Assignment 1 TTL Finals

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Michaela Jane P. De Leon Ms.

Jec Gastala
ACTIVITY (2nd-Sem-Finals) Thursday, May, 9, 2024

“Defining Media Literacy, ICT Literacy, and Information Literacy”

Based on what I’ve understand, Media Literacy is the ability to understand and critically analyze
different forms of media such as movies, television, magazines, and the Internet.
Let’s say a learner is watching a news show on television. He is able to tell that the program is biased
and attempts to influence his political views.

To me, ICT Literacy is the capability to use digital technologies such as computers, smart
phones, and tablets efficiently and effectively.
Let’s say a learner is working on a report for a class she is taking at school. She is able to use her
computer and the internet to search for information, write her report, and format it.

To make it simple, Information Literacy is the ability to access, evaluate, and properly utilize
information from various sources which could be digital or non-digital.
Let’s say a learner has been given an assignment on the American Civil War. He knows that he needs
to find credible resources to support his research.

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