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EE (Advanced) Motion in a Plane 45

(i) When body lands on ground its y cO-ordinate becomes zero

10t- 4f =0
t= 2.5 s Time of flight = 2.5 s

(ii) Range is displacement of particle at t =2.5 s

R=x = 1043(2.5)
=2513 m.
(iv) At maximum height, y component of velocity becomes zero
V,= 0, 10- 8t =0
so t =1.25 s
Ymax =10 x 1.25 4(1.25)
= 6.25 m.

(v) u, = 1043, u, = 10
Angle of projection
tan 9 = =

after projection the velocity of the particle

KAMPLE 3: Aparticle is projected in the xyplane. Two seconds velocity becomes horizontal. Find the
makes angle 45° with x-axis but 4 s after projection
velocity of projection. (g = 10ms)
from horizontal.
blution : Let the initial velocity of particle is u at 0 angle
becomes zero then
After 4 s, velocity becomes horizontal i.e., v,
0= u sin 0- g4)
or, u sin 0 = 4g ..)
After 2 s
V, = u, - gt= u sin
Vy usin0-2g
tan 45° = ucos

usin 9 - 2g = u cos 0

Since u sin 0 = 4g
So, 4g-2g = u cos 0
or, u cos 0 = 2g and u sin 0 = 4g
Squaring and adding
°(cos?0 + sin°0) = 20g²
or, u= 245 g
= 2045 m/s.
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone :011-47623456
46 Motion ina Plane
EXAMPLE 4: Aparticle is projectedfrom the ground at an
thattanat angle
any position of point Ashow tanß =tanb, with
Solution : In triangle OAM BX
tan a=x
Similarily in AAMB, tan ß=R-X
Now, tana +tan 8=XR-X
tan a+ tan ß X(R-X)
..) Axh
Again path of the projectile can be given as
y=xtane|-l M
for the shown co-ordinate system as Alies on the path
or tan 8 = hR
x(R-x) ..)
from equations (i) and (iü)
tan a +tan ß= tan

Note: Remember this result.

EXAMPLE 5: Aball rolls off the top of a stair way with a horizontal velocity um's. fithe st
and y mwide then find n, if the ballhits the edge of the n step.
/Solution : If the ball hits the edge of the nth step then total height through which te
metres and horizontal range is ny meters.

Now, time taken by the ball to hit the edge of the n"

Horizontal distance covered in above time, ny = ut

2nx 2xu²
ny=U g gy
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New
JEE (Advanced) Molion in a Pane 47

EYAMPLE 6: Aprojectile is fired from the edge of a 200 mhigh cliff with an intial velocity of 180 ls, at
an angle of 30" with the horizontal, find (g 10 m/s)
(a) The horizontal distance from the gun to the point where the projectile strikes the
(b) The greatest elevation above the ground reached by the projoctile.
Solution : (a) Let us choose the origin at point of projection and x-y axes as shown ín the fgure.
When the projectile lands at Qvertical displacernent, y=-200.
usin 6

y=-200 m

-200 =90t-x10
ground at Q is 20 s.
t=20 si.e., the time taken by particle to strike the
Horízontal displacenent

x-(u cos®) t =(180 ×(20) =3118 m

vertical velocity becormes zero (y, =0)
(b) When the projectile reaches its greatest elevation
or y=405 m
0² = (u sin9) +2(-g)y or 0=(90) +2(-10)y 405 = 605 m.
Greatest elevation from the ground = 200 +
projected from the foot of an inclined plane having inclnation 45, with the
particle is
ExAMPLE7: A containing the line of
the horizontal in a vertical plane
velocity u at an angle 0 (> 45) withprojection.
greatest slope through the point of


plane () horizontaly () nomally

Find the value of tan if the particle strikes the
strikes the plane after time t.
Solution: Let A be the point where the particle
then OB= AB =h
OA =h2
component of its velocity at A
(i) As the particle strikes the plane horizontally, vertical
will be zero.
For horizontal motion

OB= (ucos 0)f’h= ucos et ...0)

For vertical motion

0= usin-gt
or usin=gt .0)
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 01147623456
48 Motion in a Plane

again, AB= (usin 9)-g

From equations (), (i) and (i)
ucos Bt =usin 6t-5(usin 9)t
’ tan0=2
() As the particle hits the plane
at this instant will be zero and normally, component of its
For the motion along the plane displacement
0= ucos(0-- 45°)-gsin45°t

perpendiCUar veotiy
to be

Again, for the motion

perpendicular to the plane from
sin (0 -45)
From equations (i) &(ü)
tan0 =3

EXAMPLE8: Aball is thrown vertically upward with

constant velocity 5 m/s horizontally. A velocity 20 m/s from a ral m.
as projectile. Find time of
flight person standing on the around the
Solution : and range of the
In y-direction projectile. (g =10 ms
u,= 20 m/s, u, =5 m/s
a, =-g=-10 m/s?
Therefore time of flight
T= 2uy

2X10 20 =4
R =Tu
horizontal range
=4 x 5= 20 m
EXAMPLE9: Aman standing on aroad has to
He throws the hold his umbrella at 60 with verticaltok
head vertically.umbrella and starts
running at 20 m/s. He findsthatrain
Find the speed of the rain drops W.rt. (a) theroad(p)t

Solution :
|Va|= 20 mls
20 40
sin 60º VA

and | Veu |= 20
VeM =Velocity of rain
w.rt. man.
JEE (Advanced) Motion in a Plane 49

moment, their
CYAMPLE 10: TWO particies, 1and 2, move with constant velocities V and V. At the initial
position vectors are YË and r2. Howmust these four vectors be interrelated for theparticles
to collide?
Solution :
For two particles to collide when particle Ais seen from particle B, its velocity must always
be directed towards B.

A() -
/- B2)

Velocity of Arelative to B must always be parallel to BA.

V-V2 must be in the direction of Y-Y

two points in the same plane as shown. Find the

EXAMPLE 11: TWoparticles P and Q are projected from
condition for collision of two particles.
Solution : Relative velocity and acceleration of P w.r.t. Q

= (u cos 0, t Uz cos 02)i +(u sin 0, - Uz Sin 02)/

As one projectile Pmoves on a straight line h.
another projectile Q, and if they collide, then line
of motion must pass through Q.
h2- hhU sin 0,- hSin 2
d U cOs , + Uz Cos 2
particles to collide.
This is the condition for two
horizontal. At
projected with an initial velocity of 60 m/s at an angle 30° to the speed of
EXAMPLE 12: Aparticle is particle B is projected in opposte direction with initial collide
the same time a second particle
100 m from A as shown in figure. If the
50 m/s from a point at a distance of
in air. find
particle B,
(0 The angle ofprojection a of
= 10 m/s?)
(i) Time when collision takes place. (g

60 m/s 50 m/s


Solution: UA = (60 cos 30')i +(60 sin 30")j

= 3043 Î+30/
U = (-50 cos a)i +(50 sin a),
As both the particles are falling under gravity, their relative acceleration is zero.
Corporafe Office:Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone:011-47623456

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