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Hello everyone. Welcome to Cinema Magic! Be sure to hit that like button and subscribe button
as we recap the 2020 American science fiction action movie titled “Boss Level” directed by Joe
Carnahan, Chris, Eddie Borey, and Carnahan.

The film commences with Roy, the main character, an army soldier who finds himself in serious
difficulties right now. And at that instant, he is reliving a single day in the time loop. Not able to
go past this point in time. The day begins where it ends and time resets upon his death. In a
similar vein, he had spent a long period living the same day. He knows what would happen after
that because he wakes up at seven in the morning.
A murderer arrives to take his life in the morning. Roy murders him after he manages to get
away. Then he hears gunfire from a man as a helicopter approaches his home. since he has
experienced this day before. He therefore understands where a bullet will land and how to avoid
it. He jumps out of a truck and lands on it while dodging bullets. Two girls in the automobile
were following Roy while he was walking on the street. Zero also desired to murder Roy, and
after pursuing her, they managed to kill him. The day begins where it began and ends where it
He eventually learns how to get away from these girls after dying repeatedly, and when he does,
another girl appears in front of him. She is an expert swordswoman who knows how to use the
weapon. Another murderer often tosses a bomb at him. There is another murderer if Roy
manages to get away from them both. He is much braver than Roy and wants to murder him.
If he even escapes from him, two Germans come in front of him. They have big guns in their
hands, well if he survives them, there is a boy who is exactly what he looks like, he'll kill him.
We'll name him Roy number two. Many people are killing Roy, if he escapes from one then the
other will not leave him. And if he escapes from the second one, then surely the third one will
kill him. Whatever he does, he has to die daily from any of them. Here, we learn that he has a
wife, and his wife knows about Roy's time loop very well. One day, he calls his wife at her lab
where she works. But her boss picks up the call and tells Roy, she has an accident and she dies as
a result.

Roy daily goes to a hotel where he always looks at a girl, whom he likes and he befriends a boy
there. He always explains to him that we should never do anything wrong. Like murder, theft,
and other wrongdoings that hurt our society and security. Roy keeps on looking at the same girl
while ignoring him as it becomes many people come to the hotel to kill him. He begins to recall
his past. The time before this trouble, when the time loop started. Now, Roy's wife is working on
a special mission, that is assigned to her by her boss. She calls Roy to her lab and he asks her,
why did you call me here? What is the matter? She lightly tells him that my company is hiring
new people.

I thought I would get you a job here too. After saying this, she begins to measure Roy's body.
Along with blood and hair samples, her boss was sitting outside with his companion. They were
continuously looking at him from the cameras. The mission his wife was working on looked like
a big machine. After seeing it, Roy asks if you're working on this project, what is, and why it is
used for. She tells him that it is a mission that can change the time. If it is not used properly, it
can cause destruction. It can take people's life. During this, we learn that they have a son, whom
Roy's wife is bringing him up after keeping him away from Roy. Meanwhile, her boss's
companion comes and tells her, though he is your husband.

He isn't from our lab, he is an outsider, and outsiders are not allowed here. She says, I know but I
had to talk about something important so I had to call him. And I'll talk to the boss about it and
when Roy begins to go, she tells him, I have kept a birthday gift for you, open it surely. One
more important thing, learn one word and memorize it. It can be helpful for you, and the word is
zero cirrus. After his departure, the boss tells his companion to end him now. Kill him with the
help of some people, because the mission on which we're working is quite dangerous. As he has
seen this all, so he will surely talk about this to everyone outside.

After calling Roy's wife, he scolds her and tells her, when you know any of the outsiders are not
allowed in the lab, so, why did you call him? You've made a huge mistake, you've to pay a huge
amount for this. At night, a girl, a dentist comes to Roy when he is sitting in a bar. They befriend
each other, As she leaves his wife calls her, and she tells Roy, listen to me I'm working on a big
mission. I need your help in this mission, but her boss disconnected the phone's wire. She can
convey her full talk, and later she tries to put his blood and hair samples on the machine. Her
boss sees her doing this, and he sends his companion to stop her.

In this scene, the thought of past thoughts ends Roy was having. After coming out from the
thought, he begins to recall his wife's gift his wife has also instructed him to open it. Later, he
opened it and it was a book in which the word, Osiris, which she had asked to memorize was
also written. Later, the helicopter comes to kill him but he escapes them as always. Later, he
begins to read the book after coming here. After reading its story, Roy begins to think about how
this story can help him. Later, after seeing his son, he begins to chase him to talk to him. Later,
we see all the screens there begin to have a defect. But Roy doesn't notice this and goes after his

and asks him, Son, you've to be in the school, what are you doing here? Later, he begins to come
out after taking his son. Later, he sees the time and it was. He thinks that the killers daily coming
to kill me. It is and they've to come till now and should have killed me. But I know they have put
a tiny device in my body to find me. And they'll come after some time and will kill me. During
his thoughts, the killers come and kill him. The day again starts, and he goes to his hotel friend.
He explains to him, And Roy tells him that I think someone has put a device in my body. To find
me, and you know about this, and tell me in which part of the body it is fixed.

He tells Roy that he doesn't know much but surely it puts in the teeth. Later, Roy begins to recall
the past. When Roy met the dentist girl, she had mixed something in his drink. He fainted, and
she put the device in his teeth while he was unconscious. This all was done on his wife's boss's
instructions. He has put the device by the dentist in Roy's teeth. If he escapes from one killer, the
other will kill him. After knowing about this, he immediately puts out this device from his teeth.
Later, Roy too comes and kills him. The next day, Roy woke up it was a new day. He has a
device in his mouth that he pulls out. The same dentist was also there, and he asked her who had
asked her to do this.

She finally tells him that your wife's boss has sent her. Roy keeps on killing the murderers with
this device. After taking the phone of one of the murderers and calls his wife's boss. He says,
you've killed my wife and I'm coming to have revenge on you. He begins to enter the boss's lab
but every time the security kills him one day, he finally enters after killing them all. But the
swordswoman comes in front of him

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future movie summaries. Trust me, you don’t want to miss what’s coming next.
and he keeps on dying by her every time. Later, his wife's boss talks to him, he learns that the
mission of his wife is to work in the boss's lab. This mission is named Osiris, and she has given
him the book as a gift to tell him about this. Because she can't tell him directly about this, she
also informs him that the world can be destroyed by this. Her boss wants to change the time with
this mission. So, he can rule the world. To stop her boss, she traps Roy in a time loop and creates
a defect in the mission. Roy comes to the girl in the hotel whom he keeps on looking at, she is
also an expert swordswoman. Roy requests her to teach him swordplay. Later, she agrees and
teaches good swordplay to Roy. This time Roy goes to the lab after taking the swords instead of
the gun. Finally, he kills the swordswoman who was stopping his way for a long. He goes to kill
the boss, and his boss tells him, if you kill me, your soul will also be killed.

Despite this, he doesn't listen to him and kills him. To save his son, Roy directly goes to the place
where his son met him. But he got late and they killed his son. During this, the mission was
started and a huge explosion hit there. Roy dies in this incident including many other people. The
next morning, he was quite sad and hopeless when he woke up. He thinks, I've worked a lot but
it was useless. He dies again and again from these killers as always. He thinks this won't end like
this, so I spend this time with his son every time. He does this, and he spends a good amount of
time with his son. Both become quite happy, and Roy doesn't tell him that he is his father.

He tells him, I'm your friend. During their conversation, he says, I've talked to Mama today. Roy
becomes shocked to hear this and thinks, it means my wife is still alive, she hasn't died yet. After
going into the lab, he asks about his wife after beating the companion of the boss. He begins to
tell that your wife has put a defect into the mission. So, the boss can't use it. When the boss
learned about this, he killed your wife. Roy learns from the cameras that they've killed his wife at
7.14. He takes his life to save his wife. He wakes up at 7 am because he has died after taking his
life. He has only 14 minutes to save his wife. A helicopter comes to where Roy is, and he goes to
the boss's lab with its help.

He kills all the people in the lab with the help of a powerful gun. Who has to kill his wife at 7.14
am. He saves her and Roy's wife apologizes to him, please forgive me, I had to trap you in the
time loop unwillingly. Because I had no other way to stop my boss except this. And I couldn't tell
you about this, because of the people the boss had. kept an eye on me. So, I had trapped you in
the time loop and I damaged the mission. I've damaged the mission by you, the blood and hair
samples I've taken from you. I've put them into the machine after getting a proper chance. Now,
you can repair everything after going into this mission, which is like a machine.

It implies that the timer will restart if you enter this task. The time loop will end if you restart
your time. After the time loop ends, you'll move on with the day. His wife replies, "Roy's eyes
well up with tears." I wanted to be a good man when he came back. To save his son, his wife,
and everyone else, he has risked his life. He says goodbye to his wife and then embarks on that
expedition. This is where the film ends.
So, how was the movie? I hope you guys like it. Who was your favorite character from this
movie? Let us know in the comment section. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the like button.

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