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My Last Gift

'Happy Birthday Love!

I know... I know I was being annoying all this time, always trying to be with you,
nagging you about what you ate or what you drank. I'm sorry, I really am. I just...
I was just trying to care but even I didn't realise that it started suffocating
you. I'm so sorry. But trust me, the only thing I wanted was your happiness, to see
you smile more often. While trying to take away your pain, I didn't realise when I
became the reason. But this time, I'll make it right, everything will be fine and
you can be happy again. Oh by the way, I prepared a gift for you. I don't know if
you will like it or not, but I really tried. It's in the drive. I really hope you
like it.'
Author's POV:
Nervousness flooded all over him. He slowly picked up the drive beside the letter
and went to his desk. He inserted the drive and there was a video named 'My Last
Gift'. A heavy sigh left his mouth. He didn't want to click it because he was
afraid of what could be in there. He sighed once again before clicking on the
(A song plays)
~Us meeting for the first time
Seemed like a perfect dream
There was so much to say
But we had no time left
So there was me praying that
That was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
And these were the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you.....
Please, don't be in love with someone else
Please, don't have somebody waiting on you
Please, don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Now the only thing I want to say is
It was enchanting to meet you
I was enchanted to meet you ~

" I know it's far from perfect but I wanted to at least try it for you. Anyways,
(sigh) that was everything I wanted to say. From now on, I won't bother you
anymore. I really hope now you can try to be happy again. Take care Min."
(The video ends)
Jimin's POV:
"She left. She did what I wanted her to."
Author's POV:
A sense of guilt rushed through him. He himself was unaware of why he was feeling
this way. After all this is what he has been wanting, for her to leave. All this
time he kept asking her to leave him alone. So now that she did, why was he sad?


Unknown POV:
"Fuck! I can't be late on the first day itself." (Sigh) The traffic of Seoul isn't
particularly pleasant especially on Mondays and hailing taxis is almost impossible.
It took me an hour to reach here which typically would have taken about 30 minutes
on any other day. But, I guess with my luck I really can't help it. I got this job
which is already more than enough, I am not going to ask for anything else right
now. HYBE Corporation, One of the biggest entertainment companies in Korea. Being
able to work here is like a dream come true. I still cannot believe I made it.
Author's POV:
Standing in front of the company, she was admiring the logo for like the 100th time
now. Massive building, Everyone dressed so formally. It really was a dream come
true. Excited, she made a loud squeaking noise which resulted in people staring at
her. Embarrassed, she looked down when her eyes fell on the watch. She cursed under
her breath after realising there was 10 minutes left till 9. She can't be late for
her first day. She rushed inside to the reception. "Excuse me, Can you tell me
where Mr. Choi's office is?" ,"Can I have your name please?","Yoon So-Won-ida!",The
receptionist scanned her from head to toe with a questioning look. "Oh! You must be
the new assistant.","Ne, That's me!",
"Mr. Choi is on the 15th floor. You can ask his assistant to show you his cabin.
I'll inform her.","Cool. Thank you so much!","No worries, All the Best!" She nodded
at the receptionist's words with a smile and went towards the elevator.
(On The 15th Floor)
She asked an employee for the assistant's office and headed over there.(Knock)
"Come in!", She followed the voice and made her way in.
So-Won's POV:
As I entered, I saw a lady probably around my age but her outfit made her look a
bit more old, in a good way of course. She has on a chocolate brown skirt with a
slightly oversized white shirt tucked into her skirt. Her sleeves were rolled up
nicely just below her elbow. Her outfit complimented her skin perfectly. And her
all sleek back ponytail defined her facial features making her look confident.
"Oh! You must be Yoon So-won, right?", She gave me a smile. "Ne! Annyeonghaseyo.",
I bowed to her. She stood up and greeted me back, "Annyeong! Lee Hye-Jin-ida. Come
on, I'll show you Mr. Choi's office.", She gestured towards the door. I nodded with
a smile and followed her.
(Outside Mr. Choi's office)
Author's POV:
"Come in.", A deep voice replied when Hye-Jin knocked on the door. She went inside
along with So-Won.
So-Won's POV:
And I thought Hye-Jin's office was luxurious. But this, this is on a whole another
level. Classy, sophisticated, you name it. Perks of being the manager of such a
huge company I guess. "Ahh! So-Won-shi. Annyeonghaseyo!" , There he was, The
Manager of the Biggest boy band in the whole of Asia a.k.a Choi Min-Seok. He really
lives up to his title of 'The Most Handsome Manager'. He is also all black. I mean
his clothes. Hmmm... I smell some tea. It's almost like they are twining. Aww! Such
a cute couple. (Min-Seok clears his throat). Shit! I didn't realise I was starting.
"Oh, Sorry. Annyeonghaseyo Min-Seok-shi!", I bowed to him in embarrassment. So much
for a good first impression. Aishh! "It's fine, I don't mind girls staring at
me.",He let out a chuckle. I gave him an awkward smile when Isaw Hye-Jin glaring at
him like... like she was jealous. "Anyways let's go meet the boys.", He said quite
in an exciting tone pulling me out of my thoughts. For some reason, I felt nervous
as soon as he said that. Maybe because it's my first time in such a huge
company."Y-Yea... I mean Sure.", Why the hell did I have to shutter. "Aiyyooo,
Don't be so nervous. They're going to like you and even if they don't, they will
have to do with it.", "Is it supposed to make me feel better because it isn't
particularly working.", "Aiyaa! Stop teasing her.", Hye-Jin annoyingly hit his arm
to which he whined dramatically. They sure do look like an actual couple. I was
about to let out a laugh when I felt him staring. I gulped it right back in. Looks
like I'll have to thank her in private. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. The boys are
going to love you." , She tapped my shoulder with an assuring smile. "I hope so..",
I smiled back at her when Min-Seok called us out."Okay okay, let's go." , Both of
us gave him a nod and followed him out.

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