Alex Feeddback February

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Monthly Evaluation for Students

Teacher : TINE
Student : ERIC

Participation :
Listening :
Speaking :
Reading :

Hello Dear Alex! I am happy that you were able to participate in the class
more. Every time we have a class, you are so relaxed and all ears. I am so
proud that though over the span of few months that we’ve been together,
the improvement is there and it is present and you were able to read counta-
ble words. I see your curiosity every time we have a class. You always have a
lot of questions to ask to Teacher and that is a sign of a good thinking. I am
glad with how you improved with your ability to relate, understand and read
the words by yourself that only requires small assistance from Teacher Tine.
Alex, I am looking for more improvement that you can do whether here in our
class or to other Teachers, I am hoping that you will bring that learnings that
you have learned from our class to anywhere you go. You did a good job
and I hope you will continue to do a great job in the future.

For reading skills Alex, you should try to enunciate more the consonant letters such
as ch/ tr/sv/ lr/ tr. Try to read at slower pace so that when you enunciate the words
when reading the sen tence, it would be more understandable. Please do read
grammar books, basic one’s if you have spare time. Your writing skills also need
some improvement and do practice more, two words everyday and make it in a

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