CableCon2019 - Development of Emergency Strategies For Cable-Driven Parallel Robots After A Cable Break

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Development of Emergency Strategies for

Cable-Driven Parallel Robots after a Cable


Roland Boumann and Tobias Bruckmann

Universität Duisburg-Essen, Forsthausweg 2, 47057 Duisburg, Germany,


Abstract. This paper investigates cable breaks of a cable-driven par-

allel robot and proposes emergency strategies to recover the payload. A
simulation model of a simplified two dimensional robot is set up and the
workspace of the robot is analyzed before and after a cable break. Two
methods are proposed for dealing with the issue of guiding the end effec-
tor into the remaining workspace and to stop the system: An approach
to minimize the kinetic energy of the system is made as well as the use of
potential fields in combination with a method for calculating reasonable
cable force distributions outside of the wrench feasible workspace. Both
methods are tested in simulation and the results are presented.

Keywords: cable-driven parallel robot, cable break, cable failure, force

distribution, emergency strategies, model prediction, potential fields

1 Introduction

Cable-driven parallel robots are currently making their way into application.
This covers multiple fields and industrial branches, including large-scale 3D
printing [1], warehousing and other applications [2]. As this typically includes
high end effector masses, from a safety perspective, system failures have to be
investigated to avoid damage to the robot, the payload, the environment and
especially humans. Intuitively, one of the most expected failures for cable robots
is a failure of a cable due to cable break. On the other hand, for the construction
of machines employing cables, extensive compilations of guidelines and norms
exist which ensure a durable and reliable operation of cable-driven systems. Still,
and especially under prototyping conditions, the failure of mechanical compo-
nents, sensors, motors and control algorithms may be an issue that leads to
loss of cable tension or a breaking cable, respectively. Clearly, this is a sudden
change in the dynamics of the system and there is the immediate danger of an
end effector crash, which includes the platform and the payload. On the other
hand, cable robots typically use a large number of cables which opens the po-
tential to recover and to safely guide the platform into a safe position with the
remaining cables. This issue has already been adressed in some publications, e.g.
in [3, 4]. Both publications focus mainly on defining dynamic trajectories back

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 269

A. Pott and T. Bruckmann (eds.), Cable-Driven Parallel
Robots, Mechanisms and Machine Science 74,
270 R. Boumann and T. Bruckmann

into the post-failure workspace. This work instead proposes two new strategies
to recover the payload, in which the trajectory does not need to be pre-defined.
At first a brief introduction about cable-robots is given, afterwards the basics
of a kinematic and dynamic robot model are explained. This is followed by a
short discussion about the problems to be faced after a cable breakage at the
system and why it is important to develop special strategies for guidance of
the robot platform afterwards. Two strategies are introduced, which consist of
known methods, combined in new ways. A simulation model for evaluation is set
up and analyzed regarding its workspace before and after a cable failure. Both
strategies are tested using the model. In the end a conclusion and outlook for
future work is given.

2 Modeling and cable-robot basics

mP , I

fi τE
fE RP , Φ

Fig. 1. Cable-robot model parameters

The robot model equations and notation used here base on [2]. The robot is
defined by the inertial coordinate-system 6 B and the fixed coordinate-system
on the platform 6 P
- , using a number of m cables and n degrees-of-freedom. The
redundancy of the platform is given by r = m − n. The posture of the platform
in coordinates of the inertial frame is B xP = [B r T P Φ ] , which contains the
position vector r P and the orientation Φ of the end effector. The orientation
with respect to the inertial coordinate-system is described by the rotation matrix
RP in the means of roll-pitch-yaw angles. Assuming a point-shaped guidance
of the cable, the modeling of pulleys is neglected in the following. The cable
vectors B li as shown in figure 1, can be obtained by
l i = B bi − (B r P + B R P P pi ), 1 ≤ i ≤ m. (1)
p Bi
Development of Emergency Strategies for Cable-Driven… 271

Given the cable vectors, the length of each cable and hence the joint coordinates
can be determined as
qi = B li 2 , 1 ≤ i ≤ m. (2)
The cable force vector f ∈ Rm×1 contains all tensions fi where each fi is mea-
sured along cable direction ν i . The direction of the ith cable force f i is obtained
from inverse kinematics by
f i = fi · = fi · ν i , 1 ≤ i ≤ m. (3)
li 2

Based on the force equilibrium, the force and torque acting on the end effector
wp and a structure matrix AT can be obtained as
⎡ ⎤
f ν1 . . . νm ⎢ .. ⎥ T
wp = p = ⎣ . ⎦ = A f. (4)
τp p 1 × ν 1 . . . pm × ν m

Setting up Newton-Euler equations and assuming that the geometrical center

point of the end effector is also the center of gravity it holds that
  B   0
mp E 0 r̈ P   f
+ − E = AT f . (5)
0 IH Φ̈ I(Ḣ Φ̇) + (H Φ̇) × I(H Φ̇) τE
M p (xp ) ẍp wE
wC (xp ,ẋp )

The vectors ẋp and ẍp are the first and second time derivative of the end effector
pose, respectively. The matrix H and its time derivative can be obtained from
the kinematic Kardan equations [5]. M p is the mass matrix of the platform,
dependent on the mass of the platform mp and the inertia tensor I. E is a
3 × 3 identity matrix. Note that the inertia tensor needs to be expressed in
the inertial system 6 B and depends on the orientation of the platform. The
Coriolis and centrifugal forces and torques are described by the cartesian space
vector wC while vector wE contains the acting external forces and torques. To
avoid cable sagging on one hand and to limit the maximum motor torque on
the other hand, the cable forces are limited by a minimum force vector f min
and a maximum force vector f max . Solving Eq. 5 with respect to the cable force
limits is a known problem in the field of cable-robotics. Approaches include e.g.
calculating the forces as an optimization-problem [6] or applying the barycentric
method [7].
Now assume the case of a cable break. Typically, the robot is suddenly located
outside the post-failure workspace of its remaining set of cables. Thus, a solution
of Eq. 5 cannot be found in that case and the given methods fail to operate. A
method to deal with this circumstance is proposed in [8]: The constraints of
minimum and maximum cable forces cannot be changed, therefore Eq. 5 needs
to be relaxed. Hence a so called slack variable s is added to the equation. In [8], a
272 R. Boumann and T. Bruckmann

way to solve the resulting problem via quadratic programming is also proposed.
The implementation takes the form
minimize  )T D 2 (f − f
sT D 1 s + (f − f )
with AT f + w + s = 0 (6)
f min ≤ f ≤ f max .

The matrices D 1 and D 2 are in general diagonal weighting matrices, f  indi-

cates the desired tension levels. By choosing the magnitude of the terms of D 1
greater than those in D 2 , the solution will more likely follow the desired wrench.
Otherwise, the resulting forces will tend to follow f  . By making a proper choice
of the desired tension, the solution can be adjusted e.g. for minimum power or
maximum stiffness.

3 Development of emergency-strategies
The occurrence of a cable breakage can have fatal consequences towards loss of
payload, machine damage or harm to humans and the environment, caused by
an uncontrolled movement of the robot. As the control system often depends on
model-based control [9], it cannot react to the changed system condition. For
simplicity, assume the break of one cable. Afterwards, a cable robot structure
with m − 1 cables still exists. The structure matrix of the remaining system is
reduced by the column of the broken cable AT∗ ∈ Rn×m−1 . The remaining cable
force distribution is f ∗ ∈ R(m−1)×1 . Note, the following considerations might
also work for the failure of multiple cables as long as a single cable remains.
Accordingly, the control system can still influence the platform motion and thus
stop the motion in a controlled manner, but has to deal with the fact that the
platform may be outside the workspace of the remaining cable robot. Thus, two
strategies are presented in the following.

3.1 Minimization of kinetic energy

The first approach aims at minimizing the kinetic energy of the system after
cable breakage. Since the kinetic energy is directly linked to the velocity of
the end effector, its minimization leads to a stop of the robot. If the robot
is able to stop, it will automatically be within in the post-failure workspace.
As the final position does not need to be predefined, no knowledge or analysis
of the workspace is needed, which is a major advantage of this method. To
generate appropriate cable forces, a model-based predictive approach is chosen
as explained in [10]. The method should predict the system state based on the
robot’s nonlinear dynamic model and find cable forces to minimize the kinetic
energy (and thus the end effector’s velocity). Model predictive control on parallel
manipulators is explained e.g. in [11]. Assuming a rigid body, the kinetic energy
of the system is given by
1 B TB 1
EKin = mp ṙ P ṙ P + Ω T IΩ. (7)
2 2
Development of Emergency Strategies for Cable-Driven… 273

Since the angular velocity Ω = H Φ̇ is directly dependent on Φ̇ [5], the magnitude

of ẋP = [r˙P T Φ̇ ]T must be minimized in order to minimize the kinetic energy.
The system is described by the nonlinear discrete state equations
x(k + 1) = f x(k), u(k) (8)
y(k + 1) = C x(k + 1), (9)

with the state vector of velocity and position

x(k) = [ ṙ p (k), Φ̇(k), r p (k), Φ(k) ]T , (10)

the output vector  

ṙ p (k + 1)
y(k + 1) = v(k + 1) = (11)
Φ̇(k + 1)
and therefore the output matrix is
J 0 00
C= . (12)
0 K00

J and K are 3 × 3 identity matrices. The input vector consists of the vector of
the remaining cable forces
u(k) = f ∗ (k). (13)
The nonlinear system function f x(k), u(k) returns the state vector in the next
time step x(k+1) under consideration of Eq. 5 and a numerical integration based
on the Euler-Cromer method:
ṙ p (k + 1) ṙ p (k) T∗ ∗
= + M −1 p A f + w E − w C (k)Δtc (14)
Φ̇(k + 1) Φ̇(k)
r p (k + 1) r (k) ṙ p (k + 1)
= p + Δtc . (15)
Φ(k + 1) Φ(k) Φ̇(k + 1)

The prediction step size is Δtc . The quality function over prediction horizon np
and control horizon nc can be formulated as
J= y(k + i) − y r (k + i) Q y(k + i) − y r (k + i) + . . .
  T  ∗ 
f ∗ (k + i − 1) − f ∗ (k + i − 2) r f (k + i − 1) − f ∗ (k + i − 2) .

This quality function is minimized every time step under consideration of the
cable force limits, to determine the set-point cable forces f ∗ . If the reference
output y r is chosen as zero, the function holds the minimum value when the
robot comes to a full stop and the cable forces remain at a constant value. The
parameters Q and r can be used to weight the optimization problem.
274 R. Boumann and T. Bruckmann

3.2 Potential fields

As a second approach, potential fields are used to guide the end effector into
a safe position. A reference for applying the potential field method to parallel
cable-based manipulators can be found in [12]. The used potential fields, as they
are described by [13], will be shortly explained in the following section. The
robot is set under the influence of a potential field U which is the sum of all
attractive fields U att and repulsive fields U rep . The virtual forces acting on the
end effector are considered as negative gradient of U , where
F (r p ) = −∇U (r p ) = −∇U att (r p ) − ∇U rep (r p ). (17)
To guide the end effector, a goal needs to be defined, which is chosen inside
the post-failure workspace of the system. The strategy to determine a goal pose
quickly and depending on the broken cable is subject to current work. The robot
will be attracted to this position by the attractive virtual forces. To avoid colli-
sion between the end effector and the frame or obstacles inside the workspace,
repulsive fields can be used, which is a strong advantage of this method.

Attractive fields The attractive field should be monotonically increasing with

the distance to its origin xf and continuously differentiable to avoid stability
issues. Therefore a field that grows squarely with the distance is chosen. Be
ρf (r p ) the Euclidean distance between actual and final posture. The quadratic
field with respect to ρf (r p ) and the goal position xf is then defined as
1 2 1
U att (r p ) = ζρ (r p ) = ζr p − xf 2 . (18)
2 f 2
The parameter ζ can be used to adjust the field strength. With rising distance to
the fields origin, the attractive forces are growing strongly. With larger ρf (r p ),
the force might be too high. Therefore the quadratic potential is combined with
a conic one, which will be switched at the distance d, resulting in lower virtual
forces on higher distances from the origin. Note that the gradient is equivalent
at the boundary of both fields ρf (r p ) = d to ensure continuity. The resulting
attractive force equals

⎪ −ζ(r p − xf ) : ρf (r p ) ≤ d

F att (r p ) = −∇U att (r p ) = (19)

⎪ dζ(r p − xf )
⎩− : ρf (r p ) > d.
ρf (r p )

Repulsive fields While the repulsive fields should avoid collision between the
end effector and obstacles, they should not influence the platform when its far
enough away. Thus, a field is chosen which equals zero at a certain distance from
the obstacle ρ0 and rises to infinity in direction of the obstacle boundary. In case
of ρ(r p ) ≤ ρ0 , the potential of such field yields
1 1 1
U rep (r p ) = η − . (20)
2 ρ(r p ) ρ0
Development of Emergency Strategies for Cable-Driven… 275

Herein, ρ(r p ) is the shortest distance between the end effector-position r p and the
nearest boundary of an obstructive object and η is a scalar amplification of the
field. If the object boundary consists of a single convex region, the corresponding
repulsive force is given by the negative gradient of the repulsive field:

⎨η 1

1 1
∇ρ(r p ) : ρ(r p ) ≤ ρ0
F rep (r p ) = −∇U rep (r p ) = ρ(r p ) ρ0 ρ2 (r p )

0 : ρ(r p ) > ρ0 .
The gradient of the distance to the nearest obstacle is given by

rp − b
∇ρ(r p ) = , (22)
r p − b

where b is the point on the obstacle boundary closest to the actual platform-
position. The virtual force acting onto the end effector, caused by all attracting
and repelling fields and based on the current position, is included in wE with
reverse sign.

4 Simulation and results

Parameter Value

Position of pulleys B= m

Cable force limits fmin = 5N, fmax = 150N

Mass of end effector mp = 1kg
Simulation time step Δt = 1ms

Table 1. Parameter of the two-dimensional point-mass model

To test the emergency strategies, a simplified dynamic simulation model is set

up, see Tab. 1. The chosen planar two-dimensional model consists of four cables
and a point-mass describing the robot platform (m = 4, n = 2) and is subject
to gravity. Modeling of winches and drives is neglected as well as friction and
disturbances. The cables are assumed to be massless and cannot sag. According
to that the, dynamic effect of a snapping cable is also neglected, which is a
limitation of the simulation. The numbering of the cables is clockwise, beginning
with cable one at the bottom left. By numerical integration using the Euler-
Cromer method, speed and position in the next time step k + 1 are determined
with a fixed simulation time step Δt. Testing a dynamic model with a higher
number of degrees of freedom will be part of future work.
276 R. Boumann and T. Bruckmann

1 1

0.8 0.8
y-axis [m]

y-axis [m]
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x-axis [m] x-axis [m]
(a) Workspace of simulation model (b) Failure of upper cable

Fig. 2. Static workspace before and after cable failure, black dots indicate the winch

4.1 Examination of the Workspace

Especially for cable robots the wrench-feasible workspace is of interest as the set
of all postures that can be reached under a certain wrench with respect to Eq. 5
and the cable force limits [9]. Neglecting dynamic effects, the static equilibrium
workspace can be obtained. Using a point grid and solving Eq. 5 for each point,
an approximation of the workspace is generated. Fig. 2 compares the workspace
before and after a break of one upper cable. It can be observed that the static
workspace after a cable failure is nearly halved. This also occurs for the break of
a lower cable. Thus the probability is high, that the robot is no longer inside the
workspace after the cable break. Now the robot must be guided into a position
inside of the remaining workspace to stop the motion and to prevent the end
effector from hitting the ground or the robot frame. This calls out for emergency
strategies as they are introduced in Sec. 3.

4.2 Application of emergency methods

The emergency strategies described in Chap. 3 are implemented in the simu-

lation model to calculate desired cable forces at each time step. Note, due to
lack of space, only the results for a breakage of one upper cable are presented.
At the start of the simulation, the kinematic state of the robot is according to
Tab. 2. The platform is placed in the top left area of the frame and is therefore
outside and far away from the post-failure workspace. In the scope of the paper
the velocity has been set to zero but first investigations indicate also applica-
bility for non-zero velocities. At first, the system behavior under usage of the
Development of Emergency Strategies for Cable-Driven… 277

Parameter Value
Start position platform xstart = 0.1 0.9 m
Start velocity platform ẋstart = 0 0 m/s
Control and prediction horizon np = n c = 1
0.7 0
Weighting Paramters for prediction Q= , r = 2.5e − 5
0 1

System reference output yr = 0

Selected target position xf = 0.65 0.35 m

Border distance d = 0.2m

Potential field scaling parameters ξ = 100,
 η1 = η2 = 1000
10 30 0
Weighting matrices slack optimization D1 = , D2 =
01 0 30
Damping factor of virtual damping DP = 500 Ns/m

Table 2. Parameter of simulation and both methods

minimization of kinetic energy is investigated. To solve the nonlinear and con-

strained optimization problem and to minimize the quality function in Eq. 16, an
interior-point-algorithm is used. The model prediction will be carried out only
for one time step. The goal is to maximize the reduction of kinetic energy in
each time step. To increase the efficiency of the algorithm and to reduce com-
putation time, the last timestep cable forces are always taken as a warm start.
The weighting parameters Q and r are set as described in the Tab. 2 and the
results of the simulation are shown in Fig. 3. In this example, no collision with
the geometric boundaries of the robot can be detected. The maximum occurring
speed per axis is about 4m/s. After a short time of 0.4s, the velocity is nearly
zero. After 0.5s the cable forces reach steady values and the robot comes to a
full stop, which shows the successful rescue of the platform in the workspace.
The cable force limits are reached but not exceeded. By adjusting the weighting
parameters of the quality function, the desired behavior can of course be shifted,
either to slower force progressions with lower rates of change or to faster inter-
vention to reduce speed. The weighting of the velocities in both axes can also
be set. This is especially important when using this algorithm with a different
starting position or at a different robot geometry. In case of a robot with more
degrees-of-freedom, this can also be used to act against undesired tilting of the
platform which goes hand in hand with a possible loss of the carried load.
For the application of the potential fields an attracting field according to Eq. 19
with origin in the selected target position is defined. The Euclidean distance ρf
is calculated from the known position r p and xf . Influence distance d and the
scaling parameter ξ are selected as shown in Tab. 2. The field generates the vir-
tual force F att (xr ). It is assumed that the space behind the pulleys is a limiting
278 R. Boumann and T. Bruckmann

forces [N] velocity [ ms ]position [m]




150 f1
100 f3
50 f4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
time [s]

Fig. 3. Cable failure handling with minimization of kinetic energy

frame. Two repelling fields are defined to avoid collisions with the ground and
the frame opposite to the broken cable. The floor and frame wall are defined
as repulsive objects, causing the forces F rep,B (r p ) and F rep,W (r p ), respectively.
The influence distances of both repulsive fields are chosen such that they just
reach the goal position.Thus the platform is pushed back during overshooting
the goal position on the one hand, and on the other hand the target point itself
is free from virtual forces. In order to further improve the deceleration of the
end effector, a virtual damping based on the current end effector velocity can
be implemented, which overcomes the virtual forces of the potential fields with
increasing velocity and thus limits the total virtual force. The resulting virtual
damping force as a proportional function of the damping constant DP is F DP .
The wrench including all virtual and external forces results in
w(r p , ṙ p )E = F E − F att (r p ) + F rep,B (r p ) + F rep,W (r p ) + F DP (ṙ p ) . (23)
Since the demanded virtual force may not be producible by the cables, an ap-
proximate solution is used as explained in Eq. 6. The desired tension f̃ is chosen
as the mean force in between the force limits. The weighting matrices are chosen
as shown in Tab. 2. The optimization problem is also solved using an interior-
point algorithm and the results are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the
end effector is pulled into the goal after about 0.2s, but since a speed of about
6m/s per axis is built up, it cannot be decelerated enough and thus overshoots.
The position and speed curve show that the end effector is successfully pushed
away from the floor and the wall. It circles around the goal and roughly reaches
there after 0.5s. After about 1s, the cable forces have settled and the robot is
completely stopped. Cable force limits are reached but not exceeded by the al-
gorithm. The desired platform motion can be adjusted by choosing a different
set of parameters, which is also important for usage with different starting po-
Development of Emergency Strategies for Cable-Driven… 279

forces [N] velocity [ ms ]position [m]

0.5 xf


150 f1
100 f3
50 f4
0 0.5 1
time [s]

Fig. 4. Cable failure handling with potential fields

sitions or at a different robot geometry. In conclusion, both methods are shown

to work. They safely guide the platform to a recovery position. Note that the
results depend very much on which parameters are set. It is not clear whether
the set of parameters has to be readjusted for each other geometrical starting
point. A clarification can be part of future work.

5 Conclusion and Outlook

In this work, the recovery of a cable robot after a cable break was addressed
by two emergency strategies. Both strategies have been implemented in a sim-
plified dynamic simulation model and tested successfully, what allows for a first
conclusion to be drawn about their suitability. The methods themselves bear
great potential for further improvements as part of future work. The predictive
nature of the kinetic energy minimization method allows for predicting the ma-
chine behavior up to a final stable position and optimize the force curve. Also a
combined position- and velocity control could be performed. Continuity in the
produced forces is currently investigated. The use of potential fields can be fur-
ther carried out using fields to avoid collision with obstacles in the workspace.
In terms of computation time it might be also worth a consideration, to try
out other methods such as neural networks or fuzzy logic. The proposed strate-
gies need to be tested with more detailed simulation models. Detailed models of
winches and pulleys including friction and disturbances need to be implemented.
Also a detailed modeling of the cables should be included. Finally, experiments
on hardware need to be carried out. Therefore, the algorithms need to be tested
and eventually adjusted regarding real-time requirements. All results of the work
serve to improve cable robot safety and pave the way for the introduction of cable
robotics into industrial practice.
280 R. Boumann and T. Bruckmann


This research received funding from the EFRE.NRW (2014-2020) Joint Research
Funding Programme of the European Union (EFRE) and the Ministry of Econ-
omy, Energy, Industry, and Handicrafts of the German Federal State of North
Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) under grant agreement EFRE-0800365 (ML-1-1-019B,

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