Conversations 20240625 090604 0000

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ActiviTY # 4: Discuse family cultural traditions

team 13
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Lenin Martínez: Hi everyone! Glad we could meet to talk about family cultural traditions. How's everyone today?
Steve Vázquez: Hey Lenin, doing great, thanks! Excited to discuss our traditions and learn more about others.
Fátima Marroquín: Hi everyone, I'm well, thank you. I think it's wonderful to explore how our backgrounds influence our family
Henrique Hernández: Hello all! I’m eager to share and compare our traditions. It’s fascinating to see how diverse our cultures are.
Eleazar Peña: Hi guys, looking forward to hearing about your traditions and sharing mine!
Lenin Martínez: Great! Maybe we can start with you, Eleazar. What’s a unique tradition in your family?
Eleazar Peña: Sure, in my family, we have a special celebration for the Day of the Dead. We set up an altar in our home and cook our
loved ones’ favorite meals to honor them.
Fátima Marroquín: That’s beautiful, Eleazar. In my family, we celebrate the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, with a lot of
traditional foods and fireworks. It’s all about bringing good luck and prosperity for the new year.

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