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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486

Earthquake ground motion in Mexico City: An analysis of data

recorded at Roma array
Martı́n Cárdenas-Sotoa,, Francisco J. Chávez-Garcı́ab
Facultad de Ingenierı´a, UNAM, Coyoacan, Mexico D.F., Mexico
Instituto de Ingenierı´a, UNAM, Mexico D.F., Mexico
Received 26 August 2006; accepted 3 September 2006


We analysed in detail three earthquakes recorded in a small-aperture accelerometric array in Mexico City, using the correlation of the
records as a function of time along the accelerogram and frequency. Ground response is strongly conditioned by the fundamental period
of the soft soils at the site of the array (T0). Energy at periods longer than 2T0 is guided by the crustal structure (with a thickness of
45 km). The wave field at periods between T0 and 2T0 also consists of surface waves but guided by the upper 2–3 km of volcanic
sediments in central Mexico. For periods smaller than T0, ground motion is uncorrelated among the stations. Our results indicate that
seismic response of Mexico City, including its very long duration, results from deeply guided surface waves (between 2 and 45 km depth)
interacting with the very local response of the soft surficial clay layer.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mexico city; Accelerometer array; Surface waves; Seismic duration; Phase velocity; Correlation analysis

1. Introduction Mexico City. However, this does not explain the large
duration of ground motion, characterized by a succession
Mexico City has repeatedly experienced destructive of harmonic wave packages [2]. This long duration was the
seismic motion from earthquakes occurring along the object of several papers, where different factors were
Pacific subduction zone, more than 300 km away. Several advanced as possible explanations, from 2D or 3D site
factors play a key role in this. A slower decay of amplitude effects to gravity perturbations on surface waves. These
for energy propagating perpendicular to the subduction different factors were analysed and rejected as the reason
zone (in the direction of Mexico City) than that along behind the large duration using numerical modelling by
paths parallel to the coast has been observed [1]. In Chávez-Garcı́a and Bard [3–5]. As a result, a need to return
addition, large amplification of ground motion (up to a to data analysis became evident; in order to better
factor 40 in the frequency domain) occurs on soft soil understand the wavefield propagating in Mexico City
relative to firm soil in Mexico City. Finally, strong ground during large earthquakes.
motion has shown repeatedly a very long duration. A great The main event in 1985 was recorded by only 8 digital
many studies have dealt with these aspects in the past 20 accelerographs. The first analysis of these records used
years, after the occurrence of the September 1985 earth- spectral ratios to quantify the amplification due to the soft
quakes, events that caused large damage in Mexico’s soil layers of the lakebed zone [6]. These same records were
capital city. It is clear, for example, that the large later reappraised by Chávez-Garcı́a et al. [7], who were able
amplification is due to the large impedance contrast to identify clearly surface wave modes in two period bands.
between the soft sediments filling an ancient lake below In the band 7–10 s, these surface waves propagated along
the direction epicentre-stations, with velocities predicted by
Corresponding author. depth crust structure. In the period band 3–6 s, surface
E-mail address: (M. Cárdenas-Soto). waves were again observed, but they propagated with

0267-7261/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
476 M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486

directions different from the epicentral one. Chávez-Garcı́a waves propagating from the epicentre with phase velocities
et al. [7] hypothesized that the long seismic duration was similar to those predicted by an average crustal velocity
due to the interaction of waves guided by the deep model validated for central Mexico. In the period band
structure of the basin (between 1 and 4 km) with the 1D between 3 and 6 s, incoming energy comes only partially
resonance of the superficial layers. from the epicentre and we observe significant contributions
Characterization of the wavefield at Mexico was also at coming from other directions, even if the observed phase
the center of a collaboration project between Mexico and velocities are in good agreement with those predicted by
France in 1994. During that project, a dense array of VBB the crustal model. Finally, for periods smaller than 3 s, we
stations was installed on firm soil in Mexico City. Barker et observe a strong resonance of the soft soil layers, with long
al. [8] analysed 11 events recorded in this array, and duration of seismic motion, in addition to harmonic wave
showed that, in the period band 2.5–5 s, long duration of packets in the surface records. At these short periods
seismic motion in Mexico basin is produced by late surface correlation between stations drops sharply and we interpret
wave arrivals. They explained these late arrivals as the wavefield as consisting mainly of vertical propagation
wavetrains scattered from the boundaries of the Mexican of body waves.
Volcanic Belt (MVB). Their observations suggested that
late arrivals are guided by intermediate structure. Recently,
lida [9] reached a similar conclusion from the analysis of
seismic records for one earthquake in four three-element, 2. Strong motion data
vertical arrays. This author proposed that the incident field
in the basin of Mexico consists of Love waves diffracted by We analysed data of the small Roma array. This array
the lateral heterogeneities within MVB. The hypothesis by consists of 5 acceleration stations; three on the free surface
Iida was rejected by Shapiro et al. [10], who analysed the and two down a borehole (Fig. 1). Roma array is located
records of 9 subduction events recorded in 5 vertical arrays on the soft soil clay layers that form the lake zone, in a
in the lake zone of Mexico City. Shapiro et al. [10] densely urbanized area of Mexico City. The surficial
proposed that the wavefield in the lake zone, around 3 s stratigraphy below the Roma site is shown in Table 1.
period, is dominated by higher surface modes. However, This profile is a composite structure derived from down-
they do not explain the long duration of ground motion. hole measurements (by Yamashita Architects & Engineers
We observe that the results of data analysis made by Inc., Oyo Corporation [15]), seismic refraction measure-
different groups suggest with increasing certainty that ments at the hundreds of metre scale within Mexico valley
ground motion in Mexico City cannot be interpreted in a [16] and a 100 km length refraction experiment [17]. The
piecewise fashion. All the different papers coincide in that Poisson ratio for the first 200 m is 0.47, in average.
it is necessary to consider together site effects and regional Dominant period (T0) at the site of Roma array is 2.25 s.
propagation effects (e.g., [11]) if we want to understand The three surface stations form a triangle of dimensions 92,
ground motion for large earthquakes from the subduction 115 and 140 m. Under one of the surface stations, two
zone. The results of observation analysis are also backed by additional accelerometers are installed at 30 and 102 m
numerical simulation studies of wave propagation in depth. The instruments installed are 16 bit Akashi SMAC-
regional 3D models of the crustal structure [12,13]. A MD accelerometers synchronized to a GPS system. A
preliminary model, which requires further testing, has been detailed shear velocity distribution [15] shows that the
proposed in Chávez-Garcı́a and Salazar [14]. An under- surface stations (C0, A0 and B0) are located on the
standing of the physical causes of the destructive ground topmost layer, 2 m thick, with a shear wave velocity of
motion in Mexico City is required if we want to decrease 90 m/s. Station C1 is located between a change of velocity
our current dependence on statistical regressions of of 80 and 200 m/s, and station C2 is at the boundary
recorded data to predict ground motion in central Mexico between 430 and 660 m/s shear wave velocity.
for future large earthquakes. Roma array has recorded a large number of events
In this paper we present results of the analysis of strong during its operation. From these, we have selected three
ground motion data for three earthquakes (M47) re- events. We believe they are representative enough of strong
corded in 5 stations of the Mexico City accelerograph ground motion in Mexico City. Table 2 shows the
network. These 5 stations form a small-aperture dense parameters of the selected events. Events 1 and 2 occurred
array in the lake zone, and have absolute time (its lack is a on the Pacific subduction zone, in front of the Guerrero
major shortcoming of the accelerograph network on and Michoacán coasts, respectively. Event 3 is a normal
Mexico City). The analysis consisted of the qualitative intraplate earthquake located in central Mexico. We first
study of the records filtered in different periods (between 1 analysed qualitatively the records filtered around different
and 10 s) and a careful correlation study of waveforms. We periods. Then, we examined the wavefield crossing the
tried to determine the nature of the waves and their array using a correlation analysis. Radial and transverse
propagation directions and velocities, as a function of components refer to their orientation relative to the
frequency and time. The results show that, for periods epicentre and thus refer to different directions for each
longer than 5 s, the seismic wavefield consists of surface event (Table 1).
M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486 477

RMC 4sec m
.97 13
91 2m
3sec C0

1sec 72m

Fig. 1. Left: map of Mexico City valley showing the location of Roma Array (shaded square). The solid circles indicate the locations of accelerometric
surface stations. The grey shaded area represents the hill zone and the dashed line indicates the limits between transition and lakebed zones. Solid lines
indicate main streets. Grey lines are contours of dominant period for the resonance on the lakebed zone for 1, 2, 3 and 4 s. Right: a schema showing the
spatial distribution of the stations that compose Roma array. The three stations on the surface are A0, B0, and C0. Under the latter are located two
borehole accelerometers: C1 at 30 m depth, and C2 at 102 m depth.

Table 1 where f min ¼ 0:1 Hz, and i ¼1, 2,y,25. The bandwidth of
Composite soil model built for the site of Roma array the filter was determined for each central frequency fn using
Thickness Vp (km/s) Vs (km/s) r (g/cm3) ð1  wÞf n of oð1 þ wÞf n ,
where w ¼ 0:2 is the relative bandwidth of the filter. Fig. 2
Yamashita Architects 0.012 1.43 0.045 1.2 shows, for example, the vertical components recorded at
and Engineers Inc. 0.018 1.43 0.06 1.2
station C0 (topmost traces) for the three events of Table 2.
Oyo Corporation [15] 0.014 1.43 0.13 1.4
0.021 1.68 0.35 1.5 Below each recorded trace, Fig. 2 shows the traces that
0.037 1.75 0.43 1.7 result of applying 18 band-pass filters, with central periods
0.075 2.0 0.6 1.8 between 1.5 and 8.0 s. For large periods (larger than 4 s) we
0.1 2.6 1.0 1.9 observe some differences between the filtered traces for the
0.1 2.6 1.2 1.9
different events. At such long periods, these differences
Gutierrez et al. [16] 0.5 2.6 1.2 2.0 must be due to differences in the source and in the crustal
0.8 3.3 2.6 2.3 structure along the corresponding paths. For filters with
1.9 4.5 2.8 2.4
central period between 4.1 and 8.0 s, the filtered traces for
Valdes et al. [17] 7 4.5 2.6 2.6 event 1 show the arrival of energy during long time lapses;
12 5.4 3.2 2.7 at some periods. We distinguish several pulses arriving at
28 7.0 4.0 3.0
— 8.3 4.8 3.3
different times, with similar amplitudes. This contrasts with
that same trace filtered between 2.8 and 3.7 s period, where
The first 8 layers were measured by Oyo Corp. The following 3 layers a single pulse (between 50 and 75 s) dominates the record.
come from Gutierrez et al. [16]. The final 4 layers are taken from the Event 2 shows different results, with a single pulse
crustal model of Valdes et al. [17].
dominating the record between 3 and 8 s period. The last
column in Fig. 2, corresponding to the record of event 3,
shows an intermediate behaviour; several pulses appear
3. Waveform analysis already at 8 s period, but they are closer in time than the
different pulses we observed for event l at similar periods.
The records were filtered around 25 periods, from 1 to It is likely that these arrivals consist mainly of Rayleigh
10 s, using a butterworth filter with a passing band whose waves. We observe large similarities between traces of
width increases with frequency. The central frequency radial components for all stations for periods larger than
varies according to the expression 6 s. Clearly, ground motion at these periods is dominated
by wavetrains with wavelengths significantly longer than
f n ¼ f min ð1:1Þi1 , distance between stations. Consider now the smaller period
478 M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486

Table 2
Relevant data of the events used in this study

No. Date Long. W Lat. N Epi. Dist. (km) Depth (km) Baz. (deg.) Mw

1 14/09/95 98.8 16.6 314 21 173 7.5

2 11/01/97 103.0 17.9 442 33 248 7.3
3 15/06/99 97.4 18.2 223 70 127 7.0

Fig. 2. Topmost trace of each column: recorded vertical component at the C0 surface station of Roma array for the three events of Table 2. The
acceleration scale is in gals. Each trace below that one results from the application of one of 18 different band-pass filters to the original record. The central
period of each filter is given on the rightmost column in sec. Each filtered trace is scaled to its maximum amplitude, indicated close to it.

band. When the central period of the filter is smaller than after filtering through 18 band-pass filters (the central
3 s, several pulses appear in the filtered traces. The records period of the filter is indicated to the right of each trace).
show pulses with significant amplitude, which contributes For periods larger than T0 at the Roma site (2.25 s), the
to ground motion for a long time, more than 100 s in some waveforms are very similar between each group of three
cases. The shapes of the traces become very different traces, although the traces recorded at depth have smaller
between the different stations at these short periods and it amplitudes. At periods shorter than T0, 1D amplification
is no longer possible to identify common pulses between by the soft soil layers between C0 and C2 makes the
stations. records very different, and correlation drops sharply. The
Consider now the records obtained at depth. Fig. 3 surface trace (C0) and the trace at 30 m depth (C1) remain
shows the radial component recorded at the surface (C0), similar at shorter periods than do the traces at surface and
at 30 m depth (C1) and at 102 m depth (C2) for event 1. 102 m depth. A recurrent theme regarding ground motion
Below each recorded trace, we show the traces obtained at Mexico City has been the late arrivals that we can
M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486 479

Fig. 3. Topmost trace of each column: radial components recorded at the three stations of the Roma array that form the vertical line at location C for
event 2 of Table 2. The acceleration scale is in gals. C0 is the station at the surface, C1 is located 30 m below station C0, and C2 is located 102 m below
station C0. Each trace below the original radial records results from the application of one of 18 different band-pass filters to the original record. The
central period of each filter is given on the rightmost column in sec. Each filtered trace is scaled to its maximum amplitude, indicated close to it.

observe in the recorded traces at the surface. The recorded that of the record at surface. A similar behaviour is
trace at the surface in Fig. 3, for example, shows such a late observed for the transversal components. However, in the
arrival at 120 s time. Fig. 3 shows that this late arrival has case of the vertical records we do not observe any decrease
its energy around T0, is still present at C1 and is absent of amplitude with depth. Fig. 5 shows, for example, the five
from the record at C2. If we look at vertical components vertical traces recorded in Roma array for event 1 of Table
we observe similar late arrivals, but not correlated with 2. The traces have been band-pass filtered around 2.5 s,
radial ones. Similar plots were drawn for the transversal which corresponds to the site dominant period, and are
component. For example, Fig. 4 shows the transversal plotted with a common amplitude scale. We observe a large
component recorded at the surface (C0), at 30 m depth (C1) similarity between traces, both in shape and in amplitude.
and at 102 m depth (C2) for event 1. We observe that the The analysis of filtered traces shows clearly that T0 serves
transversal component is not correlated with either the as a limit between two different behaviours. For periods
vertical or radial (see Fig. 3) components for any of the around T0, the uncorrelated late arrivals between stations
period bands we analyse. Thus, the prominent pulses and components are responsible (at least in part) for large
observed for periods larger 6 s could correspond to the amplitudes and long durations. For longer periods traces
fundamental mode of Love waves. are similar, with common wavetrains between the different
Consider now the maximum amplitude of the traces stations, from which apparent velocities and directions of
shown in Fig. 3. For period larger than 6 s the amplitude of propagation can probably be measured. In the next section
the record at the surface is similar to those of the deep we apply a correlation analysis of the waveforms recorded
stations (C1 and C2). For periods less than 6 s the between surface and depth stations. We now try to
amplitude of the records at depth decreases and for periods quantify those differences observed at different periods
around T0 the amplitude at 102 m is 8 times smaller than and evaluate them in terms of propagating waves.
480 M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486

Fig. 4. Topmost trace of each column: transversal components recorded at the three stations of Roma array that form the vertical line at location C for
event 2 of Table 2. The acceleration scale is in gals. C0 is the station at the surface, C1 is located 30 m below station C0, and C2 is located 102 m below
station C0. Each trace below the original transverse records results from the application of one of 18 band-pass filters to the original record. The central
period of each filter is given on the rightmost column in seconds. Each filtered trace is scaled to its maximum amplitude, indicated close to it.


Acceleration (cm/sec2)




0 50 100 150 200

Time (sec)

Fig. 5. Vertical component records obtained at the five stations of Roma array for event 1 of Table 2. The traces have been band-pass filtered around a
period of 2.5 s. The amplitude scale is common to all traces. The similarity between all traces is remarkable.
M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486 481

4. Correlation analysis 10

Period (sec)

CC values
The analysis of waveforms shows that seismic ground 6 0
motion is composed of energetic long period pulses that 4
arrive at the stations during a long time. For periods larger 2
than 3 s we observed similar waveforms between vertical
0 50 100 150 200 250
and radial components, which suggest that the records Time (sec)
consist of Rayleigh waves. In order to explore in more
detail these wavetrains, we have used a crosscorrelation Fig. 6. Values of the correlation coefficient computed between the radial
and the vertical components for station C0 as a function of time along the
analysis. In a first time, we explored the ellipticity
record and central period of the filter used. Data come from event 1. The
computed for those parts of the records where we could rectangle dimensions along time coincide with the time window analysed.
identify significant correlation between vertical and radial The white portions in the diagram indicate time–frequency windows for
traces. In a second time, we analysed together the records which the correlation was deemed not valid.
from the five stations, trying to determine phase velocities
and directions of propagation of common wavetrains
across the array. between the radial and vertical components of station C0
We computed the crosscorrelation function for each (at the surface). The colour of each rectangle indicates the
couple of stations we analysed. To this end, we used the value of the correlation coefficient (CC) between the two
same set of bandpass filters discussed above. Each filtered traces, at the corresponding time and period window. The
trace was windowed using overlapping windows (an white space in the diagram indicates frequency–time
overlap of 1/3 of the window’s length). The length of each windows for which the crosscorrelation was considered
time window was 9 times the central period of the insignificant, attending to the above criteria. The time scale
corresponding bandpass filter. For each time window a in Fig. 6 is that used in Fig. 2, where we observed that
correlation coefficient was computed between the two amplitudes of the filtered traces are small for times smaller
waveforms to be compared. If there were perfect correla- than 30 s. The pulses with large amplitude appear at times
tion between the two windows, we expect a correlation larger than 30 s. Fig. 6 shows CC values close to 0.4 for
coefficient of 1 (for in-phase signals) or 1 (for opposition- periods larger than 7 s, and for the time window from 25 to
of-phase signals). From all the possible time–frequency 100 s. We verified (though a polarization analysis) that
windows for each station pair, we kept only those windows these time–frequency windows (periods larger than 7 s and
for which the crosscorrelation was significant and which time windows between 25 and 100 s) correspond to clear
had significant amplitudes. We defined a crosscorrelation Rayleigh waves. It is easy to verify this by observing the
value as significant by computing the probability (the p- similarity between waveforms for periods larger than 6 s
value) of getting that crosscorrelation value by pure between vertical and radial components in Fig. 2 of Event 1
chance, assuming that the true crosscorrelation value was and anyone of those shown in Fig. 3. Thus, we can
0. We kept only the crosscorrelation value for those establish that clear and well-developed Rayleigh waves
windows for which p was smaller than 0.05 (i.e., a 5% correspond with a CC value of 0.4. The prominent pulses
probability of getting that crosscorrelation value from pure observed at around 150 s time in Fig. 3, correspond to CC
chance). In addition, we made a selection based on the values between 0.2 and 0.4, suggesting that either they are
amplitudes of the time–frequency windows. After filtering not Rayleigh waves, or they propagate along a direction
the complete trace by anyone of our bandpass filters, we different from the epicentral one.
computed the sum of the squared amplitudes of the filtered We observe that the CC values are close to zero between
trace (ET). Then, for each time window chosen from the 5 and 7 s period at the beginning of the records, and for
filtered trace, we also computed the sum of the squared times larger than 180 s at periods larger than 7.5 s,
amplitudes (EW). We only kept the crosscorrelation values indicating that the vertical and radial components are not
for the time windows for which E W 40:85E T . If the correlated. In the period band from 2.5 to 4.5 s period, CC
correlation computed for a given frequency–time window values are close to 1 (that is, the signals are similar and in
was associated with a p-value larger than 0.05, or the phase). For period values close to T0, we observe large
amplitudes for that time window were small relative to the negative CC values, close to 1 (which means that the
amplitudes of the complete filtered trace the crosscorrela- waveforms between vertical and radial components are
tion was considered to be insignificant, and the results for very similar but in opposition of phase). For periods
that window were not processed any further. smaller than 2 s the value of CC changes rapidly, suggesting
Consider first the analysis of the three stations along the the presence of different wavetrains. The patches where CC
same vertical line (C0, C1, and C2) and the correlation is close to 0.4 in Fig. 6 indicate time–frequency windows
between vertical and radial (relative to the epicentre-station where the contribution of Rayleigh waves propagating
direction) components recorded at each station. Fig. 6 along the epicentral direction are dominant.
shows, for example, the significant correlation coefficients If ground motion consists essentially of surface waves,
as a function of time and period for event 1, computed we expect similar correlation between radial and vertical
482 M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486

10 7 s period show a wider range of values. The dominant

Differences of
Period (sec)

8 0.5 wavelengths (discussed below) are several km long, and

CC values
6 0 waves are still surface waves. We interpret this as
contributions from wavetrains propagating along direc-
2 tions different from the epicentral one (and thus we should
0 50 100 150 200 250 look at different directions for the radial component,
Time (sec) relative to the propagation direction). This suggests that
the irregular 3D geometry of the crust plays a large role in
Fig. 7. Difference between the correlation coefficient computed between
this period band (an equivalent result has been obtained
the radial and vertical components for station C0 (Fig. 6) and those
computed for station C2, at 102 m. using numerical modelling by Furumura and Kennett [12]).
For periods smaller than 3 s, ground motion is correlated
between the surface and 30 m depth, but it is not between
components at the surface and at depth. This would be the surface and 102 m depth, indicating that in this period
especially the case when the wavelength of those surface band, the energy gets trapped by the soft layer.
waves is larger than the distance between stations. We have Let us consider now the values of ellipticity, i.e., the ratio
computed the CC between radial and vertical components between the amplitudes of radial and vertical motions. We
for the station at 102 m depth, well below the lower limit of computed ellipticity only for those time–frequency win-
the very soft clay layer. Fig. 7 shows the difference between dows for which a valid CC value was computed previously
the CC values computed at the surface between radial and (e.g., the coloured rectangles in Fig. 6 for the radial and
vertical components, and those at 102 m depth. The white vertical components recorded at the surface for event 1).
space in Fig. 7 indicates time–frequency windows where the For each of those time–frequency windows, we computed
CC between vertical and radial components was insignif- the envelope of the windowed, filtered traces and a value of
icant either at the surface or at 102 m depth. Fig. 7 shows Ur/Uz determined as the ratio of the maximum amplitudes
that the correlation between radial and vertical at the of the envelope.
surface is very similar to the correlation between those two Fig. 8 shows, for example, the ratio Ur/Uz at the surface
components at 102 m depth, as the difference is close to (Fig. 8a) and at 102 m depth (Fig. 8b) for the intense part
zero for periods larger than 3 s. If correlation is high at the of the records (time window 25–150 s in Fig. 2) for event 1.
surface, it is also high at depth, all along the time duration Each coloured rectangle in Fig. 8 corresponds to a
of the records. This result supports the idea that surface particular time–frequency window. The colours represent
waves are dominant at all times, for periods larger than 3 s. the CC value computed for that particular time–frequency
The larger values in Fig. 7 (larger than |0.25|) at periods window, while the position of the rectangle indicates the
smaller than 3 s, indicate time–frequency windows where
the correlation between radial and vertical components at
the surface is different from that at depth, suggesting that 102
body waves are important. The limiting period coincides 0.5

CC values

with the dominant period of the very soft layers at Roma. 0

When we compare the CC values between radial and 100 -0.5
vertical components at the surface with those values
computed for the record at 30 m depth, we observe even 10-1
100 101
larger similarities (difference between CC values close to
(a) Period (sec)
zero) than those shown in Fig. 7. However, the distinction
between periods larger and smaller than 3 s is blurred. This 102
can be easily understood because the thickness of the soft 0.5
CC values

soil layer at the Roma site that produce the resonance at 101

2.25 s is larger than 30 m, the depth of station C1. Thus,
100 -0.5
even body waves will be similar between the records at the
surface and at 30 m depth. 10-1
A similar analysis was done for events 2 and 3. The 100 101
results are very similar to those for event 1. The CC values (b) Period (sec)
computed between the radial and vertical components Fig. 8. Ellipticity as a function of period for event 1 recorded at the
recorded at the surface are very similar to those computed surface (a, station C0) and at 102 m depth (b, station C2). The centre of
between the same components recorded at 102 m depth for each coloured rectangle indicates the observed ellipticity value as a
periods larger than 3 s. The same comparison of CC values function of period. The colour of each rectangle indicates the value of the
CC for the corresponding frequency window, according to the colour scale
between the record at the surface and that at 30 m depth
to the right of each diagram. The analysis included 100 s of the record,
results in smaller differences. For periods larger than 7 s, from 50 to 150 s time in Fig. 2. The thick lines show the expected ellipticity
these surface waves propagate along the direction from curves for the fundamental (solid) and first higher (dashed) modes of
epicentre to stations. However, CC values between 3 and Rayleigh waves, computed for the soil model given in Table 1.
M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486 483

ellipticity value as a function of period. For periods larger for all possible combinations between 4 stations), and
than 4 s, Ur/Uz values are similar at the surface and at j ¼ 1, 2, 3; being the index of the component of slowness
102 m depth. Also in this period range, CC values (given by vector. Vector xj, is formed by the unknown components of
the colours of the rectangles in Fig. 8) are similar between the slowness vector, ~ p,
the surface and 102 m depth. For periods between 2 and 0 1
3.5 s, Ur/Uz at the surface is larger than at 102 m depth, by Bp C
a factor between 5 and 10. We have shown that vertical ~
p ¼ @ y A,
components are not affected by the soft surficial layers at pz
Roma. Thus, the large difference in the ellipticity values
where x points to the East, y to the North and z upwards.
between the surface and 102 m depth in this period range
The slowness vector completely characterizes a plane wave,
reflects the large amplification of horizontal ground motion
as it points in the direction of its propagation, and its
in this period range. For periods smaller than 2 s, there is
module is the inverse of its propagation velocity:
not a large difference in ellipticity values between the
surface and 102 m depth, although values at the surface are 1
pj ¼
slightly larger. Also, the CC values indicated by the colours c
are not correlated between the two diagrams for periods and the direction of propagation in the horizontal plane,
smaller than 2 s, indicating that ground motion is not measured clockwise from the North, can be obtained as
correlated at those two sites. We have included in Fig. 8 the  
theoretical ellipticity curves for the fundamental (solid line) 1
x ¼ tan .
and first higher (dashed line) modes of Rayleigh waves px
computed for the composite velocity profile at Roma site Finally, vector yi contains the measured time delays
(Table 1). For periods larger than 4.5 s, the position of the between common waveforms for our 6 station pairs. Given
rectangles (i.e., the observed ellipticity) follows the that Roma array is small, the values obtained for long
theoretical curve for the fundamental mode, both at the wavelengths (long periods) may have large uncertainties.
surface and at 102 m depth. Our analysis indicates that Fig. 9 plots the values of the three components of the
ground motion is dominated by surface waves for periods slowness vector, obtained for event 1, for those time
larger than 4.5 s. Between 2 and 3.5 s period the analysis windows where the largest amplitudes occur (25–180 s). In
indicates that horizontal motion at the surface is domi- spite of the large uncertainties, we observe a very clear
nated by the resonance of the soft clay layer. difference between these values for periods larger than T0
As our final analysis stage we computed phase velocity and those for periods smaller than T0. For periods larger
and direction of propagation from our records. The than T0, the slowness vector has small components, which
crosscorrelation computation allows to measure not only correspond to large phase velocity values. The horizontal
the similarity between traces. It also allows us to compute a components are larger than the vertical component, which
delay between station pairs. If we assume plane wave indicates that the corresponding waves propagate only on
propagation, it is possible to estimate the phase velocities the horizontal plane (if pz is small, this means that velocity
and the directions of propagation of the waves from those is infinite in the vertical direction). For periods smaller than
delays. We have used the three components (vertical, radial
and transversal) recorded at the three surface stations (A0, 0.002
B0 and C0) plus that at 102 m depth (station C2). These 4 px
stations have all similar inter-station distances. We py
measured time delays, as a function of time along the 0.001 pz
Slowness (sec/km)

record and period, for all possible station pairs among

these 4 stations. Following our previous computations, we
have only considered time delays measured from cross- 0
correlations that satisfied our quality requirements (asso-
ciated p-value smaller than 0.05 and energy of the filtered
time window larger than 85% of the energy for the -0.001
complete filtered trace). If we assume plane wave propaga-
tion, the time delays can be used to calculate apparent
velocities across the array and corresponding directions of 1 10
propagation. Period (sec)
The procedure consists in constructing and solving the
following equation system Fig. 9. Values of the three components of the slowness vector computed
from the CC values obtained for event 1 as a function of period. The
Aij xj ¼ yi , slowness vector was computed from the delays among station pairs,
obtained from the crosscorrelation computations. The propagation
where A is the matrix of distances between stations, with velocity along each of the three spatial components equals the inverse of
i ¼ 1, 2,y,6, being the station pair number (equal to six the corresponding slowness component.
484 M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486

T0, we observe a large scatter of the values of the slowness large wavelengths over a small distance. The apparent
vector components. The corresponding phase velocities velocities for periods smaller than T0 show a much smaller
decrease significantly. The vertical component slowness scatter, and are comprised between 0.5 and 1.5 km/s. In this
also increases significantly indicating that we have vertical period range, wavelengths are smaller, but still larger than
as well as horizontal propagation. 1 km. We have argued that ground motion is controlled by
Consider now only the wave propagation along the free propagation within the soft clay layers at frequencies below
surface (i.e., the horizontal components of slowness). From T0. However, apparent velocity on the free surface is still
the values of px and py, we can compute the apparent much larger than the expected propagation velocity (which
velocity along the free surface and the direction of can be as low as 60 m/s). This implies that wave
propagation of the waves. The results are shown in propagation is mostly in the vertical direction, which we
Fig. 10. Regarding the phase velocity, we observe again measure as large phase velocities along the free surface. As
two different pictures according to the period band, but the regards the direction of propagation, shown in the lower
results are very similar between vertical and radial diagram, we do not observe the large differences we
components. For periods larger than T0, the scatter in observed for apparent as a function of period. At large
apparent velocity is very large. This is due to the very large periods, the waves seem to propagate predominantly in the
errors of our procedure at these large periods. We expect direction epicentre-stations (shown by the dashed line),
phase velocities about 3 km/s, which implies wavelengths however, these results are flawed by large uncertainties. At
between 9 km (at 3 s period) and 24 km (at 8 s period). The periods smaller than T0, the wavefield seems to have
small Roma array is unable to measure the delay of these contributions propagating towards the SW and towards
the NW, however, the scatter is large.

5. Conclusions
Apparent velocity (km/sec)

We have explored the nature of the seismic wavefield

3 that propagated in the lake zone of Mexico City during
three large earthquakes. The data we used were the records
of those events in the stations of the accelerograph array at
Roma site, installed and maintained by CENAPRED,
Mexico. Three of these stations form a triangle at the
1 surface, while two more are installed at 30 and 102 m
depth. The records were bandpass filtered around 25
0 periods, from 1 to 10 s, using a butterworth filter with a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 passing band whose width increases with frequency. In a
Period (sec) first time, we compared the filtered traces qualitatively. In a
second time, the filtered traces were analysed in detail
computing the crosscorrelation among traces as a function
of time and period. The delays computed from the
crosscorrelation analysis, when the observed correlation
Direction of propagation

was large, were used to determine phase velocities and

directions of propagation of the wavefield across Roma
E The qualitative analysis of the filtered traces showed
that, at long periods, the wavefield consists of surface
waves guided by the crustal structure. The crosscorrelation
S analysis indicates that these surface waves in the vertical
and radial components correspond to the fundamental and
possibly also the first higher modes of Rayleigh waves,
W propagating from the epicentral region for the more intense
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
part of the signals. The late part of the records shows the
Period (sec)
same propagation modes but with contributions from
Fig. 10. Apparent velocity (top diagram) and direction of propagation other directions of propagation. We observed that seismic
(bottom diagram) as a function of period on the free surface (i.e., the duration is independent of the direction between epicentre
vertical component of the slowness vector was not considered). The
and stations of the event. The recorded ground motion has
dashed line in the bottom diagram indicates the direction from the
epicentre to the stations. The shaded circles correspond to results for the large duration around the fundamental period at Roma site
vertical component, while the squares indicate the results for the radial (T 0 ¼ 2:25 s). At this period, we observe that monochro-
component. matic wavetrains (the notorious beating) dominates the
M. Cárdenas-Soto, F.J. Chávez-Garcı´a / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 475–486 485

coda of the records at the surface, but are not observed at show infinite apparent velocity along the free surface, as we
102 m depth. expect for vertically propagating waves. We observe rather
The cross correlation analysis was used to measure the an apparent velocity along the free surface of about 1 km/s.
degree of similarity between records. We observed that the However, all of our previous results at these short periods
vertical motion is similar among all the stations and almost indicate that the resonance of the soft clay layers controls
for all the period range we analysed. Vertical ground ground motion at the surface. This apparent contradiction
motion is not amplified as it propagates through 102 m of is solved if we assume that the motion we observe at short
totally saturated soil. In contrast, horizontal components periods is the vertical resonance of the clay layers, but
are correlated only for periods larger than 5 s. For periods driven by surface waves propagating beneath those. Thus,
smaller than 5 s, the station at 102 m depth is not correlated our results strongly support the explanation of the long
with the stations at the surface. In contrast, the correlation duration at Mexico City as the result of the interaction of
is high among the stations at the surface for periods larger surface waves with the very local 1D resonance.
than 3 s. For periods smaller than 3 s, even the three surface All of our results suggest that, for periods larger than the
stations (with spacing smaller than 140 m) become un- dominant period at Roma site (T0), surface waves
correlated. For those time-period-windows for which we dominate ground motion. At T0, horizontal ground motion
observed large correlation, we computed the average Ur/Uz becomes uncorrelated between the surface and 102 m
amplitude ratio as a function of period and time along the depth, with the notorious monochromatic beating appear-
records. The results showed again that, for periods larger ing at the surface. This argues against the interpretation of
than 5 s, ground motion in the vertical and radial that beating in terms of 1D propagation, as proposed in
components is dominated by the fundamental mode of Singh and Ordaz [2]. For periods smaller than T0, our
Rayleigh waves. Likewise, at long periods, ground motion results suggest the coexistence of body and surface waves,
in the transversal component is dominated by the funda- propagating within the soft clay layers. Thus, in order to
mental mode of Love waves. The basis for this statement is understand the long duration of ground motion in the lake
that transversal motion at long periods occurs as a single zone of Mexico City, we need to consider together path and
energy group, which arrives at Roma before the funda- site effects. The results presented here argue in favour of
mental mode of Rayleigh waves arrives at the vertical and the interaction of surface waves with the local 1D
radial components. The advance of this group in the resonance as the physical mechanism that can explain the
transversal component is equal to the predicted difference observed ground motion. Those surface waves do not
between Love and Rayleigh waves computed from a appear to be a single mode, but seem to result from
standard crustal model in central Mexico and the contributions propagating from the source and also from
epicentral distance. For periods between 2 and 3.5 s, the diffractors on the path source—Mexico City.
ellipticity values at the surface are larger by a factor
between 5 and 10 than those values at 102 m depth. Given
that the correlation between motion at the surface and at Acknowledgements
depth decreases sharply in this period band, this is evidence
that motion in this period band is dominated by the 1D The analysis presented here was initiated during a visit of
resonance of the soft clay layers. one of us (MC) to LGIT, Grenoble, France. The
Finally, the time delays between filtered seismic records discussions with P.Y. Bard during this visit were very
obtained from the crosscorrelation were used to determine helpful. The article benefited from the comments of an
phase velocity and direction of propagation, assuming anonymous reviewer. CENAPRED, Mexico, owns and
plane waves. For periods larger than T0 the horizontal operates the Roma array. We thank them for maintaining
components of the slowness vectors show small values this array with high-quality standards and for graciously
(indicating large propagation velocities). The vertical providing the data. This study was supported by CON-
components are even smaller than the horizontal, indicat- ACYT, Mexico, under Contract 32588-T.
ing that the waves propagate in a horizontal plane. The
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