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ActiviTY # 2: Describe extended families

team 13
At a family gathering
Lenin Martínez: Hey everyone, how's it going?
Steve Vázquez: Hey Lenin, doing well, thanks. And you?
Lenin Martínez: Not bad, thanks. Have you met Fátima's extended family yet?
Fátima Marroquín: Not yet, but I'm planning to introduce them soon.
Henrique Hernández: Do they live nearby?
Fátima Marroquín: Yes, most of them do. My grandparents, aunts, and uncles all live in the same city.
Eleazar Peña: What about cousins? Do you have many?
Fátima Marroquín: Yeah, quite a few. We're a close-knit bunch.
Steve Vázquez: Sounds lovely. Do you see them often?
Fátima Marroquín: Yeah, we try to get together for special occasions and holidays.
Henrique Hernández: That's nice. Family gatherings are always special.
Lenin Martínez: Absolutely. It's important to cherish those moments with loved ones.

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