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Training Presentation March, 2023

Introduction to Diabetes



Neha Kumari Singh left


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Carbohydrates Insulin is Glucose enters Karan

breakdown to Glucose enters synthesized by the cells of the
Consumption of glucose after the blood to be the pancreas in body with the
carbohydrates digestion transported to all response to rise help of insulin, t
(glycogen to parts of body in blood glucose be used for
glucose) levels energy
Karan is presentung

2 3 4 5


Carbohydrates Insulin is Glucose enters

breakdown to Glucose enters synthesized by the cells of the
Consumption of glucose after the blood to be the pancreas in body with the
carbohydrates digestion transported to all response to rise help of insulin, to
(glycogen to parts of body in blood glucose be used for
glucose) levels energy
Karan is preseiAg

Hormones released by different Endocrine glands

Hormone Secreting gland(s) Function
Thyroid hormone Thyroid Helps control several body functions, including the rate of metabolism and energy levels
Insulin Pancreas Helps reduce your blood glucose levels
Glucagon Pancreas Helps increase levels of blood glucose (blood sugar) Karan
Adrenaline Adrenal Increases blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolism in reaction to stress
Aldosterone Adrenal Controls the body's salt and water balance
Cortisol Adrenal Plays a role in stress response
(DHEA-S) Adrenal Aids in production of body odour and growth of body hair during puberty
Estrogen Ovary Regulate the menstrual cycle and develop female sex characteristics, aids in sperm production
FSH Pituitary Controls the production of eggs and sperm
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Pituitary Controls estrogen and testosterone production as well as ovulation
Melatonin Pineal Controls sleep-wake cycles
Oxytocin Pituitary Helps with lactation, childbirth,and mother-child bonding
Parathyroid hormone Parathyroid Controls calcium levels in bones and blood
Progesterone Ovary Helps prepare the body for pregnancy when an egg is fertilized
Prolactin Pituitary Promotes breast-milk production
Testosterone Ovary, adrenal Contributes to sex drive and body density and development of male sex characteristics

Karan is presenAg

Lock and Key


Glucose Insulin is the key Glucose channel open, Karan

Insulin Glucose channel
that uniocks the glucose to enter
glucose channel the cell


Karan is presenAg
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aec-qkbp-odk Lock and Key
Glucose -Insulin is the key Glucose hannel open,
Insulin that unlocks the glucose to enter
Glucose channel glucose channel the cel


Karan is presenting

What and How

What is diabetes? How is it diagnosed?
Diabetes is due to ether the pancreas Your doctor can diagnose diabetes.
not producing enough insulin, or the prediabetes, and gestationaldiabetes using
cells of the body not responding Karan
property to the insulin produced
blood tests The blood tests show if your
blood glucose level. also called blood sugar,
Healthy nsuin
is higher than the range that is healthy for
you Blood tests can also help identify the
type of diabetes you have

Type2 insun

nd o

Insulin is a very important hormone secreted by Pancreas. It helps your body turn food into energy and controls blood glucose levels.
Karan is presenüAg
Treatment: From Diagnosis to treatment
Diabetes Management


Insulin Medicine Monitor

Type 2:- Metformin is the most common medicine for type 2 diabetes. It can help keep your blood sugar at a healthy level.
Doctors may prescribe combination therapy to people with type 2 diabetes who have high blood glucose levels despite relying
on treatment with metformin or another medication

Somebody who is on Insulin and the amount is more than 50 units we do not take such cases.

Karan is presenüng
Treatment: From Diagnosis to treatment
Diabetes Management


Insulin Medicine Monitor

Type 2:- Metformin is the most common medicine for type 2diabetes. It can help keep your blood sugar at a healthy level.
Doctors may prescribe combination therapy to people with type 2 diabetes who have high blood glucose levels despite relying
on treatment with metformin or another medication

Somebody who is on Insulin and the amount is more than 50 units we do not take such cases.

Karan is presenüng


Type 1 Type 2 Gestational

A chronic condition in which the A chronic condition that affects the A form of high blood sugar affecting
pancreas produce little or no way the body processes blood pregnant women.
insulin. sugar(glucose).

Cases we don't take:- Type 1, Mody(Maturity onset diabetes of the young before 30 y). gestational
and neonatal diabetes(rare form of diabetes that occurs within first 6m of life of a baby).
Karan is preseniAg

Diagrammatic Representation
Cells do not When she is Gestational Diabetes
pregnant Sometimes these
No Insulin respond to insulin A woman's homones afect the Karan
body makes pancreas

Type 1Diabetes Type 2Diatbetes
The woman has
higher biood sugar
Cells donot absorb glucose The pancreas produces
less eftective insuln

Karan is presenüng
1. What causes type 1 diabetes?
Itoccurs when your immune system, the body's system for fighting infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-producin
beta cells of the pancreas Karan

2. What causes type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes--the most common form of diabetesis caused by several factors, including lifestyle factors and genes
Overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity, Insulin resistance, Genes and family history.
3. What causes gestational diabetes?
Insulin resistance:-Hormones produced by the placenta contribute to insulin resistance, which occurs in all women
During late pregnancy Most pregnant women can produce enough insulin toovercome insulin resistance, but some cannof
Gestational diabetes occurs when the pancreas can't make enough insulin.
Genes and family history

Karan is presenÜng
Symptoms: Recognizing the signs
Abnormal thirst and Excessive thirst and
dry mouth dry mouth

Frequent and
Frequent urination abundant urination Feeling thirsty

Lack of energy. Lack of energy. Feeling hungry High blood

fatigue extreme tiredness sugar

Blurred vision Blurred vision


Constant hunger Recurrent fungal infections

of the skin Karan
Blurry vision Tingling limbs
Sudden weight loss Slow healing wounds

Tingling or numbness
Bed-wetting in hands and feet Frequent urination
Karan is presenNAg

Blood Sugar Control

High blood sugar
Raises blood sugar Promotes

Stimulates glycogen

Glycogen Glucose Pancreas

Stimulates Insulin
glycogen formaton
uptake Karan
Tissue cells from Promotes
Lowers blood sugar blood glucagon

Low blood sugar

Karan is presenAg

Healthy range
Fasting Healthy 80 to 100 mgdl Prediabetes can be reversed with diet if
Pre diabetes 100-120 mg/dl doctor has not recommended medicines
Diabetic more than 120mg/dl

PP Healthy 100 to 140 mgdl

Diabetic more than 140 mg/di

5.6 HbA1c Normal less than or equal to 6.6 Prediabetes can be reversed with diet if doctor ha
not recommended medicines.
Prediabetic 6.7 to 6.4
Diabetic with HbA1c 6.5 Or more cannot be revers
Diabetic more than 6.5 ,dosage can be reduced.
Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) is your average blood glucose levels for
last 3m

|Fasting blond sugar (12-hr empty stomach) PP (after food)-2 hours

Karan 0s presening
Healthy range
Fasting Healthy 80 to 100 mgdl Prediabetes can be reversed with diet if
Pre diabetes 100-120 mg/dl doctor has not recommended medicines
Diabetic more than 120mg/dl

PP Healthy 100 to 140 mgdl

Diabetic more than 140mg/dl

5.6 HbA1c Normal less than or equal to 6.6 Prediabetes can be reversed with diet if doctor has
not recommended medicines.
Prediabetic 5.7 to 6.4 Diabetic with HbA1c 6.5 Or more cannot be reversed
Diabetic more than 6.5 .dosage can be reduced.

Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) is your average blood glucose levels for

last 3m.

Fasting blond sugar (12-hr empty stomach) PP (after food)-2 hours

Karan 0s pesSening

Food items to Avoid and Enjoy

Diet Planned in Fitelo is according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines
Avoid trans fats- Trans fats are unhealthy
Include fruits and
fats and are present in butter, Dalda etc The
major dietary sources of trans fats are cakes, vegetables, (spinach kale,cabbage Karan
cookies, crackers, animal products, margarine choy, broccoli, brown rice,whole grain
fried potatoes.potato chips, cereals.popcorn,etc bread,whole grain
")}} pasta,buckwheat kidney beans, black
Eat fewer processed foods, Avoid hofug beans,walnuts, citrus fruits)
especially ultra-processed
foods.Ultra-processed foods tend to be lower in Eat lean protein -Plain Greek
nutrients and fiber and higher in sugar, fat and yogurt, Skinless white meat poultry, Low
salt compared to minim ally processed foods fat cottage cheese, Tofu, egg white fish
Some examples of ultra-processed foods include
soda. packaged cookies, chips, frozen meals. Choose foods with less added
flavored nuts flavored yogurt. alcoholic beverages
and fast foods sugar Vegetables carrots, onions
mushrooms, broccoli Grains brown rice.
High GI foods, alcohol.Carbohydrate quinoa, oats
foods that are broken down quickly by your
body and cause a rapid increase in blood
glucose have a high Gl. Examples sugar, white
bread otatoes,white rice,sugary drinks, etc
Karan 0s presentng
Yoga for Diabetes

Benefits of YOGA Certain yoga practices can help to regulate

blood sugar levels
Kapalbhat Pranayama
Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, and
" Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

Kapalbhati Mandukasana

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama


Frequently asked questions

No, as it depends upon lot of factors Iike incidence,alcohol intake

Is Diabetes reversible? smoking, sleep and stress It can be controlled with right diet, exercise and Karan
lifestyle changes Only pre diabetics are reversible provided the clent is
on no medication

Ahemoglobin A1C (HbA1C)test is a blood test that shows what your

What is HbA1c? average blood sugar (glucose) level was over the past three months

Have prediabetes, are overweight, are 45 years or older, family

Who are at risk of Diabetes? history of type 2 diabetes, are physically active less than 3 times a

Karan is preseniüng

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