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European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

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Chitosan/PVA hydrogels incorporated with green synthesized cerium oxide T

nanoparticles for wound healing applications

Katayoon Kalantaria, ,1, Ebrahim Mostafavia,1, Bahram Saleha, Pooneh Soltantabarb,

Thomas J. Webstera,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA


Keywords: In this paper, we report the synthesis and evaluation of a polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan (PVA/chitosan) hydrogel
Chitosan incorporated with green synthesized cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2-NPs) using a Zingiber officinale extract as
Wound healing the reducing, capping and stabilizer agent for wound healing applications. The PVA/chitosan/CeO2-NPs hy-
CeO2 nanoparticles drogel was synthesized via the freeze-thaw technique with 0 to 1% (wt) 5 nm CeO2-NPs. Results revealed that
the hydrogels containing 0.5% of CeO2-NPs showed better antibacterial activities after just 12 hr (with MRSA but
Human dermal fibroblasts
not E. coli) and healthy human dermal fibroblast viabilities up to 5 days (more than 90%) compared to the
MRSA control group. Therefore, these chitosan/PVA hydrogels incorporated with Ce-NPs could be a potential candidate
as a robust wound dressing agent that impressively may decrease wound infections without resorting to the use
of antibiotics.

1. Introduction thaw technique does not need any toxic or chemical additives and leads
to the formation of simple hydrogels, which have a strong ability to
The largest organ and first line of defense for the human body is the adsorb exudates from wounds. The exudate accumulation at the surface
skin, which can be easily damaged by trauma, surgery and burns [1]. of the wound results in a delayed healing process and then an increase
The skin provides a protective barrier due to its dense surface and layers in the risk of bacterial growth [9]. Different biopolymers have been
with corneous structure; for a wound, such a perfect barrier is vital [2]. used in the synthesis of hydrogel wound dressings. For instance, in the
An ideal wound covering should have good mechanical strength to case of hydrogels, chitosan and PVA are mostly used because of their
satisfy clinical requirements (1–2 MPa) for the strength of membranes biocompatibility, low price and non-toxicity. Chitosan is a natural
and flexibility as well as an ability for wound exudate absorbance, and polysaccharide, which is usually applied in the field of tissue en-
furthermore, the dressings should not stick onto the surface of wounds gineering [10]. However, chitosan shows low mechanical strength and
as that could hamper the repair process. Additionally, they should have a simple technique to conquer this problem is blending it with other
a porous structure, so the exchange of gases (such as oxygen) can easily polymers such as PVA [11]. PVA has food water-solubility with several
take place [3]. While traditional wound dressings are still the best applications in drug release, tissue engineering and biomedicine [12].
sellers in the market, using novel wound coverings including foams, Chitosan/PVA hydrogels are suitable candidates for wound dressing
nanofibers, and hydrogels is of high demand to provide anti-infective, applications. Recently, these nanocomposites have been prepared by
anti-inflammatory, and pro-wound healing properties [4]. the incorporation of some NPs such as Ag and ZnO to biopolymers, and
Hydrogels are 3D polymeric networks, which have been used suc- the resultant material used as a wound dressing [1]. Using nano-
cessfully in numerous biomedical fields [5,6]. They act as a substitute particles in the wound dressings structure may result in quick healing of
extracellular matrix and can create a moist environment to promote the chronic and acute wounds because of their chemical stability, anti-in-
process of wound healing [7,8]. Several physical and chemical methods flammatory and antibacterial properties. Moreover, generally nano(bio)
have been applied for the fabrication of hydrogels, such as radiation composites possess high mechanical properties, low permeability
with gamma and UV rays and freeze-thaw processes [1]. The freeze- against water and vapor, and superior thermal resistance [13].

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: k.kalantari@northeastern.edu (K. Kalantari), th.webster@neu.edu (T.J. Webster).
These authors contributed equally to this work.

Received 14 April 2020; Received in revised form 9 June 2020; Accepted 14 June 2020
Available online 20 June 2020
0014-3057/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

Studies have shown that cerium oxide nanoparticles exhibit pro- officinale was filtered. To separate any solid substrates, the resulting
oxidative properties or antioxidant properties depending on their pH aqueous extract was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min, then the su-
environment. CeO2-NPs can prevent reactive oxygen species (ROS) pernatant was stored at −4 °C. 8.68 g of Ce(OH)3·6H2O (Sigma Aldrich,
accumulation and cellular damage, and reduce inflammation to provide USA) was added to 200 mL of the extract and stirred for 2 h. Then, 5 mL
for more suitable local healing [14]. They have revealed excellent of NaOH (30 mM) was added drop-wise and the mixture was stirred for
properties like biocompatibility, antibacterial and autocatalytic [15]. 2 h. The blackish-brown CeO2-NPs were collected using a centrifuge at
Several methods have been used for the fabrication of CeO2-NPs, such 6000 rpm for 6 min. The obtained NP pellet was washed several times
as sonochemical, microwave-hydrothermal assisted, and co-precipita- with MilliQ water and finally dried at 60 °C for 8 h and further annealed
tion. These methods are expensive, complicated, time consuming, and in a furnace (Thermo Scientific/Blue M BF51766C, USA) at 500 °C for
use hazardous chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide. However, green 2 h. The yellowish nanoparticles were stored at room temperature for
and low cost fabrication techniques are required to fabricate nano- more characterization and experiments.
particles in adequate quantities. Plant assisted synthetic methods have
been shown to be eco-friendly and less hazardous [16,17]. As an ex-
ample, Zingiber officinale (Z. officinale) is an ancient plant which has 2.2. Hydrogel preparation
been used as a flavor in various beverages and food [18]. Zerumbone is
the main compound in the extract which is currently being used and PVA/Chitosan/CeO2-NPs hydrogels were prepared by a freeze-thaw
studied for anti-cancer and anti-viral applications [19]. technique (Fig. 1). Briefly, 4 g of PVA (M.W. 86000, Fisher Scientific)
In this paper, we report for the first time, a green and simple method were added into ultra-pure MilliQ water and heated at 60 °C for 30 min.
for the preparation of CeO2-NPs at room temperature using the Z. of- The mixture was then stirred for 3 h at 90 °C to completely dissolve the
ficinale extract as the reducing and stabilizing agent. We then in- PVA. Then, 0.5 g of chitosan was dissolved in a solution of 2 v% acetic
corporated these CeO2-NPs into a chitosan/PVA hydrogel produced by acid. The beaker was covered and sealed before blending for 1 h to
a simple freeze-thaw technique. The hypothesis of this study is that the achieve complete dissolution. Then, 3 solutions of PVA: Chitosan at a
addition of CeO2-NPs to chitosan, a well-established carbohydrate in weight ratio of 4:1 were mixed, dried and degassed in a vacuum drier
medicine, will provide antibacterial properties to antibiotic resistant for 1 h. Finally, CeO2-NPs with different concentrations (0%, 0.5% and
bacteria for wound healing applications. Physicochemical properties 1%) were suspended in ultra-pure MilliQ water and sonicated for
along with the biocompatibility, and antimicrobial activities of the 10 min. The CeO2-NPs nanosuspension was added drop-wise to the
hydrogels were analyzed to demonstrate their ability to serve as im- hydrogels and stirred vigorously for 2 h. Then, the solutions were
proved wound dressing materials in vitro. The overview of this work is poured into a sterile 24 well-plate. The plates were sealed and kept for
shown in Fig. 1. 20 h at −20 °C and then thawed for 8 h at room temperature. This cycle
was repeated six times. In this method, the hydrogen bonding between
chitosan and PVA helped to create a 3D structure during the process of
2. Materials and methods nucleation and growth in the interpenetrating network of the polymer.
When freezing happened in the polymer chain, the nucleuses formed
2.1. Green synthesis of CeO2-NPs using the Z. Officinale extract inside the polymer solution. When thawing, the chains in polymer
formed near the nucleuses in a systematic manner to have crystalline
Z. officinale (fresh) was obtained from Star Market (a local store) in structures [1].
Boston, USA. Briefly, 200 g of the Z. officinale rhizome was washed
carefully, dried, and cut into small parts. Then, they were boiled in
400 mL of distilled water for 20 min and the aqueous extract of Z.

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the hydrogel preparation.

K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

2.3. CeO2-NP characterization cultured in a humidified atmosphere (37 °C and 5% CO2) in Dulbecco’s
Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
TEM (JEM 3010 – JEOL, Japan) and SEM (JEOL JSM-5400, Japan) MA) supplemented with 10% v/v fetal bovine serum (FBS; ATCC® 30-
were used for characterization of the morphology and size of the CeO2- 2020™, American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA) and 1% pe-
NPs. Their crystalline nature was analyzed by an X-ray diffractometer nicillin/streptomycin (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). When
(Empyrean, PANalytical, Netherlands). The formation of the CeO2-NPs cells were 70% confluent, they were trypsinized and used for seeding on
was observed by UV–Vis spectroscopy (Shimadzu UV 2401pc) in the the scaffolds. For this, the hydrogels were cut into squares
200–450 nm region. Dynamic Light Scattering was used for de- (4.5 mm × 4.5 mm). Prior to in vitro cell seeding, hydrogels were
termining the stability of the CeO2-NPs (colloidal) using a Malvern sterilized by soaking in ethanol (70%) for half an hour followed by UV
Nano ZS/HeNe 633 nm laser (Malvern, UK). A Fourier transform in- exposure on each side for 30 min. Finally, each hydrogel was seeded
frared spectrophotometer (Spotlight-400, Perkin Elmer) was used in the with 95,000 cells. 2D seeded hydrogels were kept at 5% CO2 and 37 °C
range from 400 to 4000 cm−1 to analyze the chemical groups. over 5 days for cell viability, adhesion, and proliferation assays as de-
scribed next.
2.4. Hydrogel characterization

2.4.1. Hydrogel gel fraction 2.4.7. Cell viability

An Invitrogen live/dead assay kit was utilized to find the viability of
The hydrogels were dried for 24 h in a fume hood followed by
the cells seeded on the hydrogels for 1, 3 and 5 days post-seeding using
drying at 50 °C until W0 as the constant weight was reached. Then,
the provided manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, after each time
hydrogels were soaked in distilled water for 24 h to reach We as an
period, cells on the hydrogels were stained with ethidium homodimer-1
equilibrium swelling weight. Then, the samples were dried at 50 °C for
(EthD-1, 2 μL/mL in DPBS) for determining dead cells and calcein AM
48 h to a constant weight (We). The gel fraction was defined as (W0)/
(0.5 μL/mL in PBS) for determining live cells. Following this, the cells
(We) based on the following equation [20]:
were incubated (15 min at 37 °C), then the stain was removed, and the
Gel content(%) = (We/ W0) × 100 (1) cells were washed with DPBS three times. Finally, the images of the
stained cells were taken by an inverted fluorescence microscope (Zeiss
2.4.2. Hydrogel swelling ratio Axio Observer Z1, Carl Zeiss Microscope, Thornwood, NY) and images
The swelling ratio (S) of the hydrogels was found using the con- were analyzed using Image J software. The percentage of cell viability
ventional gravimetric technique and Eq. (2) [21]: was found by dividing the number of live or dead cells by the total
number of cells.
Ws − Wd
S (%) = × 100
Wd (2)
2.4.8. Cell metabolic activities
where Ws and Wd are the hydrogel weight after swelling and in the dry
The cellular metabolic activity was determined using a PrestoBlue
state, respectively.
cell viability kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) following the manufacturer’s
protocol. In brief, the PrestoBlue solution was added to the wells in-
2.4.3. Hydrogel water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) cluding hydrogels and media at 1, 3 and 5 days post-seeding to con-
The swollen hydrogels (Ws) were kept in an incubator with 40% stitute 10% of the whole media in the wells. Following this, the cells
humidity at 37 °C. After regular time intervals, the weight was mea- were incubated for 45 min at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Fluorescence intensity
sured (Wt). The percentage of water loss was determined using Eq. (3): of the solutions was recorded using a microplate reader (Bio-Tek Inc.) at
Ws − Wt 590 nm emission and 530 nm excitation.
Water lost(%) = × 100
Ws − Wd (3)

2.4.9. Antibacterial properties using CFU assays

2.4.4. Hydrogel porosity measurements Antibacterial activity of the hydrogels against gram-negative E. coli
The porosity of the hydrogels was analyzed by the liquid displace- (ATCC 25922) and gram-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
ment technique. Three samples were used from each type of hydrogel. aureus (MRSA, ATCC 33591) was investigated according to the colony
The hydrogels were immersed into ethanol for 48 h until they were forming unit (CFU) method. For this, prior to the experiment, the hy-
saturated by absorption and afterwards the hydrogels were re-weighed drogels were cut into small cylindrical and identical pieces (D = 5 mm,
[22]. The hydrogel porosity was measured by Eq. (4) [23]: t = 3 mm) in triplicate and placed in a 48 well plate (separate wells)
Ww − Wd and sterilized under UV light for 30 min. After 24 h of incubation of a
Porosity = (%) single colony of the bacteria strain in tryptic soy broth (TSB, 22,092
Ww − Wl (4)
Sigma-Aldrich, USA), the optical density (OD) of the resulting bacterial
where Wd is the hydrogel dry weight, Ww the wet hydrogel weight, and suspension was adjusted to the absorbance of 0.52 @ 562 nm, which
Wl the weight of the hydrogel in ethanol. corresponds to a density of 109 CFU/mL. Next, this bacteria suspension
was diluted to 106 CFU/mL. In the next step, 500 µL of the resultant
2.4.5. Contact angle measurements suspension was added to each well of 24 well plates containing the
To evaluate the wettability of the hydrogels, the contact angle (CA) hydrogels and the well plate was incubated at 5% CO2 and 37 °C for
between the surface of the hydrogel and a drop of ultrapure water was 24 h. After incubation, the hydrogels were washed with PBS (3X) to
measured using a Krϋss, Model DSA 100 apparatus. Briefly, a flat piece remove all non-adherent bacteria on the surface of the hydrogels.
of the hydrogel was fixed on a glassy slide. Then, a drop of 16 μL ul- Finally, for the CFU assay, the hydrogels were vortexed (3000 rpm,
trapure water was dropped onto the hydrogel and the image was taken 15 min) with 500 µL of PBS to release all bacteria from the hydrogel
after 2 s at room temperature. All hydrogel contact angles were mea- into the solution. Bacterial suspensions were then diluted serially in PBS
sured in triplicate (n = 3). over 5 logarithmic dilutions (100x; 1,000x; 10,000x; 100,000x; and
1,000,000x). Then, three 10 μL drops of each dilution were seeded on
2.4.6. In vitro mammalian cell culture agar-TSB plates, which were then incubated for 9 h at 37 °C and 5%
Primary human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells (Lonza, CC-2509, CO2. Finally, the number of bacterial colonies found on each agar plate
AMP, containing ≥ 500,000 cells; population numbers < 10) were was counted, and the dilution factor was used to calculate CFU values.

K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

Fig. 2. Physico-chemical characterization of the CeO2-NPs. (A) UV–vis spectrum, (B) XRD diffraction patterns, (C) zeta potential results and (D, E) TEM images of
CeO2-NPs, showing a particle size with a mean diameter of 5 nm with regular morphology.

2.4.10. Statistical analysis of (2p) and (4f) of O and Ce, respectively, in O2− and Ce3+ was pre-
Each experiment was completed at least three times and data ana- viously reported for CeO2-NPs in the UV absorption region [25]. Based
lyzed using a two-way ANOVA test with GraphPad Prism 6.0 software. on our previous study, the Z. officinale extract did not show any peaks in
Error bars were obtained as the mean ± standard deviation (SD) and the UV–Vis spectrum [18]. Furthermore, the absorbance of the solution
statistics indicated as *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and containing CeO2-NPs at a 24 h interval was monitored and no major
****p < 0.0001, n = 3. changes in absorbance were found during storage.
Fig. 2B shows the well defined diffraction peaks from the X-ray
diffractograms. No other phase of ceria or other crystalline compounds
3. Results and discussion
were observed in the samples studied [26]. The XRD peaks were located
at a 2θ of 28.60, 35.90 and 48.70 corresponding to the (1 1 1), (2 0 0)
3.1. CeO2-NP characterization
and (2 2 0) planes of the CeO2-NPs, respectively. Other peaks located at
2θ of 55.90, 60.02, 67.80, and 75.80 corresponded to the (3 1 1),
The UV spectra of the CeO2-NPs (3 mg dispersed in 10 mL of double
(2 2 2), (4 0 0), and (3 3 1) planes of CeO2-NPs, respectively. The
distilled water) can be seen in Fig. 2A. The absorption spectra showed
standard diffraction peaks indicate the face-center cubic phase of CeO2-
an intense peak at around 290 nm with the formation of CeO2-NPs
NPs [17].
[17,24]. Moreover, the appearance of two peaks at 258 and 320 nm was
The stability and surface properties of the synthesized nanoparticles
related to the oxidation states of Ce3+ and Ce4+ that confirmed CeO2-
are generally measured by zeta potential. Mainly, the more absolute
NPs formation [16]. Generally, the transfer of charge between the states

K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

Fig. 3. Gel content (A), porosity (B), swelling behavior of the hydrogels (C) and water contact angle measurements (D). Error bars show the means standard error,
n = 3, * p < 0.01.

zeta potential value ( ± ve), the more the repulsion force between the the structure of the hydrogels, and the porosity was almost the same in
NPs to aggregate and, thus, the greater stability of the nanoparticles. the range of 81–90%, Fig. 3B. The highly porous structure of the hy-
Particles with a zeta potential value more than ± 30 mV are typically drogels would support the adsorption of wound exudates from the
considered stable [27]. The zeta potential of the synthesized CeO2-NPs surface of the wounds to aid in wound healing.
was measured to be – (50) mV, which provides evidence that the na-
noparticles were stable in the colloid suspensions, Fig. 2C. The size and
3.2.3. Swelling behavior
shape of the CeO2-NPs were also examined by TEM. The nanoparticles
Water is the main component of blood (90%) and good swelling
were of uniform size and appeared to be quasi-spherical in shape but
properties of hydrogels allow them to absorb a high volume of water
large aggregates of nanoparticles were observed as in Fig. 2D and E.
from the blood to stop bleeding [2]. Here, the fabricated hydrogels had
The particles were found to be ~5 nm in diameter.
good swelling behavior. PVA/chitosan hydrogels have numerous hy-
drophilic groups which show good water accessibility. For less dis-
3.2. Hydrogels solution of the mentioned polymer networks, physical or chemical
bonds between the chains of the polymer can be created. Hydrogels can
3.2.1. Gel content absorb water to become completely swollen, which is common and
For the quantitative evaluation of the cross-linking degree, the gel possibly desirable to mimic living tissues (such as skin) with the same
content of the fabricated hydrogels was evaluated. From Fig. 3A, the gel physical properties [28,29].
content was 80%, 73% and 78% for the 0, 0.5% and 1% hydrogels, Swelling tests were completed at room temperature to estimate the
respectively. With increasing the amount of CeO2-NPs to 0.5% weight hydrogel swelling capacity in water. The increase in the swollen hy-
in the hydrogel structure, the gel content decreased but with more drogel weight was directly attributed to the swelling period. Thus,
amounts of CeO2-NPs (1%), gel content increased as well which showed through more incubation time, the weight of the swollen hydrogel in-
an increase in the interaction between the functional group of CeO2-NPs creased. Fig. 3C shows the effect of CeO2-NPs on the swelling behavior
and the polymer chains. In other research, Khorasani et al. reported that of the hydrogels. Obviously, swelling increased sharply by the con-
with an increase in ZnO nanoparticles, gel content increased as well. tinuation of incubation time for up to 5 h and then leveled off. More-
They found that the gel content varied between 60% and 87% with an over, the presence of CeO2-NPs in the hydrogels caused their network to
increase in the amount of ZnO nanoparticles [1]. enlarge. A significant variation in the hydrogel swelling capacity was
noted when they were incorporated with CeO2-NPs. The CeO2-NPs
3.2.2. Porosity embedded in the gel led to network expansion of the hydrogel. The
The porous structure of the hydrogels can help to take high volumes significant increase in the hydration degree was related to the surface
of exudates from the wound surface. It helps nutrient distribution as charge of the colloidal CeO2-NPs. Furthermore, increasing the CeO2-NP
well and makes an excellent environment for the adhesion and growth amount enhanced the swelling ability of the host hydrogel. Due to the
of cells. Here, adding CeO2-NPs to hydrogels increased the porosity in high hydrophilicity of PVA together with the loosened and

K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

macromolecular chains of chitosan, the fabricated PVA/chitosan hy- peaks are attributed to Ce-O bond formation that are in the range of
drogels showed a good swelling ratio. Adding more CeO2-NPs to the 800–400 cm−1 (IR range) of crystalline CeO2 active phonon modes
structure of the hydrogels increased the swelling ratio slightly. The [24]. Several small peaks at 1450, 1200, 900 and 800 are obvious
hydrogel network expanded with an increase in the amount of nano- signals of heterocyclic compounds including alkaloids and flavonoids,
particles, which led to the creation of pores and vacancies within the the active substances of Z. officinale, which act as capping agents [37].
network of the hydrogel and an increment in water absorption [30]. For the control hydrogel (0%), the broad band from 3500 to
3100 cm−1 revealed the existence of eNH2 and eOH stretching vi-
3.2.4. Contact angles brations [38]. It can be seen that almost all related peaks of pure
Generally, wettability analysis provides information about the hy- chitosan and PVA were also present in the FTIR spectrum of the fab-
drophilicity/hydrophobicity of the surface and molecular mobility at ricated hydrogels. The bands corresponding to the OH and NH2 group
the solid/water/air interface. A water contact angle on an ideal wound stretching modes became sharper and broader in the IR spectra of the
dressing surface should be < 90° to possess suitable ability to absorb hydrogels (0.5 and 1%). This result shows the assembly of chitosan with
wound exudates [31]. As shown in Fig. 3D, by adding 0.5 and 1 wt% CeO2-NPs in the NH2/OH group. In addition, the intensity of bands at
CeO2-NPs to the hydrogels, the contact angle decreased. Adding CeO2- 1000–1500 cm−1 increased. This variation is probably related to the
NPs increased hydrophilicity and, thus, it led to an increased tendency complexation process that occurs between Ce and the amine groups
to absorb water and contact angles decreased. Without any chemical [39]. The absorbance peak at 570 cm−1 is ascribed to the formation of
modification, CeO2-NPs are hydrophobic because of its unique elec- the Ce-O bond; moreover, the peak intensity in the IR range of
tronic structure that prevents it from forming hydrogen bonds with 800–400 cm−1 for crystalline CeO2 active phonon modes increased
interfacial water [32]. However, as confirmed via the FTIR spectra, the [24].
ceria nanoparticles were coated with polysaccharides and there was a
surface layer of hydrophilic polysaccharides, which is the major com-
pound in the Z. officinale extract, rendering the surface of the CeO2-NPs 3.2.6. SEM analysis
hydrophilic [33]. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analysis the morphology
of the hydrogels. Cross-sectional images of the hydrogels are shown in
Fig. 5A–D. It can be seen that all of the hydrogels have a 3-D network
3.2.5. FTIR spectrum analysis structure. There are interconnected micropores in the structure of the
In Fig. 4, the FTIR spectra of chitosan, PVA and CeO2-NPs (Fig. 4A) hydrogels, which were distributed uniformly and allowed the water
and hydrogels (control, 0.5%, and 1%) (Fig. 4B) are compared. The vapor or other gasses to penetrate and permeate throughout the hy-
spectrum of chitosan shows some peaks at 1655 and 1578 cm−1 related drogels to aid in wound healing.
to stretching CeO, and bending NeH, respectively. The absorption Fig. 5 confirms the incorporation of CeO2-NPs within the structure
peak of chitosan at 1050 cm−1 is related to stretching CeO and a broad of the hydrogels. Noticeably, the network topologies of the control
and strong peak between 3300 and 3500 cm−1 implies the stretch- sample seem to be appreciably different from the hydrogels including
ing vibration of N-H and O-H [34,35]. The PVA spectrum shows a broad CeO2-NPs. It may be inferred that CeO2-NPs are assembled or attached
absorption peak at 3000–3700 cm−1 attributed to OeH groups and
inside the hydrogel networks as well as on the surface. Moreover, the
different characteristic peaks at wave numbers of 2900 cm−1 stretching addition of CeO2-NPs led to an increase in average pore size and an
(CeH), 1416 cm−1 scissoring (CH2 ), and 1100 cm−1 stretching (CeO)
increase in pore density. Higher micro-porosity is appropriate for ef-
[30]. For CeO2-NPs, the absorption band around 3400 cm−1 is related fective CeO2-NP immobilization in the structure of the hydrogel. The
to the stretching vibration OeH, and the absorption band at 1500 cm−1
average pore size was 0.562 ± 0.32 μm, 0.104 ± 0.03 μm and
is because of the scissor bending mode of associated water. CeO2-NPs 0.077 ± 0.02 μm for the hydrogels with 1%, 0.5% and controls, re-
included absorption peaks at 537, 718, 1060, and 1500 cm−1. The band
at 848 cm−1 corresponds to a metal–oxygen bond [36]. The absorbance

Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of: (A) pure chitosan, PVA, and CeO2-NPs and (B) Hydrogels (0, 0.5% and 1% CeO2-NPs).

K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

Fig. 5. Cross-section SEM images of hydrogels with 0 (A), 0.5% (B), and 1% CeO2-NPs (C), and respective pore sizes (D).

3.3. Cell viability and proliferation assays compared to the nearest lowest concentration used (0.5%). This clearly
showed that CeO2-NPs at an optimized concentration could promote
Viability assays are well known as the vital steps in toxicology in- HDF cell adhesion and proliferation on the hydrogels, necessary first
cluding the response of cells to a toxicant or new material. Furthermore, steps for wound healing [45].
these assays provide information on cellular metabolic activities sur-
vival or death [40]. Here, we used high sensitivity luminescence-based 3.4. Metabolic activity of cells
and fluorescent based assays to determine cellular response to CeO2-
NPs. Cell viability was also studied with the Live/Dead viability/cyto- The HDF cell metabolic activity increased consistently throughout
toxicity kit (Fig. 6A). No evidence was observed about the damage in the culture duration, as demonstrated by the commercial PrestoBlue
cell membranes following their treatment with hydrogels (0.5% and assay (Fig. 6C). The metabolic activity of the cells, reflecting the rate of
1%), which clearly indicated viability comparable to that of the control HDF cell proliferation, increased through the use of a higher percentage
ones. The steady increase in cell proliferation on the hydrogels can be of CeO2-NPs in the hydrogel. In addition, the metabolic activity of cells
attributed to the incorporated CeO2-NPs (or components of it) that continuously increased during the 5 days of cell culture. As reported by
would have released in the cell culture medium. Other studies have other research, the hydrogels demonstrated no significant toxicity even
reported that cerium nanoparticles improved cell survival by de- after 5 days meaning that the prepared hydrogels were well tolerated
creasing the intracellular levels of ROS produced because of metabolic by HDF cells [46,47]. These results showed that hydrogels could effi-
activities, which otherwise cause cellular damage [41,42]. Higher cell ciently support the growth and proliferation of HDF cells without eli-
densities were observed on the hydrogel loaded with CeO2-NPs with citing any in vitro cytotoxic responses. As shown in Fig. 6C, there were
fewer cells adherent on the control hydrogel after 3 and 5 days of no statistically significant decreases in cell viability during the 5 days
culture. The cell viability and proliferation of HDF cells on hydrogels after seeding. In contrast, on day 3, the HDF cell metabolic activity on
over a period of 5 days were studied by a presto blue assay (Fig. 6 B). It the hydrogels with 1% CeO2-NPs was significantly higher. These are
was observed that cells are viable and proliferated on both hydrogels impressive results especially considering that no growth factors or cy-
(0.5% and 1%) and demonstrated no significant toxicity. An insignif- tokines were added to the hydrogels, thus, warranting further in-
icant reduction in the viability of cells at higher concentrations of CeO2- vestigation.
NPs (1%) might be because of the overexpression of proinflammatory
factors that might have an effect on the functions of cells [43,44]. 3.5. Antibacterial activities
Nevertheless, the mentioned effect was marginal since there was no
detectable change in cell density on the hydrogels with 1% CeO2-NPs The antimicrobial activities of the hydrogels were examined against

K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

Fig. 6. In vitro HDF cytocompatibility study on the various hydrogels: (A) Representative live/dead images from HDF cells seeded on different hydrogels at days 1 and
5 post-seeding. (B) Cell viability quantity for HDF cells seeded on different hydrogels. (C) Quantification of metabolic activity of HDF cells, relative cell numbers by
the PrestoBlue assay at days 1, 3, and 5 post-seeding on different hydrogels. Error bars show means standard error, asterisks mark significance levels of p < 0.05 (*),
p < 0.01 (**), p < 0.001 (***) and p < 0.0001 (****), ns = not significant, n = 3.

Fig. 7. Antimicrobial activity of the hydrogels. Colony forming unit (CFU) tests representing the effect of CeO2-NPs incorporation into hydrogels after 12 h against
gram-negative and positive (E. coli and MRSA, respectively). The results revealed the significant inhibitory effect of the hydrogel with 0.5% CeO2-NPs on the growth
of MRSA on hydrogels. Data are represented as the mean ± SD (p < 0.05 (*), ns = not significant (n = 3)).

E. coli, as gram-negative, and MRSA, as gram-positive, bacteria which of MRSA when compared to the 0% and 1% hydrogels. However, for E.
are the most common wound-infecting microorganisms. The inhibitory coli, there was no significant difference between the different hydrogels
activities of CeO2-NPs on microbial growth were investigated using (Fig. 7). Significant differences were detected in the sensitivity of var-
enumeration of colony forming units (CFU). The results indicated that ious opportunistic microorganisms to the presence of CeO2-NPs. The
the hydrogels with 0.5% CeO2-NPs could effectively inhibit the growth presence of CeO2-NP hardly oppressed the viability of E. coli. A certain

K. Kalantari, et al. European Polymer Journal 134 (2020) 109853

reduction in the number of microorganisms in the suspension in the Declaration of Competing Interest
presence of the hydrogels was detected only after 24 h of incubation.
Other factors besides size and aggregation of nanoparticles, bioavail- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
ability, surface area, structural distortion, and growth medium used can interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
affect nanoparticle inhibition/toxicity [48,49]. Aggregation and/or ence the work reported in this paper.
agglomeration can change the CeO2-NP physical properties and their
biological reactivity as well. The lack of the reliable effect of growth Acknowledgements
inhibition of microorganisms in the presence of the hydrogel (1%)
should be noted which may be associated with a high concentration of The author would like to thank Northeastern University (NEU),
particles and their agglomeration that defined the ability of Ce3+ to Boston, MA, USA for the financial support of this research.
interact with phosphates.
However, the noted 85% reduction in MRSA colonization through Appendix A. Supplementary material
the use of 0.5 CeO2-NPs is of high importance especially considering the
aforementioned high HDF cell viability and that no antibiotics were Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
used. As has been well documented, due to the growing concern of doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2020.109853.
antibiotic resistant bacteria (like MRSA), approaches to inhibit bacteria
colonization on wound healing materials without resorting to antibiotic References
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