Black Lotus-1

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Hello everyone. Welcome to Cinema Magic! Be sure to hit that like button and subscribe button
as we recap the 2023 action thriller movie titled "Black Lotus," directed by Todor Chapkanov.
We begin at the German National Opera in Hamburg, Germany, where an orchestra crew is
getting ready for rehearsals despite being approached by some armed bandits. Without the team's
knowledge, they begin to scatter. When their conductor shows up, they start the rehearsals, but
soon after, the criminals show up and shoot in the air. As the gangsters declare on a live feed that
they have taken control and want a ransom, the rescue team led by John arrives, and he gives
them the last instructions. John tells everyone to wait for his orders before firing, but after the
gangster boss takes out one woman and shoots her, Mateo decides to disobey John's orders and
fire at the gangsters. With no other option, John orders all other tactical units to start shooting at
the criminals to eradicate them. This leads to a battle in which John's tactical unit demonstrates
great skill and eliminates the majority of the gangsters. Following a brief period of agitated
gunfire, John begins to accuse Mateo of disobeying his commands; nevertheless, it appears that
Mateo was injured and is not in good condition. Unluckily, John is shot to death when one of the
gangsters who had been posing as a captive suddenly stands up, and Mateo finishes him. Five
years after what happened to John, Mateo is a retired special forces member who works in a
sawmill in Romania. Despite this, his life appears unhappy. Additionally, after he receives a
picture, we are taken back to his enjoyable moments spent with John's family. On payday, he
announces his retirement, booking a ticket to Bucharest and sitting in a van to leave. On the other
hand, in Amsterdam, the Interpol team led by Agent Shira intercepts a drug shipment and helps
mafias who come from different mafia groups. They hit one of them and take him away as one
gangster reports to the mob boss named Siobhan that Interpol has intercepted their shipment. It
turns out that one of the captives is an undercover Interpol agent who helped in the interception
of this drug shipment, and Shira informs him that he needs to press more because they need to
arrest the mob bosses. Mateo arrives in Amsterdam, and we are introduced to Paul, a
businessman who deals with cryptocurrencies over the phone. He informs his client that
everything is going well, but upon sitting on the computer to track his cryptographs, it doesn't
seem well. Mateo arrives at John's house, where he finds his daughter named Angie, whom he
tells to call her mother Helen, who is amazed upon seeing him and invites him inside for coffee.
While inside, Mateo learns that Helen is now married to Paul, and Helen blames him for not
attending John's burial, yet he is like a brother to her. Mateo apologizes that it was his fault John
died, which Helen doesn't welcome because she has moved on and doesn't want to get reminded
about it again. Mateo moves out to leave, but Helen calls him back to stay for a while as Siobhan
gets into misunderstandings with his chef over the dish he prepares, which doesn't attract clients
to his restaurant. Helen informs Mateo that he can use some of John's remaining items if he
wishes and that it is good to see him again after a long time, though Siobhan and his men have
realized that there's a mole within them. Paul finds Mateo home with Angie, and Helen informs
him that he is John's friend and will be staying for a while. After dinner, Mateo sits outside and
remembers his time with John in Afghanistan when they were on a mission, talking about their
families. John informs him that Helen is pregnant. Angie informs her mom that she liked Mateo
before sleeping, as Paul moves to have a little chat with Mateo, who informs him that there's
always something to fight for. Helen informs Paul that he has nothing to worry about with Mateo
since they have gone through a lot together with John, and Mateo finds a note from Angie asking
him not to leave without saying goodbye. In the morning, he moves out for jogging, and on his
way back, he finds Helen and Angie leaving for school, and she requests that he stay with her
dog. At the workplace, Paul is visited by Siobhan, who has come to inquire about the 15 million
euros missing from his account. Paul tries to explain to him that there are a few complications in
the crypto market, but they are going to be solved soon. He requests one day as Siobhan looks at
a photo of his family and reminds him that he has one day, but when moving outside, the Interpol
undercover agent is tracking them. When he moves inside, it's learned that they're tracking him
as well. Bored with his life, Mateo tries to do some carpentry work before Helen comes to invite
him for an outing where he has a good time with them, mostly with Angie. Paul returns home
broken, and when Helen asks him about the matter, he only informs her that he has some account
calculations to work out but doesn't tell her the truth about Matteo. Mateo continues with his
exercises, and while some tourists on their adventure get shocked by a dead body hanging on a
bridge, it is learned that he was murdered by Siobhan's men after realizing he was the mole
working with Interpol. Shira and her partner arrive at the scene as Mateo stays home to continue
with his carpentry work. Over the news, they announce a decline in cryptocurrency as Paul
receives a call from Siobhan demanding his money, as he was granted only one day. Paul
informs him that he will fix it, though Siobhan sends his men to work out the issue. Shira and her
partner realize that the gangsters are sending them a message. Angie moves to tease Mateo about
his scars before hugging him tightly, which Helen notices. Paul tells Helen that he won't be able
to come over as he has some business to handle, and while out for pizza, Angie presents a
drawing to Mateo as Helen asks him to stay a little longer for Angie's sake. Suddenly, some
gangsters arrive and hit Mateo with a butt, and when Angie notices it, she runs back to stop
them. Mateo saves her from a hit, but she gets kidnapped. Mateo gets hit, but he gets a bicycle to
chase the car. Helen informs Paul about the kidnapping, and he calls Siobhan to plead, but he
only hangs up. Mateo keeps the chase on, and shortly, he jumps on top of one of the cars and
starts to fight them, which later brings about a collision with another car. Hence, Mateo falls on
the other and gets memories while still with John, telling him how they are a family. Mateo
wakes up in a hospital, though handcuffed, as Shira introduces herself to Helen and Paul, but
shortly, Mateo moves out. Hey guys, if you're enjoying this movie so far, hit the like and
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what's coming next. They release him, and Shira asks him about his next move. and he informs
her that he is going to rescue Angie. She informs him about Siobhan and the other gangs related
to him, according to their research. Angie's kidnapping is personal, but when they ask Helen and
Paul if they know anything about it, Paul stays silent. Shira gives Mateo her business card, and
when the others leave, Shira and her partner try to figure out the connection between Siobhan
and the kidnapping, though one of Siobhan's men notices all this going on. Angie is now captive
at Siobhan's club, where he gets informed that Mateo has left the hospital. Mateo, while holding
a drawing Angie gave him, recalls when John asked him to be Angie's godfather. He gets out
some items to go for a rescue, and when Paul comes to warn him, he accidentally slips about
Siobhan's connection with the Thais. Mateo realizes that Paul knows something, and when
confronting him, he reveals the truth: he owes Siobhan 15 million euros. Mateo gets John's guns
and orders Paul to call Siobhan to make him believe that he has the money, which he does, and
they agree on a trade for Angie. Siobhan agrees to the deal and orders him to deliver the money
at a construction site, as Mateo promises Helen that he will bring Angie back. Interpol has
learned that Paul knows something, but shortly, Mateo ambushes Shira's partner and leaves with
his car. Helen invites him inside for coffee, and he calls Paul for a talk, but Paul gets afraid,
knowing he is from Interpol. Mateo has arrived at the construction site for the exchange, where
he meets some of the gangsters whom he asks for Angie, but they shockingly tell him that they
don't have her as the deal was only to bring the money so Angie could be spared. They take his
bag forcefully, but when the team leader goes to check, it turns out it's a bomb that explodes to
hit some gangsters, and Mateo hits the rest and drags the surviving leader for interrogations. At
home, Helen gets captured by one of Siobhan's men, who gets into a fight with the Interpol
agent. After a short scuffle, the gangster cuts him multiple times with a blade, and it's only Helen
who shoots to scare him away. Paul packs to leave as Mateo ties up the gangster he captured and
tortures him for Angie's whereabouts, but he insists first before finally breaking down to reveal
the location. Helen attends to the wounded Interpol agent, but when he asks Paul for assistance,
he reluctantly ignores them to move out to head for his car, though one of Siobhan's men has
been waiting and finishes him off. Shira arrives as the gangster leaves, and while inside, Shira
comforts her partner that he will receive a medal for his heroism. Mateo informs Shira to bring
backup as he heads for the rescue, though Siobhan seems worried after not hearing from his men,
hence sitting down with Angie to ask her about Mateo and if he would come for her rescue, and
she replies that he would. Mateo has arrived at the club, and when the bodyguards try to stop him
from moving up, he engages them. Shira arrives as well and starts to shoot out some gangsters,
and the fight gets tense inside when Shira and Mateo team up to clean the place. Siobhan decides
to run as Shira and Mateo finish the men inside, though Siobhan tells his men to stay behind.
When Mateo and Shira come across them, a two-vs.Two fights break up as Siobhan keeps
running with Angie. The fight continues. Mateo decides to go alone for Siobhan, and when he
meets him with Angie, Siobhan warns him not to come closer, or else he will shoot Angie dead.
Suddenly, Mateo throws a blade into Siobhan's heart, though he shoots him as well. Luckily,
Mateo survives, and Angie moves to check on him. Six months later, Angie is with Helen,
wondering if Mateo will ever be back, as Mateo is again alone on a boat sailing on the waters. In
the hospital, Shira's partner receives his medal of honour as Shira arrives to tell him that they
have more work to do, bringing the movie to an end. So, how was the movie? I hope you guys
like it. Who was your favourite character from this movie? Let us know in the comment section.
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