (a) above have been concluded, the Financier shall purchase commodly from an aulhorised ‘commodity solers). Thereafter the Financier shall sell the commodity to the Customer on Murabahah basis at an agreed selling price which is payable by the Customer on deferred terms. The Financier acting as the Customer's agent will purchase the ‘commosiy ror the Financier. ) The Financier acting 96 the Customer's agent shall sll the commodity to commodity purchaser(s).The prooeeds,vhich shall beequivalent tothe amount ofthe Facilty. wl be crected iniothe Customer’ bank account 4) The Customer shall pay the amount due under the Facility agreement as per gareod with the Financier. Uriess otherwise agioed belwoe parties, the financier shall enable the cuslomer lo take possession of the commodity atthe costs of the customer accardingtothe customers instruction 3. ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT By signing the Financiers application form for the Facility, the Customer agrees. to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The Customer's usage of the Facility upon its disbursement and the acceptance statements of aocount sent to the Customer by the Financier shall be conclusive evidence of a binding contract between the Customer and the Financier, and the said evidence ‘can be used in any Court of Law inthoevent of any dispute Not with standing any of the terms as set out in this Clause 3 or in any other Clause inthis Agreement, the Customer agrees that the entire financing process Including all receipt of information financing approves, incladng the issue of any letter of offer, ‘execution of forms and agreements and the submission of any information may be undertaken online or by an approved web portal or agent as shall beappointed by theFinancier. 4, METHODOF FINANCING ‘Under the Tawarug arrangement and pursuant tothe Financier’ financing procedure, the Customer will purchase the Commodity {rom the Financier on a deferred payment basis and then sell the Commodity to a thid party to obiain cash inthe following manner: €@) Purchaseot the Commodity by the Customer from the Financier Pursuant to the Appointment of the Financier as Purchase Agent, under which the Customer has appointed the Financier as its agent lo purchage the Commodity from the Financior on terms and conditions contained in Clause 41 here of, the Financier shail tenter into a Murabehal transaction with the Customer on the terms and conditions contained herein whereby the Customer shall pay the Financiers Selling pice on a deferred payment basis As the puschaser of asset from the Financier, the Customer agrees to accept the asset on ‘as is where is" basis and agrees to waive the defect option (khiyar ak'eyb) for any defects intheassel ) Saleofthe Commodity by the Customer through the Financier as its agent The Customer, pursuant to the Appointment of the Financier as Sale Agent, has appoinied the Financier as its agent to sell the Commodity for the purpose of realizing the Proceeds on terms ard conditions contained in Clause 4% here of. The Financier wil sell the Commodity to the Commodily Purchaser on a spot payment basis and the Proceeds will be credited into the Financing Payable Account, ¢} Confimationof Transactions Upon the conclusion of the sale of the Commodity to the Commodity Purchaser as set out in Clause 4, the Financier, upon the roquast ofthe Customer, wil issuetheconfimation of Transactions. 5. DEFINITIONS Inthese Temsand Conditions, wherethe contest so admits the flowing words shall havethe meanings sel out against them:- Word Weaning “Appointment of the Financier as Purchase ‘The Appointment ofthe Financier as Purchase Agent whereby the Customer has appointed the Financiorasits agent topurchasethe Commodity onits behalf from theFinancier. Agent’ “Apponimen ote | Te Aopen’ ofthe Finankr ee Sle Agent where th Catone has aporied he Feri Fhanseragsae” | goioagan eel te Conmoay whe Connody Srctose Tach Fay Cain Waa Bs Si A-SI BSR way ara otra plan ape By “Commodity® the Financier excluding gold and silver or any other commodity or asset in each case proviced that Sus conoaly or ast aoctaitoteP ar “CommedityPurchaser | Any third party, other than the Commodity Seller, to whom the Financier shall sell the Commodity on oslater he Suse “Gono Saar™ Apa tam who san sal parca conmbaiy ats sa TOS CITOT “Gontraion gf | Tr epacve Govino of Waretions lang ho Oooh’ s pahave and ae iho Geatsacins” | meciiesut, one roqet of he Ousemery bef hence oheCustne "Everio otau” | Aryettheevers spent Gaus Ta hee of Etre ros Og fe Fg FSB Nae aS BT RSTO ‘Soung stone *Guteerswhrakozn ot stent or oy adompto, ns thos tna fom ‘extyseanare |" Gropymente i Sotto eo Fancngcontd du tnancngresucn xr I Sate by Catmechtve vector I Slisnent y Cuter svc emia canon Financing bare the maturity date. Ssacng Sag iaminesoof aly Selmi pus sae bye Franc ps Tain pls ear Stina Charges, te “cary sattonert | outstanding Seng Price =Cusiandng Purchase ice «Prot Overs Deere Prot im 2. Advances by the Financier includes takaful contrioutionvinsurance premium, lagal feas, quit rant ce 3. Bay Stier Charges sane atl ets lined by Staah Abisoror Tawar Fianang produ of Me nance zi ‘The Guarantee executed by the Guarantor(s) in favour ofthe Financier guarantesing the payment of "Guarantee thelndebtedness (if applicable); Te posonl) who erates th Cisaries panera the payment of he eee ‘cusranesy | apleai nd ince hoe egjeche “asigie, peter? Tepresedaien, roca rata ae ets (appease) “he Seling Pic any pa theo oustanding ard al ober movies whale acing bw “ndetesnes’; | tinted een costs ng egal costs on steers an et bas). charges and pense Ao nd paytiocteF nance estat tt acy “Meri, | Aragorn eens The dferenae belveon the Salng Pics payee Taran ont bo Faally rd We naliod ot ‘pre | tecsnonct be go nang ast Fiancee rab n aceoreane wn Finan’ ‘Scount ple erst emer tnese Spain Sexton et Schece The tv cavency of Walia Wich al payee ae To bo rad under thse Teme and “Ringgit Malaysia" | Conditions; ‘The security provided by the Security Party in securing the payment of Indebtedness to the Financier an any clr Saat be une beng fom i tine ont sary fos he epeons ‘sexy? an abies (nung bt a med ore pment of We ndeenes) othe Cte ode ‘and in connection withthe Facility; *Seouily Documents" This terms and conditions, the leer of Apporriment of the Financier as sales agent and any olher security documents for the time being or from time to time constituting secutly forthe oblgations and lables (including but not lmited to the payment ofthe Indebtedness) of the Customer under and in connection withthe Facility; Word Meaning ; “The Gusiomer and the party oF pares forthe time being providing secu forte obligations and Securly Paty” liebe of the Customer (ncueing but no testo te payment othe Indebtedness) under sin connection withthe Fett: “The respecive Sealing Price payable by the customer fo the Financier which shall compilse the Financiers Purchase price and the profit ofthe Financier under the Facilly as specified in Section 5 ‘Seling Price’ | oF Schedule 1 5 >) The arrount payable oF paid by the Financier to the Cammodiy Seller as spectied in Seaton PurchasePrice 4 ofSchedul “Transaction documents are. follows: {Lett of ter, “Transaction i. Agency Documents comprising of, a. Appointment of the Financior as Purchase Agent b, poate ‘Appointment ofthaFinancor as Sale Agent i Ths Facility Arengement, lv, TheConimation of Transactions, requested bythe Customer and The Securly Documents; And any agreements, certificates, and documents entered into by theFinancler Inconnestion with the Trade Transactions “Trade Transactions’ | Thepurchaseand saleofthe Commodity pursuant tos Agreement; ~__... | The amount payable (a the Cuslomer on the sale of Commodities fo any third parly by the Proveeds' | Financieras an agent tothe Customer which aman’ so constutes thea 6, DEFINITIONS OF MUAMALATTERMINOLOGIES 7A contre of sale based on cot plus prof where the acqulstion cost andthe sll’ promt margin Murabahat fre discosed tothe buyer at the imo cf tha contract The setlemert ofthe price Is nr mala on deferred paymont terms. “The purchase of@ commodity (ke the subject matter of Tawarua) on a deferred payment basis by Tawarrug, \wayof Murabahah, The commodityis then soldby thepurchaser for cashto aparty olher than original seller Wakateh ‘A contract of appointment of an agent whereby apersonappaints another to act on his behalf. TNT TH ‘8, Words and expressions denoting the singular number only shall include the plural and vice versa and words and expressions donolingthem masculine gender only shall inciudethe feminine and neuter gender b. Reference to clauses and schedules shall unless otherwise expressly provided be references to Clauses of and the schedules fothese Terms and Conditions. bb, The heading in these Terms and Conditions are insested for convenience only and shall be ignored in construing the provisionsof these Terms and Conditions. 8. PAYMENT BY THE CUSTOMER 8} The amount of the Seling Price as stated in the Canfration shal be paid by the Customer on a deferred payment term in te amourt at the times andr inthe manner as notfed by the Financier to the Customer in wring as spaced in Section 7 {and Section 8 of Schedule 1. The emount as stated in any statement issued by the Financier fo De due and payable by tho Customer tothe Financier shal in the absence or manifest eer be conclusive exidence that such amount is due and payable by the Customer to the Financier. All payments made by the Customer pursuant to each statement shall be deemed to be payments made towards the salisfacion of the Seling Price or sich pat tnefeot remaining Unpakt under these Terms and ‘Conaliens. ) The financier shall have the absolute discretion to impose the payment of securily deposit on the Customer tothe Financier (‘ihe Security Deposit’) which shall be retained by the Financer to ensure the due observance by the Customer of the Terms and Conditions herein and the Customer hereby authorizes the Financier to set off and uilize the Security Deposit {or the purpose of payment of any instalments due and payable and other monies payable by the Customer under the Facity PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT any balance of the Securty Deposit after deductions of any installments due and payable or any ‘other monies payable by the Customer herein shall be refunded to the Customer on ful setlement of the Seling Price and all monies dueand/or payablehere in, ©) All payments to be made by the Customer fo the Financier and all instalments and other mories due and payable by the Customer to the Financier pursuant to the Facilty may be made via monthiy deductions or salary deductions using any approved cades as shall beheld by the Financier or as approved for use by the Financier. 9, REMINDER 2}_The Financier shall be entitled at any time and is sole discretion to send to the Customer reminders in raspoct of any instalment due (Retrinder) whether or not the Customers has requosted forthe same and the Customer maybe notified of ‘each Reminded viaShort Messaging Service WhasAop messageor Electronic Mai b) The Customer is fully aware that the Customer’ receipt of each Reminder may be delayed or prevented by factor(s) affecting the relevant service provider(s}, phone operators) and any other relevant entities. Tho Customer accepts that tho Financier neither guarantees the delivery nor accuracy of the contents of each Reminder sand shall not be lable to the Customer or ary oneelse for losses or damage arising from:- i, A non delivery, delayed delivery or wrongful deiveryof each Reminder, In acourate content of each Reminder, or li TheCustemer’s use or reanceon the contents of ary Reminder for any purposes. CC) The information in respect of any Reminder may be subject to certain time lags andlor delays, The features of any Reminder may al any time be varied or discontinued by the Financier, with or without notice, as its absolute discretion 410, TELEPHONEMONITORING ANDRECORDING ‘The Customer authorizes the Financier to contect the Customer by telephone sbout the Facility The Customer agrees that the Financier may place such telephone calls using an automatic dialing and thet such calls will not be unsolicited calls, From me {o lime the Financier may monitor and/or record the telephone calls between the Customer and the Finarcier. The Custom er further authorizes the Financier to monitor andlor record the telephone conversation at any time ard that na additional notice to theCustomer or aditional approval fram theCustomer's needed ‘1 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES BY THE CUSTOMER Thecustomer represents and warrants tothe Financier as follows 4) Thal these Terms and Conditions constitute the legal valid and binding obligations of the Customer enforceable in ‘accordance with its own terms and the obligations of the Customer thereuncer do nat contravene any legislation or regulations. binding ontheCustomer, ') That the Customer js not now or in insisting the Facility as the case may be, in default under any existing mortgage in enture contractor debenture binding onthe Customer orto which Customer is subject ©) That there is no order of any court or any governmental agency or ary provision of any existing agreement binding on the Customer or to which Customer is subject which would be contravened or breached by the execution delivery and porformancaotthese Terms and Conditions; 4) That no laweults or investigations by any governmental agency body or othor regulatory authority or any othor party are pending or are to boinstutod again teCustomer, ) That no violation of any provisions of legislation court orders judgement and others has been committed by the Customer 1) Thal thoreare no bankruptcy procaodings ponding against the Customer, 4) That every license approval or authorization of any governmental authority in Malaysia which is required in. connection with the execution performance validity or enforce ably of these Tors and Conditions have been obtained and is in full force ‘and effect ) That tho rights and obligations of tho pariios under those Terms and Conditions of the parties under these Texms and Conditions aregoverned by and consirued inaccordancewith the laws of Malaysia, ‘The truth and correctness of all matters stated in there presentations and warranties in the fore going paragraphs of this section here of form the basis of the Financiers commitment to meke available the Facilty ta the Customer. If any such representation andfor wairanty made at any ime hereafter be found to have been incorrect in any material respect then and ln’such event and notwithstanding enything to the contrary in this Terms and Conditions contained therein the Financier has the right atits absolute discretion o terminate the Facility or part or partsthere of 42, EVENTS OF DEFAULT Upon the occurrence of any the following events at any time and regardless of whether the event is within or beyond the ‘contro ofthe customer 4, If the Customer shall default in the payment ofthe indebtedness or any part thereof afer the same shall have become due whether formally demanded or not ’. If Customer fails or isin breach of any provisions of these Terms and Conditions; «If any representation or warranty made or deemed made by the Customer under Terms and Concitions or which Is contained in any certificate, document or financial or other statement furnished at any time pursuant to the terms of these Terms and Conditions proves to have been incorrect in any material respect on or as of the date made or deemed made 4. If any liabity of any of the Customer becomes capable.n accordance with the relevant tems thereotof belng due prematurely by reason of a defaull by the customer in his obligations in respect of the same, or customer fais to make any payinent in respect there of on the due date for such payinent or if due on demand when demanded or the security for any such labilly becomes enforceable, «. If the Customer becomes of is declared insolvent or consents to the appoiniment of a trustee, custodian, inlervene or Fecelverfor him or for what inthe Financier’ opinion is a substantial pat of his assets.or any such trustee, custodian, intervene ‘oF receiver is appointed, oF dissolution, re-organization, intervention, arrangement or liqudationibankrupicy proceedings (oF ‘proceedings similar in purpose or effect) are instituted by or against the Customer; f. Ifthe Customer dies or becomesinsane; «. Ifa distress or a warrant of attachment or execution oF similar process against any substantial part of the assets of the Customer isissueds fh, Ione or more judgments of decrees shall be entered against the Customer end involving in the aggregate laity (not paid orfuly coverod by Takafu / insurance) of such quantum deemed significant by the Financier and any such judgment or decree shall not have been vacated discharged or stayed within sixty (60) daysfrom the entty hereof i, any present or future security on or over the assets of the Customer become enforceable and in the Opinion of the Financiersuch events has of could have @ material adverse effect on its abilly to full iis obligations under these Teims and Conditions; J. IftheCustomer enters into any etangement or composition with his crodtors If any legal proceedings sult or ection shail be instituted against the Customer and if after the Financier has reviawed the matterwith te Customer the Financier is of the opinion that it will materially affoct euch person's ability to fulfil his obligations Under these Terms and Conditions; |, Ifthe Customer becomes adjudged bankrupt Il false financial statement andor other data required by the Financier shall have been furnished, 1. If any of the assets of the Customer shall becometthe subject matter of any soizure, forfeiture, confiscetion or expropriation by any authority, Government or otherwise; 1 Ifthe Customer defauttsunder any other agroament or arrangement whalsoever with theFinancirjor ©. Hany other event or event occur or circumstances atise which Is the opinion of the Financier vill prevent the customer from ‘duty and promptly performing or complying with hisofligaions under these Terms and Conditions ‘Then, and in any such case, the Financler may dectare that an Event of Default has occurred and slmukaneously of at anytime there alter, respective of whether any event mentioned herein continuing, the Financier sha® at ts discretion: 2) by writlen nolicetothe Customer declare theIndebtedness immediately dueand payable: ») claim the indebtedness dus and payable by the Customer falhe Financier, and «) enforce any or all of theremecies available tlt +3. CONNCURRENT REMEDIES Is expressly agreed and declared that upon the occurrence of an event of Default, the Financier shall there efter have the Tight to exercise all or sny remedies available whether under these Torms and Conditions or by statutellaw or otherwise and shall boon tilled fo exercise such remedies conourrenty including pursuing and completing all remedies of sale or possession and a cil aciontorecover all monies cue and owing othe Financier, 14, DEFICIENCY IN PROCEEDS If the amount realized by the Financier on the sale.assignment andl or tensfer of the asset of the Customer or any part ‘hereof is less than the Indebtedness and whether at such sale, assignment andlor ransler the Financier is the purchaser or otherwise, the Customer shall pay on demand to the Financier the difference between the amount due and the amount so realized. 46, RIGHTOF CONSOLIDATION AND SETOFF (Mugaesah) Following an Event of Defaul, the Customer agrees that the Financier may in its absolute discretion at any time and with ‘reasonable notice combine or consoidale all or any accounts(s) of the Customer including accounts in the name of the Financier and/or of the Customer (whether current, deposit investment, financing or af any other nature what so ever) with the liabiltes,ynere so ever situated asset of toward saiistaction of any sum due to the Financier under these Terms and Conditions. The Financier shail glve the Customer seven (7) days advance notice in wnting andi cr via electronic means prior ¥o the set of, towards salisfaction of any sum due to the Financier under this Financing, 46. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT ‘A statement of account in writing stating the amount payable by the Customer in respect of the Facity issued by or on behalf Of the Financier thereof shall in the absence of manifest error be conclusive evidence that such amounts in fact due and payableby the Customer 7. INDEMNITY. The Customer shall fully indemnity the Financier from and against any expense including lagal ooste on a solicitors and client basis loss damage dim or lability (as to the amount of which the Financiers certificate shall in the absence of manifest error bbe conclusive) whatsoever in all respects which the Financier may incur sustain or suffer as the consequence of the ‘occurrence of an Event of Default or any act deed or thing done by the Financier under the provsions of oF olhernise in connection with the Faclly. Without prejucice to its generally, the foregoing indemnity shall extend to ary fees and olher sums \halsoever paid or unpaid and to any loss (Including loss oF prof, premium, ponally or expenses which may be incurred in liquidating or employing deposits from third parties). 48, WAIVER ‘No felaxation, forbearance, indulgence, failure or delay on the part of the Financier in exercising nor any omission to exercise any Fight, power, privilege or fenvedy accruing to the Financier under these Terms and Condiions or any security in favour of the Financier upon any default on the part of the Customer shall impair any such right, power, privilege or remedy or be ‘construed as & waiver there of or an acquiescence in any default affect or impair any right ar remedy prevent any further of ‘other exercise there of or the exercise of any other sights or remedy. ho rights and remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights or remedies provided bylaw. 49, TIME TTimewherever mentioned shall be ofthe essenceof these Terms and Conditions. 20, FULL PAYMENT Notwithstanding anything o the contrary contained herein, itis hereby agrecd that on the satisfaction by payment ar otherwise Of the indebleciness all the provisions herain containes shall cease to be of any effect but without prejudice to the Financiers ‘rights and remedies agains! the Customer in respect of any antecedent claim or breach. 21, RECONSTRUGTIONOF THE FINANCIER AND THEOBLIGATIONOF THE CUSTOMER ‘The securities, rights, labllies, obligations created pursuant to these Teims_and Conditions shall continue to be valid and binding for ail purposes whatsoever notwithstanding ary change by amalgamation, re-construction or atherwise which may be made in the constitution of the Financier and similarly the labilities andor obligations created by these Terms and Coneilions shall continue {o be vaid and binding for all purposes whatsoever upon the Customer and the Customer shall remain lable in relationtothe obligations and labilties created herein 22, INDULGENCE The ablity and obligations of the Customer shall not be impaired or discharged by ceason of any time forbearance or other indulgences boing granted by or with the conaent of the Financier to the Customer or fo any person who or which may be in anyway liable to pay any of the monies secured here by or by any other security in favour of the Financier or by reason of any arrengement being entered into or composition accepted by the Financier modifying the operation of law of other wise the rights and remedies of theFinancier under these Terms and Conditions, 23, VARIATION OF TERMS Itis hereby expressly agreed and declared by the parties hereto that the provisions of these Terms and Condltions may be varied or amended af ary time and from time fo ime by mulual consent of the parties hara to. by means of a mutual exchange of letter and thereupon such amendments and variations shall be deenied to become effective and the relevant provisions of these Terms and Conditions shail be deemed to have been amended or varied accordingly and shall be read and contrived a3 ‘of such amendments and variations had been incorporated in and had formed patt of these Terms and Conditions atthe time. of exccution hereof provide always that not with standing anything to the contrary herein before conlained in this Clause, the Financier shall nevertheless, to the extent permitted by law, boon tied at its absolute discretion to vary or amend the terms and! of conditions of these Terms and Conditions by notice in wnting to the Customer and such amendments and variations shal have similar effect as those herein before relerred to in this Clause and nothing here in shall be construed so as to restrict oF curtail or projucice any of the rights of the Financier herein to vary or amend the terms andor conditions without the necessity fo obtain the Customer's consent or confirmation. 24, BENEFIT OF ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS.ETC These Teims and Conditions shall be binding upon and ensure to the benefit of the Financier and the Customer and their Tespective suocess0rs in tile and assigns except that the Customer may not assign its rights or obligations thereunder or any interest therein without the prior written consent of the Financier but the Customer shall nevertheless remain lable for all its ‘obligations hete under inthe event of any non disclosure of any material fact pertaining to the customer's assignment which if disclosed would affect the Financia's decision to agree to such assignment. All underlakings,agreements,representations and warranties given, made or entered into by the Customer under these Terms and Conditions shall survive the making of any assignments thereunder, 26, COSTS AND EXPENSES ‘The Customer shall bear all stamp cutis, fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with or incidental fo the Faclity and or the Financiers solicitors’ fees (on a solictors and client basis) as specified in Section 9 of Schedule ‘In the evant of any ‘action of law whatsoever in relation fo the Faclity or any other instrument or document related thereto, the Customer in adcstion to all sums which the Customer in actition to all sums which the Customer may be called upan to pay to the Financier wall pay the Financiers solcitors'tees (on a solicitors and client basis) and al cher costs and expenses of such demand action or suit 26, GOVERNING LAW ‘These Terms ane Condtions shall be govemed by, and construed interpreted and applied in accordance withthe [avs of Malaysia 27, EXPENDITURE INCURRED BY THE FINANCIER FOR ANDON BEHALFOF THE CUSTOMER {All mories expended by the Financier in relation to the Facility from fime to time for and on behalf of the Customer snd for ts ‘account shall be recoverable fram the Customer and shall be repaid on demand. In default of payment, such monies shall bo deemed to form part oftheindebtedness 28, DISCLOSURETO BANK NEGERAMALAYSIA'S CREDIT BUREAU The Financier, and its servants or nominees may, at any time and the Customer hereby consents to the same itrevocably, release information relating to the Customer In respect of the Faclity and’ of the Indebtedness to Sank Negara Malaysia's Credit Bureau or to any other approved agencies or in compliance wih the laws of Malaysia and the Customer shall be deemed io haveagreed lo such dsclosure 29, DISCLOSURETO RELATED COMPANIESETC, Tho Customer hereby agrees that as fong as the Indebtedness continues andior as long as any monios are due from the ‘Customer to the Financier, the Financior shall boon titled to disclose information on the Facility andor the Indebtedness and/or the business of te Customer with the Financier to companies which areor whichin the future may be related to theFinancier. 30, CHANGES INCIRCUMSTANCES Wf any change in applicable law, regulation or regulalory requirement ox in the Interpretation or application thereof or if compliance by the Financier with arly applicable direction, requestor requirement (whether or not having the force of law) or ny governmenial or cther authority shall result in imposing on the Financier any condition burden or obligation which renders It undesirable, in the absolute opinion of the Financier, to make avaliable or maintain the Faclity, then upon notice from the Financier, the Facity shal be deemed to be cancelled in which event the customer shall pay to the Financier the Indebtedness within seven (7) daystrom the receipt by he Customer of such notice 31, INVALIDITY OF ANYPROVISION ‘Any provision ofthese Terms ane Conditions which is invalid, unenforceable or prohibited shall not affect the validity or enforce abiity of theother provisions of these Terms and Conditions, 32, FORCE MAJEURE [Not with standing any provision of these Tams and Condilons, the Financier shall not be lable for any failure on the Part of the Financier to perform ary obligation under these Terms and Conditions resulting directly or indirect from the action or in action of any governmental or focal authority oF any stike,boycott,blockade,act of God, civil disturbance or cause beyond the control ofthe Financier. 39. Talwigh (COMPENSATION) Itis hereby agreed thatthe Customer shall pey the Financier late payment charges by way of ta\widh (compensation) 2 follows:~ 2. Before maturity ofthe Facilty ‘A sum equivalent to one per centum (1%) per annum on over due instament(s) untl date of full payment b.Aflermatuity of the Facility ‘A sum equivalent to the prevaling dally overnight Islamic Inletbenk Money Market Rate on outstanding balance Le, ceutstanding Selling price less ibra’ (if any) Post Judgement Debt ‘A sum equivalent tothe prevailing dally overnight Islamic Interbank Money Market Rate on basic judgement sum calculates from judgement date until date of full payment PROVIDED ALWAYS that the above said tawih rates maybe varied by the Financier trom time to time and shall be applied in such msnner as approved by Shariah Advisor for Tawarruq Financing product ofthe financior 24, SERVICE FOR NOTICES LEGAL PROGESS ETC, ‘8, Any demand notice request or legal process required or permited to be given or made under these Terms and Conditions to the Financier or to the Customer shat be in wniting and in the case of the Financier shall be under the hand of any Manager Cr any authorized officer ofthe Financior or asolicitor or firm of solicitors purporting to act fr tho Financier, b, Aay such demand notice request or legal process shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given or made if sent by ordinary or registered post sent to the respective address of the parties here to and shall be deemed to have been serve ddon and duly received by the olher party or partes after the expiration of five (5) days from the dale itis posted orif delivered by hander sana by courier tothe party to be served on is orits solicitors, ontheday twas delivered «No change in the address of the Customer how so ever brought about shall be elfective or binding on the Financier Unless the Customer has given to The Financier actual notice in writing of the change of address and nathing done in reliance (on this provision shall be alfected or prejudiced by any subsequent change in the address of the Customer over which the Financier has no actual knovdedge of al thetime the act oF thing was done or carried out. 136, SECURITY (IF APPLICABLE} 35.1 The Security For better securing the payment of the Indebtedness or any part thereof as shall be outstancing and all other moneys what so ‘ever now oF here after owing to the Financier by the Customer, the Customer and / o: the Security Party shall provide the: Secuity and executeor procure thaexecution of the Secutity Documents by the Security Party 352 Continuing Seourty 36.2.1 The seculy here in provided is expressly intended to be and shal be a cortinuing secur forall moneys whet $0 fever now or here after and from time to time owing to the Financier by the Customer whether alone or jointly and severally with another or other sand whether as principal or surety not with standing that the Customer may at any time ‘cease to be indebted totheFinanclr for any period or periods, 36.22 These Terms and Conditions shall be without prejudice to any secutly already given by the Customer to the Financier or any security which may here after be given to the Financier whether the same be for securing, the payment Cf the Facility togethar with Profit there of and all other costs and charges there on or any other moneys covenanted to be paid have in or whether it is. taken as additional or collaoral securly other wise howsoever. The solictor shall have confirmed to the Financier that al security documents are vaid, legally binding and enforceable against the parlies that have executed them and that the Financiers interest is protected and the solicitor has further convimmed oF in the event where the documents are prepared internally the Financier has satisied thefollowings! 1.That the Factity when ullized will not constitute a treach by the Customer of any limit imposod by ite Memorandum and Articles of Association; 2.That the Customer has paid all costs, solctar's fee, stamp and registralion fees and other expenses in connection with the Facity, 3. That tho socurty documents as etipulated under the Documentation clause above have boon duly executed by the parties there fo and stamped and where appicable presented for registration ith the relevant authorities; 4.Thal searches have been made on the Customer, its directors and the security provider (applicable) and that ne ‘winding-up andlor bankruptcy proceedings have been commenced against all the parties respectively, 5.That a search on the property to be charged under the Security clause above has been made at the relevent registries or offices and that the propery is free from any encumbrances whatsoever, If encumbered, excepl where the charges the Financier, a relevant leter of undertaking andior letter of cisclaimas fcr the exisling encumbrance for the discharge ofthe encumbrances shall have been obtained and forwarded fo the Financier (if applicable), 6. That the cash deposit to be charged under the Security clause above is not subjected to any lien or debenture. If there is @ debenture on the Customer sisecurly provider's asset, disclaimer Irom the existing debenture holder shall, have been obtained (if applicabie), 1. That approvals from relevant authorities have been obtained and are stil valig; 8. The property to be charged under the Security cause above shall have boon perfected andior registered with the relevant registries and authorities _andior, where applicable, any account which the Customer maintains with any third party that the Financier requires to be setted, shall have been fist setled and all costs incurted are to be boine by the Customer, ©.The Financier’s solicitors shall have confirmed that the security documenis are valid, legally binding and ‘enforceable against the parties that have executed them and that the Financiers interest is protected 353 Covenant fo ProvideFurther Security ‘The Customer shell at any time if and when required by the Financier so to do,execute in favour of the Financier or as the Financier shall direct such legal or ofnor mortgages, charyos assignmente, transfers or agreements as the Financier shall require off and on al the Customer's estate, right, lle and interest in any property or assets or business belonging to the Customer or which may here after be ecoured by the Customer and the benefit so fal licenses held in connection there with to secure all moneys and liblties here by agreed to be paid or inlonded lo be hereby secured and such marigages, charges, assignments, ransfers or agreements fo be prepared by of on the Financiers beta at the Customer's cost and to contan all such tems end conditions for the Financier’s benefit 2s the Financier may requir. 38, BASE FINANCING RATE[IF APPLICABLE — PERSONAL FINANCING WITH FLOATING PROFIT RATE) ‘a. The Financier may at ils absolute discretion vary the Effective Profit Rate and/ or the Base Funding Rate according to any applicable Bank Negara Malaysia Guidelines thet is currently In force. In the event that the Effecive Prof Rate varies as @ resulf of any changes to the Base Funding Rate, the Financier has the absolute dlsorelion to give effect tothe said changes by taking any of thetolioving steps: |. Adjusting theamount of the monthiy installment payable by theCustomeror |i Extending the tenure of the inancing facility Provided that any of the steps taken ahove will not change / alter the Financier’ total Sale Price forthe entire duration of the facilly or any extansion therect, «. Inthe even if there are any changes to the Base Financing Rate, the Financier shell naliy the Customer accordingly by any or all of he following means: 4, Public Noticeviathe mainstream local newspapers; €. Nolices attheFinancier's branches nationwide: ar {Notices atthe Financie’s offic website. 9. Thetenureofthe financing will be determined based onthe applicable Effective Profit Rate from time totime. ST, REBATE (ibra’ ic In the event of Eerly Settlement of the Financing the Financier may grant to the Customer an Ibrat (rebate) which is equivalent to the Deferred Prof at the point of seltiement minus Early Settlement Chargos Ibra’ / Rebate on Early ‘Seltlement = DeferredProfit- Early Saltlement Charge li EarlySettiement Amount =Ouistanding Seling Price + instalment Duo- tora ii, Deferred Profit =Total Contracted Profit Aceruod Profit Iv. Total Conttacted Profit = Seling Price PurchasePrice or Financing Amount) Accrued Profit is calculated based on Flat Rate of the outstanding Purchase Price (or Financing Amount) being isbursed(or utlized) 38, Lockin Period The facility granted to the customer by EVERGREEN CREDIT EXPRESS SDN.BHD. Is subject tothe folowing lock: period from the rst disbursement macie: i. Financing Tenure of # to 3 years : 4 year li Financing Tenure of 4 to 8 years > 2 years ili Financing Tenure of 7 to 10 years : 3yoars Payment of any amount over and above the instalment amount is allowed at any time at anytime after the full disbursement ‘without attracting any fees. Inthe event of early seitemant within the lock-in period, EVERGREEN CREDIT EXPRESS SDN.BHD. wil impose a fee of 5% on the financing amount plus RMS0.00 to the customer. 38. RESTRUCTURING AND RESCHEDULING Intheevent ofestrusturing or rescheduling ofthe Financing, the Financier shall ensure that 1 The new Purchase Price Le., new principat amount of the new financing shall be equivalent to the Outstanding Purchase Price of this Faciity f thereisno addtional fnencinginvolved; and li. The amount of Accrued Prof and Late Payment Charges (where applicable) from this Facility can be added to the new Purchase Price, but they cannot be capitalized in hecalculation of the new profi. 40, TAKAFUL (IF APPLICABLE) ‘The customer shal subscribe {0 the Personal Financing: Takaful Plan from any Takatul Operator which Is duly approved by Evergreen Credit Expross Sdn. Bhd. All costs related to the Personal Financing: Takaful Pian shall be bore by the ‘customer whereby the costs incurred shall be deducted clrectly fom the disbursement amount of the customer's financing facilly. In credit the event of any shortfall in the payment of the said costs prior to the disbursement of the customer's financing the Financier has the right to claim on the short fall in the sald costs by way of a nolice of claim to the customer in order to setlethe shortfall. NTIONSOF THE AGENCY. 41.4 Nature and Scope of Agency 41.14 The appointment of the Financier as the Customer's agent pursuant to the Appointment of the Financier as Purchase Agent and the Appointment of the Finencier es Sale Agent shal be uncondtional and irrevocable and the Financier, as the Customer's Agant, shall carry ou! the folowing respectively {to act on the Customers behalf so as to conclude the Customer's purchase of the commodity from the Financier, fifo act on the Customer's behalf soas to conclude the Customer's sale of the commodity to the cammedity Purchaser 4142. The Financier is hereby authorised to execute and deliver such documents oF instruments as shall be deemed necessary by the Financier for the performance ofits obligations in connection wilh the matters set out in Clause 44.1.1 4.19 The Financier shall use ils reasonable endeavors to ensure that the proceeds of sale ofthe Commodity by it as contemplated by Clause 41.1.1 (i) shall not be less than the Financiers Purchase Price. 41.14 Without prejudice to the generally of Clause 41.1.1, the Customer acknowledges that under the arrangements the Financier has with the Commodity Purchaser or any other suppliers or third party counter partes, the Financier maybe Fequired to {and the Customer agrees that the Financier may) dis close itis acting as the Customer's agent and to name the Customer as its principal 41:18. Tho customer undertakes to establish and maintain an account or eocounts withthe Financierthe Account) which the Financier is authorised to operate on behalf of the Customer (F applicable), 41.18. The Financier acknowledges and confirms that all amounts of Proceeds to the Customer in respect of the disposal ‘of the Commodity 8s contemplated in Clause 41.1.1(@) above shall be crested in to the Customer's bank account and the Customer shall doall things necessary effec theprovisions ofthis Agreement. 411.7 In connection wth ts power, itectios, authosiias and duties under this Agreement, the Financier shall act solely a the agent of the Customer on a restricted limited basis (io. as agent on a dealby-cieal basis) to the extent expressly Provided here in and shall not other wise be regarded as agent for and on behalf of the Customer in any ather respect ‘whatsoover. 411.8 The appointment of the Financier under the Appointment of the Financier ae Purchase Agent shall be effective {rom the date of the Appointment of the Financier as Purchase Agent and shall end upon the purchase of the Commodity fom theFinancier 41.4 Tho appointment of the Financier under the Appointment of the Financier as Sale Agent shall be effective fom the date ofthe Appcintment ofthe Financier as Sele Agent and shall end upon the sale of the Commodity to the third party. 41.2 BrokerageFees and Expenses To the extent that any of the expenses, fees and commissions have not been ascertained and invoiced 10 the Financier by the Commodity Purchaser by the time that the Customer incurs the obligation to make the payment ofthe Financiers Sefing Price in accordance with this Agreement, then such expenses, fees and commissions shall become due and payable by the Customer to the Financier upon the Financier receiving the appropriate invoice there fore from the Commodity Purchaser 28 relevant, and upon the Financier then providing he eppropriate invoice therefore to the Customer. 41.3 Indemnity 4121. The Financier shall no be fable to the Custamer in contract or tortor othernise for ary «rect or indirect financial (oF economic losses, costs, labllies or expenses (including, without imitation, ioss of profi, loss of savings of loss of good wil) save for those irecly arising as a result of the Finance's gross negligence, wilful default or fraud. The Financier shall not be liable in relation fo ary default, negligence or fraud of the Commodity Selle, tne Commotity Purchaser or any ather person, firm or company with whom transactions in Clause 41.1.1 (i) ar (i) are effected for the ‘account ofthe customer. 4132 The Financier shall not be liable for any fallure of the duties or obligations under this Agreament ustomer to duly and punctually perform any ofits respective 4139 To tho extent not othentise recovered, the Customer shall keep the Finencier indemnified from and against any loss, cost (including any cost of enforcement, lability (including ary tax liability), claim, demand or damages which the Financier suffers of incurs in the lawl and proper exercise of iis duties under this Agreement save whara such losses, costs, abies, claims, demands or damages directly arise by reason of any grassly negigent or fraudulent acts of waif dofauit on thepart of the Financier. 41.4 Confidentiality Subject to Clause 41.1.4 and Clause 41.6, the contents of this Clause and the transactions contemplated by Clause 41.1.4 () and (i) shall be kept confidential by the pasties for the curation of this Agreement and after it shal terminate save to the extent that any such matter shall become a matter of public knowiedge other than through the Fault of the parties and save as Fequited by an order of acourt of competent jurisdiction or a competent administrative authorty. 41.8 Assignment 4151 The Finencier may assign or transfor its rights, benefits or obligations o: assign the debts and recelvaies pursuant to tis Agreement to ary third party orto any company in the group of companies of which it is a member or eny ofits afflates without the pxlor permission of the Customer, the costs of such assignment, if any, shall be bome by the Customer ‘Signed by the Customer Signed for andon behalf of the Finan« fame'meno EAB FAIL BIW MOHAMAD BUDID Name: ALIMATUL ASLAMIYAH TEA NIN ven NIG No Bate, ODN -OR- sz Date 26:09 4024960816. 14.5894 Designation SCHEDULE 1 (Which is to be taken and construed as an integralpart of this letterof offer) NO} TEM PARTICULAR ca ieee 28-04-2002 Date 2 Name and Particulars of the Person Client Name imovo Taint FAIZ BIN MoHAMAD RUBIN NRICNo: 81094 -08 -S311 Purpose ofthe PERSONAL FINANCING 3 Facility 4| PurchasePrice | Ringgit Malaysia nen? ceyey Tecan (RM 2¥, 000-60 5} Solling Price | RinggitMalaysia treme nAkuuAnh Ne HuNbeep Sveaiy- THEE RUSS, T7S-c 6) ProfitMargin | Ninepoint ninety-nine percent 9.99% ) per annum onffat rate basis Facility Tenure Maximum_72M_( (0 ) years commencingtrom the date of frst disbursement of the Facility. MONTH MONTHLY PAYMENT (RM) 8 hug ku ¥6 Payment feo RG 18 1, Financing Takaful Coverage: RM/244-00 2. Stamp Duty: RM 4S 60, 3. Registration Fee & Processing Fee : RM200.00 9} Deductions | 4 Processing Fee for Sales and Purchase of Commodity: RM12,00 5, Sinking Fund (1% of Financing Amount) : RM 27.69 6, Any additional costs related tothe above Facility shall be informed in writing by EVERGREENCREDIT EXPRESS SDN.BHD. EVERGREEN CREDIT EXPRESS SDN BHD 294761 Le 100 Wisma esx, ‘No $ Jalon tuna Of Jalan Chan Sow Ln "5200 Kats Lumpur Tet 016 207 432 SCHEDULE {Which istobetaken and construed asan integalpat of his fetter of oe) NO Trem PARTICULAR 1 | Theracitly ‘The Facility is extended to the Customer as follows: ~ “The customer sppoints the Financier as an agent to perform the following tasks: Apoontment 7 ‘As agent fo purchase commodity from the Financier on behalf of the customer. Appointment 2 As agent 0 sell commodity to 2 commodity purchaser(s) on behalf ofthe customer. 41}_After the matters set out in + above have been concluded, the Financier shall purchase commodity from an authorised commodty selle(s). Thereafter the Financier shal sell the commodity to the Customer ‘on Murabahah basis at an agreed selling price which is payable by the Customer on deferred terms. The Financier acting as the Customer's agent wil purchase the commodly from theFinanc, 2) ‘The fnancier ating asthe customer's agent shall sll the commodity to commedly purchaser(). The proceeds, ‘which shall be equivaient to the amount of the Facity, wil ba credited nto the Customers bank adoourk ‘The Customer shall pay the amount due under the Facility agreement as por agreed with the Financier. Unless otherwise agreed between parties, the financier shall enable the customer to take possession of the commodity al the costs ofthe customer according to the customer’ instruction Client Name and Particulars ofthe Person Name :tnoWp 2AVRUL FAIL Bint MOHAMMAD RUBIES NRICNo 'ay0.24 -02-S3u 3 | Purpose of the Feciity PERSONAL FINANCING 4 | Purchase Price Ringgit Malaysia Hey. SEVEN Thee st (RMAF, 000. dg 5 | sating Paice | Pines Malevsie HAY Hie Haas MINE Hunioted Brmry tae — PMS3, 97-00 © | prot margin | Nine point ninety-nine percent ( 8.99% ) per annum on fat rate basis 7 | Footy Ture | Mocrum ZEN —_( f& ) yeareconmencingeom thedatof fra dsbureementot ie Fact MONT MONTHLY PAYMENT Ri 8 | Payment Hg imei fe eo Longya/8 9 | Deductions “Financing Tokaful Coverage :RM/296-00 2)Stamp Duty RM E60, 3) Registration Fee & Processing Fee : RM200.00 4)Procassing Fee for Sales and Purchase of Commodity: RAY2.00 #5)Sinking Fund (1% of Financing Amun!) : RML299.- co ‘6)Any addtional costs related to the above Fasility shal be informed in writing by EVERGREEN CREDIT EXPRESS SDN.BHD, 10] Other Terms ‘and Conditions EVERGREEN CREDIT EXPRESS SDN BHD ss1751-« a. 10-10 sma Ta No Jalan Lima Ort Jalan Chan Sow Lin "5200 Kuala Lumpar Tet 016 207 2032 Porjanijan Pembiayaan bertarikh® S = ©9 > 7023 AKAD MURABAHAH ANTARA EVERGREEN CREDIT EXPRESS SDN BHD (331751-K) (“PEMBIAYA”) DAN PELANGGAN 1. Tawaran Penjual Merujuk kepada Perjanjian Pembiayaen dengan no. rujukan: ClY/271_, saya ALIMATUL ASLAMIYAH | TEA bagi pihak —Pembiaye dengan ini menjual kepada Aoto Bab A” sojumiah komoditi (“Komoditi") dengan harga scbanyak RM_$4 97-80 secara tangguh yang mana RM__27 , 00-66 __daripadanya adalah modal Pembiaya sementara RM_24, 172-* adalah untung 2. Penevimaan Pslgneean Pee Saya, RIN met mAé-te Rupll dengan ini membeli Komoditi tersebut dengan harga RM_£2, 993-60 dengan bayaran bulunan sebanyak RM__4Y9-7® —__selama tempoh _le_TAHUN, Pengesahan Tawaran Pengesahan Penerimaan ALIMATUL ASLAMIVAH TEA sited Fear Yur Ven Hoanad Wadin, Tarik: 36.09. 2693 Tatikh: 2 09, 2002 AKAD WAKALAH ANTARA PELANGGAN DAN PEMBIAYA 1. Pelantikan Pelanggan ferujuk, tepada Perjanjian Pembiayaan dengan no, rujuken: _CM4v2-1, saya MUP mata AN mewakilkan Pembiaya untuk menjual Komoditi kepunyaan saya dengan harga RM_2¥ , 00" 69 secara tunai, 2. Penerimaan Pembiaya S93, bagi, opie, Rombjpys, dengan ini menerima menjadi wakil bagi _pihak — aetna eu ed rJ_ untuk menjual Komoditi tersebut dengan harge sebanyzke RM_*7,c00" 0% _ secara tunai. Pengesahan Pelantikan Pengesahan Penerimaan wip Cad Br Wwe Qt ACIMATUL ASLAMIVAH TRA Iikh: 9-04 ole Tarik: 24 ag. 2003

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