RWT Infographics Lesson 2 TeacherNotes Annotation and Vocabulary

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Lesson 2: Annotation & Vocabulary

AOE questions:
 How does style and structure of a text affect its meaning?
 Concept question: Culture: To what extent is a text the influenced by the
context it was produced and received in? To what extent are texts the products of
the culture in which they are made?

 To learn key vocabulary for infographics
 To annotate visual elements of the text
 To draw generalizations about the use of visuals in the BOW

Starter (10min): Sometimes we are not aware of our cultural differences until we
experience living in a different culture. Renowned graphic artist Yang Liu possesses a
keen ability to compare cultures, shaped by her personal journey. At the age of 13 in
1990, she relocated from Beijing to Berlin. Exactly 13 years later, she embarked on an
illustrated project, capturing her dual experiences in China and Germany by
representing the cultural differences between the countries in the form of an infographic.
Using the above example as inspiration, ask students to think about a social or cultural
clash or difference that they are aware of. They should try to represent this visually. This
task can be done using pens and paper. Allow students to pin their ideas to a board and
explain them to their peers.
Activity 1 (30 minutes): Main Activity: Apply annotation. Students annotate their
infographic. Students should not simply identify each feature but endeavor to explain
authors choices and/or the effect on the audience.
Activity 2 (10 minutes): Gallery Walk: Allow groups to move around and look at each
other’s work. Encourage reactions between groups through the use of post-its.
Plenary (10 minutes): Each group takes two of the visual features identified and
defines why they are an effective resource in making an infographic.

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