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Activity 4: Courage

In this activity, the students will be able to learn about fears/phobias, do research and
understand causes, symptoms and treatments.

They will upload their research findings in to the presentation. Here is the link :

There are 17 phobias. Each team will take one of them and fill in the blanks in the related
page of the ppt.

Types of Phobias Teams

1 Acrophobia: Fear of heights Tuba Gören’s Team
2 Aerophobia: Fear of flying İnsel’s Team
3 Amaxophobia: Fear of driving Morariu’s Team
4 Aquaphobia: Fear of water Anna’s Team
5 Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders Zahide’s Team
6 Astraphobia: Fear of storms Milena’s Team
7 Claustrophobia: Fear of confined or tight spaces Brunella’s Team
8 Dentophobia: Fear of dentists Beyza’s Team
9 Glossophobia: Fear of public speaking Nazik’s Team
10 Hemophobia: Fear of blood Canan’s Team
11 Monophobia: Fear of being alone Hediye’s Team
12 Mysophobia: Fear of germs Akif’s Team
13 Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals Monika’s Team
14 Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark Maria-Isabela’s Team
15 Ornithophobia: Fear of birds Ceyhan’s Team
16 Phasmophobia: Fear of ghosts Şirin’s Team
17 Zoophobia: Fear of animals
Activity 5: Peace
a. Menti

Please click the link and write three words that come into your mind when you hear the word

b. Handcraft for peace

Please download the dove craft instructions :

Please download the dove template:

c. Aphorisms on Peace

Each student in the project will prepare a social media post choosing an aphorism on peace in
his/her culture.

İnstagram post template


Go to the Forum and add your post there and read/make comment on the others'

Sts are expected to log in with their own usernames and upload their posts. They can also
comment on the others’ post.

Activity 6: STS Webinar

Date: 29.03.2024
Time : 21.00 Turkish Time
19.00 CET

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