Project Management - Reflection on the five process groups of project management

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Reflection on the five process groups of project management.

What are learning from this topic and how applicable will it be in real life?

In our discussion on Chapter 1 – Introduction to Project Management, we have tackled about the
five process groups of project management. It involves (1) Initiating, which helps to set the
vision of what is to be accomplished in the project. Apart from this step in the process, there
would be no groundwork laid because foundation is vital for the building of anything, especially
successful projects. Next would be the (2) Planning, that includes establishing the total scope of
the project. A lot of details in this phase are needed to be assured such as selecting teams and
team leader, settings plans in place to maximize workflow and the like then laid out in a
document and given to the assigned employees. (3) Executing means to do the work. This phase
is where the plans given are to be done and where most of the budget will be spent and the
deliverables of the project will be produced. Project execution may take a long time depending
on its duration. Fourth one is the (4) Monitoring and Controlling in which the project manager is
responsible for monitoring and controlling the project while it’s being executed. Lastly, (5)
Closing where the project manager formally closes the project by archiving records, holding a
lessons learned session, and celebrating and releasing the team. From this topic, I have learned
how important it is to follow a process in order for a project’s goal to be achieved and
accomplished. I can apply this five process group in real life when it comes to our group school
works when I would be assigned as the group leader, I am able to handle my groupmates more
better and help our whole team accomplish tasks more effectively and efficiently.

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