Conversations 20240625 090512 0000

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ActiviTY # 1: Report news about relationships

team 13
In a café.
Lenin Martínez: Hey guys, how's everyone doing?
Steve Vázquez: Hey Lenin, doing well, thanks. And you?
Lenin Martínez: Not bad, thanks. Have you heard about Fátima's new relationship?
Fátima Marroquín: Oh, please, Lenin, not here.
Henrique Hernández: It's okay, Fátima. What's going on?
Lenin Martínez: She's been seeing someone new, haven't you, Fátima?
Fátima Marroquín: Well, yes, but it's still early days.
Eleazar Peña: That's exciting news! How's it going so far?
Fátima Marroquín: It's been really good. We've been enjoying each other's company.
Steve Vázquez: That's great to hear. Have you introduced him to us yet?
Fátima Marroquín: No, not yet. But maybe soon.
Henrique Hernández: Well, when you do, we'll all be here to support you.

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