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(100 Marks)

NAME: ________________________________________

 Write your name on top of each page

 Follow instructions for each section appropriately

SECTION A (20 MARKS) b. Machinga and Lisanjala school

c. North and Southd
1. How many districts does Malawi have? d. Machinga and Liwonde
a. 13 b. 28 c. 20 d. 82 7. A Malawian who risked his life for the sake of
2. In which district is your school located others is
a. Machinga c. Zomba a. John Chilembwe c. Bingu Wa Muthalika
b. Mangochi d. Balaka b. Joyce Banda d. Hassan Goba
3. The following districts are found in Southern 8. Explain why bravery and courage are important
region except a. It brings understanding
a. Balaka and Mangochi b. Lead to theft
b. Karonga and Ntcheu c. Promote fear
c. Machinga and Phalombe d. Promote cooperation
d. Zomba and Mwanza 9. What term is given to the increase or decrease of
4. The most common form of abuse of power the number of people in an area
a. Authority c. Power a. Migration c. Population change
b. Corruption d. Status b. Population d. Population density
5. The following are the causes of population change 10. Suggest what can be done to prevent abuse of
except; power in your community
a. Births and deaths c. Corruption a. Praising those abuses the power
b. Migration d. Natural disasters b. Supporting them
6. The following are compass directions c. Reporting to the relevant authorities
a. Lilongwe and Mzuzu d. Fairness


11. Draw a compass of direction and label its parts (10 marks)

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12. Give the meanings of the following terms,
a. Population (2 marks)
b. Population change (2marks)
13. What are the two causes of population change in your area
14. Define the following terms
a. Power (2 marks)
b. Authority (2 marks)
c. Status (2 marks)
15. Mention four Malawians who showed acts of bravery and courage
i ii

iii iv (4 marks)
16. Give four assembly committees

(4 marks)

17. What are Physical features?

___________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
18. Mention two importances of physical features?
___________________________________________________________________________(4 marks)
19. List four examples of physical features

(4 marks)

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20. Describe one function of traditional leaders
__________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
21. Give two examples of cities in Malawi
i______________________________________ ii_______________________________(2 marks)
22. Define the term bravery?
23. Mention one institution that helps to deal with corruption

24. Why is it important to love one another? Mention two points

25. a. Define the term ‘Democracy’
______________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
b. State three rights of Children in your community
______________________________________________________________________________(3 marks)
c. Describe the responsibility of Children at
i. Home
______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
ii. Church
______________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
iii. School (2 marks)
26. Give three examples of road users
iii__________________________________________(3 marks)

27. Study the political structure of the malavi kingdom and complete it (4 marks)


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