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Tutorial Week 1 – Improving Communication

AIX Ltd is a firm which undertakes road reconstruction and maintenance. The work is carried out by
teams which operate independently of each other and on-site, spending little time at head office. As
a team coordinator, you have investigated a number of recent customer complaints about delays and
misunderstandings. It appears that instructions given from the head office are not reaching the teams
quickly or clearly enough; although both sales staff and work planners deny the problem. The teams
respond that they have raised concerns about coordination time after time at bi-monthly ‘planning
committee’ meetings, but nothing ever gets done: the committee is ‘all talk, no action’ – and the teams
come away feeling that head office lacks understanding of their work and respect for their input.

• Identify the problems of poor communication on different levels.

• The Managing Director, Ahmed Waheed, asks you to draft a training programme to improve
communications at AIX

he problems of poor communication within AIX Ltd can be identified at several levels:

1. Between Head Office and Teams:

o Instructions from head office are not reaching the teams quickly or clearly
enough, leading to delays and misunderstandings.
o Despite the teams raising concerns about coordination repeatedly in planning
committee meetings, no concrete actions are taken to address the issue.
o The teams perceive a lack of understanding and respect from head office
regarding their work and input.
2. Within the Planning Committee:
o The planning committee meetings seem to be ineffective, with little action
taken on the concerns raised by the teams.
o There may be a lack of follow-through on decisions made during these
meetings, leading to a disconnect between planning and implementation.
3. Between Sales Staff, Work Planners, and Teams:
o While sales staff and work planners deny the existence of communication
problems, the teams are experiencing issues with receiving instructions clearly
and in a timely manner.
o There may be a breakdown in communication channels between these
different departments, leading to misunderstandings and delays in project

To address these communication challenges, here's a draft training program that Ahmed
Waheed could consider implementing:

Training Program Title: Enhancing Communication and Collaboration at AIX Ltd


1. To improve the clarity and speed of communication between head office and on-site
2. To foster a culture of open communication, understanding, and respect between all
levels of the organization.
3. To enhance coordination and collaboration between different departments involved in
project execution.
Training Modules:

1. Effective Communication Skills:

o Importance of clear and concise communication.
o Active listening techniques.
o Strategies for ensuring messages are understood and retained.
2. Understanding Different Communication Styles:
o Identifying individual communication preferences.
o Adapting communication styles to suit different team members and
o Resolving conflicts arising from communication differences.
3. Building Trust and Respect in Communication:
o Importance of trust and respect in effective communication.
o Strategies for fostering trust and respect within teams and between
o Handling disagreements and feedback constructively.
4. Improving Communication Channels:
o Reviewing existing communication channels and identifying areas for
o Introducing new tools or systems to facilitate faster and clearer
o Establishing protocols for regular updates and feedback loops.
5. Enhancing Interdepartmental Collaboration:
o Understanding the roles and responsibilities of different departments.
o Promoting cross-departmental collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
o Encouraging teamwork and collective problem-solving.
6. Effective Meeting Management:
o Planning and facilitating productive meetings.
o Setting clear agendas and objectives.
o Ensuring follow-up actions are assigned and tracked.

Implementation Plan:

1. Conduct a needs assessment to identify specific communication challenges within the

2. Develop training materials and resources tailored to address the identified needs.
3. Schedule training sessions for all employees, including head office staff, sales teams,
work planners, and on-site teams.
4. Incorporate interactive activities, role-plays, and real-life scenarios to reinforce
5. Provide ongoing support and coaching to reinforce new communication habits and
6. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the training program through feedback
surveys, performance metrics, and observation.
7. Make adjustments and improvements to the program based on feedback and results.

By implementing this training program, AIX Ltd can work towards improving
communication at all levels of the organization, leading to enhanced efficiency, reduced
misunderstandings, and ultimately, greater customer satisfaction.

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